I have a new comments policy. I pretty much give free reign to lunatics of all stripes in the comments, unless they are racist. I have only, in my recollection, deleted/banned one person in the history of this blog (my bad, two people have been banned in four years).
But starting today, if your comment contains the phrase ‘Dear Leader,’ or some other fucking stupid variation, I am just deleting it. I am sick and tired of the bullshit from you fucktards. I really am. I give you free run of the place, I let you post links, make arguments, even make snide and caustic statements that NO ONE else would put up with, but I am up to here with the bullshit assertions, either direct or implied, that I am some fawning sycophant for Bush.
Particularly the way you assholes define sycophant, which is anyone who dares rebut the most snide and caustic accusation (and 98% of the time, bullshit) you have leveled at me, this administration, Bush, republicans in general, or, more often than not, anyone who disagrees with whatever the current meme du jour at the Democratic Underground might be.
So there you go. Get your act together. Or go away. I have been more than fair to you all, and a select few of you have taken the opportunity to do nothing but shit all over me. I have had enough. The Daily Kos allows anyone to have a diary, and we know they have no quality control, so go there if you need a place to vent your spleen. Or start a website of your own.
And before someone screams ‘censorship,’ don’t. My website, my rules. I pay the bills. Look up censorship, after you look up sycophant.
I am not going to delete honest arguments, differing opinions, or anything like that, and I expect to use the delete button infrequently. But I am just not putting up with the bullshit anymore. I have had enough. I feel like I invited a bunch of people into my house for a party, and you shit on my couch, abused my girlfriend, tormented my cat, and drove off all my other friends.
Gary Farber
“I have only, in my recollection, deleted/blog one person in the history of this blog.”
Still, an admirably tough policy. Mightn’t it do to just delete the comment?
John Cole
That should say deleted/banned.
Jeff Maier
I think your response well warranted though I come from the otherside of the “Big Ditch” or whatever idiotic label is used. There is no reason you have to operate and pay for a place to be insulted. I’m always in favor in healthy argument but the polarization in the blogosphere (and the body politic) leaves me cold — it fosters or festers too much venom directed at people at not simply ideas.
Good for you!
I’m definitely don’t like Bush, but I do find some of the left wing blogs to be a bit over the top. I can’t stand most of the right wing blogs, though. I appreciate your style and what you have to say, even when I don’t agree with your points.
james richardson
i kind of wonder why you care so much. i’ve seen some troll comments on here, but you ever notice the people who bemoan you, keep coming back to read you? a lot of websites give free reign sure, but a lot of sites delete comments. why not let the full range of intellects and emotions fill up your comments? sure, some will be trolls, but many won’t be, and I think you should have faith in your sane readers to tell the difference between an honest argument and a troll.
my two cents neway
Nathan Lanier
What’s wrong with tormenting cats?
It seems like the most annoying thing about the people who call John an apologist, is that they are always much better examples of ‘apologists’ themselves, in the proper sense of the word.
No apologists on this blog. That’s why most of us keep coming back. (Well, and to be fair, that’s most of why I didn’t read it until after Nov. 2004.)
Thanks, John. I grew heated the other day, and huffed off. I just couldn’t take some of the more extreme comments.
On a side note, today I volunteered at the DFW Hilton, where there are 700 evacuees. They are in surprisingly optimistic spirits. Donations were pouring in the entire time I was there. Volunteers were sorting everything by category, and the evacuees could come in and shop for what they wanted. Volunteers assisted people in shopping for their necessities. Lots of clothes for interviewing and working were sorted out from casual clothes. The children are already being enrolled in schools to give them a sense of normalcy. I went to Target and got playing cards and dominos for the adults. Plus, Uno cards for the children are in high demand. Go Fish cards are good for the smaller children, plus coloring books and Crayons. I even found some children’s dominos. Who knew? The Boy Scouts and churches were organizing this particular outfit, and they were very well organized. I’m rambling, so I’ll stop now.
Well, it’s too early for me to really react to this, I still too stunned. But I’ll get over it. I got over a heart attack, I can survive this, I guess.
