CNN just called it. Looks like those college towns don’t really matter. Congrats to HRC.
Update: Can I just say that Barack Obama gives me goosebumps every time he speaks?
Update II: Did Bill Bennet just fall out of a dryer? Good god man. Dude… hairgel is f**king cheap!!
Update III: If you’re not interested in the primary, but ARE interested in the Wii, check this out.
Ooh, got here at the right time.
Just want to say: damn it all. I was hoping Obama would win, and then HRC would have to start explaining to us what she would *do*. I might vote for her if she did that. She might still do that
But seeing who’s been advising her… not likely
Anyone think she’s still going to fire people like they were saying earlier?
I’m still not clear on why anyone thought the college towns would make that much difference. Isn’t Dartmouth the only one with classes in session this early?
Damn, that is one hell of a long concession speech.
A little sick about this, honestly. I really can’t see myself voting for Clinton in November. None of the Republicans are worth anything, but I can’t pull the lever for Clinton Mark II either.
May try staying home on election day.
Listening to Obama’s “concession” speech, this is a prime example of stealing someone’s thunder. How the heck is Clinton supposed to follow up that?
Snark Based Reality
I’m confused. Was that an Obama election night victory speech or a primary concession? Jesus.
Snark Based Reality
Brokaw on MSNBC blaming the polling being wrong on the lack of attention span in voters today.
Richard Bottoms
We’re going to kick Republican ass in November regardless who wins. I’d have been happy if Obama came out on top, I am very happy Hillary did.
Obama will make a fine VP.
Richard Bottoms
Boo hoo. Hillary is just sooo mean.
Well I want a mean ass bitch in the White House to simultaneously kick the Republicans in the balls, and beat hell out of Al Queda.
Eat it Hillary haters.
Snark Based Reality
Redstate poll:
“Hillary Clinton’s first 500 abuses of the PATRIOT Act and Phone surveillance program will be against which group?”
And it finally sinks in among wingnuts that perhaps the last 7 years were not a good idea…
Listening to Obama’s “concession” speech, this is a prime example of stealing someone’s thunder. How the heck is Clinton supposed to follow up that?
she’s not. She doesn’t have to. All she has to do is be gracious, and take an oblique poke at Obama (“don’t ever let you tell people it can’t be done [beat] by someone who has the knowledge and and experience to defy expectations!”) and she’ll be fine.
Perhaps they remember the thing with the 900+ FBI personnel files.
That’ll do.
Emma Anne
Oooh, excellent. It’s not like we didn’t warn them!
Crybabies tend to get what they want.
Yes, as expected the wingnut crowd is suddenly going discover a great love of the constitution, the separation of powers, and what not. Of course, too bad we’re taking congress too and leaving them with the supreme court.
I am liberal and I have HRC-DS.
I am extremely disappointed with the results in NH tonight. It is very difficult for me to watch all of the staged “human moments” and inherit superiority she exudes in every speech.
I don’t know why I despise the woman so much, I just do. I just believe she is so insincere about absolutely everything.
Your words actually make me feel better. You know what that means?
I may be a simpering weakling.
(Addendum: I’ll take John McCain too, assuming his veep isn’t batshit insane. You do the math on that)
Michael, that dude’s done like three other projects or so and keeps putting out more.
I found
this and
It would appear Nintendo cranked out some gnarly hardware and still hasn’t put it to it’s potential.
We don’t like HRC cuz she took all that crap from Republicans lying down. Instinct. We hate them for being bullies and idiots besides, but we hate her worse cuz she didn’t get up and kick the shit out of them like some comic book hero. Oh yeah, and when it mattered, i.e. before going to war with Iraq? Then she chose to STFU. Always shooting for higher office. Couldn’t she have done Feingold on their asses and still come out ahead? Apparently she didn’t think so, or didn’t want to, and so she let us down.
I wouldn’t be surprised at all to see a Clinton/Obama ticket should Clinton take the nomination. But, I would not expect to see a Obama/Clinton ticket. Not really sure why.
wasabi gasp
Hillary’s is hot! You don’t know how bad I wanna iron her shirts.
Second that.
She’s always hedging. Never leading.
Obama at least talks about it without getting defensive, so that’s a start.
John's Minions
Not to fucking mention that the HRC supporters seem to come from the “revenge” wing of the party, while the Obama supporters seem to come from the “let’s just move on” wing.
