I had completely forgotten about this exchange between Chris Matthews and Chris Lehane late Monday night during the Iowa Caucus wrap-up, but Henry Hanks reminded me. I will postthe entire transcript: in the extended entry, but it really does not do justice to the verbal exchange.
At any rate, read the transcript. Lehane is without a doubt the sleaziest human being in politics (move over Blumenthal), a thoroughly reprehensible loud-mouthed little punk who is now only the second person to make me physically angry every time I see him on tv (Michael Savage, who I saw twice on MSNBC, is numero uno- even Lehane can’t shake a stick at that disgusting piece of bile). I wish Lehane had been in the studio with Matthews, because I bet he would have puched the little twerp. At anyrate, I would love to see John Kerry make it so this smug punk never works in politics again.
Actually, if that happened, the NY Times would probably hire him to do some ‘objective reporting.’
MATTHEWS: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) …now move to New Hampshire. That
Lehane really will turn on a dime… it’s amazing how quickly the Dem blogs rushed to defend him from the possibility that he dug up the trooper-abuse dirt on Dean, convinced it came from Bush. What a laugh.
Chris Lehane and Mark Fabiani worked both sides of the California electric crisis…they both worked for Gray Davis (paid on the taxpayer dime) AND worked for Southern California Edison (who got a sweetheart deal out of the negotiations…coincidence?..me think not)
They cared not about solving the crisis, they cared about lining their pockets. They managed to get the Gov. of California ousted and then moved on to Clark’s camp….why doesn’t LEHANE RELEASE HIS RECORDS ON HOW MUCH HE COST CALIFORNIA TAXPAYERS? Slimeball.