This should be the end of this story:
At issue is a skit that aired on Randi Rhodes show April 25. As previously reported, the skit about the ongoing debate over Social Security featured a character, purportedly from the American Association of Armed Retired People, saying , “A spoiled child is telling us our Social Security isn’t safe anymore, so he is going to fix it for us.
Whenever I think of the guy in charge I almost always get a vision of Spaulding, Judge Smails nephew from Caddyshack.
I thought Air America was only on the air before the election. Its still going? Why? I thought only conservatives got their news from talking head radio windbags.
Mr Furious
Randi Rhodes is awful. I cannot believe she has a job. My Air America affiliate here in Ann Arbor seems to get off keeping me guessing whether Rhodes or Big Ed Schultz will be on any given afternoon, and when it’s Rhodes, I want steer my car into a tree after three minutes.
I’ve heard her use gunshots and explosion numerous times. It’s the default sound effect for a talentless loser.
Oh, don’t forget, I’m a liberal. But Rhodes is an embarrassment.
I started listening to Air America a little while ago–Rush and Savage have worn out their welcome with me–and am definitely not into Rhodes. She just grates my nerves. That said, if you’ve taken the time to listen to her (I have, sorry to say), that stunt she pulled had nothing to do with publicity. It was Randi, all the way, just doing something tacky and stupid. To say it was for publicity is to attribute more thought to it than was expended making it.
TM Lutas
The Secret Service is famously humorless about “artistic” or “humorous” threats against its protectees. That’s part of their shtick and has been for about as long as they’ve been around.
During the election cycle, you could see stories about smaller fish than Randi Rhodes get a knock at the door and an investigation by the Secret Service. I don’t see why Rhodes should be exempt from the same level of scrutiny others routinely receive.
Assassinating the president is a tactic that occurs to plenty of people. It has no partisan coloration and must be resisted so long as we retain a legitimate government and we can heave the guy out in an election.
As long as it’s just an investigation and no actual punishment happens for mere speech, the 1st amendment right to free speech is preserved. That is as it should be.
Did Ann Coulter ever apologize for suggesting the assasination of Bill Clinton?
Oddly, Rhodes seems to have some pretty good ratings. Something about the talk radio medium encourages this sort of flailing around.
TJ Jackson
Just another example of what the media is degenerating into.
Rhodes is Socrates and Aquinas compared to Rush or (God help us) Savage.