To our recruiting woes:
A 72-year-old man stopped a suspected suicide bomber from detonating himself at a checkpoint in Arab Jabour Oct. 14.
The man approached a checkpoint where Mudhehr Fayadh Baresh was standing guard, but did not make it very far.
Baresh, a tribal commissioner and member of the Arab Jabour Concerned Citizens program, said he ordered the man to lift his shirt – using training received from Coalition Forces – when he did not recognize him as a local villager.
The suspect refused to lift his shirt. Baresh repeated the command again, and the suspect exposed his suicide vest, running toward the checkpoint.
Baresh opened fire which caused the vest to detonate, killing the suspect.
Additionally, this will potentially give social security some much needed breathing room.
The Other Steve
Arab Jabour Concerned Citizens program?
Is this sort of like Citizen Watch?
Maybe we could place stickers around the town on light posts, to discourage terrorism and looting?
Great! they’re standing up!
Can we stand down now? Or is that offer expired?
One way to deal with baby BOOMERS!
Not to mention Medicare. Win/win. Everyone knows children and old people are health care leeches.
James F. Elliott
Clearly the U.S. military needs to raise the recruitment age to 72.
If Baresh was trained by Coalition Forces then why was there no collateral damage (Dead, unarmed civilians)? I smell a rat.
“If Baresh was trained by Coalition Forces then why was there no collateral damage (Dead, unarmed civilians)? I smell a rat.”
Screw that. Something bad happens you blame the Coalition Forces, something good happens you see a conspiracy. I hate the Iraq occupation as much as the next liberally-minded Gen-Yer looking at the bill we’ll have to pay down the line, but the Coalition isn’t evil. They’re not blood thirsty monsters, their your neighbors and family. Yes they’re in a war zone, but for God’s sake quit acting like they’ll demons.
Rome Again
And we thought we had to recruit and train an entire military force, who knew? Citizen activists of Iraq, unite!!!!
Now if we can just get the Citizen Journalists down there too. That’s right, Malkin. I’m talking about you. Now get off my lawn!
pssst…he was being snarky…
Why do I see flashbacks to Police Academy 4, Citizens on Patrol when that one “granny” character is using Tacklberry’s .44?
El Cruzado
Well, he did stop him from detonating himself, by detonating him. Not sure that’s the way it should be put…
Still, good for him since he did undoubtedly saved a bunch of innocent lives, and glad to see he didn’t get hurt himself (not obvious from the quote, but obvious from the article).
Indeed, two years ago, after the last increase in enrollment age for the Army, I made a modest proposal to solve both any future Social Security solvency issues and the shortage of soldiers. I’m sure that the image of the 101st Fighting Geriatric Division, shuffling along in their spiffy uniform of fuzzy slippers and bathrobes, was just too much for our Dear Leader’s brave men (and token women) to endure then, but that was two years ago. Perhaps they would be willing to reconsider today?!
– Badtux the Snarky Penguin
Phoenician in a time of Romans
I hate the Iraq occupation as much as the next liberally-minded Gen-Yer looking at the bill we’ll have to pay down the line, but the Coalition isn’t evil.
In the same sense, perhaps, that the Soviet Union wasn’t evil when it liberated Afghanistan. Or did you mean the individual Soviet-I-mean-Coalition soldiers?
They’d be a hell of a lot more useful than the 101st Fightin’ Keyboardists. However, the thought of someone like my dear granny getting her hands on any weapon more dangerous than a buck knife…Let’s just say the phrase “A scene of unbelievable carnage,” comes to mind.
She had a bad temper, granny did.
Then the 72 year yelled “Get off my lawn!”