And Nixon opens calling Obama elitist. Talk about bad faith.
Fuck her. I am not voting for her in the general. Period.
*** Update ***
The pantsuit gets testy and won’t give specifics about when she first experienced the rapture. She loves everyone, though, and is full of God’s grace. Except Obama- that elitist motherfucker needs to explain himself.
This is nauseating. I am done watching this crap. Back to 60 Minutes. I am sure I will hear about it tomorrow.
*** Update ***
Ok. I have calmed down after my flash of anger. How is this going?
You need to lay off Bill and have some more compassion for what Hillary is going through.
h/t reddit
What channel is the debate on?
Okay, ten minutes of this bitch doing her Holier Than Thou routine, and I can think of nothing but walkin up to her on that stage, sticking my finger down my throat, and throwing up on her face.
Am I a really bad person, or is this the biggest crock of shit in the history of the universe?
Has anyone noticed on Hillary’s limo if there’s an “I brake for snipers” bumpersticker?
This weird “compassion forum” religious discussion is the perfect place for Obama to hit back for being called an “elitist.” He’ll likely point out his race, his single-parent upbringing, not to mention his funny name and lack of immense Clinton wealth to ask the audience just who really comes off as “elitist.”
CNN, but it’s not a debate.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Is this one hour with Clinton and one hour with Obama?
gypsy howell
BIGGEST crock of shit in the universe.
This whole fucking thing is the biggest crock of shit in the universe.
Can anyone really be buying this load of crap?
Hillary has 109 million reasons not to be bitter.
First, it’s not a debate. They’ll take turns answering questions. I tried to watch her, I really did. Lying about most everything, I guess I’m used to hearing her do it. Lying about grace seems even worse.
Yes. Biggest crock of shit in the known universe. And no. I will not vote for her. Ever.
The Compassion Forum? WTF is that.
It’s on CNN, but it’s really not a debate. It’s one-on-one interviews with each candidate by themselves.
gypsy howell
Randi Rhodes was right.
Boy this really is fuckin’ horrible. Regardless of what you think about Hillary, this format is, well fuckin’ horrible. Whoever thought this up at CNN needs to be put to pasture.
She’s looking really tortured having to answer questions about religion, no?
Why has the Baby Jesus forsaken me, and America?
Make.Her.Stop. In the name of everything holy, make her stop.
gypsy howell
How many times can I scream “Fuck You” at the TV in one night?
Im about to find out….
Apparently, Mrs. Clinton has decided that she can win the Democratic nomination by running to the right of John McCain.
Is it asking too much that the entire management of CNN be jailed for life over this?
“no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”
What the FUCK do they think this means?
You are a bad person.
You ain’t so hot as a persona either.
They don’t care what the Constitution says TZ, you know this.
The only thing I can say about this format is hooray that Obama gets to go last, but… I wonder, do they have him sitting in a soundproofed box right now so he can’t respond to anything she may say about him?
gypsy howell
Oh goody. Now she’s going to try to pander to meeeeeeeeeeee. Now there’s too MUCH religion.
Wow. Faster than Andrew Sullivan. We knew he’d do that, but I didn’t expect you to. You’re sounding just like the HillaryBots.
Sorry, but I thought they were a bit crazy for wanting to doom the party’s chance in November just because they didn’t like Obama. I would have thought they’d have some perspective on just how bad a McCain administration would be, beyond this primary bullshit.
Yes Hillary, why ARE you having this forum?
Hm. I have really got to say, YAY!!!!
So that this constant stream of unmitigated horseshit doesnt’ cause him a brain injury, I would think.
This woman is genuinely dangerous. The inventor of the phrase VRWC sits here and sounds for all the world that she has capitulated to it.
NoIQ comes on here and lets loose an ad hominem as his very first post. Classic!
area man
I’m confused because I thought she objected to going first.
Given her behaviour of the last few days, though, the part of me that enjoys political debate as sport was rather looking forward to seeing what Obama would do with her in a more traditional, back-and-forth debate.
This is a real dud on the part of CNN for sure.
I am on here because I refuse to watch Hillary. I am waiting until Obama is on.
Sorry, I just had this moment of relief my part of the primaries are done.
