Andy should change the name of his site from the ‘Daily Dish’ to the ‘Daily Disconnect.’ Check out this doozy:
I respect those who defend the death penalty in necessity, even though I cannot morally acquiesce to it in any circumstances. But the blitheness of Bush’s and Gonzales’ treatment of the issue is surely troubling for those who are pro-life. Here is a man implicated in two policies anathema to serious Catholics. He gave legal sanction to torture – an absolute moral evil – and glibly facilitated the executions of dozens. Why are pro-life writers apparently untroubled by these facts? Or have I missed some out there?
So much stupid so densely packed together, it is hard to figure out where to start. I mean, which is more amusing- Andy’s confusing the abortion issue with capital punishment, his assumption that all serious Catholics are anti-death penalty, his continued assistance that the Abu Ghraib malefeasance was sanctioned and condoned by the White House, or his assertion that Bush ‘glibly’ executed individuals as Governor.
Actually, I think the dumbest nugget from that paragraph is his inability to recognize that someone may be pro-life and in favor of capital punishment quite easily- the assumption is that the unborn is innocent while those condemned to death are presumed guilty.
I am beginning to think that Sullivan is having his interns write for him, or he has a substance abuse problem.
Jabba the Tutt
I can’t recall the exact logic, but the Catholic Church may oppose the death penalty, it is not a moral evil in the way that abortion is. So, Sullivan as a Catholic to equate the death penalty and abortion is factually wrong.
Sullivan also says he opposes the death penalty completely. OK, what do you do to a convicted murderer, who then murders a convicted burglar in prison? The burglar got the death penalty, while the murderer did not. What do you do to a prisoner sentenced to life, who threatens to kill another prisoner or a guard? Keep him in solitary confinement for life? Isn’t that outlawed as torture?
To mean, to oppose the death penalty, devalues life, not protect it. It’s a way for moral exhibitionists to preen themselves for their moral superiority over the rest of us barbarians.
Sully’s never been any different; you just disagree with him now.
TJ Jackson
There is a reason for torture just as there is for war. Neither is pretty or even civilized but they are part of reality. To reject the need for torture is to accept that others will suffer and to ignore their deaths and pain.
So when you consider the issue of torutre consider this scenario:
There is a 20 kiloton nuclear warhead laced with bacterlogical nightmares thatwill explode in 24 hours unless you can extract data from terrorists you have captured. Will you be more content if:
A. The government adheres to the standards that the ACLU defends.
B. There are rough men ready to do violence on your behalf so that you may sleep peacefully at night.
What does this have to do with the systematic torture of detainees who have no intelligence value?
If the official policy of the Catholic Church is anti-capital punishment (and I believe it is, though I may be wrong) shouldn’t all “serious” Catholics be anti-capital punishment?
They are simply the price to be paid.
No, I agree with you…beyond the exceptional cases, the problem is torture could be used willy nilly.