I have two initial reactions. One is that I don’t think I have used the term “Dear Leader”, although I have certainly not shirked from heaping the criticism on the person referred to by that phrase. If I have used it, it’s not a big deal, I can forego it. I am more inclined to say “Spud” or Potatohead. I think Mister Potatohead, the lovable but silly-looking edible root, is a good model. So I am not sure what the tantrum over “Dear Leader” is really about. Is it about what people call that person, or is it about hard-assed criticism of him in general, or ….? The “new rule” is not clear. I am not being sarcastic, I am quite serious. I don’t know what is meant by the “Dear Leader” rule.
Second, the issue of people “shitting all over” you or your blog. I don’t think I have called you any names, or assailed you personally or attacked your character. I have strongly disagreed with some of your posts, and called them shoddy work in at least a couple of cases. But criticising a post or an assertion is hardly “shitting all over” anything. I have also praised many posts, and you, and your blog, on many occasions. So I don’t know if I am on the “shit all over” list, I certainly hope not, don’t want to be, and would be very disappointed if I were now, or at any time in the future. I’d want to be able to strongly criticize and disagree without being on that SAO list.
Other than that, I’m assuming you had a rough week and are burned out. Which is completely understandable. No patronizing here, if I were your neighbor I’d tell you the same thing. Me, I’m getting ready to watch the Michigan game this afternoon. I’d invite everyone to take the day off and go do something else.
Bruce From Missouri
Well, John, you can delete this or not, it’s your site. I will be the first to admit I have been snide. But I have usually been snide about one question, which you have not answered, which is your right.
But I will put the question out one more time. Is your frustration with the republicans going to affect your vote in 2006?
In my opinion, if you vote for a republican Senator or Congressman in 2006, it is the same thing as voting for Bush. The Republicans on the Hill march in lockstep with Bush, so voting Republican is voting Bush.
So, if after all this frustration that you have expressed with the Republicans, you still vote for one to represent you, it tells me that it’s just sound and fury, signifying nothing.
I’d be happy to have you prove me wrong.
For me, i like participating in a debate from both sides. I’ve tried the LiveJournal conservative community and it can be TEDIOUS. This is the only/best place to have two-sided arguments that doesn’t turn into bickering.
If this post is meant to keep things from turning into bickering, that sounds good.
How about if we only refer to John as Dear Leader?
John Cole
I have no idea who is running for Senate against Byrd in 2006. Capito has not declared yet. Get back to me.
Please don’t even start that.
Every other conservative blog I read devolved, as Bush became more obviously a disaster, from open comments to banning anyone who regularly bucks the party line.
I hope this doesn’t happen here, too.
From the Merriam-Webster On-Line dictionary
From Dictionary.com
Mr. Cole is definitely no syncophant. What is outlined above is censorship, but is the right of the blogger. Many blogs don’t allow comments of any kind. The oh so liberal Huffington Post will delete comments.
Just a reminder, bullies only pick on the kids from whom they get the most reaction.
Tim F
I keep threatening to torment cat threads, although I haven’t gotten around to it yet. If I can still post then I’m not banned yet…
Tim F
FWIW I really do wish that certain folks would learn to tell the difference between a grumpy moderate and a true nutbag. It becomes ten times harder to argue a legitimate point when people who are arguing the same thing keep throwing in illuminati and extraterrestrials.
E.T.? Where?!
Granted I do not leave comments regularly but I am a regular reader. I am not a Bush supporter but I enjoy this blog a great deal. There’s an openness and honesty you don’t see in a lot of commentary from either side. I’ll keep coming back.
Occasionally I may leave a comment.
Ancient Purple
To be fair to me, though, I is/was calling him “Fearless Leader,” which was not directed at any way at Mr. Cole, but directly at Bush. I think it is/was a perfect notation for who he is.
That being said, I will respect your wishes and leave it out of the conversation.
abused my girlfriend
Dude, she came on to me. And if you think what we were doing was me abusing her…well, that’s probably why she came on to me.
Mike S
I’ll do my best John. Sometimes my frustration gets the best of me and I lash out. I’ve appoligised to some for my over the top rhetoric, while others don’t deserve one. I’m not sure if I’ve attacked you very much and have never thought of you as a “appologist,” although I have strongly disagreed with a few of your posts.
