Because of the Jayson Blair/NyTimes scandal, a great deal of talk about affirmative action has been generated. In the spirit of candor, let me state that I am opposed to affirmative action, in that it seems fundamentally wrong to use skin color to base preferences on anything. I understand why it is in place, but I disagree with it. At any rate, having stated my opposition to affirmative action, I must address what I think is the most annoying argument against affirmative action, which goes something like this:
“We should end affirmative action because when Americans see black people in positions of power they think they are only there because of special treatment.”
In a word, bullshit. You may think that, but I don’t. I don’t think most people in favor of affirmative action think that. I have met lots of people in positions of power (in the university system, in the military, in the corporate world), and I don’t recall ever thinking “Gee- he/she must be in this job simply because they are black.”
In short, when someone says that, the only response I can think of is- “Hey, just because you have issues about race does not mean we should end affirmative action.” There are enough valid reasons for ending affirmative action. This simply isn’t one of them.
Dean Esmay
Unfortunately, when you’ve met people who you know are only in their positions due to their race–and I have known and even dated some such people–it becomes impossible not to wonder about it in other circumstances.
The bigger issue, though, is when you believe that incompetence will be tolerated due to race, which the Affirmative Action issue will also tend to aggravate.
Dean Esmay
Oh, I should say, you’re basically right John.
Robin Roberts
John, why do I get the impression that you are calling people who use such arguments racist? Its not an appropriate rebuttal.
John Cole
Well- anyone who thinks that every black person is only where they are because of affirmative action is a racist, or at the very least does not have subtle ideas about race.
Are there some people in positions over their head because of affirmative action? Probably. Do I endorse setting up people for failure? Nope.
But anyone who makes the argument that the reason we need to end affirmative action ‘because people don’t think blacks have accomplished anything and have been given it to them” has issues, and I dson;t think someone’s prejudices or ill-0thought out perceptions is a good starting point for public policy.
FWIW- the only argument needed against affirmative action is that it is immoral to judge people on the color of their skin to either advance or demote them. Period.
When dealing with a black person in a position of power, there is a possibility that he got that position, not due to his abilities, but because of affirmative action. I would rather not have a black doctor perform surgery on me. I will not bet my life that he didn’t get into med school because he was black.
No, you are misstating the argument.
I have never heard anyone stating that “people don’t think blacks have accomplished anything and have been given it to them”….
What is STATED is that, thanks to the racism of affirmative action— which is racism against BOTH blacks and whites, because it disadvantages the white at pursuing a job and presumes that the black is incapable of succeeding without help— every member of a minority is subjected, in varying degrees, to the not-exactly-baseless suspicion that their success had more to do with their color than with their competence.
And why is that racism, to assume such? When the boss openly proclaims that he’s giving preference to particular ethnic groups, under what conditions can you possibly assume other than that the minority member who recieves the job, the promotion, or the raise was the recipient of undeserved favoritism? When the boss ADMITS he’s not being fair, it’s not “racism” to take him at his word.
Dude, you’re accusing the victims of racism of being racist. For crying out loud, leave that tactic to the Democrats.
John Cole
Ralph- you know, I just realized I never have linked you before. You are a West Virginian, right?
John Cole
Never mind- just checked your bio.
Robin Roberts
John, as RHJunior points out, you are indeed missing the actual argument.