Clinton with her new BFF, Richard Mellon Scaife. Next up, lunch with Ann Coulter.
Hillary Clinton, February 2007
What a difference a year makes:
Watching from 12 time zones away, I’ve tried to stay out of campaign blow-by-blow.
But if, as I assume is true based on Marc Ambinder’s report, the Hillary Clinton campaign is circulating a hit job from the American Spectator, this is simply disgusting. (Marc has just confirmed to me that indeed the article came in an on-the-record email from Phil Singer, the Clinton campaign spokesman.)
That the Clinton family would dignify the American Spectator, of all publications, is astonishing to anyone who was alive in the 1990s.
That they would bless this attempt to paint Merrill McPeak as an anti-Semite is grotesque.
Please make this stop. I swear I will eat my vegetables and work out more and donate time to charity. Just please make this stop.
Maybe I need more coffee but I don’t see the Clinton/A.S.[S] link. Is Goldberg (not that one) part of their campaign?
Enter myiqpowerlevelis9000! to point out that Hillary wasn’t really interviewed by Scaife himself or some such nonsense.
First Bill on Limbaugh. Now Hillary in the Spectator. Do we get to see Chelsea nuzzle up to O’Reily next? Wow. Way to not lose gracefully. Thanks Clintons!
At this point she is ready to sell her soul to the devil to become the president.
John S.
How naive.
Anyone alive in the 1990s through today should know very well that the Clintons will do whatever the fuck it takes to get elected to office and/or keep their political power. Nothing is beyond the pale. Hillary is ‘in it to win it’ and would do absolutely anything to acheive victory. ANYTHING.
Yes, even that.
At this point Hillary would sign on with the PNAC if she thought it would help.
But seriously, why isn’t she running in the GOP primary?
Hillary is soooooo divisive that she is making peace with her enemies.
Don’t step in the unity.
She’s not a fusion candidate, she’s a fission candidate. Everything she comes near becomes divided, acrimonious and spiteful before it blows up. She’s the two-legged incarnation of a contested divorce. Fuck her.
Soylent Green
Hillary is like the Alec Guinness character in “The Bridge on the River Kwai,” cheerfully and heroically aiding the enemy.
“What have I done,” she will utter as she falls on the plunger and blows up the Democratic Party.
When will this uppity white woman stop putting words in Gen. McPeaks mouth? Only she should be held responsible for her staffs silly statements, and nobody on the other guys staff or his religious advisors should be held accountable for anything.
Its not even 12:00 and John has up 3 anti-Hillary posts.
Today is going to be a stellar day for the GOP-lite crowd.
Seriously, what’s next? Hillary buddying up to Dick Cheney makes her a uniter not a divider? If she takes money from Exxon, does that show how she’s willing to work with Big Energy? Perhaps she can run down to Jerry Falwell’s grave and kiss his ring, just so we don’t forget that she’s capable of overcoming religious barriers.
Give me a fucking break.
American Spectator?
Gee, wasn’t Drudge being cited as an authoritive and trustworthy source by the Obots just a couple weeks ago?
nice strategy
She’s beneath contempt. Hopefully leading Dems will pull the plug on her shenanigans before PA. She needs an intervention.
No grace, no class, no principle, just me me me me ME ME!
Hillary supporters are accessories to a crime. Pull your head out of your ass, you’ve embarrassed yourself enough already.
She’s despicable.
A front page pic of HRC meeting with Scaife with links to how she is disseminating an American Spectator hit piece, and F calls MUPpets GOP-lite. My irony meter is a steaming pile of ash in the corner.
Yes, I imagine you’re quite happy.
You’re right. You GOP-lite folks are going to get so riled up. I’m going to sit back and watch.
What’s amazing to me is that John can keep his cool and be as low key about this crap as he is being.
Clinton has crossed the line, she is now despised in Dem circles to a degree that surpasses even the hatred we have for Joe Lieberman, another politician who will gladly throw all of us under the bus for his own purposes.
