So Frank Gaffney pens a piece calling for treason charges against those in Congress who disagree with the decider, using a fabricated quote from Abraham Lincoln as the cornerstone of his argument:
Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hanged. — President Abraham Lincoln
The usual suspects, and read their daily Washington Times while drinking their morning coffee, and a flurry of posting about the merits of this idea begins:
Of course, the left would howl and scream if a modern person said this. They would whine that we were questioning their patriotism.
You’re damn right we are!
This is a wonderful quote from “honest Abe Lincoln” that should be on every conservative website as a reminder to America why the Dems are not to be trusted with our national security:
Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hanged. — President Abraham Lincoln
Now who is going to argue with Abraham Lincoln? If you oppose the Democrat plans to surrender Iraq, post this quote someplace.
The joy is palpable, as their noble cause of smearing anyone who disagrees with them now has the apparent backing of the man most like the decider- good old Honest Abe, himself. Except, of course, the quote is fabricated:\
But this quote is completely invented. Lincoln never said it. This “quote” was first attributed to Lincoln by J. Michael Waller in Insight Magazine, in a 2003 article revealingly entitled: Democrats Usher in an Age of Treason. But as Waller himself now admits, the quote attributed to Lincoln is completely fraudulent. Waller wrote in an e-mail to (h/t William Wolfrum):
The supposed quote in question is not a quote at all, and I never intended it to be construed as one. It was my lead sentence in the article that a copy editor mistakenly turned into a quote by incorrectly inserting quotation marks.
It was Waller, in The Washington Times’ Insight Magazine, urging that anti-war Congressmen be hanged — not Abraham Lincoln. But to justify their plainly un-American assault on our most basic constitutional liberties, neoconservatives like Gaffney simply invent quotes, attribute them to Abraham Lincoln, and continue to use them long after they have been debunked.
So the Washington Times features a story from a columnist that features a bogus quote that found its origin in another Washington Times publication. How delicious. But that isn’t the real punchline. The real joke is who the conservatives who ran with this story are blaming. I will give you three guesses.
If you guessed Frank Gaffney, you would be wrong.
If you guess J. Michael Waller, you would be wrong.
If you guessed the Washington Times, you would be wrong.
Nope, our intrepid conservative stalwarts are blaming… the media.
Apparently even our vaunted journalists can be taken in by an internet fraud. Turns out this quote is not from Lincoln. Great. Now we can’t even trust the media to get quotes right.
You are right, MEDIA LIES. The “Media” can’t get quotes that DO NOT FUCKING EXIST right. The “Media” can not correct every wingnut idea pubvlished by some wingnut columnist in the Washington Times. Clearly, this is David fucking Broder’s fault. Damned liberal media.
Then there is my favorite:
I was linked by some foul mouthed childish liberal nut, who had a good point – this Lincoln quote I saw in a Washington Times article is an internet fake. Of course I cannot fact check the news media, and if the emotionally stunted blogger would have simply emailed me with the fact this was one of those urban legends I would do what I am doing now, alertiing folks that the quote is a fraud.
Damn liberal media.
I think the best part was that the quote came from an article in ’93 and so far no on the staff of the magazine will admit to putting the quote there and until now no one questioned its authenticity.
Honestly, are we sure the entire right-wing blogosphere isn’t just DougJ having some fun? That seems more realistic than believing these are actual people with functioning brainstems.
Richard 23
Well it does sound like something Lincoln might have said. Fake but accurate. Sort of like how John attributed a quote to George Bernard Shaw which many claim to have originated with Churchill (not Ward Churchill, moonbats).
Ah yes. “A house divided cannot stand.” Was that before or after he implied lynching Congressmen was ok.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this level of stupidity has managed to scrap a point or two off the 28%ers.
Perry Como
“Liberals are traitors that compromise the moral integrity of our Republic and deserve to be hanged; especially Hillary Clinton.” — Thomas Paine, Age of Reason, 1795
It’s true — inaccurately attributing the byline of a joke is equivalent to calling for the execution of US Congressmen (and women) under the guise of treason. No daylight at all between the two!
Perry Como
“If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be the fault of the Democrats for not supporting the troops.” — James Madison, 4th President of the United States
Who says they have functioning brainstems? Link please.