Kinda like how it sucks to be single, then you have dinner with a married couple that hate each other, and bam. So glad to be single.
I agree she has gone over to the dark side completely. I just wonder if we can’t maintain some perspective on just who would actually be worse in the White House; her or McCain. Luckily, we likely won’t have to make that choice. Hopefully her Tonya Harding strategy will die off fairly soon, and we can get on with it with Obama as nominee.
Why the hell are they asking these unbelievably stupid questions? “Why does God let innocent people suffer?”
Did they get these questions from Conservapedia?
As TZ pointed out, the subject itself is reprehensible.
Welcome back, noiq. See, I done told you guys he’d be back…
gypsy howell
I can’t wait to vote against her next week.
The guilty ones might be able to get even?
Just answer the fucking question Hillary, what IS your favorite bible passage?
Oh, it’s not a passage, it’s a character. She doesn’t KNOW any passages, she only knows of certeain people who were discussed.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Does McCain have to do something like this too?
gypsy howell
Oh yeah, she’s practically Jewish, she’s so Christian.
I can’t take it. The country is going down the tubes, and they’re fucking asking questions about favorite bibble stories.
What the hell is going on here? Why the fuck is Jon Meachum on my TV? When will Newsweek figure out they are run by the pastor from the Simpsons?
I understand your point. And given that Pantsuit still more than likely won’t win it, we won’t have to make the decision. But.
If she gets the nomination, and gets it by these means, you’ll have the same choice I will. Do we validate the brand of politics that has turned the process into a sewer? Do we validate the Nixon of the Democratic party and earn, in the process, eight years of Clintonian dishonesty? What would her victory mean for the party in the long run?
One could make the argument that we’re better off with clear majorities in both Houses and McCain as a single term president. We work hard for the former, suffer the latter.
I have never in my life seen this much pandering and knob-slobbering on the part of one person at one time.
Some sort of new standard is being set here for smarm.
Just Some Fuckhead
God’s been getting legal advice from John Yoo?
So, this is the effort to get the right-wingers to vote for Hillary? Did she pay for this? And if she’s soooo compassionate, did she request herself that she and Obama be questioned separately because she’d have a meltdown if they were questioned together?
Asked about her favorite Bible story, she refers to Esther. Hmmm.
And she came very close to admitting to trying to indoctrinate Chelsea into the gay lifestyle.
Exit question: how is this a debate?
Just Some Fuckhead
That woulda been my answer if I was up there on the stage. That or “God is a Republican”. But then again, I’d also not be wearing that hideous scarf because I wouldn’t want anything covering up the giant gold cross around my neck. The one without Christ on it because He’s Risen, dammit. But that’s just me.
Are we electing a theologian or a president? What is wrong with our news media?
Hillary: Because the Senator, for whom I have the greatest respect, by the way, proved his closeness to Jesus when he spent five years at the Hanoi Rectory — I mean, Hilton.
Bob In Pacifica
I flipped on the CNN website and it had the question for Hillary, “When does life start?” Friday at five, right?
Everyone else in the house wants to watch the rerun of America’s Top Chef, so I’m counting on you guys.
I do give credit to her highness for continually praising President Bush’s accomplishments. At least she isn’t a fancy pants elitist like Islamobama.
Being questioned separately leaves no ability for another candidate to offer accountability – it’s a bullshit forum.
“The politics of the Karl Rove era were designed to distract and divide the very people who would ordinarily be rebelling against the deterioration of their way of life. Working Americans have been repeatedly seduced at the polls by emotional issues such as the predictable mantra of “God, guns, gays, abortion and the flag” while their way of life shifted ineluctably beneath their feet,” – Senator Jim Webb
we all know what a elitist snob Webb is, so of course Hillary is right.
gypsy howell
I hope I don’t hate Obama this much after his turn on the Compassion Forum.
I really, really resent the whole premise of this “debate.”
Yes, yes I do. Why?
OMG. The applause for Obama. Standing ovation. Hillary didn’t get such a warm welcome.
Now that
Annie OakleyHillary’s finished, she may have time to get in some target practice.ThymeZone
Was that applause all for Obama, or just appreciation for the fact that Hillary is shutting up and leaving?
No, you are just an asshole.
