Atrios and the Atriettes are promoting this WSJ piece stating that Sandy Berger is in the clear:
Officials looking into the removal of classified documents from the National Archives by former Clinton National Security Adviser Samuel Berger say no original materials are missing and nothing Mr. Berger reviewed was withheld from the commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.
Not so, says Newsmax:
senior spokeswoman for the National Archives denied a report Friday morning that Archives officials have cleared former Kerry-Edwards campaign adviser Sandy Berger on charges that he withheld documents from the 9/11 Commission.
“In spite of what the Wall Street Journal said, the National Archives really isn’t commenting on this case because it’s under investigation,” Susan Cooper, chief spokeswoman for the Archives, told
I’ll keep you posted.
BTW-now that we know that Atrios’s real name is a Soros-funded left-winger named Duncan Black, I guess I really wasn’t all that off last year when I called him the Prince of Darkness.
1) If it’s in fact been determined that Berger didn’t remove any _original_ documents, there still remains the problem with removing classified copies. As far as the law is concerned, there’s no difference between an original classified document and a copy. Same information, no? How hard is this to understand? Apparently having a Ph.D. in Economics just isn’t enough.
2) I can’t imagine that Black has a prayer of continuing academics, after serving up seemingly endless piles of fallacy-riddled, bile-frosted crap. I mean, if you were a self-respecting university…ah, forget it.
I believe making copies of classified information is not permitted except by certain, authorized personnel. During my naval tour it was verboten to make copies of any classified material since it makes control of the material virtually impossible.
I remember shipmates going to Mast (Court Marshall) for doodling classified information on napkins in bars.
I assume that “Slartibartfast’s” second point is meant as irony, given Professor Paul Krugman’s tenure at Princeton.
So if it turns out that Berger merely TRIED to hide something, that’s okay I guess.
More to the point, unless Duncan Black is one heckuva well known guy, he’s going to find out that what will be accepted from a Paul Krugman is unlikely to be accepted from lesser mortals.
(Keeping in mind that Krugmans’ writings in the 1980s and 1990s on Japan, competitiveness, productivity, etc., were knock-outs. His stuff during the 1997-1998 Asian economic crisis was very well-regarded.)
He should be more worried about an ass-kicking.
Jon Henke
They are now Duncan and Oliver Ruddy. I will forever be amused at their (generally justified) attempts to attack “Scaife-funded” attack organizations.
Pot, kettle….you’re black.
“I believe making copies of classified information is not permitted except by certain, authorized personnel. During my naval tour it was verboten to make copies of any classified material since it makes control of the material virtually impossible.”
True, but I think Berger’s not being accused of _making_ copies, just the unauthorized removal of perfectly valid copies from the controlled area. There were, apparently, multiple copies of the same document.