“America, Fuck Yeah!” -Benjamin Franklin
“I can’t believe it’s not butter!” -George Washington Carver (come on, who here doesn’t think the right will turn the fake quote machine into an advertising money maker?)
Richard Bottoms
Right on target.
I’m guessing every single day John asks himself ‘what the hell was I thinking’ to join the GOP.
Okay, I looked, but can someone point out where the Washington Times has its corrections page? I’m sure they have one.
So one of their cherished right-wing organs
willfullyscrews up and they blame “The Media” for making them look like fools. Typical. Gotta love that party of responsibility and accountability.Bubblegum Tate
It certainly does seem very spoofy, doesn’t it? But I do think that some of these people, sadly, are dead serious. But hey, at least that means we get to make fun of them!
And I don’t think the wingnut love of comparing Bush to Lincoln will cease to be funny anytime soon. It’s just so precious in its overreach, it’s like little kids telling playground stories.
“If Barack Obama becomes president, the terrorists surely have taken our great land from us!”
-John Adams
John Cole
I am not sure where the quote comes from, and WIkipedia has it attributed to both men.
Perry Como
“Nancy Pelosi is a lying, loony, leftist with San Fransisco values.” — Benjamin Franklin, Constitutional Convention, 1787
“Those would not give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve to be shipped to Gitmo and waterboarded like the traitors they are.” – Benjamin Franklin, An Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania, 1759
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Scrutator was calling for the execution of liberals over a year ago. Why has it taken the mainstream media all this time to get behind a sensible idea?
Because the MSM knows their liberal heads would be first on the chopping block. In this, as in all things, Leftists are cowardly vermin who are dishonest to the core.
I tell ya, this kind of stuff is scary but listening to the house debate the res opposing the surge and hearing some of the republicans opposing the resolution it’s scarier to think people like this are in the Congress…well and the white house but that was just a given.
Not hard to believe, especially since it’s not so different from out-of-context John Wayne beer ads from a while back (or the more recent ones where they use football coaches at press conferences), or superimposing Jessica Simpson’s and Captain Kirk’s mouths over themselves shilling DirecTV. They can do anything with computers.
Tom Hilton
“Of course I cannot fact check the media…”
Um, right. Of course. Goes without saying.
Just shoot me. I don’t want to live on a planet that has people that frigging stupid.
Really? Insight Magazine. The same “source” for the Osama is a trained terrorist story? The same Insight Magazine that the WaTi loudly disavowed because they no longer have anything to do with IM and really, they’re so embarrassed when the IM comes up because they’re a bunch of liars and really, they can’t believe anyone would be stupid enough to believe anything in there?
That Insight Magazine? And yet despite the fact the WaTi insists that everyone involved with the thing is a big old liar someone else used it as a source.
Who said “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me”?
As for this:
If I were to say that copy editors are slightly less painstaking and exacting than neurosurgeons, I would not be exaggerating that much. I can’t say that it is absolutely impossible for a CE to make a mistake like this. I can’t say that 100% of all CEs would reach for their big book of quotations (or search the internots) before putting qoutes around a statement. I can’t say that every single CE in the US would have called the writer if he weren’t sure. But I can say that the chances of this being a CE mistake are on par with the chances that Karl Rove and Hillary Clinton are having an affair. I also feel confident in saying that it is more likely the writer put quotes around it and the CE didn’t check.
And as for the pin heads whinging about the evil wicked media…fine, cancel your WaTi subs. I’m sick of seeing that rag around town.
“Gay marriage is the greatest threat this nation has ever faced.” – Abraham Lincoln, the Gettysburg Address
The right-wing is a veritable quote manufacturing plant. And the quotes come around during the appropriate season, anniversary, or event.
“Saddam tried to kill my daddy.”
John Adams, 1777.
This and the Hugh Hewitt “24” thing — just too freaking funny. These are _exactly_ the kinds of things I do when I spoof. How can they really say these things with a straight face?
God help us all.
“Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.” — Adolf Hitler
“Who says I am not under the special protection of God?” — Adolf Hitler
Sometimes he really does sound like George Bush, no?
grandpa john
Wonder how the all the wing nuts managed to overlook this quote by Churchill
Let us learn our lessons. […] Never believe any war will be smooth and easy or that anyone who embarks on that strange voyage can measure the tides and hurricanes he will encounter. The statesman who yields to war fever must realize that once the signal is given, he is no longer the master of policy but the slave of unforeseeable and uncontrollable events… incompetent or arrogant commanders, untrustworthy allies, hostile neutrals, malignant fortune, ugly surprise, awful miscalculations.
