Looks like a Bush win, a larger share of the popular vote, a pickup of several seats in the Senate and the House, and as an added delicious bonus, it looks like Daschle may go down, not to mention this is Terry McAwful’s last election.
Only downfall- Cynthia McKinney won.
There will probably be screams and howls by the lunatic fringe, but by everything I have seen, this was a model election with great turn-out.
Who knows, tomorrow will clear everything up, but I did my part. West Virginia went for Bush.
The only happy Democrat to be found is probably Hillary Clinton. Now she is free to gear up for 2008.
Justin O.
Doesn’t look like a Bush win just yet
The Truth Hurts
Sure it does. You just have to be a sane, rational, adult to see it.
Everything you saw, I showed you.
MSNBC is reporting that Kerry has phoned Bush to concede, and will concede formally at a 1:30 speech.
So, to all you wingnutters, congrats and best wishes, for running this country is hard, hard work. To all my fellow tinfoilers, take heart: four more years of an easy target.
Red Sox? No. Redskins? No. Red States. Shit.
First, I’m a liberal blogger.
The reason for this comment is that I wanted to congratulate you on President Bush’s victory. I’ve visited your site periodically over the past year or so and, though I don’t always agree with what you say, I respect your views (except on the Steelers ;-).
I think the blogosphere has done much to contribute to the divisiveness of the country. Excluding no one. I strongly feel this has to change, which is why I’m writing to you today.
So, moving forward, I’m going to try and avoid piling on the President with cheap shots just because I can. I will still criticize the President if I feel it’s warranted and will continue to fight policies that I find reprehensible but will work hard to be respectful of the office of the President.
John, I’ll be back and will attempt to contribute in a constructive way.
And when I find some time, I will add a new section to my blogroll with dissenting viewpoints. I’ll add you when I do.
Thanks for your time.
Well said, Brad. I don’t think anyone’s even considering a request that criticism be suspended. I’m certainly going to encourage Bush as best as I can to actually pick up that veto pen and give it a whirl from time to time.
But the Michael Moore stuff…I think that we’d be better off without it. But I don’t expect any invitation to stop being an idiot is going to get honored, over in those quarters.
Is it “the end of the day” yet? God! That’s such a wearisome non-imaginative expression and I got sick of hearing it whilst awaiting “the end of he day!”
Now in a few minutes Senator Kerry can do something good; he can honestly express his wish for a tad more unity in this country or he can merely mouth the words.
IMO, unity could truly begin with the alphbet networks and a couple of liberal rags apologizing to the American people for their recent actions and constant berating of President Bush. Maybe even a couple of the regulars that contribute here as well? Time will tell.
IMO, unity could truly begin with the alphbet networks and a couple of liberal rags apologizing to the American people for their recent actions and constant berating of President Bush.
How DARE the news criticize the President! Ah, the protofascist Right. This is gonna be a fun four years; I gotta say, I’ve never been so glad to be white, male, and straight in my entire life.
It can’t be that difficult a concept to grasp: people on both sides of the political aisle believe too much of the criticism this year was being driven by hate rather than reason.
Justin O.
I’m still waiting for a new president…..one that cares.
Ernest Brown
(Bats eyes wide)
But…But…Bush CARES
Ashley can tell you THAT!
Well, expletive deleted to “caring.” If we had had a president who ACTED instead of “feeling our pain” for 8 frigging years, we might well have avoided “feeling the pain” of 9/11.
You can’t put the sole responsibility on Clinton’s head. Can you? Sure, he’s partially culpable, but 43 was in office for eight months before it happened.
I also understand that the issue is far from dead as we’ll be seeing more documentation from Central Intelligence soon.
Of course they can place the responsibility on Clinton’s head. Clinton will be the Ultimate Scapegoat in President-for-Life Jenna’s fourteenth term.