There were a lot of reasons why I signed up for the MUP brigade, but now she has made just one of them really the top priority. I want Obama to be the nominee so that we get the Clintons out of our lives, and our party power structure, forever. Get them out, just get the the fuck out. I never want to hear or see anything of them again.
America really is better than these self-serving turds who just wont flush, just keep floating to the top of our toilet bowl water. The Bushes, the Cheneys, the Clintons, the Roves. Yes, make them go the fuck away.
There are not words to describe the awfulness of these people. I can’t even think of an analogy, unless it is George from Seinfeld, the pathological self-serving liar who would do anything to further his own interests, without blinking an eye. Except that these people are real, they are not in a sitcom.
IOW – Stop her before she wins again!
To regress back to my high school athletic days–look at the scoreboard.
Dennis - SGMM
I think that we should all take a second to bask in the proud glow of having the Clinton campaign dispatch one of its sockpuppets to BJ.
They could have sent a smarter one, though.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
You’re a tool.
Stop her, before she does more of the Republican’s work for them!
This campaign has gone from awesome to frustrating, and thanks to the hilbots is wrapping back around to awesome. Their tears provide me with my daily sodium.
Having said all that, as much as I think she is acting the ass, I will still vote for Hillary is she wins!
Making peace with people that accused me of murder shows good judgment, IMO, especially if they never publicly repudiated it.
Oh, you cut me to the quick with that insult!
Now hand over your milkshake.
Scaife has not supported the Spectator since 1997. While it is a concept quite unfamiliar to most of you MUPpers and Sullydrones, Hillary has aptly demonstrated the Christian value of forgiveness.
Even that simple act is turned into a object for your hatreds.
Ooooh goody! Nobody has Godwined this thread yet.
Let’s party like it’s August 24, 1939!
Can there be any doubt now that Hillary is doing everything she can to hand the November election to McCain?
Any doubt at all?
John S.
Just make sure it is bukkake flavored. That’s how myiq¼xu likes them.
If they figured that enough Hillbots would crossover and vote for McCain to counter the defections of Hillery Haters in the GOP, I have no doubt she would accept McCain’s offer to be his running mate.
John S.
Wow, nice spin and juxtaposition.
Hillary needs more people like you in her campaign.
I feel like a dog that’s just been shown a card trick.
Dennis - SGMM
News: “Hillary caught fellating dead pig.”
Hillbots: “She was trying to resuscitate that pig!”
myiq2xu is quite a piece of work eh?
I remember when only Dubya’s supporters could swallow a broomstick without gagging.
But seriously, didn’t he lose a bet yesterday?
Why is he still commenting?
Does he suffer from Hillary’s level of integrity or something?
“yeah, i know you tried to utterly destroy my entire life and the lives of my family, but you’re useful to me now. BFF?”
Incipient toadying is not the same as forgiveness.
I wasn’t going to drink it, I was saving it for you.
No, I did not.
Massive fail!
This group is all about forgiveness (John’s mea culpa and forgviness mashup) and positive change unless its deals with the Clintons, any change in regards to Hillary does not count unless it is a negative change.
How long ago was it that Hillary supporters were explaining to us that Obama didn’t have enough fight in him to go toe to toe with the GOP? That only Hillary had experience in battling that vast right wing?
That’s like saying a whore is making friends with her clients.
b. hussein canuckistani
Time to move on from bargaining to depression.
Sorry, I forgot. It apparantly hinges on the meaning of “is” right?
Oh well, if having standards is a good thing, having double standards must be twice as good right?
Kevin K.
I guess next we can expect the Clintons to engage in a friendly round of tennis doubles with Lucianne Goldberg and Ken Starr.
Then again, maybe she’s just admitting that she really did murder Vince Foster?
Dennis - SGMM
With Monica Lewinsky as line judge.
that picture reminds me of those comics where the Joker and Lex Luthor would team-up.
This is not called making peace. It is called dealing with the most contemtible low lifes in order to get what you want.
Rush Limbaugh made fun of and said disgusting things about Chelsea (a minor child at the time). Scaife accused Hillary of murdering Vince Foster and was behind the whole Paula Jones thing.
