If this is what you think your cell phone is for:
A convicted sex offender living in Houlton appears to be the first person in the state to face federal charges for using his cell phone to possess child pornography.
Joshua Dunston, 27, owned three different cell phone models between April and September 2005, according to court documents. He allegedly used his T-Mobile account to download child pornography onto his cell phone.
I don’t even know how to download pictures on my phone. Let alone how to search for, of all things, that kind of crap.
What a loser.
The “wireless communication providers” want you to think of your phone as the perfect thing to get porn on. And, you know what? They’re probably right; they make a lot of money as a conduit for “adult content”.
I don’t know what it says about us, but every new communications medium is subsidized, at least at first, by the one profitable sector within it: porn. (And, you know what? I don’t know how to show a picture on my cell phone, either. God, I’m a Luddite.)
John Cole
I just bought a Motorola Razr (had to- I broke my other phone during the BS Polamalu call during the Colts game), and apparently it can take pictures and movies. I know how to do none of that.
Wow…will I get my Dick Tracy wristwatch before I die? But will there be flying cars?..I want a flying car!
It’s bad. My husband’s 3 y/o granddaughter can work her mom’s fancy cell phone, pics and all…I’m still not sure how to even dial a number on it. I miss rotary phones…:(
Yes, demi, you’re such a Luddite. My cell phone doesn’t even have pictures. It’s not a flip phone either. It’s plain, simple, is almost always to be found in my glove compartment, and gets used maybe once a month.
I know, I was promised a flying car! Where’s my flying car?
The other night, by accident, I actually turned the camera on my phone on. As a prank, I handed it to FDDD and asked her what the picture was.
“I don’t know…a mouse? No…no, that’s a person…I think…”
Of course, it was actually her, being seen through the viewfinder on the screen.
I’m twisted…
A young person asked me recently why they chose 911 for emergencies, why not 999? I said for one thing it would be 666 upside down and we can’t have that, and besides, it would take too long to dial. “Long? How can it take longer to dial one number than another?” I mimed dialing. “Ohhh, yeahhh.” It’s just not in their universe.
Now I wonder why 911 and not 111. More visually pleasing? The long one first to make sure you really mean it?
They chose 911 because it’s harder to dial than 111. 111 is so easy to dial that it is regularly dialed by accident, even on rotary phones, much less on touchtone phones or dellular phones. 911, on the other hand, is almost as easy to dial when you mean to do so, but is very hard to dial by accident.
We have a phone that is wireless at home. I mean the handest isn’t attached by a cord to the base. (I guess everyone does now). When we first got it, I always stood by the base when I was on the phone. Kind of the range where one would have talked if the cord was still there. It took a couple of months for me to realise that I could go outside or downstairs. I AM a Luddite.
For those of you still enamored by “vinyl” or “rotary phones” I will be starting a new class, called “How to meet up with today’s world”. Homework will include a variety of topics that will require use of the Internet (not the Internets), how to recognize l337 (speaking 1337 is an advanced class) and how to differentiate between political titles such as “Clean Skies Act” from what they are actually designed to accomplish.
Attendance will be mandatory as well as the admission fee of $2500.
Pre-requisite for it is my new class, “How to Recognize a Scam Artist.”
I have broken soooo many hoousehold items when either the Red Sox or Bruins were in playoff games. :)
Why is that now that we’ve reached the point where almost all cell phone calls are ‘free’ my girlfriend has taken to sending me text and pic messages that have individual charges?
Jay C
I sympathize with you, John; the wife and I went to try to update ONE of our (antique, virtually steam-powered) cellphones the other week, only to told that we couldn’t, since the old ones didn’t have built-in GPS (the better for DHS to hunt us down when Ahmed al-Zaqiri dials a wrong number, I guess). So we ended up with TWO new Razrs – they ARE way cool, but come with all sorts of kewl features we can’t figure out, including Texting (or should I say, “txtng”?) – man, must date us: life without vowels really suxx!
I have a friend who works in advertising, and one of his accounts was a wireless provider. He asked to be removed from the account when they started negotiating licensing rights to “Moan Tones” with Paris Hilton.
I 4M too much a n00b to sp33k 1337, l1Nes. u kno?
demi –
As an English major, a former copywriter, and a stickler for grammar, may I say that you just killed a bit of my soul?
LOL…Sounds like we have the same phone, except I managed to misplace mine somewhere in the house several months ago. I still haven’t found it.
Perry Como
I would love to have a steam powered cell phone. ub3r 1337
st33m c3ll fonz r 4 n00bz, not l33t r00lrz
p00H — st3am c3LLph0nzers freekin’ ruLe, for lUdd1tez, d00d!
I gotta say the Perry’s dead on. I’d love a big, clunky steam-powered cell phone. “Hey, my phone really *does* keep me warm at night!”
I just died a little more inside…
Aww, Krista, come on! Don’t I get to have any fun with the language? [voice type=”grating whine”]please?[/voice]
g0 p1ss Up a r0p3.
The Other Steve
I don’t know, but I think Chrysler is now selling a Dick Tracy car.
the friendly grizzly
on the 911 topic: when I was a youg cub in the 1950s, the emergency number was 116. In kindergarten we were taught “when in a fix, dial 116”. 113 was information, I think 118 was repair, and 110 was either repair, or long distance operator.
I don’t miss rotary, but I sure miss phones with BELLS.
Another se predator wanting to spy on kids when their dressing or taking a bath he should get life in prison