This is your house and I appreciate the fact that you let me in. I’ll try harder to act like a guest. If I step over the line feel free to tell me to step away for a while and if you feel a need to ban me I will understand.
I’d never torment a cat….
Good deal…sometimes some of the posts became not about what the subject of the post was, but more about John Cole and his “failings”. That annoyed me to no end. I come here because I tire of the noise at Dkos, though I still go there. I found a blogger that I may disagree with in this place, but I would stand shoulder to shoulder with him against the religious fanatics that hate science.
Plus, I kinda like his occassional shrillness.
People are pissed. They’re pissed at the administration and they’re pissed at the pundits and they’re pissed at the apologists. That said, your site your rules.
All I can say is that I saw a number of people kicked from Red State for saying far tamer shit than was seen here. I’m not thrilled at this mentality, but that’s the world we live in. People are getting more pissed by the day. And not without just cause. I’m just sorry your site is taking some of the backlash from it.
All I can say is WOW!
John is apparantly upset about crude comments. So what does he do?
Tosses out “fucking stupid variation, I am just deleting it. I am sick and tired of the bullshit from you fucktards.” along with “bullshit assertions”, ” you assholes define sycophant”, ” shit all over me” and oops, another “bullshit” and of course the obligatory “shit on my couch”.
Dude, look within yourself. At this rate you’re gonna redefine the phrase “screensaver” to mean the plastic you put over your monitor to keep the spit off of it!
Samizdata.net puts is very well in their mission statement:
No one would bother a barkeep for bouncing an obnoxious drunk. And remember, the Constitution only gives freedom of speach to mean the government can’t punish you for criticizing it. A blog host can punish you in his role of God of the Blog by striking you from the face of his earth. John has been a merciful deity in that respect, and I shall burn some offerings to help keep it that way.
Just because a blog is open to the public does not mean it is not private property. The Constitution only prevents punitive reaction from the government. For the rest, especially on the private property of blogs, it is “As ye judge, so shall ye be judged.” If this here barkeep wants to toss out the rhetoric drunk, then more power to him, and you can add his tolerance to the list of things you like or don’t like about him.
My opinion: this policy hardly seems to be the crushing boot of suppressive totalitarianism.
Sorry, thought my first one got eaten, won’t happen again.
Well it IS your site, but I’ve never been one to use terminology in my arguments that contain ‘dear leader’ OR ‘fucktard’, but you wouldn’t know that because I’m more of a lurker in the computer world. I guess it does surprise me that you’d take such measures when someone calls Bush, who you said you would never defend again, ‘dear leader’.
That being said, with the continual disintegration of Red State and the resignation of the ol’ Tacitus, this is the only conservative blog (with comments) that I’ll visit. As much as I disagree with you 75% of the time, there’s always the 25% + the comments that keep me coming back.
Oops scratch that- I still read Drezner too.
Midshipman Enfield
About fucking time, John. Dear Leader, Wingnut, Moonbat, Fisking, Chimpy, “ur teh GOP/DNC/MoveOn/Rove Talking Points!!1!”– all stale and sub-retarded.
that is funny. Don’t forget to tell John to make her stop calling you 20 times/day and making unannounced visits to your house at all hours.. that sh*t gets old fast
I can’t say i much care for the phrase.
But considering the amount of fawning that moonbats at the various conservative blogs(like redstate, freeper, lgf) do towards him… it’s not understandable where the phrase came from.
John Cole
The reason Dear leader pisses me off is because it is not an assault on the president’s policy, it is an obvious assault on me for defending sa policy, as if the only justification for my defending a policy is my faming approval and swooning desire for ‘dear leader.’ They just dismiss everything you say and chalk it up to you defending ‘dear leader.’
It makes me fooking mental.
And 99 times out of 100, the person making the ‘dear leader’ comment is a flat out idiot with no other argument.
Joe Albanese
John you know what, since I get a feeling this was directed at me, don’t worry, you don’t have to delete me I will leave voluntarily. I do hope you let this my last post go undeleted but if you don’t I won’t be surprised.