This is not about making peace with and compromising with people who differ from you politically!
I was a person who just two months ago had a favorable impression of the Clintons and really believed that Hillary would be a fine candidate for the Democrats (not the one I wanted, but still pretty good). I supported the Clintons in the ninetees. I still believe that most of the stuff thrown at them was untrue and malicious. The person behind all their troubles was Scaife. That is why it is so inconceivable that she would sit down with Scaife, or that Bill would go on a show where they made fun of his child.
I am pesonally offended because it is people like Scaife who fund right wing outfits, which in turn demonize the democratic party, the democrats and democratic principles.
You are deluded if you think she is making peace with her enemies. She is out there trying to create a new enemy for Obama, someone who will use his publication and machinery to smear Obama the way he did the Clintons!
myiq1/2xu = welsher. Doesn’t even have enough integrity to live up to the terms of a chat board bet.
That is all.
You’re assuming they have smarter ones. Have you read hillaryis44?
The most amusing thing about all this is how Democrats are now buying into the rhetoric first spewed out by Rush Limbaugh way back in 1990. And it only took 18 years for them to say, “Gosh, he was right.”
And, BTW, how’s that Dream Ticket idea of Obama with Hillary as his Veep working out? You guys still want her in that spot?
You know she’ll blow a few calls.
“Madness! Madness!”
SATSQ vol. pi
Hillary is still trying to win the nomination. She’s holding out for the Pennsylvania Primary like she held out for the Texas and Ohio primaries, hoping for a hail mary. I’ve yet to see any real knives come out, unless you count the whole “John McCain has more experience” quip. And even then, that probably did more damage to the Hill.
No one has accused anyone else of father (or mothering) transracial babies. No one has questioned the other’s sexuality. No one has tried to link his or her opposition to the Super Satanic ACLU while dry-humping some American Pope Wanna-be. Compared to the Republican Primary, our candidates have handled themselves with the grace and dignity of living saints.
Please drop the conspiracy theories. I question whether Hillary would even be capable of sabotaging Barack if she tried. So far, even the evidence of that sabotage is absent.
my et al:
not bad, but wouldn’t you really rather be working for teh pony? it’d give you a nice break from composing headlines for the NY Post.
It has become clear that a large body of people have become so disaffected to be psychologically disabled. The anger over their marginalization, even while the object of that marginalization no longer wields effective power and will soon be relegated to the history books, can not be qualmed. That fury must be redirected at someone.
Perhaps this is the true legacy of the disaffection – whether real or imagined – that now encoded in the DNA of the body politic, a people are unable to act rationally and operate in their own best interests. While organized groups previously used techniques to reinforce and direct perceptions, a significant crowd is now permanently mobilized and ready to assume whatever message is easiest digest and replicate, as long as it is focused on hatred of the other.
Bill Clinton did not go on the Rush Limbaugh show. He was interviewed by Mark Davis of WBAP radio in Texas who then replayed the interview when he guest hosted for the Big
Fat Idiot.
That’s like saying that Rev. Wright went on Hannity and Colmes a few thousand times.
Come back next week and try again!
The Pirate
If this Clinton bullshit wins McCain the presidency I will probably cry.
wait. somebody actually wanted that ?
In fairness to myiq, somebody revealed his ace in the hole before we agreed on terms, so he called off the bet. He actually had a (relatively) non-weasely argument in his favor, although I’m sure it would have been hotly debated for a few hundred posts.
Feel free to go after him for ridiculous pro-Clinton spin, but he didn’t welsh on the bet.
John S.
Why, the bukkake flavor isn’t strong enough for you anymore?
Judging from your comments the last few days it seems you’ve upgraded to the more potent bullshit flavored milkshakes.
Wow! That is even worse!
Read the Dallas Morning News tomorrow and see Mark Davis’ column about how all journalists were anxiously cheering for the 4,000th service member to die in Iraq.
Davis makes Limbaugh look like Brokaw.
oh, and myiq–
defend, if you can, that HRC and RMS have matching outfits in that photo!
en garde!
John S.