Frankly, we can see why you’d want to subject Erick and his ilk to some poetic justice, but that would just pave the way to Bush squared next time around.
Cormac McCarthy got it right, don’t even try to kill, just carry the flame forward.
Also, have a drink. We recommend Tyrconnel.
I can’t see Obama being asked, or even accepting if asked, to be Clinton’s Vice President if she wins the nomination.
Firstly, what kind of agent of change could Obama possibly be as the VP, for Clinton won’t allow him to run amuck with 4-th branch super-secret powers.
Secondly he would become tainted as part of the “establishment” and therefore lose his differentiation from other candidates (it says little of a VP when they claim to be so far outside the decision making apparatus to be considered as an “outsider”).
And thirdly, why would Clinton want Obama to be her VP? She already has one extremely gifted orator in her future administration – President Clinton. Obama as her charismatic VP would only serve to continually emphasize Clinton’s more pedestrain oratory and visionary capacity.
No, I see Hillary asking some bland Blue Dog Democrat to be her VP.
Congratulations to the shrew, and I don’t mean Mike D. I mean Hitlery Clinton. Well congrats to Mike D. too, for even being allowed to post on the front page here. Because frankly he sucks rocks. The worst posts in the world are his.
Goosebumps, hairgel, and his wee? Give me a break! Gag me with a spoon!
John, if this moron is blackmailing you for tapping your foot in a restroom or whatever, shoot me an email. I know some pretty good lawyers who could cut you loose from this pathetic guy.
Seriously, my friend, he’s dead weight. I await your reply. And I’ll keep our communications secret, so have no fear. Mike D. just isn’t worth it.
Please do, Chris. You’re obviously too stupid to vote. I’m surprised you even know how to breathe.
I agree with you again, Chrissy.
Jeez, people, whatever your opinion of her, it’s not like Hillary’s going to be coronated tomorrow. I’d love to see a drawnout seesaw battle between all three frontrunners that gives lots of folks a chance to cast a vote that actually matters.
Because you have been relentlessly trained and conditioned by the GOP and the press to do so for the past 16 years.
Not that hard to figure out, if you really think about it.
Anne Laurie
Obama will make a fine VP.
Yah, right, in some fantasy world where skills and experience have something to do with the way political prizes are awarded. In this reality, not so much. Obama’s supporters, whether ‘classic’ civil rights activists or ‘new’ young changeagenters, will never accept Audacity of My Big Dreams Guy taking the undercard for That Woman. The second he looks to be so much as considering the possibility of exploring the ground rules of Making A Deal, and the wails of outrage & betrayal will set dogs howling all across America.
Funnily enough, I think the *opposite* scenario is a guaranteed win for all parties. With Obama as the Change Leader and Hillary as the Voice of Experience, the percentage of eligible voters showing up in November might actually climb into the 75% or better range. And the pairing kind of pre-inoculates against the ratfvcking, because it can’t be a giant hidden conspiracy if they’re standing right there on the podium, and ratfvcking requires giant hidden conspiracies to flourish. Whether Clinton can choke down enough of her pride to take the second spot, or whether Obama’s handlers can get past their grievances to offer it, are two other very thorny issues, but it’s already clear that 2008 is going to be the Year of Strange Allegiances.
I think Edwards gave the best speech of the evening, though, and I’m still not willing to give up on the possibility that he may take the nomination in the end. It will be sadly lacking in grand historical glory, but G.H.G. has a history of piddling away under the harsh conditions of any ongoing presidential campaign.
On the other side of the aisle, my prediction that the Permanent Republican Party would unite behind McCain/Romney — Dole ver. 2008, now with more Truthiness(tm)! — is looking like it may come true even before the March primaries…
secondly he would become tainted as part of the “establishment” and therefore lose his differentiation from other candidates (it says little of a vp when they claim to be so far outside the decision making apparatus to be considered as an “outsider”).
funny, that’s just was mrs. skippy was saying at dinner tonite as we watched the returns come in. there’s no way obama would want to become part of the clinton machine.
neither of us would vote for clinton, but i have to say, i’m glad she pulled it off tonite, i was getting darned sick of every pundit in the world burying her as if she had lost.
in case anyone’s interested, even before tonite’s win, hillary was way ahead in delegate count.
Richard Bottoms
A dish best served cold. I’d say several thousand gallons worth will be just dandy. Fuck the GOP and anyone stupid enough to vote for them.