Damnit! DAMNIT! Fucking CNN live feed. Obama says, “So, basically I just stole all…”
All what? All the cookies in the Green Room? Hillary’s thunder? What? WHAT!?
gypsy howell
Maybe they’re really, really happy to see her leave. I know I was glad it was over.
At Messiah College, no less…
I don’t want to hear any Democrat talk about “fundies” after tonight’s despicable panderfest. Hillary name-dropped “God” more in 5 minutes than she did her entire 8 years as FLotUS. I doubt we’ll get any less from Obama, unless he finally breaks down and admits that he IS God… at least, his MUPpets think so.
Good one, a five-footer.
“Compassion Forum”
I don’t own a gun, can someone loan me a pistol?
I hope to God they don’t decide to mangle my good hopes for this man by making him answer such stupid questions, I fear I may have something soon to say that will be totally negative regarding my candidate.
The fact that he’s even participating in this forum is a disappointment, unfortunately.
Did Hillary put on a mask and a wig? Barry sounds the same as she did. Really shallow and pandering. Why have you forsaken us, o Lord?
Holy shit that was a good answer. God damn
At least this forum, if nothing else, proves once and for all that atheists are insignificant cockroaches who should rightfully be ignored, or barring that, stepped upon. Well done, CNN! Ha ha, atheists, you don’t matter!
>>Why have you forsaken us, o Lord?
Because you’re a prick.
Well there you have it. Hillary’s panderbluss, her “elitist” loogey spit directly at Obama, just misses the mark. Compared to his sincere and commonsense answer, her attempt to stir up shit over it looks like what it is, demagoguery, and ugly.
gypsy howell
I am not loving his abortion answer.
Ha ha, Osama doesn’t even understand that life begins at conception. What a loser!
Just Some Fuckhead
Dead on. He appears to have better lib credentials also since he was able to unequivocably and directly affirm a woman’s right to an abortion.
Psycheout doesn’t believe in the Consitution, only in feined moral superiority.
So, pricks were not created by God?
Hmm. This changes everything ….
It’s not the abortion answer I would give, but I’m fine with the man overall and I think he’ll safeguard American abortion rights.
The economy is thrashing, and CNN thought what the country needed to hear out of CLinton and Obama was religious bullshit.
CNN is truly a pathetic outfit.
Psycheout is a spoof, not an actual right-wing idiot. Just ignore it, and it eventually goes away.
Or in your case, at condom failure.
gypsy howell
I really really hate the whole premise of this.
Obama is hedging way too much.
They should put them on Dancing With The Stars next. Both are spinning, waltzing, twirling, and tippy-toeing all over the place while totally avoiding answering any questions in any meaningful manner.
Abstinence AND Contraception – yes! Abstinence alone does not work, contraception works far more than abstinence education does in creating less babies.
Nope, I won’t vote for Hillary in November either. Not after this crap.
Not that it matters, since if she’s the nominee, my state will go for McCain by 20+ points anyway.
TZ’s used sockpuppet speaks!
If Obama somehow loses to McCain because of Hillary’s kitchen sink and garbage disposal strategy, when he appoints another right-wing Supreme Court judge and they overturn Roe v Wade, Hillary supporters will have no one to blame but themselves.
I’m fully aware of this. My comment stands.
Did God create the world in six days? WTF?
>>Hillary supporters will have no one to blame but themselves.
Wouldn’t that require them to acknowledge that their mistakes?
The Other Steve
Oh, is this that CNN religion debate?
You know, I have a question. Why don’t Republicans have a similar discussion? Not once did I ever heard John McCain up on stage admitting he was a worshipper of satan.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Wait a second, I’m confused…isn’t Obama a Muslim?
The Einstein answer on Biblical literalism! Nice
You say to-may-to, I say to-mah-to.
Well, if this is a contest of ideas, all I can say is, it is turning into an total ass-whipping and the winner is pretty clear.
Not exactly a surprise, but there it is.
Ahhaha, “Al Gore won.” Hee
I know, I think he meant to say “six news cycles.”
“God created the universe.” So says Obama.
So he’s a religious freak. Does that disqualify him?
No, he believes in evolution. And he believes the Bible.
And science and religion can agree on ‘most everything.
He just believes everyone and why can’t we just all hold hands and love each other?
