Last night, Joe Scarborough was doing his nightly round-up on the guy who disappeared from the cruise ship (a story I find so uncompelling I can’t even remember his name), and he was showing video of the guy and his attractive new bride kissing, both of them in swimsuits. While he was showing this video, Scarborough commented:
Yeah, if we can‘t go back to that video, are—Matt, I don‘t know if you can do it. I want to get the video, just to show how much bigger George was than Jen, and anybody that thinks George could throw Jen—look at that. It‘d be hard for her to move him across the room, let alone throw him out the window. This guy played football. Look at him. I mean, he‘s everybody‘s all American, a big guy. There is no way that she could hurt the guy and throw him overboard, probably couldn‘t even push him down on a bed.
The dirty minds of MSNBC anchors. She ‘probably couldn‘t even push him down on a bed’ where she could straddle him, and playfully whip him with her flowing blonde locks while…
Woah! Sorry. I was just channeling Joe. At any rate, Crooks and Liars has a rumor that Joe might be replacing Harris in the ’06 Senate race.
Well, John, this is a pretty funny post here. You have a good eye for the insanity that is MSNBC.
Yeah, no way she could push him down so that his head was cracked open on a desk, then demand a special out of state non-licensed pathologist come in and examine the body instead of the state one. No way, she was way too small.
Mike S
MSNBC is destroying the conservative mindset. Just last night I saw that woman that came over from FOX, can’t remember her name, and she was talking about how much she liked the movie “The Aristocrats.”
No comment on the Scarborough thing except that I can’t stand his program. Just wanted to give you guys a tip: Cindy Sheehan is apparently going to be on Ed Schultz in an hour. It sounds like Schultz has a few tough questions for her and is hoping to get some straight answers. Just a tip.
Someone threw someone else off a cruise ship?
Someone needs to introduce the shmuck to the concept of momentum.
Otto Man
I’d love to see a Scarborough v. Harris fight in the Florida primaries. Between his bed talk and her pin-up posturing on “HANNITY (and colmes),” maybe we’d be treated to a Chippendales Dance-Off instead of a debate.
Another tip, Sheehan called in early. She’s on the Ed Schultz show now.
Geek, Esq.
Why is there a Joe Scarborough show?
We need a Joe Scarborough show because the people who don’t trust Fox News need a reliable source to find out the latest about the honeymoon couple, the missing girl in Aruba and updates on the lawnmowing activities of the Georgia runaway bride.
Otto Man
Yeah, apparently Scarborough Country is a world where the only thing that matters are plotlines fit for “Desperate Housewives.”
How did Scarborough go from being a Congressman to such an arrogant media asshole? Really, does anybody know?
Geek, Esq.
Isn’t that what CNN is for?
Jim Caputo
Interns everywhere should fear a Senator Scarborough they seem to turn up dead in his office for no apparent reason.
Thats only because the interns are too small.
What I like best about Scarborough is his Radio Show theme ‘Let Freedom Ring’ is a song about the daughter being taken to a county home after her momma burned down the house, presumably with the wife-beating drunk who is the father of the daughter, still in it.
A song which uses Christ-Specific imagery, to boot.
That – and you can substitute the phrase ‘This Bud’s For You’ in place of ‘Independence Day’ in the chorus. With no loss of meaning.
Nice work, Joe – nice work.
Mike S
That’s little Sean Hannity’s show.
Brad R.
Ooooooh, I hope Joe doesn’t try to flaunt his boobs before the camera…
Apparently it has something to do with an intern dying in his office and a medical examiner with a sketchy record of veracity opining that she died of a blow to the head probably because she fell to the floor after an attack of a previously undiagnosed “valvular condition of the heart.”
A very apparently biased source for this is here.
Actually, just doing a quick search, I don’t know whether his departure from Congress correlated to the intern’s death. I guess the death seems fishy. But Scarborough’s connection might be tenuous.
Off Colfax
The last I heard (although I can’t find the link just yet) is that Scarborough was not going to take the Senate race, but instead run for Harris’ open seat. Whether or not that is entirely accurate, I stake no claims and make no warranties, guarantees, predictions, visions of the future, and/or any other word you can think of that is synonymous with the above mentioned words.
So this intern was found dead from a blow to the head in Scarborough’s office. The disreputable coroner says that she probably hit her head collapsing from a heart problem symptoms of which she had never before exhibited.
I’m ready to get worked up about this, but there are a few details. The intern was in his Florida district office when she died. Where was Scarborough? Who found the body?
You know, we gotta have some facts here.
Jim Caputo
You can read about it here.
Anybody else remember what else was going on in late summer of 2001, when Joe’s intern was accidentally dying?
I’ll give you a hint: Chandra
So, who wants to ask Gary Condit about whether he feels the media has a so-called “liberal” bias? I don’t remember too much talking-head hand-wringing about the actual dead body found in Mr. Scarborough’s campaign office. Must have been an innocent mistake on the MSM’s behalf.
Either that or Condit just happened to be “creepier” looking…
Chandra? Officially an FBI “cold case”.
Didn’t the movie ‘A Few Good Men’ deal with something like this? Crooked doc covering up the real cause of death.
Bruce Moomaw
So Scarborough may be the GOP Senate nominee? Well, Russell Baker did describe Florida as “the complete works of the Marquis de Sade bowdlerized by Gerald Ford.”
I would trust Joe Scarborough on that matter. He does know a thing or two about murder.
B. Ross
Luckily the intern was way too small.
MSNBC is still around?
What is it about being a prime-time cable news anchor that attracts asshole perverts. There is Bill “talk to me dirty while I stick this up my rear” O’Reilly. Then there is Larry King and his forty wives. And don’t get me started on Sean Hannity and his love for Asian boys.
Joe Scarborough was not in town the night the intern died. And I had read somewhere that she had minimal contact with Joe on her job, working at one of several offices he had, and was not known to be well acquainted with him. She had also been in a serious car accident some time before her collapse, maybe a year or so, which contributed to speculation she had had undiagnozed health problems. But these are just things I remember reading, you may want to check up on the actual details. Anyway, all of these facts led to little media speculation about Joe’s involvement as compared to Condit’s known affair with Chandra and sketchy alibi.
Oh and also, Joe resigned from Congress supposedly due to severe back problems, which he still suffers from andtalks about from time to time on his show. He also took a long leave of absence from his show some time ago because of his back problems.
Big Firm Lawyer
Notice: Anyone posting further messages regarding Lori Klausutis or her family should be very VERY careful not to run afoul of Florida’s defamation statues (both civil and criminal). Lawyers for the Klausutis family are prepared to prosecute anyone who continues the reckless and malicious communication of untruthful statements to third parties via this site or any other. You have been warned. This is not a joke.
Dear BFL,
Blow me.