John Cole, AKA Karl Rove, makes you read when you could be watching YouTube.
And all except Punchy rejoiced.
by Tim F| 27 Comments
This post is in: Humorous
John Cole, AKA Karl Rove, makes you read when you could be watching YouTube.
And all except Punchy rejoiced.
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Billy K
Any hints for those of us with YouTube blocked at work?
Quit lagging on the job and surf from home.
Use GoToMyPC to connect to your home PC.
Get a Verizon Broadband Wireless Modem and connect from almost anywhere.
Find a job where they don’t block stuff.
Billy K
Very helpful. You guys are teh bestest!
I say we mess with Punchy and Billy K.
Guys, that a video of a hot naked chick, replete with oil, batteries, and a donkey. What’s that? A firewall issue? Ah…sorry to hear that.
There’s nothing like a little Monty Python to clear the political palette. Now about that wine…
Truman’s Conscience
It’s the Village People
OR video of Glen Becks surgery
Oooh! RonPaul is gonna be on the SitCom Room to explain his racist rants from the past.
Hey, we need to find a Camelot-like meme for Obama.
What are the lyrics for Obamalot?
Obamalot? That’s an Obamanation!
It’s true! It’s true! The press has made it clear.
The changes must be perfectly vague all the year.
A law was made a distant smoke filled room ago here:
Iowa and New Hampshire cannot be too hot.
And there’s a legal limit to the specifics here
In Obamalot.
The detailed plan is forbidden till next December
And the hand waving starts March the second on the dot.
By order, vagueness lingers through September
In Obamalot.
Obamalot! Obamalot!
I know it sounds a bit bizarre,
But in Obamalot, Obamalot
That’s how conditions are.
The mania may never fall till after sundown.
By eight, the morning the fog must appear.
In short, there’s simply not
A more congenial spot
For happily-ever-aftering than here
In Obamalot.
Obamalot! Obamalot!
I know it gives a blogger pause,
But in Obamalot, Obamalot
Those are the legal laws.
The specifics may never slush upon the tube.
By nine p.m. the nodding heads must appear.
In short, there’s simply not
A more congenial spot
For happily-ever-aftering than here
In Obamalot.
Well, now we know who writes Obama’s pretty speeches.
loves Jon Clesse and his cohort
What I had in mind was the Monty Python Camelot, not the version sung by Robert Goulet (RIP).
Still, I am quite impressed. The Monty Python may be even trickier to adapt (‘I sing from the diaphragm a lot’ as a rhyme to ‘Camelot’ is pretty hard to beat!).
And copyright that sucker before some outfit like the Capital Steps steals it.
All the recent consternation about what would happen if Countrywide fails reminds me of why Republicans and Libertarians are idiots (but what doesn’t, really).
Countrywide originates something like 1/7th of all the mortgages in the US. And, of course, you and me would be left holding the bag in the form of increased government debt from any bail-out. Hmm, what could prevent this type of catastrophic situation from existing? Government regulation, that’s what.
Government regulation that prevents excess consolidation (media, banks, etc.) sound like the prevent capitalism, but really they help act as a check that prevent catastrophic failures from destroying the economy during bad times.
Just like why the NASDAQ and NYSE are such better markets for investors than the AMEX (better regulation, rules, disclosure).
If I could ask for anything in the next 20 years out of American politics, it would be the complete discrediting of Libertarian (large L) economic ideas. No other “free” country in the world suffers from the delusions that we do because Libertarians are taken seriously.
Apropos my other post: Get another job. Free market and all that.
Heh. I guess if John can quote Karl Rove, I can quote VDH:
[Obama’s] clearly as good a speaker as they come, as bright or brighter than Hillary, and understands American politics in a way reflective of someone 50-60 with decades more experience. So what will the Clintons do about that? We will soon learn — but already from bits and pieces that leak out, and Bill’s harangues, we are beginning to sense some of the same patronizing and resentment that heretofore was reserved only for conservative blacks. I would expect the Clintons will bite their lip and then adopt the “we have to destroy the black candidate to save the black vote” mentality.
Yep. Here it comes.
I call fake ‘Birdzilla’. Name in all-caps too, please.
They don’t make spoofs like they used to.
“She changed me into a newt.” If she changed him into that evil toad Newt Gingrich, she really is a witch.
Only if you assume the government bails them out. Keeping with the libertarian agrument, the government would NOT bail them out they would go bankrupt. Then all of the mortgages would be purchased by other companies and you get the deconsolidation you are looking for.
This not just libertarian policy, but also free market policy.
For fans of Chris Mathews, inquire within.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Exactly how many times does the Gov’t have to pick up the bill from the latest experiment before you get a clue about what purpose it serves?
We’re Knights of the Round Table,
We dance when ere we’re able,
We do routines and chorus scenes
With footwork impeccable.
We dine well here in Camelot,
We eat ham and jam and spam a lot.
We’re Knights of the Round Table,
Our show are formidable,
But many times, we’re given rhymes
That are quite unsingable.
We’re Opera mad in Camelot,
We sing from the diaphragm
a looooooot.
In war we’re tough and able,
Quite indefatigable,
Between our quests we sequin vests,
And impersonate Clark Gable.
It’s a busy life in Camelot,
I have to push the pram a lot.