I spoke to Scott Nelson, the Tulsa World Web Editor (They can be reached at (918) 583-2161), and tried to make sense of their policy, and got nowhere. I am even more confused with what they are trying to accomplish than before I called.
According to Mr. Nelson, you need written permission to print the article and must print the article in full. I responded that I didn’t want to copy a whole article, just a quote, and he said that was not allowed and would be copyright infringement. When I asked why, he said it was their policy so that things wouldn not be ‘taken out of context.’
When I asked him if things were taken out of context, then wouldn’t that be libel, and they could get legal redress that way, he waffled. I then re-stated the question, and asked him if it was the policy of the Tulsa World to threaten lawsuits for copyright infringement to prevent possible cases of libel, and he didn;t really have much of an answer.
He also said, contrary to the letter to Bates Online, that linking was allowed, which leads me to believe that Mr. Bair, the Vice-President, was perhaps a touch overzealous or using terms he was not familiar with. Who knows.
At any rate, I must add that Mr. Nelson was very polite and helped to the best of his ability, even though he sounded agitated about the whole ordeal.
I thought by calling them I would clear some things up, but I am as confused as ever.
*** Update ***
This update from BatesLine seems to suggest that the confusion of Mr. Nelson is not the result of a human failing on Mr. Nelson’s part, but the inevitable result from a confusing and untenable policy:
Just time to link this: KTUL’s website has a new story with comments from World publisher Bobby Lorton and reaction from me.
Funny: He doesn’t want me to quote the paper out of context, but he doesn’t want me to link to the whole story so people can read it in context.
Actually, it is not funny at all. Sad is what I was thinking.
I live in tulsa and I quit taking the world about 25 years ago. I can’t stand the slant and outright abuse of the privilege of being a news purveyor.
When I was 18 and a member of the Tulsa Youth Coalition the Trib/World trashed us continually although we had people like Katy Westby contributing to our org. But the trib/world always was anti-community. That is why I won’t read it.. I would rather have the Cincy Chronicle (lol)
Fair Usage Doctrine.
You can quote and if they don’t like it, they can go pound sand with the Supreme Court.
Robin Roberts
John, the reason you feel confused is because the person you talked to doesn’t have a clue what he is talking about with respect to what is and what is not copyright infringement.
Not that that is a surprise, I saw the copy of their letter to Bates, and it is obviously not composed by any attorney competent in the issue.
Gregory Markle
So I suppose that, by their standards, they always quote entire statements and speeches and not just out-takes so they can assure their readership that nothing is ‘taken out of context.’
What a tool!
S.W. Anderson
The Tulsa World’s position is in complete contravention of the concept of fair use, which specifically allows for reasonable quoting of portions of an article, book, poem, play, etc. It also specifically prohibits presenting most or all of a work without permission, for what should be obvious reasons.
Being quoted out of context is a risk the World, like everyone and everything else, runs. That’s life.
Bryan C
I really feel sorry for Mr. Nelson. It sounds like he’s trying his best to make sense of the horrible situation his bosses have created for him.
John Cole
That is what I thought, Bryan.
Yeah, you’re pretty much fine for fair use, but printing presses are free to anyone who can afford them. That is, if you can afford to fight the copyright suit (and possibly win a countersuit), you’re golden. If not, I’d say to stop quoting (or linking to) Tulsa World.
Well I dont think there will be a copyright suit because it doesnt seem like they have any ground to really stand on. Nice blog John, first time visitor. i am in tulsa, boy do i sometimes miss the great cincinnati.
Robin Roberts
The other clue Churchie is when someone sends a cease and desist letter that isn’t written by counsel.
Kimmit, what the hell are you talking about?