Let the games begin:
The race for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004 has changed totally in the past few weeks. At the beginning of the summer, Hillary could comfortably deny having national presidential ambitions, because the comfortable conventional wisdom was that it didn
dwight meredith
I would be very, very surprised if Hilary ran. I do not think she would win the nomination. She has a certain somebody who is the best political strategist in the world in her inner circle.
That strategist thought that a certain southern governor should sit out the 1988 cycle and wait for a better opportunity.
That worked pretty well and I expect he gives the same advice this year.
With all due respect, that sounds awfully revisionist.
IIRC, in 1988, Bill Clinton was a rising star, but not exactly well known outside the Party. Dem folks I knew considered him far more likely to run in the future—it was Al Gore that folks thought, even then, was well on the way to the White House.
I sincerely doubt that he “sat out” the ’88 cycle, as though it were all part of some grand strategy….
Hillary isn’t running; this is all projection and sad loathing.
Moe Lane
Glad to see that Kimmitt recognizes that Richard Reeves is a loathing and projecting (I’d add partisan, myself) hack. At least, I hope that he’s talking about Reeves, ‘cuz otherwise he’s talking about either Dwight (who’s both from his end of the spectrum, and – more importantly – seems like a pretty decent fellow) or Dean, who wasn’t even talking about Hillary.
Although I suppose that Kimmit could be incensed that John would have dared link to the article in the first place…