Michael Savage was fired from MSNBC:
MSNBC on Monday fired Michael Savage for anti-gay comments.
The popular radio talk show host who did a weekend TV show for the cable channel referred to an unidentified caller to his show Saturday as a “sodomite” and said he should “get AIDS and die.”
“His comments were extremely inappropriate and the decision was an easy one,” MSNBC spokesman Jeremy Gaines said.
I am curious what the hell they thought they were getting, but overall, I don’t really care, because I don’t support idiots and bigots. I am just glad he is gone- I hated the idea of him being the face of conservatism. Which, if liberals really think he is what most conservatives are like, you can understand why people like Atrios and the Talk Left crowd view Republicans as the enemy.
Emperor Misha I
No disagreement from me on the inappropriateness of Savage’s comments.
However, I don’t find myself particularly troubled by being viewed as “the enemy” by bloviating commie gulag-lovers like Atrios. As far as *I* am concerned, I *am* their enemy.
And their worst nightmare too.
Not to mention being damn proud of it.
Of course now someone out there will demand that Bush condemn the remarks, since they are a “bigot eruption,” despite the fact that Savage did not vote for Bush and most likely will not in ’04 either.
As I mentioned elsewhere, this will probably be good for Savage. He’ll get more publicity, sell more books, and gain more audience by saying the “liberal media” is censoring him. He’s bad news for good conservatives everywhere.
Barney Gumble
“Which, if liberals really think he is what most conservatives are like, you can understand why people like Atrios and the Talk Left crowd view Republicans as the enemy.”
I of course, understand that most conservatvies are A) very elderly, B) very dim, or C) both. YMMV.
But it’s your quite clear your leaders are bigots. You expunge the moderates like McCain. And you speak in code words–Is there anyone out there who hasn’t figured out that Tucker Carlson uses “Barbara Streisand” as code for “jew” and “Al Sharpton” as code “nigger”? I’m reading the neocon bible “Clash of Civilizations…” now. Same bigotry, different code words.
But it’s your party guys, run it however you want. You wanted racists, you got the racists, and you’re not viable without em now.
David Perron
Who in the hell is Tucker Carlson?
Am I a conservative? So hard to tell, these days. Given that I’m a) not elderly, and b) a rocket scientist, I must be a moderate, and thus an outcast, by Barney’s reckoning.
Not that I assign any value at all to his opinion. It was worth a chuckle, though, seeing him respond with a stereotypical Lefty stereotyped view of the Right.
The media enjoys giving us Savage and other hate America first conservatives as Republican exemplars. (Look at how eager CNN was to hire Pat Buchanan back after each of his political stunts.) I’m heartened that MSNBC fired the bastard, but I know he’ll find another outlet eventually.
Barney Gumble
David: I did say “most”. Tucker Carlson, aka “bow-tie boy”, is an early 30ish co-host of CNN’s Crossfire. His one rhetorical trick is paraphrasing-twisting someone’s words then claiming that’s what they said. Most recently, he’s claimed he’ll eat his shoes if “Living History” sells 1 million copies.
The Mighty Reason Man
“However, I don’t find myself particularly troubled by being viewed as “the enemy” by bloviating commie gulag-lovers like Atrios. As far as *I* am concerned, I *am* their enemy.
And their worst nightmare too.”
It seems rather odd for someone who admits that Savage’s comments are inappropriate to use three of his most common rhetorical formulations (relishing perceived outsider/enemy status, stringing together outlandishly hyperbolic adjectives with extreme emotional connotations to describe an ideological foe, comical overinflation of the fear one inspires in the “enemy”).
Unless your post was a very clever joke, in which case I apologize and commend your subtle wit and fine appreciation of irony.
I tried to watch Savage but he was just too far off the wall in his hatred. Yah, that coming from ME!
His comments were completely inappropriate and I’m glad he was fired.
***You expunge the moderates like McCain. ***
Who is chairman of one of the more powerful committees.
****And you speak in code words–Is there anyone out there who hasn’t figured out ****
Only in loon-land do they still consider the notion that there is a conspiracy out there with decoder rings for the various “real” meanings of words. If you guys spent as much time actually trying to pursue a career as you do deciphering the language of the ‘enemy’, BG, the left-wing districts across the nation wouldn’t be the outhouses that they are (insert “real” code word meaning at your leisure, but I’m sure it’s somehow racist).
Seriously, you really ought to get your political insight from better sources than the co-hosts of a low rated cable talk show.
Mighty Reason Man! We meet again! You forgot the fourth hallmark of overheated, hyperbolic blogprose: the use of asterisks to denote emphasis.
Honestly, it’s as easy as Mad Libs: “Curses to the bloviating, objectively pro-(currently out-of-favor dictator) (made up word that is a synonym for ‘moron’)… I will, wielding the (sharp instrument) of (something Superman fights for), excise this (name of disease) from the American body politic!”
Emperor Misha I
Wonderful! Barney Blah-Blah appears again.
You cannot possibly begin to imagine how endlessly amusing I find your “code words” nonsense. Typical liberal hogwash. “If we can’t catch them actually saying something offensive, we’ll just make shit up about what they really mean, being the Omnipotent Mind Reader HaX0r Dueds that we are!”
You nutcases are so in love with your delusions of adequacy that you somehow think that we’re afraid of saying what we mean for fear that the “mighty” wiberals?
And Mighty Reason Man: Why WOULDN’T I be cherishing being an enemy of socialism? I also cherish being an enemy of national socialism, another child of that ideology. Is that ANOTHER “code word” for being, in reality, a bigoted, jew-hating moron?