Empty words pieced together in a flowery manner to make you enjoy the poetry without paying attention to the content of the message (which is rather empty).
Sockpuppetry doesn’t involve two people. That you think I could be TZ really is something I’ll take as a compliment though, thank you.
Holy crap this blog has become all (anti) Hillary, all the time. Yuck.
No, he believes in evolution. And he believes the Bible.
He believes in evolution as scientific fact and the Bible as metaphor for God creating the universe from the Big Bang. This is not terribly hard to reconcile. Hard as it might be to imagine, there are a lot of scientists who actively subscribe to religious beliefs who think exactly that.
The concept that religion and science have to be at odds is distinctly a creation of the last century, you know.
…And the dead horse she rode in on. Give it a rest.
{ voice of Hank Hill } I tell you what, the TZ character is not that easy to write.
Kicking ass, taking names, keeping America Strong and Free, answering the red phone at 3 am, saving you money on your car insurance. He does it all.
Perhaps the problem is that Hillary has become anti-Democrat and you’re just behind the curve.
Unfortunately, due to American ignorance, someone who does not say this cannot make it to the presidency. Sad, but true.
Uh, well, Galileo called and wants to have a word with you.
If Hillary didn’t cross that line saying only her and McCain were qualified to be President, the gloves would have never came off.
I waited a long time for a politician who could make a legitimate run for the presidency, who could talk as intelligently and directly as this guy.
All I can say is, it was worth the wait.
There are many references in the Old Testament stating “I… who stretched forth the heavens…” taking in First person of God (of course, God didn’t write it, but… thousands of years ago, the idea of the big bang was NOT that far off from a foregone conclusion in OT scripture)
some guy
ZOMG!!! Clinton threw Gore under the bus, and Obama rescued him!!
The premise of this format is ridiculous, and many of these questions are softballs (although many aren’t), but Obama is just knocking them out of the park.
Given the decision that he had to appear on this bizarre extravaganza, I think Obama is doing a great job on answering the questions.
Did McCain refuse to appear on this, or what?
There’s the hook for the Edwards endorsement.
Why the hell not? He’s just triangulating with Gawd. Billary will be impressed.
I said the same thing myself recently.
If this were a little league game, the unpire would have called it by now, the score is all one sided.
I don’t know what that trainwreck was we saw in the first 50 minutes, but what you are seeing now is the next president talking clearly to the people.
McCain wasn’t invited, it’s the Democratic Compassion Forum, designed to give evangelical Repubs a better choice cuz they don’t like their candidate and they’re stuck with him.
Bob In Pacifica
Gee, I didn’t get upstairs to an unoccupied until a few minutes ago. Obama sounds great!
Behind the curve? Huh? I come here for the diversity of posts — sports, beer, politics, Rich Roddy, etc. Just tired of the insane amount of energy devoted to one topic.
Cant we get just one post on the gayness of Steeley McBeam every now and then?
I wonder what the Hillary campaign is doing right now.
Really good. You’re actually missing out.
Now, the poverty canard. Yes, the percentages remain the same… because the scale slides. The percentage will ALWAYS remain the same. But you cannot take a snapshot of an impoverished person in 1968 and 2008 and say that they’re the same.
To throw out a comparison, if 5 people run a race, there will always be a winner, a second-place finisher, a third-place finisher, a fourth-place finisher, and a last-place finisher. That will never change, whether it be 1968 or 2008. But the finishing time of the 2008 last-place runner will be far faster than the finishing time of the 1968 last-place finisher. How many milers can now run a sub-4 minute time?
So, yes, the percentage of “impoverished” is the same; but that’s a statistical trick.
Phoenix Woman
Don’t worry, John, she won’t make it to June, much less the general: She’s losing her bulwark, white women:
Plus, all the crap she’s flung at Obama over the last three days hasn’t done diddly to hurt him:
Now I’m almost sorry I missed Clinton’s part, so I could see how it compared. Then again, I still need to eat something resembling dinner, so I wouldn’t want to have lost my appetite.
“We don’t do torture, and we don’t farm out torture.”
Amazing that our POW candidate can’t come out and say that.
Obama is a substandard bowler but apparently Hillary has better taste in beer, but OMG is McCain faaabulous
There, all in one!