Yes, John I have been harsh on you at times. Funny, I thought you were a big boy and could take it since you certainly can dish it out, but these last few days have proven that not to be the case. And why have I been harsh on you? Because I disagree with your positions? No, not at all John, its because of the way you attacked me for having the positions I have. I can go down a litany of insults and accusations you have hurled at me simply because I state my opinion and I state it strongly and usually back it up with links to reference material. Kinda threatening to you I see. But what really pisses me off about you is how you reduce my arguments with the simplistic and FALSE claims that I’m just a Bush Hater and thus everything I say is nonsense and not credible. What an easy cop out instead of engaging me on the issues. So please let me set the record straight this one last time:
You have accused me of saying that because Bush cut the budget for the levee projects the levees got breeched and therefore he is responsible for the deaths we see on the screen. I never said that John. Never. I did post the information about the budget, the levee projects, what the experts have said etc. etc. (just like every fucking one else in the media NOW). So I am condemned as a partisan hack for doing what every newspaper and news channel is doing now.
You say I’m just partisan hack and hate Republicans. False again John. You don’t know shit about me but you just say that to discredit whatever argument I am happening to be making. Facts. I hate fucking DEMOCRATS…. and REPUBLICANS…. I hate politicians. I hate corruption. I hate the influence of money in politics. I hate hypocrisy. I hate weak leaders that never give you a straight answer (i.e. John Kerry). On this blog I’ve attacked the Democratic Governor of LA, the Democratic mayor of NO, Jesse Jackson and I’ve praised the Republican former mayor of NY and the Republican Governor of New York. Now if that makes me a partisan hack so be it.
And John as far as being a Bush hater. Guilty. I do hate Bush. But why? Because he is Bush? Because he won the election? No, John I hate Bush because of what he has done to this country. I hate the policies of Bush and their effect on the country that I love with all my heart. I hate that we invaded Iraq, at much harm to US interests based on cherry picked and manipulated information. I hate that he has made the USA a country hated around this planet from both enemies and allies. That he made us be a nation that uses torture, That doesn’t want any part of international agreements. That viciously attacks good Americans that disagree with him (i.e. Paul O’Neil, Richard Clarke, Joe Wilson, etc. etc) I hate his arrogance. I hate his lack of interest in the outside world. I hate him pushing Creation in our schools. I hate his tax cuts for super wealthy while cutting programs for the poor. I hate his cronyism. I can go on and on but my hatred is based on what he DOES as president not who he is. He has seriously damaged this country in my opinion.
And….. just so you know where I am coming from. I’m a New Yorker…. I’ve been in the top management of law enforcement for over 25 years in top management. I am in private security sector now. I’ve graduated from the FBI’s National Academy. I know a thing or two about terrorism John, and not from the comforts of campus. I still can smell the stench of ground zero. I’m not a pacifist. I supported Bush 100% after 911. I supported going into Afghanistan. I’m all for using force when and where necessary. So I don’t need any lectures from a punk like you telling me I don’t support the troops or the rescuers.. I’m a fucking first responder asshole.
So, go.. have your blog where nobody disagreeing with you. I thought you were different. I lurked around here for a long time and had a lot of respect for you since you didn’t neatly fall into any category. Not a partisan hack that I have no use for (left or right). But obviously you can’t handle someone that can dispute you when you are wrong. And John, on Katrina you are wrong… WRONG.. VERY FUCKING WRONG. And the whole world knows that and that burns you up more than anything.
I don’t think Johns an apologist, I doubt I’d read this blog if he was. There is a time and a place for critcism of the president in this issue. Some of us felt the time was now, John disagreed. Escalation ensued. Things will go back to normal, probably right around the time Roberts ducks his first question. :)
I brought the stuff up during the tragedy because to me its another example of a larger problem. But I’ll save it for another time. At least until someone tries to misrepresent my views, but even then I’ll try to hold back.
Why does John hate
Americafucktards?Nah, the comments have definitely degenerated recently, starting with the whole Sheehan circus. You’ve shown a lot more patience than I would have, John, even though I frequently disagree with your points.