It’s very sad. If Hillary didn’t keep living up to Limbaugh’s delusional ramblings people wouldn’t think that. Anyway, he’s decided he likes what he sees and he’s big fan of hers now.
Video documentation of tbone’s harrowing account of Hillary’s visit to Bosnia.
Dude, give it up. You are so lame and predictable.
I started to say to JAFRS “I drink your milkshake” but then I knew what you would say.
So I changed it to “Now hand over your milkshake” so when you made your predictable response I could say “I wasn’t going to drink it, I was saving it for you.”
Would you like to play chess for money?
But that wasn’t the bet, you lose, go away for a week.
Dennis - SGMM
Frickin’ hilarious! I only wonder how many of the ‘bots over at hillaryis44 are linking to it as proof that Clinton didn’t lie.
I have to tell you that is one of the most disappointing thing to me, that we as a party are using Republican tactics and talking points (GOP-lite) against one of our own candidates. The frustrating thing is that we are also being led in these attacks by Republican, Andrew Sullivan (stark raving mad CDS member) and DINO, John Cole (lapsed CDS member), even though from reading his blog the last few days you wouldn’t know he was lapsed (John it can only work if you attend the meetings).
I guess its OK, it only Hillary that we’re attacking and using GOP tactics against.
John Cole
You utter douchebag. I am reacting to Hillary using GOP tactics on Obama, and I am reacting to Hillary now embracing the people who spewed the garbage of the 90’s.
I am supporting the Democrat in the fall. Right now I am supporting the liberal candidate, the actual progressive, in the primary. And I am aghast at what another Democrat is doing to him. And that, somehow, in your fucked up little world, means I am a bad Democrat. Piss off.
as lame and predictable as using the same movie quote to bail out of thread after thread after thread after thread?
John S.
As much as I love chess, no. You’ll change the rules mid-game and then when I get up and leave in disgust thump your chest about your superior playing skills.
I know better than to engage douchebags like you in any other way than this forum provides.
John S.
Give it up John.
It’s like arguing with someone from 2004 who is convinced of Bush’s superiority. There are no facts or logic you can use to get through to them. You just have ‘BDS’ and all that. Just substitute ‘Clinton’ for ‘Bush’. You of all people know how it goes.
I think this is your penance for all those years.
Obama will do and say anything to win!
After Fox News labeled him a Muslim and declared his childhood schools were madrassas – Obama said he would NEVER do an interview with Fox News.
Now that Obama has been on Fox News – has he sold his soul to the devil?
yeah, that’s why the hair-splitting over limbaugh is so stupid.
A: “whoa there, clinton didn’t go on limbaugh’s show! you’re totally wrong! jeez! limbaugh’s guest host played an interview he did with clinton! not the same!”
B: “but isn’t this other guy just as much of a right-wing blowjob who hates on democrats and liberals?”
A: “i don’t see why that matters at all.”
John S.,
I have a theory about why the GOP went batshit insane when it did. Back during the Cold War people in this country with hard core authoritarian personalities were divided more or less randomly (as a function of family history and personal circumstances) between the right and the left. I remember having arguments back in the 1970s with actual honest-to-god Trotskyites. This meant that both the Dems and the GOP had their in-house authoritarians, but a small enough block in both parties that they never really got control over either one.
Post-1991 with the collapse of the USSR the left wing authoritarians were out in the cold. No fun being an authoritarian with a discarded ideology and no hope of ever coming into power. They had to go somewhere, and eventually they gravitated over to the neocon wing of the GOP, because that was the most viable show left in town. This was enough to tip the internal balance of power within the GOP, and the rest is history.
Now it looks like with the implosion of the GOP under W some of these same personality types are migrating back to the Democratic party. They can smell the shift in power and they will follow it where ever it goes.
The Clintons are too divisive!
The Clintons are talking nice to Republicans!
The Clintons are . . . (head explodes)
I hate stupidly obnoxious bullshit as much as Cole does, if not more, and Clinton’s seems to be piling on more on a daily basis. But if people just take a step back from getting pissed off at every new Hillary debacle, a big silver lining appears.