Those of us in the “sex, drugs and Rock & Roll wing are backing Edwards.
Those of us in the ‘Anyone but a Wingnut’ wing are:
A) Pleased that there will be no pre-Super Tuesday coronation (like Kerry’s), which will keep the candidates tested and their campaign skils honed, and
B) Kind of happy to see that a woman, for the first time, has won a national primary.
Obama is mostly empty rhetoric. The ones who speak of real issues with real solutions are Kucinich and Edwards.
Obama seems to be in support of S 1959, the so-called “Homegrown Terrorist Act”, and he is on the committee considering it. Kucinich voted against HR 1955, the House version.
So far, Clinton and Edwards don’t seem to have taken a position. But if you like fascist bill S 1959, there is not any reason to dislike Obama.
Given the crap that has come out of the Hillary machine, there is no way Obama will accept a Veep spot with her.
And there are 47 states to go. 47 more times to see Rudy show up with single-digit numbers. I don’t know how Rudy had been polling so well early on: nearly everyone I’ve spoken to in Florida hates the guy.
S 1959 is a creepy bit of legislation, but it is far too early to dismiss any senator for actions that have not been taken in regard to it. Speaking as a certified representative of The Left(tm), an attenuated version of the bill would sure come in handy if the eliminationist wingnuts built a more serious movement and we had a wave of bombings and assassinations in the wake of, say, a woman or a black elected president.
As it stands, S 1959 is a dreadful piece of Jane Harman work product. Whether to fix it or scrap it is an open question.
Excellent. I really like his use of whatever’s lying around the apartment (e.g., the deck of cards) as props. I’ll have to try this out.
A few years ago one of my students worked on a multi-touch project on much clunkier hardware. We thought it would be interesting to look at an alternative approach to interface design for a drawing application, given multi-touch capability; here’s a crappy demo video, for anyone interested.
No, it finally sinks in that they’ll have a new reason to feel persecuted. Fuck The War Against Christmas and pop a bottle of champagne, the Dark Forces of Hilegeddon have stuck a microphone up my ass, ‘cos I’m so fucking special!
If Obama should win they’ll scream that they’re the victims of racism every time a brown person looks at them. “I was terrified!” (So offered him $20 and blow job!)
Fuck ’em.
I’m just glad to see HRC defy the media constructed image. I may not care for her, but it isn’t right or fair to her, as a candidate, what they’ve done.
not even close. not a single comment over there (so far) mentions the fact that all this shit came from Republicans. they are only, as everybody who hasn’t tasted the GOP KoolAid predicted, worried that Hillary will get to use it.
The Hillary Test was never a joke.
Where’s Scotty? I want to congrats him on his prognostications yesterday. His assertion that O-face would crush the Clagina. That her early %-lead would dry up like a 80-year old’s hoo-hah. Alas, he’s not here to defend his ridiculousness. God help him if he’s a stockbroker or palmreader…
Because another Faux Dem would rather allow a evangelly Republican to be Prez than a Dem who is both tough and shrewd. Nice.
I wanted Barack to win, no doubt, but I am proud of my country to an extent. In the first two contests of our presidential election, the most votes went to a black man and a woman. That’s not a bad thing. I’m not a “progressive” when it comes to government, but as a human being, I’m happy to see this sort of progress.
I woke up and it wasn’t a bad dream. Damn.
Let me be clear. I have no problem with a woman as president, and I don’t think Hillary is THAT awful. I think she’s a slimy political hack, but that’s usually not saying much, and compared to the steamy pile of dog feces that Bush’s presidency is, Hillary looks radiant. However, I will never be happy with Hillary so long as people like Obama are around. The whole purpose of the executive branch is to inspire legislation for Congress to pass and inspire the American people to do for the country the things that the people could not do on their own or on a smaller scale. I think he’s proven he’s far and away the best candidate by those criteria.
So yeah, I’m a little ticked at how the women of New Hampshire bought the “they’re ganging up on me and it’s really hard” meme hook, line, and sinker.
On the other hand, I could shoot Chris Matthews in the face for selling the line for Clinton, cause he’s an idiot of untold magnitude.
Oh yeah, and just cause I’m in a spiteful mood:
Are you insane? His speeches are terrible. They’re repetitive, they lack cadence, they lack organization, and above all they are dour and boring! Telling us again and again about how the insurance companies have fucked us doesn’t tell me what you’re going to do as President, nor is it particularly revelatory. Though, in your own defense, perhaps you had just seen McCain’s victory speech, after which Daffy Duck could have knocked your socks off.