And frankly, that “Dear Leader” thing was really starting to bug the shit out of me. Once or twice? Fine. Three or four times in every damn post? Like fingernails on a chalkboard.
It supposed to be fingernails on the chalkboard. I don’t which side started it but Dear Leader and Clenis are nicknames now and the american politics.
and THAT’S american politics I mean.
Just Some Guy
Off topic…
Link? I like Tacitus (it seems he’s still blogging on his site). I guess I didn’t notice he wasn’t posting on Red State anymore.
james richardson
digby started the ‘dear leader’ mantra in talking about GWB.
Jim Caputo
I haven’t used the term (I prefer other terms when referring to Bush), but I haven’t interpreted it the way you’re describing. I just see it as another derogatory towards Bush in the same vein as Dumbya, the DimSon, Boy-King, Chimpy McCokespoon, or asshole.
As far as being a sycophant, I have no idea. I haven’t been here long enough to know that. If I had to guess, I’d say no. That said, however, I think we’re fast approaching a time when anyone who supports Bush may have to be of that category. And I’m not talking about supporting any one particular policy, I’m talking about supporting the man. His failings are just too great and I think he’s a real liability to the country. But that’s my opinion.
Wow, that was an impressive rant.. hope you feel better getting all that off your chest. I would’ve guessed John was thinking more of jobiuspubicus, who uses Dear Leader in virtually every post
Joe, why don’t you take the weekend off, take your rants down a notch or two, and try again?
Is going full bore 100% of the time something they teach you in law enforcement? Even good cops pull over for coffee and donuts, don’t they?
Nobody has less regard for GWB around here, than me. Nobody, and that includes you. It isn’t necessary to blow the horn at full volume every damned minute.
I’m just saying. Everybody has had a stressful week. Chill out.
I think Shrub is the best nickname.
John Cole
Actually, I wasn;t thinking about you at all in that, Joe.
Don’t know why you feel singled out, or the need to leave under some pretty generous posting rules.
I think I should add to the new blog requirements that no one is allowed to rebut someone’s arguments by saying something like “You and the rest of your right-wing (or leftwing) nutcases are all the same.” That should be banned.
First of all, just because someone happens to have one opinion that falls into one party, doesn’t mean ALL their opinions belong to that party. Second of all, even if that person IS a member of a party, it doesn’t change the merits or lack of merits of the argument. People, try to cut down on your insults, and let the facts do your talking for you. In other words, be more like me. And be more modest like me.
Mr. Albanese, I also hate politicians, at least most of them. I hate them because they never give a straight answer. They speak in nuance eze, implying one thing, yet always with the appropriate disclaimer words so they can pound their chests, claiming that they were misquoted, or misunderstood.
And Joe, it sure seems your experience at a top exec has given you the same weasel capabilities. John had been damn critical of the Bush administration, yet with nearly every reply you snidely rip into him. Why? Well, from my perspective, its because Mr. Cole has the temerity not to just disagree with you on certain subjects, but the audacity not to embrace your particularly vitriolic passions.
Sure you hate President Bush, but from every reply I read of yours, I get the impression that what you really hate is that everybody else doesn’t share your hate.
I think everyone should try to remember, politicians are people. Yes they are weasly. But think of how many weasly people you know in real life? No point in getting carried away on politicians. You’ll have to change human nature before you see a better set of them.
Just Some Guy
To be fair and balanced, they also use platitudes.
Not many, who can start wars, or sink the country into bottomless pits of debt, or endanger millions with their eneptitude and fecklessness.
That’s why some politicians get singled out for profound criticism. They aren’t “just people.” They are people with great responsibility and great power to do good, or bad, things.
Also most of the “just people” I know don’t have armies of flunkies around them engaged in 24 by 7 efforts at self-justification and ass covering.
Tacitus changed his handle to his last name (I believe) Trevino. If you go there, it’s the #1 recommended diary at this time. He gives no reason for leaving, though one might speculate by his recent posts and the responses.
I guess he’s posting back at Tacitus as Tacitus. He doesn’t think the president has looked very presidential these last few days, and I couldn’t agree with him more.
