To this day:
read “Fonda to protest against Iraq war during bus tour” (article, The Associated Press, July 27 Stripes print edition), about Jane Fonda’s upcoming bus tour promoting her new book and protesting the war in Iraq. She was quoted as saying she still carries a lot of baggage from her Vietnam War protests/views.
I suggest she take her bus/baggage and go to Iraq. She can get her picture taken with the guys making the improvised explosive devices, maybe even sell a few books there. I still have no respect for her after the photo op she pulled in North Vietnam (yes, I am a Vietnam vet).
jane’s reserved seat.
If I were a dissembling and dishonest president, I’d hire Jane Fonda to go out and criticize me.
Luckily, we don’t have a president like that!
(Cross out Armstrong Williams, insert J. Fonda).
Karl Rove, you dog you.
I have gotten into it with other “liberal” folks about her. I wish she would STFU. The sentiment against this war has been turning surely to an anti-war position without her help. Is she so narcissistic that she can’t see that her doing this would be a BAD thing. It wouldn’t be about the war, it would be about HER and a vicious rehashing of 1972.
That said, it’s a free country, she has the right to say it and to ride around in her bus or whatever. But god, I wish she wouldn’t.
As for the Hanoi thing, my husband was one of the lucky little devils who spent their time in Vietnam trying NOT to be the last guy killed. In fact he was flying over Vietnam in a CH53 getting shot at as she was pulling that stunt. But, he, of all people, said, “If we can forgive the Vietnamese, we can’t forgive Jane Fonda?” He doesn’t like her mind you, but he won’t let her get to him.
I guess I don’t get the humor. She made a horrible judgement call thirty years ago which she claims to regret. Plenty of people are unable/unwilling to forgive her. Okay. So? Or is this more of the same old love-the-war-or-you-love-terrorists jazz?
John S.
I am baffled by the hatred some vets have for Fonda after all these years. So I asked my uncle once – who was an Army Sergeant in Vietnam and is currently on 100% disability – what he thought about Hanoi Jane.
His response was illuminating.
“John, I have so much hatred for the inept military commanders, politicians and the VA that have made my life a living hell that I don’t have anything left for Jane Fonda.”
I guess when you’ve been contaminated with Agent Orange and have to take 30 medications a day to stay alive (and sane), Jane Fonda is the last thing you have to worry about.
OTOH, if you’re living under a Communist dictatorship because of policies she espoused…
Personally, I hope the Democrats have the sense to get large groups together to heckle her wherever she speaks. She isn’t against the war: she knows she’ll hurt the anti-Iraq war cause, and still she plans to do it. This is about publicity.
This is about Jane Fonda wanting a media blowjob. I strongly suspect Vietnam was about Fonda wanting the same special treatment. Of course, if one dumbass says X and another says Y they’re both still dumbasses. Jane Fonda opposing the war will not make anyone think Bush is less of a douche for getting us into one. She’ll just serve as another smear-monkey for the right wing media sphere. Which is what makes her such a giant douche in the first place.
TallDave, they’re sewing up Nike shit in Vietnam. Pretty soon they’ll be able to vote for some lame son of a bitch, just like us. They’re almost as Communist as China these days.
Jane Fonda should go away, though. She even irritates me.
James Emerson
It’s amazing really! After all these years the wingnuts still hate her for going to Hanoi to protest the war. It’s understandable that she incurred the wrath of America back then…but thirty years later?
On the other hand, it’s good to see the wingnuts have at least partially evolved beyond their hatred of those who betrayed their country during Vietnam. Afterall, what other reasonable explanation could one come to when asking the wingnuts why they so love George Bush…a known deserter…as if he were the second coming of Christ. It is indeed a mystery.
Otto Man
I’ll glady swap Jane Fonda and Barbra Streisand for a player to be named later.
Hell, for a quart of Gatorade.
She caused the fall of south vietnam?
It’s the same way that, if you oppose the war in Iraq, it’s going to be blamed on you if things all go to hell over there. Not that it’s predictable or anything, but we’ve been over this script once before.
It is incredibly stupid of Ms. Fonda to associate herself with the antiwar movement. She has to know that her sins are so great that her only rational action is to retire from the discourse on this issue.
I’m constantly amazed at the endurance of certain people’s obsessive-compulsive disorder. The best-known strains are Clintonitis and Fondaitis. Would that Big Pharma come up with a really good drug.
I’m just all out tired of hearing about Jane Fonda. When I hear her name on the radio, I change the channel immediately. If I see her on television, I change the channel. If I . . . time to go to another comments section.
So why are we vets (I spent 68/69 with the 101st Airborne in the Hue / Phu Bai area) still pissed after 30 years? Good question. I think most Viet Nam vets don’t think about her anymore, but that’s at least partially because she’s no longer the star she once was and therefore is rarely in the news. I do recall many years ago getting very upset with my wife when I discovered she had purchased a Jane Fonda workout video…
So here’s the deal for me I won’t think about Ms. Fonda as long as she STFU. I can’t speak for other vets but I would suspect most vets don’t want to hear Jane Fonda’s opinion about anything.
I think most Americans, whatever their opinion on the Iraq war, would agree.
She is the last thing we need.
The anti war movement was hampered by the hippies and peacenics in the seventies. All of the church going middle class/working class in america didn’t want to support a movement led by abbie hoffman. The public opinion didn’t turn because of the antiwar college crowd marching in the streets, and it didn’t turn because of the Jane Fondas of the world.
We are doing much better now letting bereaved mothers be the face of the antiwar movement. We need as little Jane Fonda, Tim Robbins, MMoore, etc as possible.
(I am not saying we need to make more of a spectacle out of Sheehan, just that having normal middle class americans leading the charge is more effective than ‘hollywood liberals’, to repeat a phrase. Nice middle class families can relate to Sheehan, they will refuse to join Jane.)
M. Scott Eiland
Hanoi Jane is yet another of Tricky Dick’s failures–she should have been dragged off in chains to face treason charges and any other plausible charges the second she got off the plane back from Hanoi. Might she have gotten off thanks to her own little OJ jury? Sure–but it was the right thing to do and would have been worth it.
Tap the Fem Tart
Jane Fonda is and shall always remain a disgusting miscreant, an immoral traitor to the land of her blood. While NO violence such as the recent “spitting” incident should be inflicted upon her, she should be treated as a social outcast and denied the polite consideration so deserved by patriotic Americans of all political and religious perspectives.
Minitaur of California
When my father was languishing in the jungles of Vietnam, slinging a rifle as a draftee for his country, Jane Fonda was cavorting with the enemy, trying to break his spirit, trying so desperately to weaken his resolve so that he would die on the field of honor and never return home to his loved ones. How dare she attempt to regain her status of respect in public life. She walks in the shadow of treachery. She stinks of betrayal. Jane Fonda is a pig. She deserves the steadfast scorn and wrath of an angry nation until the day she passess from this world.