Don’t like Hillary? Don’t want the Clintons in the political arena? Then Hillary is giving you exactly what you want! Her antics have been ineffective at denting Obama’s lead or tarnishing his candidacy, but *incredibly* effective at turning people away from ever trusting a Clinton in politics again. She’s digging her own grave, people! Isn’t it worth it to endure a couple more months of her nonsense in 2008 so she won’t have any credibility to try any other bullshit in 2009 and beyond?
political usefulness makes strange bedfellows. you end up in bed with people who spent years and millions trying to destroy your entire family, or buddying up with a guy who joked that your daughter was ugly because her father was janet reno (essentially calling your kid ugly and illegitimate, and calling you a lesbian. nice.).
this stuff isn’t happening out of some belief in “christian forgiveness”. this is the politics of convenience, the politics of the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
i’m just wondering why it’s supposed to be worth it. if anyone said that kind of shit about my daughter i’d give em a swift kick in the junk.
Maybe if it had been an honest reconciliation, where Scaife had said, “Hey sorry about making all that shit up in the 90s about you. Where I accused you of murder, and corruption, and lots of other slanderous stuff. I take it all back.” And Hillary had said, “Hey, it’s OK, I forgive you. Now let’s talk about all of our policy positions.” Maybe then it wouldn’t have looked like a craven political maneuver.
And can you honestly say that, if it had been Obama meeting with Scaife to beat up on Hillary, you wouldn’t be bludgeoning him with it and calling him a traitor to the party?
Chopper beat me to it.
What he said.
Dennis - SGMM
chopper is right. Most people would react just as he said. Most people organize their lives around something more than blind ambition.
ntr Fausto Carmona
Hillary loses the coveted Chris Bowers endorsement.
Hey Fausto,
I have opening day tickets. Too bad your not on the hill until Tuesday
Kevin K.
I know in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter that Hillary’s latest round of bullshit has lost her the (tepid?) support of Atrios, Kevin Drum and Brad from Sadly, No! today, but I think it’s a fairly big deal when James Fallows, one of the wisest and best correspondents out there, feels the need to express his disgust from China:
Bill Gates
Here at Microsnot we call what Hillary is doing Embrace, Extend, Extinguish. I’m pretty sure she only cares about the Extend part though, as it pertains to the Clinton Dynasty.
John S.
A plausible explanation since authoritarians do seem to exist on all sides of the political spectrum. They don’t care as much about ideology as they do about a strong leader.
I like your thought process.
I wonder what you suggest we do to someone who enabled an illegal and immoral war that has killed over 4,000 of our contrymen and is costing upwards of 1 Trillion dollars. These same people slandered our patriotism, called us traitors and 5th columnist when we tried to tell them they were wrong about the war and now that we been proven right they’ve come to us for “christian forgiveness” (John Cole, Andrew Sullivan).
I could go with your suggestion of a swift kick in the junk, can I call it the “Kick of Christian Forgiveness”.
I’m ready to forgive you, tell me where we can meet so I can give you your “Kick of Christian Forgiveness”.
I’m going to ask my brother to stand in for me on that “Kick of Christian Forgiveness”, he has a bigger foot and is more likely to actually hit your junk.
Liberal Masochist
Here’s how this will play out:
It will all be over shortly after May 6th (the date of the Indiana and NC primaries). Why? Those are the last major states left in terms of delegates. Hillary will win PA, lose NC and possibly breakeven in Indiana. The underlying math will not improve for her – it will actually get worse. Given this, the party leaders and luminaries (Gore, Pelosi, Reid, Dean, Edwards et al) will tell her to either concede or they will throw their endoresements to Obama publicly. She will concede at that time.
Why are they waiting rather than doing this now? I don’t think they want to be seen as thwarting the will of important states like these three (but really PA. which will be a major swing state in the general), so they will put up with the sniping and infighting for another month.
People’s memories are short and there is a long way to go to the GE and the party will rally around Obama.
not vote for her, for starters.
Well, let’s just go all Sunni/Shia and hate each other forever and ever down through the centuries.
