Go view this videotape of 11 Sheriff’s deputies tasing a man five times on the chest while taunting him, and tell me if they should have been cleared of any wrong-doing.
Yes, the man was wrong for his violent behavior, but it appears this was pretty clearly excessive force. At the least, tasering someone five times in the chest is negligent.
Did I mention the man was handcuffed?
If he was handcuffed, why did they need to use any force at all?
This is sickening. These guys were probably cruel to animals when they were kids (maybe still are).
Improbulus Maximus
While I have little sympathy for someone who is so stupid as to fight against so many even while he is restrained, I think the cops could have just left him in a holding cell until he calmed down, but then, cops do like to hurt people. Why else would anyone want that crap job?
Watch Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. Totally making fun of predominant racial memes while not being condescending. They’re just like these guys, you know?