How damaging is the Swift Boat commercial? I think you can get an idea by the lame defenses being offered. This one is just a gem:
The Kerry campaign has denounced the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, saying none of the men in the ad served on the boat that Kerry commanded. The leader of the group, retired Adm. Roy Hoffmann, said none of the 13 veterans in the commercial served on Kerry’s boat but rather were in other swiftboats within 50 yards of Kerry’s.
Jim Rassmann, an Army veteran who was saved by Kerry, said there were only six crewmates who served with Kerry on his boat. Five support his candidacy and one is deceased.
So, when I run for President, and some people in my platoon denounce my candidacy, all I have to say is:
“Hey- they were never on the same 4 man tank as me. Often when we moved in formation, the other tanks were 100 to 200 yards away.”
But don’t worry- Media Matters is on the story. David Brock and Duncan Black probably can sniff out who the liars are!!!
M. Scott Eiland
Well, they can find two right off the bat just by looking in the nearest mirror.