Ricky has the latest shenanigans from the Democrats favorite front man.
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by John Cole| 4 Comments
This post is in: General Stupidity
Ricky has the latest shenanigans from the Democrats favorite front man.
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It’s going the be very interesting to see where the Democratic party stands after Moore is completely exposed.
Probably in the bathroom, retching like the rest of us.
(Moore completely exposed is a mental image I did NOT need…)
I must say that I’ve been surprised by the number of people who actually DEFEND and EMBRACE the likes of Michael Moore.
I knew there were a lot of moonbats……but…
Okay, very slowly:
1) Moore does not believe the US should be in Iraq.
2) Moore does not believe that the South Koreans should be in Iraq.
These are neither inconsistent nor antipatriotic statements. Really, this is more of the “if you criticize US military action under any circumstances, you are a seditionist” crap that the Right brings up from time to time. To them, Freedom of Speech is the Freedom to think of even nicer things to say about the current Administration (unless you are talking about how it is not bloodthirsty enough).