Quoted in Fein, Leonard, “This Time It’s Our War”, The Forward, July 25, 2003. URL accessed on 2007-01-13.
[edit] On childhood and youth
The best part for me isn’t just that the “quote” came from 1993. It’s that the FactCheck article debunking the whole thing (not just the specifics of the quote, but the entire substance of it) came from six months ago.
“When all else fails, blame the media (except FOX News).”
~Thomas Paine, Common Sense
Speaking of High Comedy….the right’s answer to the Daily Show is out with a preview clip.
Boy is it FUNNEE!!
Gotta love that laugh track.
I haven’t checked Althouse or PW yet, and now that the Diven Ms. P has returned to Salon, this whole silliness will surely be divided in two and we will all debate about it forever.
Here’s hoping I get through — since I said PW.
Paul Wartenberg
Welcome to Bushworld, where the far-right wingnuts can lie all they want in violation of every ethic and every religious code, and noone calls them on it. There’s no penalty. There’s no jail, no fine, nothing. And they keep lying, as long as enough people believe them, or even have doubts about the facts.
Goddammit, if I were a subscriber to the Washington Times, I’d sue them for fraud (they are making money off of falsehoods: shouldn’t that count as fraud?).
– Erasmus
Richard Bottoms
“Welcome to Hell Bloefeld”
~ George Bush, 2006
Asked by an ABC reporter whether he thought Iraq was roiled by civil war, Bush said, “It’s hard for me living in this beautiful White House to give you an assessment, a first hand assessment. I haven’t been there. You have, I haven’t.
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — President Bush returned to Texas early Friday after making an unannounced visit to Baghdad to spend part of Thanksgiving Day with U.S. troops — a trip that surprised not only the soldiers but also virtually everyone else in the world.
Because they really do think differently. I know this study has been posted here before, but I think it bears a second viewing:
Hey, thanks for the link – and the traffic. Nice to see you’re reading my blog. Of course, if you really read it, you’d know I treat all the media the same, so not naming the Washington Times wasn’t some nefarious attempt to hide the fact that they’re “conservative”. Unlike you, apparently, I trust my readers to be intelligent enough to follow links and find out the truth for themselves. Last time I checked, the Washington Times was still part of the media.
Oh, and it’s hilarious to see the people that believe Joseph Wilson told the truth and the Bush Guard records were “fake but accurate” calling me a “wingnut” for being fooled by a quote cited in an op-ed. Yes, that’s right, John. The quote actually exists.
And for the record, yes, I think anyone who compares our military to Pol Pot and Nazis is not a patriot and is an American in name only.
Sorry the exercise of my free speech threatens you, but there you have it.
“Man torturing man is a fiend beyond description. But if the other guy is hiding your porn stash, you have no other recourse.” – Henry Miller
“In this thin volume, I propose that speciation proceeded by the progressive accumulation of adaptive characteristics -through natural selection- of Snowflake babies.” Charles Darwin, _The Origin of Species_
antimedia sounds like he need an authoritarian daddy figure to keep him safe from the scary brown people.
antimedia just needs to believe that he’s morally superior to the leftards who leech off the work the 101st Chairborne do to fight freedom…err, I mean, fight for their own freedom…fight for tax freedom…
Oh, heck. You know what I meant.
He’s right, John. Someone did string together a series of words, falsely attribute it to Lincoln, and publish it. You can’t deny that.
Another good point. How dare John Cole call someone a wingnut when they make balanced, well-reasoned arguments like the following:
If that’s not solidly mainstream commentary, I don’t know what is.
That’s Ward Churchill, leftard. The ellipses hide the part where he talks about “little Eichmanns.”
The fact that you quote him at all is hate speech. John, Tim — can you ban this guy?
Speaking of Right Wing Comedy, the Half-Hour News Hour offically premiered.
Exhibit A: Right Wing Comedy
Exhibit B: Jokes about Doug Feith’s Balls
Darrell, I welcome your insight.
Isn’t he you, though?