Looking for jobs, if they are smart. This contest is o-vah.
From Correntewire, my prediction at 4:18 pm PST today:
I predict that regardless of what actually happens during tonight’s debate, immediately afterwards (if not sooner) the Boiz will hit the comments throughout Left Blogistan to proclaim that Obama not only won, he blew Hillary away.
“He was masterful, magnificent, and most excellent!
Hillary was shrill, shrieking and super old-looking.
The election is over!”
Call me for my sports-betting service at 1-800-329-7448
Just Some Fuckhead
Yeah, but contrast Obama driving softballs out of the park with HRC bobbing and weaving through a hail of softballs.
“Obama is an elitist, but I loves me the baby Jesus.”
That pretty much sums up her segment.
Aaaaand that’s game. Tonight, the primary, and the election.
So McCain “was not able to join us tonight”? Doesn’t that mean he’s objectively pro-Satan?
myiq2xu Says:
April 13th, 2008 at 8:37 pm
What’s your point? You would have predicted that regardless of any mitigating circumstances. You’re a Hillary Hack who dreams in pant-suit vision…
Just Some Fuckhead
Dear Compassion Forum,
I never thought I’d write you a letter…
Sorry, wrong Forum.
Jesus Christ on a unicycle. When I thought it was an actual debate I felt bad for not watching but not any more.
Iron my shirts!
Yeah, you’re going to get a lot of calls.
Uhhh, so you’re saying that you’re putting your money on Obama, is that it?
TZ, even Bush has said “We do not torture!” The difference is Obama’s version doesn’t have a footnote attached.
Obama just sent one out of the park.
We… do… not… torture. We… do… not… rendition.
It was strong and impassioned and his best answer of the night. Followed equally as well by the “separation” issue (Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, atheist, etc).
Hillary was so patently fake the whole night.
Obama was weak and hesitant, even stumbling, the first half; but started hitting his stride late and finished very strong. The last two answers (the final impression) were his best, by far. That’s the lasting memory of the night.
If Hillary won the coin toss, she made a mistake in going first and letting him get the last word.
The results of these things always appear to be the same, it’s called a trend, look it up.
The only thing that may have shocked the crowd from Obama was his clarification of the “I don’t want my daughters punished with a baby” bit that he said a while back. When he clarified, he referred to his daughters potentially getting pregnant at 12 or 13, which was probably a shock to some. That’s a little young for many of them to imagine a girl getting pregnant.
Otherwise, every answer was superb. And genuine. Hillary’s answers set off my bullshit detector every time. And I am a a “compassionate atheist” myself.
Right. A footnote that contains eight years of baldfaced lies and half truths and jackalopes and deceptions.
So I guess since Psycheout is a “spoof” everyone other than him thinks that this was a really great forum and makes the Democrat party candidates look good.
This is the worst show I’ve seen since Greatest American Hero.
Just in case strikeout doesn’t work:
Hillary yuck. That’s all you need to know.
Why would Clinton think bringing up the “elitist” idiocy was appropriate in this forum? What was the question that she somehow managed to worm that into the answer to?
Just Some Fuckhead
The first question where they went off-topic to ask her about the recent dust-up.
Liberal Masochist
Noiq – I have one more prediction. The Raiders will fuck up their draft (again) and finish last in the AFC West. Now fuck off back to correntewire.
Okay, I found the Compassion Forum somewhat irritating, at least initially, but the post-forum “analysis” by the “experts” makes it look like one of the most intelligent shows on television by comparison.
Thanks, JSF. So it wasn’t entirely her fault.
Man, if they paid me to predict that the brick I dropped from my balcony would smash into the car below, I could be rich too!
Josh E.
Obama said Al Gore won. That alone won the debate for him as far as I’m concerned.
Just Some Fuckhead
It was entirely her fault since she’s the one that caused the dust-up.
Not hardly. It was a reprehensible idea, as I said earlier, it is also unconstitutional to elect a president based on religious beliefs, but that doesn’t mean this event didn’t occur.
Well, to suggest that the terminally stupid John King, or Campbell Brown, are ‘experts’ on anything …. is, uh, I don’t know how to put it.
Oh Hillary. Please tell us your story.
Ok Children, gather round now and hold your applause.
