This is so absurd it hurt my sides when I read it:
The upcoming SF disaster film The Day After Tomorrow, which deals in part with the consequences of global warming, has become a political football in recent days, as environmentalists embrace it as a warning about the perils of greenhouse-gas emissions and the Bush administration looks to avoid being tagged with accusations about its ecological policies, Variety reported. A rally featuring former vice president and environmental advocate Al Gore will take place a couple of blocks away from the film’s May 24 premiere in New York, hosted by, the trade paper reported.
If you remember, Gore’s last speech on Global Warming was held on the coldest day in NY history.
Ralph Gizzip
It’s a freakin’ movie for Chrissakes. But then the looney Left never could tell fantasy from reality.
I caught the trailer when I went to see Man on Fire (two thumbs up!) the other night. It sure looks like a fun disaster flick.
But I can’t imagine anyone picking it up as an icon and using it to beat their drum.
Like Ralph said – it’s a freakin’ movie, for Chrissakes.
“City planners and architects, concerned about huge monsters crushing Tokyo, will be holding a demonstration down the street from the opening of “Godzilla ’04.”
I hope Gore doesn’t get to the shindig via combustible engine, especially in one of Kerry’s “family’s” SUVs.
Yes, it is just a freaking movie – so why have the Bushies banned anyone from NASA from talking about it?
It will filed along with all of the other doomsday flicks. Kind of cool, but I’m a misanthrope, so less people in the world is ok. Also, its San Fran, right? That hurts me how?
I understand Gore had planned to have a big speech and rally around another movie last year, but he cancelled when someone told him that Hobbits and Ocrs really didn’t exist…
Hey everybody, you see where NBC is airing a movie about a quake that basically drops CA into the sea?
Anyone else gonna be watching that with a big bucket of popcorn laughing their asses off, wishing it were really true? :)
The answer is here.
Sorry if it’s a bit more mundane than whatever your question was supposed to imply.
Oh, damn. You mean it wasn’t because the film Completely Nailed It, and Accurately Predicted The End Of The World?
And how annoying is that?
Gee, is it possible that films like Armageddon and The Core are pretty much made up by people who have no idea how things work?
Now we can’t watch movies without politics being thrown in. Sick.
the coldest day in New York City?
what does that mean? oh right, that human activity is not affecting global temperature and weather. because, obviously, the fact that the phrase ‘global warming’ exists (it does! i’ve heard it!) means that we’re all supposed to be getting hotter. and we’re not. so all those dreadful liberal are lying again.
the dimmest blogger in the world.
The ape-man is correct; global warming doesn’t necessarily spell the end of record lows. Let’s not go overboard with the invective, ok?
Still, the timing was enjoyable, if not particularly meaningful.
Chris P
Granted, this a movie, but the actual phenomenon of global warming – or to be scientifically correct – anthropomorphic global climate change, is all too real. “Science”, arguably one of the most respected peer-reviewed scientific journals in the world, had this to say in its annual State of the Planet report from an article entitled “Modern Global Climate Change” (emphasis is mine):
“Emissions into the atmosphere from fuel burning further result in gases that are oxidized to become highly reflective micron-sized aerosols, such as sulfate, and strongly absorbing aerosols, such as black carbon or soot. Aerosols are rapidly (within a week or less) removed from the atmosphere through the natural hydrological cycle and dry deposition as they travel away from their source. Nonetheless, atmospheric concentrations can substantially exceed background conditions in large areas around and downwind of the emission sources. Depending on their reflectivity and absorption properties, geometry and size distribution, and interactions with clouds and moisture, these particulates can lead to either NET COOLING, as for sulfate aerosols, or net heating, as for black carbon.”
and this (emphasis is mine):
The coupled atmosphere-ocean system has a preferred mode of behavior known as El Nino, and similarly the atmosphere is known to have preferred patterns of behavior, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). So how will El Nino and the NAO change as the climate changes? There is evidence that the NAO, WHICH AFFECTS THE SEVERITY OF WINTER TEMPERATURES AND PRECIPITATION IN EUROPE AND EASTERN NORTH AMERICA, and El Nino, which has large regional effects around the world, are behaving in unusual ways that appear to be linked to global heating.”
As NY, and the Northeast in general, is a sink for all the air pollution coming from emission sources like Detroit, it’s not surprising that NY and NE experienced record snowfalls and low temperatures last year. Incidentally, if anyone would like a copy of the article I’ve cited, I’d be happy to e-mail you a .pdf file.
That being said, Gore is inept. Giving a speech on global warming on the coldest day in NY history not only made him look foolish, it made the issue’s legitimacy look suspect.
“anthropomorphic’ global climate change. Don’t that sound all scientific like.
But ya know, einstein, anthropomorphic don’t mean caused by humans. You’d think alla them smarty-pants scientists’d know that, huh?
Maybe they ain’t as smart as they think.
But by attributing human qualities to global warming, it can be made to appear more menacing.
That’s _friendly_ snark, there.
The makers of the movie are hedging their bets, with global warming resulting in an ice age.
Remember the movie “AI” where the same thing happened, and it was the ice age that caused the extinction of the human race at the end?
Global warming can do anything, even cause an ice age. Now that is versatile science.
Chris P
Hey, I didn’t name the damn theory, I’m just tellin’ it like it is.
Al Maviva
Hey, I have no problem with the Dems like Alboret Bore citing that film as fact, so long as the Dems don’t have any problem with the Republicans using “Independence Day” and “Red Dawn” to explain national defense policy.
Chris P
Let me clarify something. First, yes, “anthropomorphic” is a poor choice of word to describe global climate change. Personally, I like modern global climate change.
Second, I never said that global warming could or would cause an ice age. Global warming is merely one aspect of climate change. If you paid any attention to my post, you’d see that it states that the severity of winter temperatures and precipitation MAY be caused by unusual changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation atmospheric pattern which appear to be the indirect result of global warming.
Third, and I should have stated this from the outset…I’m sorry I didn’t…global climate change is a theory, it has not been scientifically proven yet. However, it’s a theory to which I subscribe, given the vast amounts of impartial scientific evidence supporting it. The climate models used to predict the effects of climate change are still in their infancy and need to be optimized, but they’re the best instruments we have right now. Show me impartial scientific evidence that disproves the theory and I’ll consider it.
Finally, anyone who cites this film as fact needs to have their head examined. It’s a movie!
do the right who mock the idea of ‘gobal warming’ really believe that ‘liberals’ are inventing a scare to get themselves elected (or something along those lines)?
amazing. just amazing.
my assumption has been that there must be some kind of christian element in this. a logic would run: god gave us the world and gave us fossil fuels to burn. so burning them can’t be a problem. there would be something in the bible about it if it were.
i remember Rush once speaking affirmatively about the theory of a christian ‘scientist’ who claimed that new oil reserves were appearing in the ground which must have been put there by god, thereby showing that god meant us to burn fossil fuels.
so anything is possible.
“amazing. just amazing.”
That and a new shift key will earn you a properly punctuated logical fallacy.
Mr. Jupiter
We always fight about what movie to see, so my resolution to this problem is strictly go by the reviews of others and make sure we stay away from the garbage.