Bill Quick reacts to the following story:
Conservatives reacted cautiously to the news this week that federal Judge John G. Roberts Jr. helped a group of homosexual rights activists win a seminal victory 10 years ago before the Supreme Court.
“Judge Roberts was an attorney with a large firm where helping colleagues when called upon was expected,” Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said yesterday after researching the matter. “I have verified that his involvement was limited to about five hours of participation in a moot court as he played the role of one of the high court’s conservative members asking tough hypothetical questions of the attorneys who actually prepared and argued the case.”
Mr. Perkins said his initial reaction to the news was concern that Judge Roberts had been “aiding and abetting” the groups. But after discussions with the White House and surrogates, Mr. Perkins urged caution in reaching that conclusion.
Click here to read Bill being shrill, and, in my estimation, spot on. At some point, the knee-jerk homophobia and other antics of these folks is going to turn off everyone.
Aiding and abetting? Cripes.
Otto Man
Thank God that his involvement was limited to just five hours. If he’d worked a full day on this, Roberts would’ve caught the Gay Cooties for sure.
So Roberts got with the Sodomites?
Good for him. His standing with me just went up one full notch.
And I was already voting to confirm.
Anything that pisses off rightwing ignorant bigots is fine with me.
the friedly grizzly
Political parties each have their boogie-men. To the Democrats it is the wealthy (unless it is wealth from acting, singing, or lawyering, or is old money).
For Gawd’s Ordained Party, it used to be the communists. Since the fall of the Berlin wall and other such events, they had to find a new boogie-man. Homosexuals, and to a lesser extent, non-Protestants, are the new ones.