Have the founders stopped spinning in their graves yet or do we need to wait until the after-game commentary ceases?
Peopletrolls ask why I support Hillary. Here’s why:Y’all don’t get it, and you never will.
Is myiq2xu for real? Do they allow mental patients internet access?
Just Some Fuckhead
I thought this forum was hideous and it made HRC look bad in that it required thoughtful answers and she doesn’t do thoughtful.
It made Obama look great because it gave wide audience to the breadth and depth of his intellectual bonafides. And of course, he does thoughtful better than anyone I can remember in recent political history.
Man, you are like the angriest Democrat I’ve ever seen, short of Howard Dean.
“Route 2008”???
CNN is doing its best to make Fox look like the legitimate news channel. Route 2008… Battle Bowl… what utter crap.
Josh E.
I hadn’t seen that clip of Obama cracking on Hillary before. Annie Oakley and six-shooters and such.
60 Minutes was great tonight.
some guy
Y’all don’t get it, and you never will.
I hope not–that syrupy crap gave me the heaves.
Heavens to Betsy. What an elitist snob.
Hey, I was suggesting they were “experts”, not experts. It’s CNN that expects us believe they’re experts.
ntr Fausto Carmona
Was it Limbaugh who said that first, or Hindrocket? Maybe Hewitt? Erick?
Notorious P.A.T.
I don’t think I can vote for her. Why should I? She’s campaigning like a Republican, so why on Earth shouldn’t I think she would govern like a Republican?
People whose intelligence I respect keep saying “boy oh boy, Hillary really hates the right wing! If she takes the White House, it’s revenge time!” Then she sits down and shares tea with Richard M Scaife.
Right now I can totally see myself writing in Harry Truman in November if Clinton is the Democratic representative.
Rocky resonates?
Did you notice the poll trends after her buffoonish “Rocky” references?
If it resonates, why did she drop it like an empty beer can?
They did invite McCain. He turned it down.
“Tonight we saw the softer side of Hillary”!?
ntr Fausto Carmona
Actually, now that I reflect on it, the quoted post was very Hindrocketian in a “Bush the misunderstood genius” way. I give it four corn dogs out of five.
Okay, back to swearing off TV “news” until Wednesday.
Liberal Masochist
noiq – that was really lame. Good gawd.
The problem with people like noiq is that they can’t believe that someone like Obama (freshman senator, relative unknown) has stolen their candidate’s thunder and that he is talking about the issues in a way that they can only wish their candidate would. It is as simple as that. In every way, he is the better candidate.
Just Some Fuckhead
I think having values was a prerequisite for participation.
In Rocky’s first fight, didn’t he lose to a black man?
ntr Fausto Carmona
You have to remember their mindset is that she could easily leave him bent over a cannon at Fort Mayes.
ntr Fausto Carmona
Actually, mytroll2xu is just here for the lulz. Once you figure that out, the rest falls into place like Tetris blocks.
Right. CNN is a bunch of fucking idiots. They couldn’t find their ass with both hands and a flashlight.
Apparently she thinks “Jesus H. Christ!” is a signal from the holy spirit.
Sounds like Ms. Althouse in her vapors.
Notorious P.A.T.
I’ve been meaning to post this but haven’t got around to it until now. The occasion seems right:
From Newsweek’s March 17 issue.
That, I think, is the thought process of the Hillary voter in a nutshell. “Go ahead, spit on my head and tell me it’s raining! I prefer appearances to reality!”
But what if it wasn’t a beautiful day? What if there was sniper fire at the graduation, for example?
Just Some Fuckhead
But, ObamaRezkoWrightBitterYouJustDontGetItElitistMotherfucker!
That afternoon, she displayed a quality that I fell for: A completely dishonest and deceptive blurt that made me feel good and made me a loyal supporter of hers forever!
Just Some Fuckhead
I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn’t find one of ’em, not one stinkin’ dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like… victory! – HRC, War Journals, Vol. VIII
Davis X. Machina
Man, you are like the angriest Democrat I’ve ever seen, short of Howard Dean.
Anger is one of the seven deadly sins. Righteous wrath, on the other hands, is one of the signs of a prophet.
You’re here, aren’t you?
