Was a suicide bombing:
Twenty-one people were wounded Sunday, two seriously, in a suicide bombing at a central bus station in the southern Israeli town of Beersheba, Israeli officials said.
The bombing occurred about 8:30 a.m. outside a bus during the morning rush hour when a man detonated himself.
Security guards at the bus station were approaching him to check him out, thinking he looked suspicious, when the explosion occurred, police said.
“Israel has taken the necessary steps to advance the peace process,” said an official in Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s office, referring to the Israeli withdrawal from settlements in Gaza and the West Bank.
“The Palestinians have not. Without such steps, there will be no progress.”
Hours after the bomb blast, the Israeli cabinet voted 18-2 for the deployment of Egyptian troops along the Gaza border, another step toward ending Israel’s decades-long military presence in Gaza.
Who knows where this is all heading? I fear it is just heading towards more heartbreak.
Maybe the bombing was a reward for building that fence across Paletinian lands. Or maybe it was a reward for Israelis settling in Palestinian territories. Or maybe it was a reward for inequality to Arabs and Christians in Israel’s constitution. Or some other reason.
I did not see in your story that the suicide bomber announced a connection between his actions and the withdrawal from Gaza.
http://dr-jack-shepard-peace-maker.blogspot.com/ & http://www.shepardusgov.com, Dr. Jack Shepard
God created you. God created everything that has happened, all that is happening now and all that will happen.
I, Dr. Jack Shepard say
Judith says in her pray in the Old Testament
Jesus asked John in Book Revelation write down everything that was and will be
The Prophet Mohammed said when Allah created the World with a magic pen that wrote down everything that will be.
So we are just living out God individual plan for each of us; I care and work for others, so you think that to call people names , hate people or even kill people will help you or your world.
Many of you have let hate into our hearts. You use as justification where you were born and in what condition we are forced to live in. This hate has grown in your heart and now makes you think and say and do evil things.
I Pray for you, that God opens your eyes and opens your ears and you remember that you are create by God and pray that he will makes you well and good. Again.
This you can do by treating others are equals, not hating others.
You show your hatred by name calling and hurting or even killing your neighbors; you know I am right.
Look at your life, what you do, where you are and where you wish to be.
You can only change that and help yourself by having a change of heart by start liking your neighbors , helping which other, begin to work together and live a normal life that Allah (GOD) finds pleasing.
This begins by start to talking to your neighbors with normal language in away that God would consider pleasing.
You must change to be a good person that Loves your neighbor, wishes to help your neighbor, do somethings constructive with your life. Make the world a better place then when you got here.
May God Bless you with Love, and cleanse you heart of the hate you developed I do not know why; but who ever got you so mad and so unhappy with life you have to forgive them and you will feel better.
You still can join others and doing and SAYING things that please God.
May God Bless you by opening your eyes and opening your ears so you can hear and do what God finds pleasing.
Dr. Jack Shepard-: ECoGpHuAMYGWJj16BVtI
Or no reason at all. Why can’t a guy just blow himself up because he feels like it? Why do people always have to read in some sort of motive?
Jewish W. Bank population up 12,000
As Israel basked in world admiration for pulling out of the Gaza Strip, new official figures released Friday showed the Jewish population of the West Bank expanding rapidly, growing by more than 12,000 in the past year alone.
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has made no secret of his desire to expand large West Bank settlement blocs, even while withdrawing from areas he believes are untenable for Israel to hold.
Earlier this week, Israel said it had issued orders to confiscate private Palestinian property around Maaleh Adumim for construction of a massive separation barrier. The barrier will go around the settlement, located about five miles east of Jerusalem, effectively annexing the land.
Israel plans to build about 3,500 housing units in the area between Maaleh Adumim and Jerusalem, although officials say the project is years away. The Palestinians say the construction would cut off access to Jerusalem and *cut the West Bank into two*.
I think the better question, the one Sharon obviously asked himself, is what should Israel do to improve its own security and political standing, regardless of what the Palestinian terrorists are going to say/do.
Pulling out from Gaza was militarily, economically and politically wise. It eliminated the need for thousands of soldiers to guard a tiny settlement in the midst of hostile terrority. It also takes away a large political “talking point” for the Palestinians and proves that Israel is at least somewhat committed to the two-state solution.
Hamas and Hezbollah will probably keep targeting Israelis regardless, but Israel can claim easy justification for targeting any terrorists who attempt to operate inside of “Israel Proper”.
Yes, I know there are still questions about the fence/barrier, west bank settlements, etc. I’m certainly not arguing the issue is solved, just that it was a very wise move on the part of the Israelis, and that Palestinians may soon find themselves with far less “excuses” for carrying out bombings.