John Cole
Actually, what I was mocking was your willingness to leap forward and believe the quote without any checking yourself to see if it is true, eagerly attempting to smear those who disagreee with you, when a savvy media critic would have known that quote has been debunked for some time now. Maybe Media Lies refers to you attempting to spread them?
Then to make matters even more hilarious, when it turns out the quote is utter nonsense, and you can no longer smear anyone who disagrees with you, you blame not the lunatic who wrote the column, not the Washington Times for creating and spreading it, but the media establishment in general, whose fault it is you can’t or won’t think for yourself. And you are welcome for the traffic. I think lots of people need to see crap like your attempted smear today, and then to point and giggle at you.
One last thing- check my archives about Bush and the National Guard. Knucklehead.
Intelligent people would disgree.
Chalk up another smear for the right-wing fake quote factory. But the really disturbing bit here isn’t the quotes, per se, but the calls for execution as a preferred response to open debate–and the lack of reaction in the media. At what point does this idiocy cross the line into death threats, and how many are spawned as a result? And how is a column like this–literally calling for the deaths of our leaders for daring to do their Constitutional duties as Americans–possibly considered acceptable in a major American newspaper?
But whatever you do, don’t write a snarky line on a blog that might get Bill Donohue’s panties in a wad…
Also, I’ve got to say that Gaffney’s entire column is deeply ironic, from the title–“Truly ‘inappropriate’ behavior”–to the end:
Gee, yeah, I wonder how that happened, and therefore who should be hung for it in Gaffney’s totalitarian alternate universe? Gaffney, you’re lucky your faux Lincoln ‘quote’ specified Senators, or you might just have gotten a knock on your door from the Secret Service!
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Is this turning into a quotes thread? Let me bust out the old book here, and see what I can find:
“I hope I stand for anti-bigotry, anti-Semiticism, anti-racism. This is what drives me.” -George HW Bush, 1988
“Facts are stupid things.” -Ronald Reagan
“Gerald Ford was a Communist.” -Ronald Reagan (he later flip-flopped, claiming he’d meant to say “Congressman”)
“Down with the greedy Stamp Bourgeoisie! Long live the Red Philatelic International, leader and guardian of the world’s working class philatelists and numismatists! Proletarian stamp and coin collectors, Unite!”
-front page of the 1924 Soviet magazine “The Red Philatelist”
Perry Como
If it ain’t Regnery Press, it ain’t reliable.
Tom in Texas
“We have nothing to fear but brown people.” — FDR
“Give me secret wiretaps on every citizen or give me death!” — Patrick Henry
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
“Now I’m no cowboy. I pitch horseshoes for a living, but I don’t ride these broncos.” -George HW Bush, explaining what his job as President entailed
“The President is guilty of misdemeanors. It is inherent in the office.” -Leonard Garment, special White House consultant, on Watergate
“They couldn’t hit an elephant at this dist-” -Last words of Union General John Sedgwick as he watched enemy troops at the Battle of Spotsylvania
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
“Those who would trade liberty for security deserve both, and those who oppose them deserve neither.” -Ben Franklin
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
“You go to war with the Army you have, not the Army you wish you had.” -James Madison, 1812
“My belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators.” -Ibid.
“I think they’re in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency.” -Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer, 1876
“Go f*ck yourself.”-Alexander Hamilton, to Aaron Burr, moments before his death
J. King
I am distantly related to this J. Michael Waller person and I am deeply ashamed.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
It’s okay. We’re all (very) distantly related to one another, and there are quite a few of us that I’m ashamed of.
Bruce Moomaw
The most interesting part, of course, is that GAFFNEY approves of this philosophy. For the life of me, I can’t understand why some liberals are so paranoid as to think that the Bushites, given the opportunity, might possibly try to turn the US into a fascist dictatorship…
On journalistic integrity:
Here’s what says is the original opening line in the article:
So let’s take those quotation marks back out:
Jesus, I get better excuses from undergrads who cheat on homework assignments. You don’t get a free pass on a fake quote if you write, “that’s what X said”. (The entire sentence has a nice, semi-literate grammatical structure to it, by the way.)
Did anyone read ?
I think it is another spoof site, but I can’t be sure.