Do you think for a second that after Iowa and New Hampshire the Democratic party isn’t going to nominate either an African American or a woman?? Seriously? The G.H.G., as you put it, is what’s going to get the massive turnout that ensures a Democratic victory!
Ok, there are like multiple Chrises here and I collectivly blame our parents for essentially saddling us with the Toyota Corolla of first names. Brothers, unite in our name-based malaise.
For the record, that being my permanent internet record, I was the one who mentioned feeling a little sick about this and then considering not voting. I may feel different come election day, but if the choice is between any of the Republican stock and Hillary “50% of my supporters are voting for my husband by proxy” Clinton, then I really won’t bother.
I know, I know. A-Bloo-bloo-bloo. How can you not vote for Clinton? She’ll make it just like the nineties again. The economy will go back to the way it used to be and Kurt Cobain will come back from the dead and, and everyone will think Jim Carrey is hilarious again! Bloo-bloo-bloo.
Clinton v McCain = McCain
that’s what sucks the most about this
I want whatever you’re smoking. NFW a Republican wins in November. You did see, right, the overwhemling greater number of Dems voting than Republicans in Iowa and NH?
Of course, maybe I’ve underestimated the number of phoney Democrats who’d rather have Jesus Jr. in the WH starting wars and appointing fellow Jesi to the SC, who’ll uphold endless wiretaps and crush abortion rights. It’s all worth it, cuz, God knows Hillary is a bitch who sometimes cries and stuff.
You ain’t kidding, Cleek. I’d like to think that just a continuous airing of that picture of him hugging the president in lieu of standard attack ads would be enough to win the general. But with Clinton as the candidate? Shit, that’s a right-wing fantasy in the making.
Sinister eyebrow
Well, waking up this morning I am again reminded why no one asks me for my election predictions let alone pays me for them.
Actually, I like the result. I’d like to see the debate continue since I haven’t heard enough on what these guys actually want to do about alot of specific problems. An Obama win would have sucked all the air out of it and made the press coverage even less substantive than the deplorable sophomoric crap we already have to put up with.
As for the “I won’t vote at all if HRC is the nominee” wing, well I’d like to know what the woman actually did that is so deplorable? I prefer Obama, HRC is not my first choice, but I lived in NY when she ran for Senate. She ran a first class campaign, and once elected she did a damn good job representing the people who elected her. She has maintained a high approval rating among her constituents and even groups that opposed her initially have come around to support her based on her performance in office. That says a lot for an elected official. We could do far worse (imagine President Huckabee).
Boo-hooing about nebulous “likeability” as an excuse to refuse to participate in your own democracy is childish and gave us George W. Bush and his armada of incompetent clowns for 8 years. Learn from mistakes. Abstention only works for drunks.
It was fun last night to watch the kewl kids’ heads exploding. The look on Tweety’s face when they ran the clip of him and HRC was PRICELESS!
But they will reject the meme that their meaness propelled the Clagina to victory, so expect to hear that it was a combination of things, none of which was there fault:
1) Hillary was supposed to win NH, it was her first firewall state.
2) The polls were wrong because of the so-called Bradley (or Wilder) Effect – People concealed their racism by falsely claiming the were voting for Obama.
3) Independents that would have voted for Obama voted for McCain instead in order to deny pHuckabee another victory.
The Wingnut meme is already forming – Shrillary faked some tears and fooled a bunch of old ladies into voting for her out of sympathy. And the “Iron my Shirt” incident was a plant too (even if it wasn’t, it could have been)
Billy K
Don’t forget it costs money to campaign. The eventual nominee will need money for the general.
Wow. Do you really think that? And if so, what has led you to this conclusion?
I’m just going to point out that this was said many MANY times in the run up to the 2004 election. “ANYONE could beat G.W.B.” they said. Yes, Democrats are turning out now, when there’s an African American with amazingly broad appeal in the running against a woman. Of course they are. Do you honestly believe that the same will be true in November if a woman that the Republicans loathe, the Independents can barely stomach, and the youth would by and large rather not see take the White House? Now, imagine that the person running against her wins over Independents at an alarming rate and has the advantage of not having to play to his base at all because no Republican in the world will stay home rather than vote because they all want to kill Hillary. I can see a couple of scenarios where Hillary vs. McCain puts McCain on top.