Once again, the Palestinians fail to grasp their changing situation. I’m glad Bob is so up front about his feelings that killing jews are all good and proper, it allows me to put his ramblings in the proper context. The Palestinians will continue to fail until they clamp down on the terrorists in their midst. I hope the moderates can survive the coming bloodbath between the terrorist groups, and pick up the pieces of their new state. The Palestinians are already bitching about losing all the Israeli medical services, even though, they send suicide bombers in the ambulances. I am pessimistic to say the least.
Peter T.
Israel left Gaza because it was in the interests of Israel to do so, as it was in their interests to leave Lebanon. Returning Gaza, which Israel never owned, was not a unilateral gift to the Palestinians. Magnanimous Israel/Ungrateful Palestinians is about as perceptive an analysis of this problem as 1950s cowboys and Indians movies were about race relations in early America.
So the suicide bombers should keep on keeping on, then?
Gary Farber
“I fear it is just heading towards more heartbreak.”
Going out on a limb, eh, John?
Peter T.
– So the suicide bombers should keep on keeping on, then?
Suicide bombings, assassinations etc are part of a tit for tat cycle of violence in which both Israel and the Palestinians are participants. This cycle now fuels itself, but fundamentally is due to conflicting claims on some very small pieces of land. Only negotiations resulting in mutually acceptable settlements have any hope of stopping the violence.
The policy of the Pals is to blowup innocent people, period. The BBC, now there is a fair arbiter of all things Middle East.
How about Fox news?
Was that before of after the bus bombing on August 28, 2005?
Stormy70, I hope you get your reading skills up to snuff. Nowhere did I say that killing anyone is good and proper. Cole speculated the motive for the bomb attack. He was being snarky. I was suggesting that Palestinians were not necessarily entirely satisfied with Israel still occupying and settling large sections of the West Bank, etc. As pointed out by others, the raid by Israeli commandos that killed five Palestinians last Thursday was considered breaking the peace. If you had some understanding that killing Palestinians is not “good and proper” for Palestinians maybe you wouldn’t say such stupid shit.
Or maybe you would.
Stormy70, you have spoken here in the past about separating Palestinians from the rest of the world, so one must presume you feel contempt for the Muslims and Christians who are occupied or otherwise pushed off their land. That’s why you defense of Israel by accusing others of being anti-Semites rings hollow.
Just so we all have it clarified, you said, “killing Jews are all good and proper.” It sprang from your feverish mind. That’s the context.
Until the Palestinians face reality and quit blowing up innocent people, then they should be walled off from Israel. Give them a state and let them try to run it, while Israel stays safe behind their wall. Let the Pals build hospitals, roads, etc. and govern, instead of holding parades where they dress their children in guns and bomber belts. Guess what? The Pals will never get what they want because they ruined it by bombing innocents. I think there are moderates keeping their heads down because the terrorist groups will kill them if they try to exert themselves. Once the extremsits kill each other off, then the moderates can come out. They are their own worst enemy, and my sympathy dried up long ago, when the quickest way to a misogynistic heaven is to kill Jewish civilians. How brave of the noble martyrs., shooting toddlers in the head.
I wonder why no Arab country wants the Palestinians in their lands? Let’s ask Jordan, where their solution was to massacre them. Yet you save all your animus for Israel.
This is why I thought Condi was wrong to say that the present withdrawal is only a beginning. In a perfect world, she might be right; but in the real world, this was a huge step for Israel to take, at great political cost to the leadership, and I think it would be absurd for Israel to continue with a withdrawal plan if the Gaza withdrawal shows no tangible results. If the extremists won’t even declare a cease-fire while Israel carries out this dramatic step, what incentive is there for Israel to keep at it?
The continuing attacks just add fuel to the theory that many Palestinians are not interested in anything less than the total destruction of Israel and therefore any concession is pointless appeasement. If it plays out that way, the question will be, will the world continue to act like both sides are to blame in this conflict?
Defense Guy
So Israel yanks it citizens out of Gaza, perhaps righting a wrong, is rewarded by more murder and what do some of the commenters say here? Serves em right would be a good summary.
Some of you people have no souls. Israel did right here, mistakenly right, but right nonetheless and what they got for their troubles is not tit-for-tat, it is more cold blooded murder of non-participants.
Pachyderms in the room:
• Continued Israeli settlement in the West Bank
• US plans for permanent bases in Iraq.
No one wishes to jeapordize their media livelihood by dwelling on the former. No one gets a straight answer from the Administration on the latter–and asking even once is a sure way to lose accreditation.
Austin in DC
Defense Guy
Continued suicide bombing, rocket attacks, etc. When will the palestinians be required to reign in Hamas and Hezbullah?
Any different than the ones in Japan or Germany? If so, why?