Iraq and My IRA
Anybody else get this spam e-mail about the cost of the Iraq invasion and its effect on IRA’s?:
A public service of Truths Press
What is the cost of war on Iraq? We hear occasional estimates tossed around in Congress… from 90 billion to 900 billion dollars…depending on how much fixing we do after we destroy Iraq. But no one truly knows, and these are only government numbers; they don’t have much to do with us… OR DO THEY?
Today on the brink of Congress’ acquiescence to the Warmakers’ demands for power, the ancient and honorable Dow Jones average has sunk to around 7500 with little sign of support. This probably means the big guys are selling. The market at best has lost about one third since Day911–most of it since President Bush’s “War on Terrorism.” Dozens of companies have gone into bankruptcy and more have threatened to do so including most of the major airlines, which are now taxpayer bail-outs. Many well-known stocks are down 80%. Does this have anything to do with war? We think so.
What about your IRA? If it is not down substantially since day 911 you are lucky. If your IRA has not dropped significantly it is probably because it is propped up by artificially by inflated government bonds. Some say they have already lost half of their net worth since the War On Terrorism began. War, if it can be called war, has been made to sounds patriotic, but how much more of this good deal can Americans stand?