Is Barbara Streisand the Most Vain Person on the Planet?
Let’s put aside the bizarre political opinions.
Let’s put aside the fact that she thinks she should be able to influence political policy because many think she can sing well and she has earned a great deal of money.
Let’s put aside what she charges for concerts.
Let’s put aside that she is a singer, and she has her own self-adulating web-site rife with her political opinions.
I can put all that aside- but this is too much. In her defense (displayed prominently on her website) of the memo riddled with spelling errors that she sent to ‘Dick Gebhardt’ last week, she is not content telling us that it was dictated by phone and that her assistant made the mistake. That by itself is boorish- where I work, the boss is in charge of quality control, not the underlings. But check out this gem:
THE IRONIC FURTHER TRUTH.. Hidden in this example of diverted news priorities is the fact that Barbra Streisand is a former spelling bee champion, meticulous in her written communications!
That’s right, folks. All that AND a spelling bee champ!
*** UPDATE ***
Apparently, although she is a spelling bee champion, Babs is not a Shakespeare buff. According to Drudge, she was fooled by an internet hoax and recited a fake quote at a DNC Gala. Here is the Snopes debunking of the quote.
What a Maroon!
*** Update #2 ***