Congrats to the Mountaineers, who soundly defeated Northwestern State 67-54 and sent them home with smeared make-up and short one glass slipper. WVy advances to the Sweet Sixteen for the second year in a row.
Also, be nice to Tim, whose Panthers did not fare as well.
Paul Wartenberg
Ahem. Go Gators. Go Gators. Orange! Blue!
P.S. Go Zags. I’ve been rooting for them too since 93, and I still don’t know why…
I’m a Duke fan/alum, so I’m pretty pleased with the weekend’s events as well.
Vlad, best game Duke has played in two months. Josh McRoberts is very quickly becoming one of my 17 arbitrarily favorite human beings. (Along with Glenn Greenwald and Ileanna Ros-Lehtinen, so there is neither rhyme nor reason…)
John, the ‘Neers win was the final proof for me that there is no god, you deserved them to lose for your morning
shpost…(I keed)And was I the only one who was chanting “Make Roy Cry! Make Roy Cry!” at the end of the GMU-UNC game.
UW Huskies vs Gonzaga Bulldogs in the final; all Washington, all dogs championship.
“Smeared making”? Would that be “makeup”?
Bob In Pacifica
Is it okay to cheer for a sports team? I mean, you know, in public. A group of people together, expressing their emotion.
Or boo another team?
It seems like it’s okay to gather together in public to express support or disfavor as long as it is about nothing that actually counts for anything.
Mean Gene
If you got a look at Aaron Gray’s bracket I’m pretty sure you’d see he had Bradley in the Sweet Sixteen. How else to explain his ghastly performance? The idea of him declaring for the NBA Draft seems especially ludicrious now.
Hey! Hey! Ho! Ho!
WVa has got to go!
Hey! Hey! Ho! Ho!
Cindy Sheehan told me so!
Two! Four! Six! Eight!
We don’t want to demonstrate!
One! Three! Five! Seven!
Can’t disturb Cole’s private heaven!
Bruce in Alta California
Ahhh American Sports. The opiate of the masses. Go, somebody, go! Hurray for my team, Boo to your team. It only serves to divert our attention from what is really happening.
Consider this a protest.
Chris Taft did, though, so you can never say “never”.
Hell, I’m still shocked about Shavlik Randolph turning pro.
I’m going to go ahead and protest Bruce. I enjoy sports exactly because they are a diversion from what’s going on in our day-to-day world. Sorry, but Iraq, our government, and pretty much everything else is depressing. But Mike Gansey posting a double/double because he ran his ass off?
Well that’s just downright enjoyable.
Wow! Northwestern State!
Question: which state?
That oughta push George Mason out of the headlines.
The Wichita-Mason game is really for the Championship.
Wichita State 1969