Davis X. Machina
Anger is one of the seven deadly sins. Righteous wrath, on the other hands, is one of the signs of a prophet.
(It’s not like ‘blockquote’ is hard to spell, or anything….
I know some of you have a problem with interjecting religion into politics – so do I (and I’m a (liberal) Christian). But it’s important for the Democratics to show that they can be people of faith and how that faith enters into public service. Otherwise the Rs own the issue and get the votes of the evangelicals and other believers. The forum also gave Obama another opportunity to dispel the “Obama is a Muslim” meme.
I thought Hillary – the little of her that I could stand to watch – was OK, but Obama, wow. He explained his policy/what he would do as president in terms of his faith and his upbringing (talking about his mother as spriritual but distrusting of organized religion). All without discounting people who aren’t Christian or believers at all. I LOVED that he said he may not be right or have all the answers. I thought he did well with the “bitter” issue, the Wright issue, and his last answer was terrific. He’s absolutely right that for a nation as diverse as we are, we all need to be able to listen and agree on solutions together. I absolutely see him as our best hope to get us out of the current divisive situation our country is in.
I guess I should consider myself lucky that Comcast still has my cable fucked up?
Absolutely right. The wingnuts greatest fear is for a dem to seduce your average Christian moderate/conserv. to vote for them. What seems to many of us like a silly exercise tonight, I bet the RNC is in full panic mode about now. Especially with Mccain as the GOP nom.
Me, I’m a fan of all seven.
FINALLY. See? Doing the right thing feels good, doesn’t it?
Pleaaaaase ban me! My candidate is so bad that I even can’t come up with semi-cogent defenses! I need an out! Pleeeeaaaaasse
Conservatively Liberal
Man, you are one happy dude. I am glad to see that you enjoy your new hobby! Now go play in the freeway.
I have not seen the event yet as I have been out fixing computers all day and I just got back home. I will reserve comment until then, but I do have to say that it sounds like it will be entertaining (at least the first half).
Carry on.
My guess, myiq2xu watched the “debate” and then s/he started drinking.
This isn’t something to laugh about, it’s serious and sad.
You know, I keep hearing this and I never see anything backing it up. Okay, she’s been first lady and is a Senator and has undoubtedly done many good things in that role, but Obama has also been a public servant most of his career as well. Obama chose to start out as a community organizer out of law school instead of taking other options. Clinton spent time on the WalMart board and doesn’t appear to have been a big detractor of their relationship with workers in her time there. (The recordings of meetings recently released apparently doesn’t reflect well on her)
What, exactly, has Hillary done for workers above and beyond what Obama has? I don’t deny that she has done things and I’ll even offer that she’s done as much as Obama. So why does she earn the nod here? I don’t mind calling it a toss-up, but that doesn’t explain why the dislike for Obama.
She also talks to them as if they don’t matter at all. Did we miss the significant and insignificant states? It seems to me that Clinton only talks to certain types of voters as if they matter. Overall, it seems as though the voters that believe that *want* to believe it because that’s been part-and-parcel of her campaign points for years now. They want someone to talk to them as if they matter and tend to overlook when she doesn’t, or when she talks and doesn’t back up her words with actions.
Jeff Eaton
I wouldn’t be too worried about it if I were them. As grim and dismissive as it sounds, the evangelical base has a knee-jerk ‘understanding’ that liberals who talk about faith are lying, while conservatives who talk about faith — even in the vaguest, fluffiest terms — are ‘simple men of faith’ who should get the nod. It’s an us-them divide that must be maintained, else cognitive dissonance will shred the church culture.
They have more to lose than even the Republican party does at this point; if they own up to the fact that they have sided with people who spit on their ideals in exchange for a taste of power, it doesn’t just mean a few terms of putting op with opposition-party leaders. It means admitting that a couple decades of the theological teachin’ and preachin’ you insisted were God’s own words, given from on high, were nothing but shallow, self-serving BS.
Make up your mind, Mr. Cole. Do you want the Republicans or the Democrats to win the next election? Are you really serious in suggesting that if by some serendipitous twist of fate Hillary is the Democratic nominee that you will not vote for her – effectively supporting McCain?
I didn’t think so.
After all, how many second and third thoughts can one have within a mere three years? (Unless you’re Andy, of course.)
