What does everyone think about the rape shield laws? Is it acceptable to drag Kobe through the mud with a mere accusation, or should the accuser’s name be published? I have already seen a picture of her, and I know her name and all that- anyone with a cursory understanding of usenet could find it rather easily. The question is, should her name be out in the open?
Kobe Bryant
by John Cole| 19 Comments
This post is in: Domestic Politics
My understanding is that the rape shield laws are a relic from the none-too-distant days in which a rape survivor was blamed for having gotten raped, considered ‘damaged goods,’ unable to get married, etc.
While I’m generally in favor of people’s being brave and honest, especially with the stigma’s having diminished, in this particular case I wouldn’t advise the accuser to publicize her name.
Lakers fans are scary, and I’d rather not have the ones who don’t understand usenet to be able to find her.
Andrew Lazarus
I think PG has the history correct.
Im acquainted with three rape victims (that I know of, of course maybe more), and they were split 1 in favor of disclosure and 2 very much against.
Emperor Misha I
Kobe has a clear right to know his accuser. Everybody else fall under the “none of your damn nosy business, bitches” category.
We used to call it “Need To Know” too, to avoid upsetting the PC police.
I think her name should be posted. I don’t think it’s fair that Kobe Bryant’s name has been released freely and not hers. Some people argue that since she is the “victim” she shouldn’t be revealed.But what happens if we find out that Kobe was the victim?How can we undo all these accusations? The truth is, the damage has already been done when it comes to Kobe. But if this woman happens to be lying I only think it’s fair that her reputation takes a fall too.
Ray F
If he wants to put it in more than 1 hole, then he has to pay the price, no matter how high it may be. The holly laws prohibit doing it anyway, the punishment will be bigger after life.
Jeremy H.
The unfortunate by product of rape shield laws is allowing mere accusations to drag people through court and not having to face public srutiny yourself. If a rape “accuser” is going to put an alleged criminals name, honesty and reputation on the line, they should put theirs on the line too.
m c maxey
I don’t believe Kobe Bryant accuser.
can someone 6′ 7″
penetrate a woman who is 5’4″ from behind while standing up? the answer is no.
L Richardson
I don’t know why “blood” is such a big issue. If Kobe is “well endowed” and she is used to men who are not, and a bent-over position causes a deeper penetration, there is certain to be blood. If she has not been with a man for a few months, there can be blood, because the vagina tightens. Also, 5 minutes is a long time to kiss. Where were Kobe’s hands during this time? Large hands penetrating the vagina can also cause blood spots.
Rape punishments are in some cases more severe than murder. There has to be no physical evidence, just the accusation is all that is necessary to try a man and put him behind bars for life. Every part of her past as well as his should be up for scrutiny. This is the only crime where there has to be nothing other than her word against his and believe me, people are being sent to prison for life on just that kind of evidence.
tiger woods
maybe she should sell her tampax on ebay i would love to bid for them
tiger woods
maybe she should sell her tampax on ebay i would love to bid for them
tiger woods
maybe she should sell her tampax on ebay i would love to bid for them
tiger woods
maybe she should sell her tampax on ebay i would love to bid for them
tiger woods
maybe she should sell her tampax on ebay i would love to bid for them
tiger woods
maybe she should sell her tampax on ebay i would love to bid for them
I disagree with that last statement. Just because “x” amount of rapists go free does not mean that Kobe is guily, and I do agree with the statement that the rape accuser should have their name published as well, or, if not, then if the person is found not guilty, or the woman admits she was lying, then her name should definately be published. Why is it fair to slander an innocent man, but we have to protect a woman who is most likely lying?
Kobe's Supporter
Why should we know that Kobe Bryant is the (currently innocent) accused, while we are supposed to not want to know who the accuser is??
Is this fair to Mr Bryant?? I think not!
The accused is innocent until proven guilty, so why release the accused’s name but not the accuser? Is this really legal? Moral?
(and don’t claim the “rape shield law” protects the accuser unless you can quote it to me where that is said)
I Believe Kobe!
yeah i think tha slut name should be pulished no one care about her saftey cuz she aint nothing and nobody but who wants attention and money is all she wants what her nasty ass
with all this BULL SHIT going down in the mans life hes still droppin 40 pt. games on teams and DUNKING ON and OVER cats…so let leave the mans off the court life to him not to haters who are just jealous of the amount of skill he has in what he does….He is the BEST at what he does in the WORLD…period comma exclamation point