The title of this movie alone should create some buzz:
I don’t know if he hates America (I can list quite a few Americans he loathes), but a title like this is bound to mean that even those who normally find Moore distatsteful will rise to hs defense. At any rate, I will suspend judgement until I see the movie. I will be content if all they do is go through and document anmd expose his lies, so that people will quit pretending Moore has something to add to the political discussion. He is a fraud and a con-artist, albeit a good one.
(Via Right We Are)
Laurence Simon
If anything, I think he hates American Airlines for those narrow seats he has to wdge his fat ass in. And I’m not just talking about coach… he can’t fit in a first class seat anymore, too.
Andrew Lazarus
I’m OK with Moore described as a “fraud and a con-artist, albeit a good one” as long as you’re willing to say the same thing about fellow fatso Rush Limbaugh!