“Why can’t we solve both the problems of unused fertilized embryos in clinics and recruiting shortfalls by filling our military ranks with Snowflake babies?”
–Punchy, like forever ago.
“You’ll see I think an outpouring of appreciation for their liberation that will make what we saw in Afghanistan recently pale by comparison. You’ll see, moreover, evidence in the files and the bunkers that become available to our military, evidence not only of Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction programs…, but also, I would be willing to bet, evidence of his past complicity with acts of terror against the West,…which in turn I think will further vindicate the course of action that this president is courageously embarked upon.” – Frank Gaffney, two months before the invasion of Iraq
“He doesn’t in fact seem to be a man of principle who’s steadfastly pursuing what he thinks is the right course.[ ] He talks about it, but the policy doesn’t track with the rhetoric, and that’s what creates the incoherence that causes us problems around the world and at home. It also creates the sense that you can take him on with impunity.” – Frank Gaffney, on President Bush, Jan. 2007
How can any wingnut trust Frank Gaffney, anyway?
“Life ain’t nothing but bitches and money.” — General Douglas MacArthur
“I hate gays” –Tim “appropriately named” Hardaway
No spoof necessary.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
“Face down, ass up. That’s the way me likes to fuck.”- Friedrich Nietzsche
“Just don’t bite it.” -George Bush, on pretzels
“You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means”-Joe Wilson to Bush regarding WMDs.
“We know where they WMDs are. They’re in Tikret, and north, south, east, and west somewhat.” – Thomas Jefferson
“They are who we thought they were! And we let ’em off the hook!”
-George Bush, concerning the Taliban….
grumpy realist
Seriously, it seems to me that something has broken within the US. It used to be that quoting people or so-called “facts” without checking would earn you a hissing and disdain from all of society. Now, there’s no blowback against being casually incompetent, someone who deliberately makes up stories and quotes, and an outright fraud. There’s no punishment for the pundit to predicts wrongly over and over, no blowback against outright lying.
As a scholar, I absolutely detest this. We’ve been taken over by rhetoricians who have no devotion to the truth. May they all fall into the hands of fake doctors and identity thieves.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
“Well if you’re blind as helen keller
You could see i’m david rockafella
So much cash up in my bathroom is a ready teller
I’m outragous, i work in stages, like syphills
But no need for prophylactics
I am up your own, so me know wretched ain’t funk
But my cream got amino acid
Keep my hoes in check no rebellions
If your ass occur shit it wouldnt be the first time
I done make a massacre, n—- please how you figure these
Motherfuckers like me got stocks bonds and securites
No impurities, straight anglo saxon
When my family got their sex on
Don’t let me get my flex on, do some gangster shit
Make the army go to war for exxon
Long as the money flow, i be making dough
Welcome to my little pimp school
How you gonna beat me at this game i make the rules
Flash a little cash make you think you got class
But you really selling ass and hoe keep off my grass
Less you cutting it, see im running shit
Trick all y’all motherfuckas as simps
I’m just a pimp” -David Rockefeller
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Plato predicted something like this happening in his seminal work, “The Republic.” That’s the same book where he estimated Saddam Hussein was only six to twelve months away from having nuclear weaponry, and cautioned the rest of us that the “smoking gun could be a mushroom cloud.” (I think it was toward the back somewhere, around the part where he’s talking about the Afterlife and resurrection.)
The Other Steve
I have to applaud you Richard.
This does sound like scs or Darrell. Well done!
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
“My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.” -Abraham Lincoln
Sounds almost as bad as Rathergate, or that Washington Post headline story on how the WaPo took a 2004 report from extreme partisan Carl Levin and attributed to the IG.. a story which both John Cole and TimF front-paged. John Cole did run a correction, but many/most of his commentariot still insisted it was ‘fake but accurate’
Telling how when John posted on the WaPo retraction, he didn’t add this kind of mockery which he reserves for some little-known blogger
John, how about the fucking willingess to leap forward on lies made by the Washington Post who did no fact checking and those who parrotted the lie? Or the commentariot here on BJ who still insisted that is sounded true?
No, John saves his self righteous drama queen act only for items which fit with his new agenda. Inconsistent as hell? Of course it is.
Jay C
Whassamatta with you, TZ? You think we’re all idiots? Everyone knows that quote is a fake!