“Scorched earth, bodies defiled, kill ’em all and let God sort ’em out.”
And this from followers of the Magic Unity Pony.
hey, triangulate away if you want to. cynically embrace the people that ruined your life if it’s politically convenient.
but don’t try to fool people by telling them it’s “christian forgiveness” at work.
John Cole
I haven’t come to you for Christian forgiveness. First, I think religion (particularly the organized crap) is nonsense and fairy tale shit. I realize Iam far to the left on many of the commenters here on that, but religion to me is something I just do not buy into.
Second, if the war is that big of a deal for you, why are you supporting the one Democrat who ran in the field of Democrats who refuses to openly admit she made a mistake? She was misled, or the authorization for war somehow was not an authorization for war, or some sort of BS. Even worse, you are supporting the candidate who is sabotaging the candidate who was actually right from the beginning about the war.
Christian forgiveness? Go fuck yourself.
My mistake – I forgot about the “Clinton Rules.”
Everything they do is wrong, even when it’s the right thing to do.
sorry, count me as one of those who don’t consider cynical triangulation and pimping the republican over a fellow democrat is “the right thing to do”.
Clinton Donors to Nancy Pelosi:
Nice DCCC you have here. It would be a shame if something happened to it.
ntr Fausto Carmona
This from the spoof whose candidate thought the AUMF and Kyl-Lieberman were fine and dandy.
That makes sense to me, except I think it might have to wait until after the Oregon primary, as the latter looks like the more likely site for a crushing Obama victory by double digit margins which can’t be discounted on the laughable basis that “the people there have too dark of a suntan, and who cares what they think because that state always votes GOP in the general election anyway”.
Jeebus! I don’t know who said it but:
“Obama’s trolls are like smug Frenchmen without the intellect, or the talent, just the arrogance, self superiority and lack of personal insight.”
So let me get this straight. Limbaugh is telling his listeners to vote for Hillary Clinton. Then Limbaugh happens to have snort too much Oxycontin the day of the Texas primary, when his listeners are to vote for Hillary Clinton. It so happens that Mark Davis — a conservative Texas DJ who never substituted for Rush before — happens to have interviewed Bill Clinton, and that he happened to have the tape pre-cleared to be played on Rush’s show on Texas Primary day.
Either a bunch of stars just happened to align perfectly, or Rush and the Clintons were furthering their mutually stated interest in convincing Texans to vote for Hillary while retaining enough plausible deniability to convince their most idiot supporters that they are not, in fact, working together.
They and the whole HRC campaighn are scum.
If Scaife noticibly cuts down on the rhetoric and starts to promote a legitimately bipartisan vision, then yeah, Hillary deserves credit for reaching across the aisle. Otherwise, Clinton is either cynically cozying up to someone devoted to ideology and policy in direct contrast to the party she ostensibly represents, or she’s been suckered by someone with a long history of bad faith partisanship.
In other words, if Obama suddenly got all buddy-buddy with Karl Rove in the same manner as Hillary has with Scaife, a rational observer’s first thought wouldn’t be “Look! They’re trying to heal the partisan rift!” It’d be closer to “What the hell is he doing? Is he up to something?”
LOL…. Oh, the irony….
Mccain : Chelsea Clinton is ugly, because she takes after her father, Janet Reno
Clinton : Mccain has crossed the C-in-C threshold. The junior senator from Illinois has not
Richard Mellon Scaife : Hillary, why did you murder Vince Foster?
Clinton : Thank you for inviting me. To answer your question, I would have left the church if Wright was my pastor.
Bonus Billary
Richard Mellon Scaife : How did you put up with your wife when your adultery trial was going on? My bitch of a wife is giving me nightmares.
Bill Clinton : I feel your pain.
Richard Mellon Scaife to the press : Bill is much nicer and a lot more charismatic in person.
Tree Box Filters
Whatever it takes, for Hillary. Can’t wait ’til she resigns her Senate seat the day after Obama wins the presidency.
This is why site monitors need to ban concern trolls.