They can’t give you any specifics. They will banally posit tripe involving “attitude” and “bitchy” and “unlikeable”. There’s no quantification for their dislike.
And to demonstrate their displeasure in having a less-than-perfect Democratic nominee, they’d rather a staunch R win instead. Huckabee and his “evolution is a crock theory, Jesus just snapped his fingers to get zebras” is more palatable than Clinton.
These fake Dems are a joke. Good riddance on Election Day.
It’s amazing to see that CDS infects both the left and the right.
You have any link to prove this rather stunning statement?
Is it just me, or did it seem like there was something going on between Tweety and the Clagina?
I think he has a crush on her and that’s why he says mean things about her. The whole press corps acts like a bunch of junior high adolescents.
I’d take a Republican over a Conservative any day.
War? What war?
What’s most encouraging about last night wasn’t just who won but how many total votes they got:
The Democrats crushed the GOP in total votes cast.
Cleek, I think you’re right, unfortunately. I am able to be optimistic about Obama, and I sure would like to be optimistic about HRC if for no other reason than a) GWB and b) the utter lameness of all the Republican candidates, but. But. After 2004, I know better than to try to apply logic to the electorate, and I am determined to be a little more wary this time. Still, I hold out much hope that she won’t get the nomination, this thing is much tighter than it appeared a few months ago and that is still good news.
I guess given the inaccuracy of the polling, I wonder whether that old canard is true that people say they will vote for a black person more than they actually turn out and vote for that person. I realize that did not happen in Iowa. I haven’t followed the coverage religiously, but I haven’t heard this mentioned as a possibility even once. They keep talking about her choked-up moment. That seems like a really weird reason to change your vote, to me. I dunno.
This is stunning? Have you been paying attention to all of the entrance and exit polling out of Iowa and New Hampshire? HuffPost has a pretty decent aggregate of all the major media outlet’s take on last night’s exit polling.
Clinton took us to war? Holy crap. I had no idea.
There’s something else that makes me think McCain would probably defeat Clinton in a general election match up. In a recent interview, I think it was Russert, John McCain said something to the effect that Amercians didn’t care where American soldiers were, or for how long, just that they weren’t dying.
As depressing as that sentiment sounds, I can’t help but think he nailed something there. As impressive as the size of the pre-war protests were, most of this country didn’t come around to thinking this war was a mistake until after a few years of heavy violence. I know a lot of my ideological compatriots on the left like to think that this country woke up to this war being an immoral boondoggle, but really it seems to have been more of a cost/benefit analysis.
And with the surge “working” to reduce the number of American casualties, it won’t matter to most Americans that Iraq is still a steaming hole nowhere close to political reconciliation. McCain can run on his military record as the sage war hero who while objecting to the way this war was run, after the fact, isn’t some hippie peacenik who thinks the army maybe shouldn’t invade whereever the hell we feel like.
Get ready for months of “If we elect a democrat, we’ll be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory in Iraq.” if that’s the case. I suppose we’ll be hearing that no matter who the republican or democratic nominee is. But for me, Clinton and to a lesser extent Edwards represent the rather large contingent of Americans who supported this war but for some reason decided to flip once the bodies started piling up.
Uh…a prefence for Obama does not a distate for Hillary make. Just b/c indies “prefered” BO does not allow you to conclude “they can barely stomach” her, and futher imply that they’d vote R if she was the candy.
I prefer Jess Alba. If she turned me down but Lindsay Lohan came aknockin’ instead, I’m pretty sure I’d open my door to that trollop, too.
i think it’s amazing that not liking a candidate is a “Derangement Syndrome”. it’s amazing to see that method of argumentation infecting both the right and the left. well… sad, not really amazing.
The McCain threat is made much worse by the fact that he’s at least strongly considering making Lieberman his running mate. The media and the general populace will just drool over that “post-partisan” ticket, and I don’t think a divisive candidate like Hillary will have any chance against that. Yeah, Hillary’s divisiveness is a media invention and McCain’s independent, principled image has been shown to be a farce by his brown-nosing Bush. But most Americans don’t follow politics and won’t know or care. (Remember the 2004 polls that showed a majority of Bush supporters thought he’d take action against global warming?) They’ll see “unity ticket” vs. “impeachment rerun” and go for McCain. He’s generally beat her in the polls – he slipped slightly behind when his campaign tanked but i assure you that will reverse now. And that’s without the Lieberman unity ticket, even.