It was John Quincy Adams, in 1812 – don’t you ever read your history??
“Iraqis wanna mumble
they wanna rumble
mix ’em and cook em’
in a pot like gumbo”
–Army Lt. General Ice Cube
John Cole
Well, for starters, while the Levin report contained what I would consider to be rephrasings of the actual IG report, the basic premise of the IG report was the same as the basic premise of the Levin report. The same can not be said of Gaffney manufactured quote, which simply does not exist. Period.
Second, when confronted with the knowledge that the WaPo had errantly attributed to the IG quotes from the Levin report, I blamed not some liberal who wrote my site, not the media in general, but guess who?
The Washington Post, the people responsible for the mistake.
Now go away.
More deep thinking from the right. This just shows you’re not serious.
John, John, John.
I told you: When Darrell passes a brainfart, resist the urge to reply. If you can’t, just post “DYIS”.
He only exists if you reply.
JImmy Mack
You’ll wait in for that willingness. The leftards’ blindness to their hypocrisy is all-encompassing. No wonder the left openly loves “truthiness” so much.
The Other Andrew
Jimmy, do you honestly think that anyone has been more dishonest than the Republican party, in the last seven years? I’m all for objectivity, but there’s a difference between that and pointing out the sliver in your brother’s eye when you have a log in your own.
John, the “Levin report” you refer to was from 2004.
And to be clear, you are saying that if some, but not all of Levin’s accusations in that 2004 document turned out to match something in the IG report, then you are attributing that to be “rephrasings” of the actual IG report.. Wow, so this is what a ‘maverick’ conservative sounds like.
I certainly agree with the sentiment, and I’m not afraid to say so. It’s called free speech, something the folks on the left would like to squash by labeling it “hate speech”.
What makes you assume I did not checking? Or do you instantly leap to conclusions when you disagree with someone? Try to find this on Snopes or hoaxbusters or other of the usual sites for checking for hoaxes. They weren’t there yesterday. And isn’t exactly the first place one goes looking for internet hoaxes.
Nice reading skills. I wrote
referring to some of your commenters, and you decide you are “the people” that I was referring to?
Whatever. It’s always funny to watch people scream “smear” every time someone disagrees with them. Shows a certain intellectual rigor. It’s no wonder the discourse in this country has descended to the level that it has.
John Cole
Using a fake quote to state the following:
Is a smear.
And could you please pipe down about intellectual rigor while using fabrications from Lincoln to smear your ideological opponents? Typing is too hard while I am giggling.
Mr. M
Excellent observation about how they jumped to the problem being with THE Media. Moon’s media has been feeding lies into our body politic which the right has been swallowing for 25 years. Moon molded the right and the Republic Party as much as any individual, he easily outspent Scaife doing it.
I don’t understand why people don’t see Moon’s agenda in all this. He wants a right wing America that will be open to the theocrats because that ties into his plans to mesh the world’s religions under one of his front groups. Something he is doing now even though the media will not cover it. Moon has spent billions in overseas and, according to his daughter in law, laundered cash to manipulate our political system and no one cares. Moon brags about how he has “influenced America” with the WT. The members all know the WT is integral to their manipulation of the country.
In lynxgate, the WT distorted information to smear environmentalists. The story was picked up by every right wing freak in the country. When it was documented how misleading their reporting was – the WT had an ad man contact those involved and offered to sell them ad space for 9 grand to correct the WT shoddy reporting.
The Moon organization should have long ago been made to register under FARA as a foreign agent – which it is.
Check out this 1991 panel discussion with three VERY conservative former Moon media editors. They explain why the WT is NOT like any other paper and should be registered as a foreign agent.
Watch it here.
Moon is dragging this nation to hell and conservatives are his witting and unwitting tools. This doesn’t mean he comes into the WT office and barks orders. All he had to do was hire people like Pruden, wind them up and let them go. They do Moon’s work for him. Keep in mind Moon wants Korea to be the center of the world. His followers pledge allegiance to Korea and Moon.
Here is a quote from the panel discussion. It is from James Whelan, the first editor of the WT. He is 100% correct.
A republican member of the house just used this same completely false quote on the house floor in his little spiel opposing the House Res on escalation.
John D.
Well, two things.
One, it’s unsourced beyond “Lincoln said it”. Where and when did he say it? There has to be a record somewhere.