It’s interesting how in four months Hillary Clinton went from embodying the honored legacy of the antithesis of the Bush presidency to honorary Republican, psychologically speaking.
Is the five minutes hate over yet?
Good Lord, that line from Clinton about Gore and Kerry is gonna sting. She’s got a decent bit of the party machine behind her and they’ve been loyal to the previous nominees. I can’t imagine why she would go down that avenue (which needed not be explored) unless Gore is going to come out for Obama.
Soylent Green
Four years ago, the New York Times interviewed President Reagan’s likeable, liberal son, Ron Reagan, Jr.
NYT: Now that the country is awash in Reagan nostalgia, some observers are predicting that you will enter politics. Would you like to be president of the United States?
Reagan: I would be unelectable. I’m an atheist. As we all know, that is something people won’t accept.
I won’t live to see the day when that isn’t so.
Conservatively Liberal
For a great laugh, try this. It is so appropriate on so many levels.
I find it interesting that Hillary has decided to diss Gore (based on what I have read so far). Could that have something to do with the article from the Scotsman that says that Gore and Carter are going to be having a talk with her soon?
If that article is true, could this be her way of telling Gore to fuck off?
Colugo, it was Hillary and her campaign’s decision to walk, talk, and act like Republicans. You can’t blame us for getting justifiably pissed off at them when they decide to do something as stupid as that. And just because we don’t vote for Hillary doesn’t automatically mean we vote for McCain. Of COURSE we don’t vote for McCain. We write-in Barack Obama.
Kevin K.
I liked the part where Hillary started drinking from a jug of moonshine and then killed a possum with her bare hands.
I think you’d be surprised. The religious right is named that because the right needed the relationship. I don’t think you are going to find any love lost with them and McCain. I don’t think most of them will feel too comfortable with the GOP after the torture shit coming out now. Sure, they’ll keep a bunch of them, but they’ll lose a lot as well.
I live in a virtually guaranteed Republican county with our very own household name preacher, and the local Christian college is all Obama posters.
Now, we’re not Oklahoma evangelicals here, but anyone betting on the same demographic breakdown as 2000 will lose big, IMO.
Adam: Nice Serenity reference there.
Corrected for accuracy.
Religion can justify anything.
Rassfrassin uneditable posts.
Jeff Eaton
I can hope, I guess. My experience suggests the opposite. It’s only my experience, naturally, but I spent a fair couple of decades as a heartfelt ‘true believer’ in those circles. The need to believe that two plus two is five is overpoweringly strong. McCain, after all, is a republican who’ll appoint pro-life judges. That’s good. An if he’s doing that, it means he’s a man who’s on God’s side. Obama would do the opposite! And that means he’s obviously trying to fool everyone when he talks about his faith.
That kind of reasoning is pretty common, in my experience. I hit the wall a few years back, and extricated myself from that culture. If things have shifted considerably since then, it hasn’t happened in the communities I still stay in contact with but it it gives me a bit of hope.
I saw some footage on the news last night of Hillary! hanging out at some Notre Dame fan’s house (? – or a bar?) drinking beer, whiskey and eating pizza. What a neat person! That proves to me how in-touch she is with “Frat Slobs.” …and that’s quite an impressive feat; a real man of the people.
this is my first post here having been an avid reader for quite some time. I haven’t really felt the need to post before because you all do a great job of writing what I want to say before I have a chance. However, myiq2xu wrote the most personally offensive post I have ever read. My mother was on food stamps in rural NH for the first ten years of my life. My roommates in grad school (yes, sooo elitist) had parents who were (1) hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt trying to support a failing Ohio furnace company and (2) laid off from a manufacturing factory job in upstate NY. I don’t know what kind of grad-school myiq2xu hangs out in, but most university students end up in debt up to their eyebrows because they **don’t have money**. The idea that education diminishes our empathy for our roots is demeaning and insulting. Or even worse, that its not possible to get out of an economic rut. You know what’s condescending? The idea that poor people are so stupid they should be complacent with their lot in life, which is, as myiq2xu says, far removed from a world we can never touch. Fuck you.
It is a he. The late-night slips into drunken misogyny indicate one or more traumatic divorces. Agreed, that it is sad.
Great post.