This race for the Democratic Nomination should have been over. The media reports about the backbiting, and how mean the race is. This is the Clinton’s campaign trying to distract the voters from the fact she can’t win honestly.How ridiculous for President Clinton to say “saddle up” to Obama. Is he deliberately trying to be Reagan like. The Clintons need to held accountable by the superdelegates for the dragging this race out, and not allowing Obama proper time and space to prepare for McCain.
truth machine
Honestly, how does one get that stupid?
truth machine
People like myiq2xu are so transparently dishonest and devoid of scruples that attempting to enlighten them is not only an exercise in futility, it’s playing their game by treating them as good faith participants in the discussion. Rather, they deserve only contempt.
Roland Madore, Fort Collins, CO
Go away, Bill and Hiliary!
Today Bill Clinton today said, “Let’s fight!” That’s so disingenuous because his wife’s the candidate behind in this race, the rules never apply to both the candidates on the Democratic side, and many of the voters are so sick and tired of the negative politics for a long time now.
Barack Obama is ahead in this race, so why should he want to fight? That’d be stupid! Candidates who are behind always want to continue the fight. Besides, it’s Bill Clinton who’s calling for the fight, not Hiliary. Bill Clinton is NOT the candidate. He’s a former candidate and a former President who, as titular head of the Democratic Party, is pushing his weight around and being a damn bully, acting very un-presidential, and recklessly ruining the Democratic Party in the process. Also, whenever the Obama campaign staff or the media have taken on Hiliary, the Clinton camp has always whined and wanted them all fired immediately. So who are they kidding? Millions of Americans want the dirty politics to stop, and the Clintons, and their supporters, just don’t get the message.
It’s always been about the Clintons and how the rules apply to everyone else, but them. As long as they keep up this gutter politics and act like spoiled brats, they will bring on more and more of their own negatives, ruin our chances in the fall, and may very well destroy the Democratic Party in the process.
You don’t get it: myiq2xu isn’t trolling me with his/her nonsense.
I’m trolling myiq2xu with intelligent, good-faith responses guaranteed to drive him/her nuts.
I don’t think she’s in it to win it, I think she’s in to for McCain to win it (why else would Scaife be there?), and apparently that’s the direction this may go if Hillary’s supporters would rather pull the lever for McCain than Obama.
For a woman who seemed to be the head nail of the GOP hammer’s VRWC, she sure is friendly with those who would do her harm… unless… just maybe… perhaps it was all a ruse?
Tax Analyst
Probably the same type of asshole as the one who just thought it was so clever that they would paste & post it here.
It’s kind of funny hearing YOU talk about arrogance and self-superiority – I can’t speak to whether or not you lack personal insight. It’s none of my business and I could give a rat’s ass about whether you do or don’t.
Actually, THIS is probably a more succinct remark than mine:
truth machine
False dichotomy. And, as I noted, good faith responses are ineffective … not only to persuade trolls, but even to irritate them, as they are what trolls expect and hope for, whereas if you just call them the names they deserve, they whine about it for a bit and trot out all the standard fallacies like it that just proves you have no argument or — in this particular case — that you’re a hypocrite because Obama is calling for unity, but get bored quickly enough.
That I get. :-)
truth machine
P.S. The whine often comes as a complaint about “ad hominem attacks”, which displays the troll’s ignorance. I would never argue that, because myiq2xu is a stupid dishonest ass, his argument is invalid … that is indeed a fallacy ad hominem. On the contrary, it is his making such transparently invalid and dishonest arguments as he does that establishes that he is a stupid dishonest ass.
Hillary repeated her statement that she would not keep Rev. Wright as her pastor on Fox News yesterday! I saw the clip on Good Morning America a few minutes ago.
That’s because you are a bad parent, chopper. Be a good parent like Hillary, who if we take her at her word thought that there could be no better place to take her daughter than a wide open space under deadly sniper fire.
I realise that u ≈ 1.660538782 × 10^(−27) kg (1) But when you write “x”, in units of I.Q. points per kilogram I guess, what are you measuring? Some property of the hemispheres of your brain?
BTW, have you heard that Floyd album “Atom Heart Mother”?