Whatever can we do to reign in this danger to our society, this menace to mankind, the belligerent, bellicose unilateralist bullies who would make statements like this:
The only clear imperative is that Iran must be pressed to reveal all its nuclear activities, past and present, and cooperate wholeheartedly with international inspectors. That can best be done by allowing the I.A.E.A. to continue demanding answers. When the agency’s board reconvenes tomorrow, it should pass a resolution condemning Iran’s secret programs and demanding that Iran prove that its programs are peaceful. The resolution should include a trigger mechanism to force international action if Iran reverts to stonewalling or deception.
Shame on Gail Collins. This type of rhetoric and this insistence that the international community act is just the type of unilateralist bullying that led us to the current affair in Iraq.
The question that arises from Collins’ article is what happens if the international community REFUSES to issue such a condemnation, or if Iran refuses to comply.
In particular, if the French and Russians refuse to either press IAEA to issue such a condemnation (as already appears to be the case), can anyone act? If the French and Russians veto a UNSC Resolution condemning Iran, in the event Iran thumbs its nose at the IAEA, does this mean that Iran’s nuclear program must remain inviolate?
Inspections were such a HUGE success in Iraq, we must pursue that avenue with Iran to get the same kind of results….NADA, NOTHING, ZILCH. After all, isn’t that what we always wanted ??