There are 10 kinds of people in the world – those who understand binary, and those who don’t.
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by Tim F| 50 Comments
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There are 10 kinds of people in the world – those who understand binary, and those who don’t.
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I am putting a Hex on you.
ascii no questions ansi no lies…
Tim F.
Even though the one-liner is a triumphalist throat-clearing by the coder set, don’t walk away with the impression that I understand first thing about programming languages. I really don’t. But I found that bit funny as hell.
Which one the 1 or the 0?
Marcus Wellby
Ugh, its about this time when people starting throwing around Simpsons quotes…
steve davis
A bit like something I said to a Dean once who was busy screwing me up the *** in my final year of an appointment: “There are three kinds of people in this world that I despise, and you’re two of them.”
there are 10 kinds of people in the world – those who understand octal, those who don’t, and the other 6.
So, the Republicans have a plan now–what’s the Democrat plan to
declare ‘Mission Accomplished’ before 2008win the war on terror?Mr Furious
* Note to Welby, that doubles as a Simpsons quote.
Mr Furious
ah, crap. stupid formatting..
dreggas with a clear win.
Sadly, that may be the funniest computer science joke you’ll ever hear, unless you’re a fan of AI koans.
If anyone hasn’t noticed it yet: Sommersby at the daily howler is in rare form today. The combination of Dowd and Cohen on Al Gore this week seems to have blown a fuse and he is in full righteous rant mode.
God, RSA, how true.
I gave a lecture at the mother ship yesterday, and the previous speaker made a joke about how you could tell a mathematician form a computer scientist: a mathematician starts all talks with a definition, a computer scientist, with a motivation. I stood up, and started my talk, got about fifteen minutes in, and said: “Oh, by the way, I’m a mathematician. Never mind that I haven’t given you a single definition yet.”
My joke got a laugh — which shows how low the standard for cs humor actually is.
Let’s say there are people who can manipulate media channels to achieve a political or social goal. Many here would certainly believe a cabal in the WH and their friends (who aren’t ever right about anything, but always seem to keep their jobs as columnists) helped engineer the Iraq war.
And are now trying to engineer a war in Iran.
But let’s say you’ve got another goal. And you and your pals happen to have control over $100B or so. And you just happen to be athiests.
Stuck in a hotel earlier this week, watching the cable news shows, Oprah and what-not, all these stories about finding Jesus in his tomb and “The Secret” book (you’d be happy if you just gave up worrying about all that religious crap), I’m almost thinking this isn’t all a coincidence.
I see what you did there.
Bill Donahue has exposed the well-known liberal bias in archeology.
I blame Amanda Marcotte.
West Coast Libertarian
I always understood that there were three kinds of people in the world; those who get math and those who don’t.
I got this quote on a tee-shirt 2 years ago.
I’m a cooler geek than you :P
I got this quote on a tee-shirt 2 years ago.
I’m a cooler geek than you :P
oooh, did you see what he did there? if this whole religion thing doesn’t work out for him he can start doing comedy.
Did you guys know that it’s possible to die from a rotten tooth? But the USA has the best healthcare in the world!
Oh great. Geek speak.
When I was in junior high school, decades and decades ago, “new math” was taught, and it took me a whole year plus a long summer’s tutoring to get to the point that I can understand that joke.
I’ll embarrass myself slightly with another example of the low bar for humor in computer science. Several years ago I used to read and post to comp.lang.lisp, a newsgroup for the Common Lisp programming language. I recently discovered that someone had submitted a post of mine to, my response to a student asking for a homework answer:
Barely comprehensible to a non-computer scientist, not especially funny (though I’d obviously thought it was clever at the time), and yet it passed for humor. . .
The Other Steve
Descartes walks into a bar. The bartender asks him if he wants a beer. Descartes responds “I think not.”
So what were we talking about again?
The Other Steve
Yup. It seems that we are relearning a lot of things that can go wrong that we used to consider solved.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Good news: Mission Accomplished!
Uh, anyone with a serious investment in the market needs to start shopping for diapers. If the Dow crosses undie 12K (yeah, it’s got a way to go) by Friday, it could be a free-for-all next week.
Traders are always one step ahead. Sumpin’s up.
Down 161 already.
A neutron walks into a bar. The bartender says, “for you, no charge.”
Can I start blaming Bill Clinton, or should I wait?
Rusty Shackleford
Speaking of blaming Clinton. Remember that DPRK uranium enrichment program? Yeah, well…not so much. Oops.
Smooth move, Shrub!
(h/t TPM.)
North Korea, charter member of the Axis of Suddenly Not Really All That Evil.
Bob Somerby is GOD.
Third Eye Open
So a goose walks into a bar, and the bartender says, “Hey!, your pants are down…”
Would it be pedantic to point out the existence of 10 types of people, those who know binary, those who don’t, and those who know that the first element of an array is 0?
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
There are two kinds of people in the world: those who divide people into two types, and all the many other types of people.
Fixed. Whoops! Sorry, the last part is just describing the first. Nevermind.
Pure cultural bias.
Not really.
It would, however, be pedantic to point out that there are 10 types of people, those who know ternary, those who don’t, and those who’re read Knuth.
Rome Again
Just wait until they find the ark of the covenant in Ireland.
I’m getting a little behind the curve on this thread. I am, after all, almost an Octalgenarian.
I’m sorry, that was base 8 of me to say.
Rome Again
You are NOT, and if you want some excuse, I can see some ex-10-uating circumstances.
Just trying to help!
Thank you 100 that.
Is a Hedgehog a rodent?
If so, this makes much more sense. The money shot:
I disagree. Darrell uses that all the time, from what the local high schoolers have been telling me…
Ryan S.
I can’t count on one hand, about 110 times, how many time I thought about buying one of these and putting it up at work. Then I have second thoughts and worry some idiot will pass by and do a “Boston”. Then a 1000 men will show up and detonate my cubicle.
My mother decided that she so loved the BCD clock that she inflicted one on me some years ago. It proved incredibly useful when I was running interviews in my office; until quite recently, very few candidates actually knew that there was a clock anywhere in my office.
Two guys walk into a bar, which is stupid, because after the first one hit it the second one should have walked around it.