Two, and this is the funny part, *the guy who wrote the article it is lifted from denies it being a quote.* Ha! Ha! Funny stuff. Why aren’t you laughing? What’s wrong? Hey, where are you going?
Richard 23
It’s called free speech, something the folks on the left would like to squash by labeling it “hate speech”.
Mr. M
You don’t have a clue what you are talking about. This isn’t just about a propaganda paper and billions in overseas, swindled, laundered bucks. It is about Moon’s agenda. NON-citizen Moon – something that normaly sends right wingers into a frenzy. The WT is only one small part of this.
Substitute Soros for Moon and you have both sides of the same coin. Funny you can’t see that.
Mr. M
Actually you should have been asking yourself that question as O’reilly and FOX had you frothing over the evil Soros the last couple years. How many times did your molders mention that Moon had outspent all your sugar daddies? $3 billion on the Washington Times alone. It never has made a dime. It is Moon’s propaganda organ to manipulate our political system and bring a hard right governance to America but I am betting Rush never mentioned any of that to you, did he? You are Moon’s tools.
I wanna see the Bush family, Rush, Coulter, Savage, Orielly and Hannity and all on FOX bowing to their savior, Moon.
The Soros – Moon comparison is comical to the thinking person. As this chart depicts.
Moon openly claims to be the messiah here to control the world but that doesn’t seem to matter to the soul selling right. So, you are proud that Moon trained you and the conservative movement? You ever look at Moon’s goals? I didn’t think so.
Soros is a U.S. citizen, Moon is not. That doesn’t matter when you need to protect your sugar daddy though, does it? Let’s make jokes and uninformed comparisons. Conservatives are liars and hypocrites – on a massive scale. That article of Gaffney’s is still up – that’s the kind of “principles” we are dealing with in the new Moon molded right.
Soros spent about 30 million in one election cycle promoting liberal causes. Moon has spent BILLIONS financing and molding every aspect of the conservative movement over the last 25 years – he is their savior. In the 80s-90s one of the two most powerful conservative organizations in the country, the American Freedom Coalition, was a Moon front that had Moon followers as all state directors. The president of the AFC, who Moon called one his “three musketeers,” said the organization was created to gather the Christian “RIGHT” – read: THEOCRATS – for political power. This is part of Moon’s agenda and conservatives at all levels for the last 25 years have work with him to accomplish it. Read about the AFC here.
Without Moon’s BILLIONS, fronts and opertaives, Bush is never president and the Republics aren’t as extreme, as theocratic and they wouldn’t have taken control of all three branches of the government in 2001. It wouldn’t have happened. You ever hear of Richard Viguerie? He’s another one Moon bailed out and kept afloat, like Falwell and North Korea. Yes, your savior has funded NK but you look away or not at all because your molders don’t mention it. Though you are conditioned to make foolish and uninformed comparisons to protect your political movement, it just does not change the history.
Soros doesn’t con kids out of their lives, nor has he made statements like this:
Here Reagan’s 11th protects Moon when some conservatives tried to warn you.
I have no illusions of getting you to understand but commented for those who still maintain their critical thinking skills.
There have been some democrats who have been in Moon’s web over the years. He is making inroads with black minister thanks to years of mainstreaming by the right and things like this.
Conservatives have openly worked with Moon to subvert our political system. One has even written a song in honor of Moon’s plans to affect the world’s political structures. this guy did.
After you read all the links and watch the panel discussion link above, :) You can read excerpts of the congressional investigation of Moon here; Check out it’s findings.
Oh and it isn’t just the money, it is where Moon got much of the billions to fund his manipulation of our political process.
Oooooo…I’m quaking in my boots over being mooned. Sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t have cable, don’t watch O’Reilly, don’t read Coulter, don’t listen to Rush (I have work to do – If you Google my blog you’ll find 27 mentions of Coulter and 20 of Rush in the three years I’ve been blogging.), don’t read the Washington Times, don’t watch the alphabets and don’t subscribe to looney conspiracy theories like yours.
Sorry if I don’t fit your stereotype box so well. I’m old enough to know that everyone tries to manipulate the political process. But I consider Soros’ sponsorship of McCain’s execrable Campaign Finance “Reform” the worst assault on the First Amendment since this nation was founded. That makes Soros a bit more effective than Moon has apparently been since he only excites the imagination of a few obssessed people like yourself.
