With all that has been revealed about Gorelick’s involvement in creating the mess (here is a .pdf of the memo), it is certain that the calls for Gorelick to step down will increase.
Kudos to Dwight Meredith, who predicted a mess similar to this months ago.
BTW- Just in case someone wants to know, it is with an immense amount of pleasure that I openly gloat about this partisan hack getting a taste of her own medicine. I have no intention of pretending to be fair after the nonsense the Democrats have pulled in the last few weeks.
Even better, she has a creepily Dickensian name.
brennan stout
Nearly all these commission members are riddled with links incongruent with impartiality. President Bush initially wanted Kissinger to head the commission. WHAT THE F&$K was he thinking?
This commission isn’t going to act in the interest of the American people in any other case than to drain away tens of millions of our tax dollars to pump up the media’s ratings.
The Council on Foreign Relations wins…again.
She’s going on Chris Matthews tomorrow where she’ll be given the Larry King treatment… of course Larry King has actually bothered to ask a remotely tough question to those attacking Bush over this so it’s an insult to King really.
Ken Hahn
Having Gorelick on the commission is about equal to having David Duke on the EEOC.
I liked to see the reaction of the four ladies who are looking for the truth and what they say about the memo. Remember that if the wall had not been installed by Gorelick and Reno there would not have been a 9/11. Chris,Try asking some tough questions!!
Robin Roberts
It is too much to say that the excessively strict wall Gorelick established was the cause of 9/11, Klein. However, it is clear that it was part of the problem in the quality of the investigations and intel during the period leading up to 9/11.
Roberta Lester
I love the way Gorelick is now in the hot seat, with her smirk and pompous attitude toward Ms. Rice who was nothing but a professional, she is getting what she deserves
Mark Brant
It seems amazing to me that Jamie Gorelick continues on the 9/11 commission. Any attempt to remain non-partisan and objective will be lost if she continues. Come On now…how about a little intellictual honesty.I don’t know Jamie, don’t know her politics et…but she must go.
Mark Brant
Although the “wall” most assuredly contributed to our inability to gain and share G2, the whole policy & procedure maze set up by Reno/Gorelick et al was designed to cover nefarious dealings such as Lorel SatCom to China and others….the real 9/11 problem was that Pres Clinton tried to kill UBL, failed, and did not complete the mission. Whenever you try to kill someone, better get the job done because I will guarantee that the target will take it quite personally; and in UBL’s case, he had the male fortitude to retaliate with prejudice. But that is now history and we can only endeavor to rid ourselves of the types like Reno, Gorelick, Ben-Veniste, Kerry etc.
Did you guys actually read the memo? How about Goerelick’s response in the Washington Post: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A20786-2004Apr17.html How Ashcroft can construe this memo, which did not set general policy but related to procedures to be employed in two specific cases to have been the primary cause of 9/11 is mystifying.