I have to admit- I was surprised at John’s reaction to the criticisms of Bush’s response. A lot of criticisms are shrill and off target, but bottom line is he boned it, Cheney’s still on vacation, and the administration ends up, four freaking years after 9/11, looking like they have no idea what’s going on.
Or what to do.
True PPgaz, pols have more power to expose their weasilyness. And if they weren’t that weasly before, they will become more so with power, of course. My point is, how can you expect better from pols, as they are elected from a weasly pool of humanity?
Cue Pogo?
That was pretty messed up. Sounds you don’t like adult supervision in your kiddy pool.
Boo hoo hoo hoo
It broke. :(
Does it have a warranty? :)
If you’re thinking about me then your thinking wrong. The reason I say Dear Leader is because he is not a leader, has plenty of sychophants and worshipers(Darrel), and is a fascist. I’m sarcastic like that.
You fucktard, I mooch off the best arguments, like Joe’s.
Politicians are Like Us? Cue Pogo
And people made a stink about the hostage rescue that went FUBAR during Jimmy Carter’s presidency. Sheesh.
Pan Pan (annon...)
Does this mean we have to start calling him Kim Jung Il again?
I say we fire Brownie and get Feck Fecklestein on the job.
Mind posting some links to back that up?
Final: Michigan 33 N. Ill 17
Life is good.
I’m going to post what I post. You want to kick or ban me for it, you’re within your rights.
I’ve never understood the “Dear Leader” thing, when “Fearless Leader” a-la Rocky & Bullwinkle has so much more style.
The Comish (sic)
Congratulations. You’ve been much more patient than I would have been.
And you’re exactly right about the “Dear Leader” thing. The problem isn’t what it expresses; it’s the fact that it’s an insult masquerading as an argument. And it’s not even an original insult. It’s something that’s been repeated literally millions of times over the past few years. And it’s a pretty clear indicator of the level of original thought that I can expect from the speaker. It’s an instant credibility killer. Throwing in a tired phrase as a surrogate for actual thought — “Dear Leader,” “Shrub,” “Bushitler,” “Truth to Power” — is the rhetorical equivalent of making a farting noise with your arm pit.
I dislike the use of smart-ass name calling in these comments-slash-discussions. It carries no persuasive force, doesn’t support any logical argument, detracts from any substantive content in the post, and makes whoever uses it sound like Pee Wee Herman, only with less intellectual weight. Any point that can’t be made without such puerility isn’t worth making, or, for that matter, even a point at all. Not to mention that endless repetition drains the names of whatever wit or originality they may have had. Having said that, I would prefer not to have such posts deleted. The name-calling provides a useful measure of the thoughtfulness of the writer’s position.
I’m-not-really-all-that-uptight-and-prudish defensive note: In conversations with my slavering, drooling, wingnut, moonbat fellow members of the liberal cabal, we do that kind of name-calling (some of it can be pretty funny), but not in the context of a serious discussion or trying to make a case.
I love it! I wish I had thought of that instead of the Pee Wee Herman reference.
fun game, ain’t it…
Oh please… The GOP and right leaning folk have been far harsher on us more socially liberal types or those in charge of liberally leaning social causes in the past 3 decades, even we most of us agree with the right on fiscal issues. Give me a friggin’ break.
As for this post in general if I feel someone is being an asshat — especially someone whom I perceive to be reasonably intelligent — I’ll say so, whether any commenter or the author. Either ban me or delete me. I don’t care. But I’m not one to not call people on what I perceive as bs. However, this blog uses far more heated rhetoric than I have seen on many before, so if Cole wants to dish it out but not take it, then like I said… ban us if you will. It’s your perogative.
Late to the thread, but: about time, sir.
Some of these people would evidently come to your party & then piss on your rug.
Yup, especially when they read our posts and see you full of it.
well, jobiuspublius, I think the difference between you and I is that I’m willing to let the folks make up their own mind…
Some of these people would evidently come to your party & then piss on your rug.
Yeah… and that rug really pulled the room together, man.