If so, then I guess I’ll have to cherish that as well.
You got your answer, Mighty Reason Man: It’s a parody. However, he should be mindful of wandering into Andy Kaufman territory, where the lines between dark comedy and pathos become blurry.
Barney Gumble
Hey EM1, I loved how you said “every socialist government ends with mass graves” and then had back pedal about Sweden (which isn’t socialist, but that has never slowed down your average reader before).
The list of Rebub code words is a good idea for a post, tho’.
And c’mon how many million times did you hear “dna” as a code word for “sperm”, regards a certain blue dress.
Seriously, if any of you folks at home, of any stripe, haven’t visited nicedoggie.net, you should. The comments section is like the AM radio dial locked in a room and fed peyote.
The Mighty Reason Man
“Why WOULDN’T I be cherishing being an enemy of socialism? I also cherish being an enemy of national socialism, another child of that ideology.”
Not to be fussy, but one of the core goals of Nazism was the elimination of socialism. The use of the word socialism in National Socialism (and a lot of Hitler’s socialist rhetoric) was a way of appealing to the masses of unemployed German workers. Pretty much from the beginning, he viciously attacked the Communists, and he had real and perceived Communists sympathizers purged on numerous occasions.
So, actually, National Socialism is in no way a child of Socialism, although I commend your efforts to dump Hitler in the laps of the Left. In future attempts, might I suggest you take the marginally more historically valid Hitler-Stalin truce of the early years of WWII? Sure, that didn’t actually pan out, but at least it has a less tenuous connection between the Nazis and the Left than the superficial sharing of the word “socialism.”
And no, the only code I know of today is the series of subtle hints within my post here that you’re getting inexplicably overwrought in this thread. Settle down, friend. We’re not burning Leftists at the stake today.
The Mighty Reason Man
And for the record, I too am an enemy of Nazism.
And totalitarian dictators. And Satan. And serial killers. And rapists. And bad-smelling taxicabs. And rainy days. And people who don’t like puppies. And melted ice cream cones.
I am quite the hero, aren’t I?
Omnibus Bill
Gee, Mighty Reason Man, what part of “state control of the means of production” is not clear?
Did I miss something here?
And being an enemy of Nazism doesn’t necessarily make you a good guy, either. Stalin hated Nazism, and he was a vicious, murderous bastard.
Emperor Misha I
The Soviet Union hated China. Last I checked, they were both socialist.
Yes, I completely understand why the Left doesn’t want to be associated with national socialism. Just like they don’t want to be associated with Stalinist socialism, or Honecker socialism, or Ceaucescu socialism etc. etc.
But you can dress your pig up all you like, it’s still a pig.
Saying “but THAT’s not really socialism” every time your socialist friends start digging mass graves isn’t gonna cut it.
And Blarney, you inexcusable poster boy for retroactive abortion, where’s the back-pedaling?
As to your mumbling about how Sweden disproves the fact that socialism leads to murder, then denying that they’re socialist…
I’ve debated rocks more intelligent than you, and those were some unusually dumb rocks.
The Mighty Reason Man
Bill, Misha-
I do hope the two of you are not seriously saying that Nazism is an outgrowth of Socialism.
If you are, might I recommend the first two hundred or so pages of The Rise And Fall of The Third Reich? Hitler DESPISED socialism. He was disgusted by the Communists that infested Vienna when he was living as a tramp in that city – the time period in which most of his core ideology was formed. I dare say he hated and feared the Red Menace a sight more than the two of you. When Hitler rose to power, the Communists and the Socialists (as well as all the trade unions) were ruthlessly suppressed. And contrary to what you seem to believe, Hitler’s primary funding for both the Nazi Party itself and for the Wehrmacht he eventually built came from capitalists – industry leaders, business owners, etcetera – and they were repaid handsomely when Hitler ruthlessly cut off his own followers when they leaned too far to the Left (trying to take over various employers’ organizations, seizing private businesses’ property, etc.)
Granted, there were a large number of actual socialists who belonged to the Nazi party, but they were seduced into the party by Hitler’s use of socialist rhetoric (a useful tool for gaining recruits in a country with the massive unemployment that Germany had in the 20s and early 30s), which he quickly betrayed upon gaining power. In fact, the rumblings of S.A. leaders who favored a Bolshevist revolution (which would undermine Hitler’s ultimate goals) were one of the direct causes of the Blood Purge of 1934 and the ascendency of Himmler’s SS over the SA as the primary enforcement arm of the Nazi Party.
Was the Nazi Party then a capitalist organization? Of course not. It was an authoritarian political organization. But the primary elements that it contained that you attribute to Socialism (“state control of the means of production”) either were not integral to Nazism (until the ramp-up to war became all consuming), or can in fact be attributed not to the proletarian goals of orthodox socialism/communism, but to the totalitarian impulse to grant ultimate control of everything to the will of the Leader — especially in the service of military goals — which is a version of longtime Right wing positions (see: monarchists, oligarchists, and militarists).
Learn some history, gentlemen – preferrably not filtered through your own particular ideologies and biases.
And seriously Misha, I know it wasn’t directed at me, but dumber than rocks? I feel like I’m talking to Biff from Back To The Future- “You’re as stupid as a screendoor on a submarine!”
Come on.
David Perron
Good fucking grief. Haven’t we gone round and round on the Socialist/Nazionalsocialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei meme enough times yet?
Not Gay like ERIC
Wow it sounds like Savage really pissed off the asspacking AIDS bait on this board. Do us a favor and stop crying, just go back to butt fucking your sheep or uncle or whatever it is you freaks do.