When I listen to Clinton and Obama, and when I look at their polling numbers, to me, Obama is both the better candidate and more electable. I understand hesitation about selling out or whatever for some hypothetical candidate based on “electability”, but in this case it just seems like the more electable candidate is, at the risk of too much alliteration, also just electrifying. I am just scratching my head at the prospect that we would nominate someone so polarizing and so alienating to independents who is also not even particularly exciting to her base, when we have such a better alternative. I don’t really consider that CDS, it’s far from an uncommon view from what I’ve heard. If the Democrats nominate her and McCain wins, it will just be another case of the triumph of the Republican party’s not-so-secret weapon: the Democratic party.
Way to go Hillary — You have my vote.
I’m not referring to anyone who “doesn’t like” HRC as having CDS. I’m talking about what appears to be irrational hatred for her.
When you see someone who expresses hatred for Hillary without any reason to feel that way, that’s CDS. It’s even more evident when the person offers a reason for that hatred, but when that reason is proven untrue the hatred continues unabated.
“Hillary set up that ‘Iron My Shirt’ thing on purpose because she’s a fake and a phony.”
“Oh, she didn’t set it up? Well, she could have, I wouldn’t put it past her, cuz she’s a fake and a phony!”
All of the liberal Supreme Court justices are over retirement age. I don’t want any more conservatives on the court. I’ll be voting for whoever the Democratic nominee is.
Fair point, you could make the argument that if Obama were completely and utterly out of the picture, Clinton may see some more independents voting for her, but I just think that’s false hopes. ;)
Why are Independents who are now enamored of Obama going to want to vote for Clinton in the general? In other words, your argument goes both ways. A huge support for Obama does not make Hillary their second choice by default. Or to put it your way, the independent voter is not a whore to the democratic party the way Jessica Alba or Lindsay Lohan ought to be to you or I.
Ed Drone
Sorry, they went out with the Dodo bird. “Rockefeller Republicans”, they used to be called. Some say they are a mythical species, others just say, “extinct.”
What used to be a “Rockefeller Republican” is called a “DLC Democrat” today.
Nice idea, but impractical.
I believe there is such a thing as CDS but in my opinion it must come from something about the candidate herself, otherwise, how could we explain how rampant it is. I’ve tried many times to like Hillary. Two years ago, the only thing you’d hear out of my mouth was, “It’s going to be Hillary in 2008, no doubt.” Then I listened to Barack Obama’s book on CD while driving cross-country, and it opened my eyes not to Obama, but to how much I didn’t get a good vibe from Hillary, and how little I had invested in her as a person who could lead. With Hillary, I didn’t care that she won, I cared that the Republicans lost. I think the CDS stems from the fact that Hillary is a machine of the Democratic party set to destroy the Republican grip on the nation through any means necessary, and that turns a lot of people (especially the Republicans, I hear) off to her. Couple that with the fact that Obama’s message is pretty much the opposite, and no wonder there’s a growing schism on the left.
The Daily Howler has another theory. You hear bad things about somebody, and your first impression is to dislike them based on what you have heard. Later you find out that what you heard was untrue, but the dislike remains.
you can say it. but there’s an alternative explanation that has nothing to do with politics….
Richard Bottoms
Anne Laurie
Is it just me, or did it seem like there was something going on between Tweety and the Clagina?
During Tweety’s glory days as an altar boy, he spent waaay too much time around those “special” priests, the ones the other altar boys warned each other never to be alone with. He can’t deal with any woman except by pretending they’re either a middle-school cheerleader or a Real Doll. Also, if you will recall, Tweety is the Talking Head who started the legend about how “irrestibly manly” Bush looked in that sweatsock-stuffed flight suit. This time around, he’s fixated on Fred Thompson “musky odor… irresistable… kind of like English Leather, Aqua-Velva, pipe smoke”… “
Hillary, whatever her flaws, is neither a cheerleader or a porn toy, and (despite the sniggers of the Reichtards) she does not seem to exude the manly smell of aftershave and pipe smoke. Tweety has an even worse case of HRC Derangement Syndrome — defined as an incandescent hatred that owes less to the woman’s policies, ideas, or characteristics than to the fact of her continued existence — than Andrew Sullivan, and he’s got a much wider audience than Sullivan to dump his pantload of innuendo and untruth upon.