While you lay awake at night sweating over theocracy, this nation lurches farther and farther to the left and the federal government intrudes farther and farther into your life. And you don’t even know it.
Sad. Really sad.
Perry Como
antimedia Says:
Care to know what the troops think…:
Richard 23
Wow, no wonder you’re so well-informed!
But Soros is the devil’s agent on Earth. He wants to legalize drugs (including methamphetamine) and gay sex. He has a philosophy, and that’s what makes him dangerous.
As far as the anti-Moononite screed, you ever heard of freedom of religion? You anti-Moon bigot! If not for The Washington Times and Fox News how would the truth get out? Answer me that, kooks!
Richard 23
Sorry, forgot about Insight magazine.
>a copy editor mistakenly turned into a quote by incorrectly inserting quotation marks.
A yes, the overzealous copy editor strikes again!
Taking up the work left off by the overzealous Republican staffer.
Well, I didn’t expect you to read and learn and you came through with colors.
It has nothing to with religion – that is a bunch of hooey for his group to hide behind. Is odd though, that the “values” and “Christian” voters are funded and promoted by Moon who says Jesus was a big failure and that he is better than God. No, Moon’s is a political organization but you go ahead and rationalize all you want. Do you ever read? Being critical of Moon is like being critical of Lyndon Larouche.
Amazes me how ignorant conservatives are as to their history and how they “came about” their conditioned opinions. So you only have dozens of references to these people so you are “immune” and a “free thinker”? What a blind crock.
So you think that when the WT prints a lie, funded with overseas swindled money to drag you around by the nose and when Rush repeats it and FOX carries it and every Rush wannabe extremist on radio blabs it – somehow you are immune? How absurd. The Washington Times has been the backbone of the right in print – the most quoted paper by the cult of conservatism. You really have no clue what made you what you are today, do you? You think you are just a free agent coming up with your opinions on your own? haha No none of that stuff affects you. hahaha
What’s even more amazing is your spouting off like you have any understanding of history at all. Why is it that all conservatives feel they are trained well enough in lying and spinning that they can just wing it? Also, why do they feel compelled to defend something they obviously have no knowledge of?
Same old same old.
Your comments spinning Soros as a bigger problem show your utter lack of knowledge of the subject but they have you so conditioned you will defend anything that you think is attacking your cult like world view.
How old are you like 9? Tell your Momma you spent yesterday spinning and standing up for Sun Myung Moon, mention you found out he has funded the right’s rise to power in the 80s and 90s and see what she says.
Did you even read John’s post? The LIE is still up last I checked. They don’t even care about correcting it until Rush and your mind molders get a few days to saturate the right with the misinformation.
It’s hard for me to believe anyone can be this dense.
Rush – 20 hits, Coulter – 27 hits, NY Times – 2,120 hits, WaPo – 130 hits, Washington Post – 2,110 hits, Washington Times – 413 hits, O’Reilly – 23 hits, Hannity – 26 hits, Dallas Morning News – 2,040 hits, Christian Science Monitor – 27 hits, Iraq The Model – 2,040 hits, Balloon Juice – 260 hits, Fox News – 149 hits, CBS – 164 hits, ABC – 126 hits, NBC – 95 hits, CNN – 134 hits.
If you can’t do the math, ask someone who can. Clearly I do not focus on “right-wing” sources nor do I quote them much. For the most part, I ignore them. I could care less what’s written in the Washington Times or who owns it or what their agenda is. They don’t dominate the media. I think Bill O’Reilly is an ass, but so is Keith Olbermann. Coulter just likes to stir up people like you (and she’s quite good at it.)
I’ve cited John’s blog 10 times as much as any of the “right-wing” sources you think I’m indoctrinated by, except for Fox News, and I’ve cited John’s blog more than a hundred times more than Fox News. I’ve cited CBS more than I’ve cited Fox! Surely you don’t think CBS is “right-wing”?
And your first blockquote? Wasn’t even me. So your moonie obsession has you not even paying attention to what’s written or by whom it was written.
If you’d even bothered to visit my blog, you would know that I have a huge HOAX!! graphic covering the original “quote”, so your complaints are falling on deaf ears.