I’ll second (or third) the “about time” comment. I’ve noticed this comment section degenerate over the last 6 months to the point that it’s indistinguishable from Kos.
Remember, terms like “dear leader” go a long way towards ensuring that you’ll never bring a person on the other side (or on the fence, for that matter) to your way of thinking. And if that’s the best weapon in your arsenal, you’d be wise to sit things out anyway.
Where do people get the idea that anything that happens on the Internets, which includes blogging and commenting to blogs, is aimed at “bringing (another) person ….to your way of thinking?”
A trillion words a day on the Internets. Do you see people being swayed by them? What I see is mostly people looking for validation for what they already think.
I havn’t read all the other comments yet, but thanks much. The constant “Dear Leader” comments from the one guy with a bizzare name drove me up the wall.
The Comish (sic)
[i]A trillion words a day on the Internets. Do you see people being swayed by them? [/i]
I’ve been swayed by things I saw on the internet before. All it takes is a good argument and an open mind. Unlike what Andrei shows here:
[i]Oh please… The GOP and right leaning folk have been far harsher on us more socially liberal types or those in charge of liberally leaning social causes in the past 3 decades, even we most of us agree with the right on fiscal issues. Give me a friggin’ break.[/i]
Note that the point isn’t whether silly nicknames are better left in the 4th grade. The insults are justified as leveling the rhetorical playing field for perceived slights that occurred decades ago.
Andrei, John wasn’t responsible for what conservatives did in the 1970s. And even if he was, it wouldn’t make it any more mature or justified for you to blow virtual rasberries today.
I hate having to couch everything just right. I simply don’t find people to be reliable if I have to do so.
I’m glad you narrowed it down.
I actually liked the “Dear Leader” comments, I could safely ignore the person after that, unless I felt I had time to waste. But then, I’m not paying for the bandwidth.
ppGaz, that’s exactly the problem. I try to find out if I’m accurate in my perceptions, not just ‘win one for my side’.
If I’m shown to be wrong, I’ll admit it. If not, I won’t. But I try to show exactly why I am saying what I’m saying.
This comment section has degenerated over the last couple months. I like to have both sides on an argument, but it has quickly degenerated into lamity. I’m not blameless, but I try to begin by just addressing the points. (He started it!)
I also absolutely agree that ‘arguing’ by saying the person is just a party-line person is lame and an attempt to just discount that person instead of addressing their points. I get it all the time from my family. The funny part is that they don’t research their points. We talk about global warming and of course, “You just toe the party line. We must be doing something to the environment.”
Meanwhile, I am not saying that the Earth is not getting warmer. I’m saying that we don’t know that and we also don’t know what could be causing it if it is happening. I mention Maunder Minimums and shrinking Martian ice caps and the fact that the climate has always changed, and they say I’m spouting the party line.
How does that differ from my discounting anything said by somebody who says, “Dear Leader”? I can’t explain it exactly, but somebody who thinks name-calling is argument is just not worth bothering with unless I’m bored and feel like being more of an A-hole than usual.
The reason [phrase] pisses me off is because it is not an assault on the president’s policy, it is an obvious assault on me for defending sa policy, as if the only justification for my defending a policy is my faming approval and swooning desire for ‘[phrase].’ They just dismiss everything you say and chalk it up to you defending ‘[phrase].’
Can I get a clarification on this new policy, then?
Is the term verboten only with regards to Bush, only with regards to you, or in all circumstances? Can it be used to describe John Hinderaker’s feelings toward Bush, or a particularly hardcore Kossack’s feelings toward Howard Dean, or a Nader’s Raider’s feelings toward Ralph Nader? What about the feelings of members of a group generally accepted as a cult, like the Unification Church or Lyndon LaRouche’s group, toward the cult leader?
Also, what if we are, in fact, discussing North Korean politics?
I have an idea, how about addressing the other person’s comments and don’t just attack the person? Oh, and re-read the comment before responding to make sure you have read it correctly.
That way, maybe the comments would be more readable and useful. Also, don’t respond to obvious trolls and allow the comments to devolve into the electronic equivalent of a shouting match?
But I still think John should stop blaming Bill Clinton for everything.