The beleaguered governor of California imported some out-of-town talent today for aid in his struggle to stay in office.
Former President Bill Clinton and Gov. Gray Davis
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by John Cole| 9 Comments
This post is in: Democratic Stupidity
The beleaguered governor of California imported some out-of-town talent today for aid in his struggle to stay in office.
Former President Bill Clinton and Gov. Gray Davis
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Actually, yes. This proves that Gray Davis is smarter than Al Gore. lol … what a race that’d be – two contestants vying to see who can screw up the least and both failing miserably.
Granted Clinton is an easy target for those who hate him, and other Democrats will occasionally take an opportunistic shot at him when they’re sure they’ll score points.
In general among Democrats, however, Clinton is pure gold. Gore didn’t understand this. The rest do. Watch the rhetoric coming from many of the candidates. Most won’t hesitate to draw comparisons to the man if they can do it in a safe, contained way.
Why do you think Hillary is still in the picture? These two are easy to hate, but a lot of people still love them, and those people are nothing to scoff at if you’re a Democrat fighting for your political life.
Sorry, I realize I didn’t completely answer your question.
A California Democrat is not worried about the Republican base in his state. That’s like asking the NY Yankees if they’re worried about galvanizing the Detroit Tigers. Heck no! They’re worried about shoring up their middle relief.
This thing is a problem for Davis because so many Democrats are jumping ship on him. Gray Davis is never going to appeal to California Republicans, nor does he need to. It’s a problem for Bustamente because he’s linked to Davis. If this were a pure Democrat/Republican question, it’d be no contest. Let’s not get carried away with all of this and imagine that there is some kind of Repblican groundswell underway in California. It’s still the left coast.
Moe Lane
I agree with Brian. What does he have to lose? Most of the people incensed at the idea of Clinton stumping for Davis would probably have been going to vote for the recall anyway.
Andrew Lazarus
The Republican base in California has been galvanized around the recall for some time, since the moment that Issa’s once-quixotic stunt started to fly and they realized a chance to pick up the governorship by quirk.
Unfortunately for the Republicans, they are unable to unite behind one candidate, their leading candidate offers the type of vague, content-free campaign that may wilt as time goes by, and their base is simply smaller than the Democrats’.
California Democrats
All your base are belong to us! I thought everyone knew that.
Talk about rock solid costituencies. The way black people fall all over Clinton when he makes these appearances at black churches is amazing. If you were from outer space you wouldn’t know that the plantation system in the US ended 138 years ago.
No wonder the Democrats take the black vote and California for granted, I would too if I were in their place.
Andrew Lazarus
“If you were from outer space you wouldn’t know that the plantation system in the US ended 138 years ago.”
Son, if that’s all you know about when black Americans attained even an approximation of equal rights, turn off the monitor and read some books.
Imam Pshyco Muhammed
“Son, if that’s all you know about when black Americans attained even an approximation of equal rights, turn off the monitor and read some books.”
Sir, my statement had nothing whatsoever to do with black Americans attaining their full enfranchisement in America and you know it. Instead of lecturing you should read the statements in relation to the post, specifically in relation to Bill Clinton. If you have a opposing argument based on empiricism or experience I’m open. But shame on you for trying to paint me as ignorant and/or a racist. You are invoking the race version of Godwin’s Law, the first person to call someone a racist loses.
Also if you want to influence people try not to be so condenscending or people might start to think you work in academia or for the federal government.
And if you are having trouble understanding my post let me know and I will type slower.
M. Scott Eiland
Former President Bill Clinton and “Gov. Gray Davis