My Governor, who can not keep his zipper up, now his knickers in a twist over this ‘outrage:’
ov. Bob Wise sent a letter to Abercrombie & Fitch on Monday demanding that the clothing retailer stop selling a T-shirt that spoofs the state with the slogan, “It’s All Relative in West Virginia.”
Wise said the T-shirt depicts “an unfounded, negative stereotype of West Virginia.”
“I write to you today to demand that you immediately remove this item from your stores and your print and online catalogues,” Wise wrote. “In addition, these shirts must be destroyed at once to avoid any possibility of resale and proof be given thereof.”
Abercrombie & Fitch spokesman Tom Lennox said the T-shirt, which features the slogan on an outline of the state, has been selling well at $22.50. He could not say how much it would cost the company if the T-shirts were destroyed.
“We love West Virginia. We love California, Florida, Connecticut, Hawaii and Nebraska too. Abercrombie & Fitch was born and raised in the USA, and we honor all 50 states in the union,” said Lennox, director of investor relations and corporation communications for the New Albany, Ohio-based company.
Wise called the T-shirt an “offensive item” that “subjects our youth to unsubstantiated and false impressions of West Virginia.”
Yeah- everyone knows the real impression of West Virginian’s is that we are nailing maried women who work with us and leaving an incredibly embarassing trail of e-mail love notes that can be published in the state newspapers, assuring that we are a one time Governor. Right, Gov. Wise?
The Lonewacko Blog
As previously discussed in this space, I had several preconceptions of WV. However, after visiting there recently I believe this T-shirt is quite mistaken. At least in the northern part of WV.
My only impression of West Va. is “There’s still people there? It seems like they all moved to the south end of Columbus” :o)
Jon H
Just goes to show, people in government shouldn’t hire relatives.
(My Mom’s from Poca.)