The Daily Show:
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The Daily Show:
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Balloon Juice: The Daily Show
Link: Balloon Juice. This is outstanding, and possibly even elite.
[…] (h/t John Cole) […]
ComCentral’s vid player doesn’t work for me, but I saw that show last night. One of Stewart’s best “meet me at camera 3” segments.
If Obama had said “The political parties try to deflect attention from their failures on the economy by talking to voters instead about their guns and their religion, while they are shipping their jobs overseas” then …. well …. the politicians would just be exposed. Would they not?
Billy K
Can’t do that, Thymezone; he’d be plagiarizing Bill Clinton. And you know where plagiarism leads.
Rick Taylor
This is the funniest Daily Show clip I’ve seen since the “Talking Points” sketch from years ago.
It conveniently and humorously summed up my frustration with the media and Clinton in a nice 10 minute segment. I was cracking up a lot last night when this played.
“If you don’t think you are better than us, then what the fuck are you doing?”
“Not only do I want someone who is better than me I want someone who is embarrassingly superior to me”
Couldn’t agree me.
Tim (The Other One)
I was remarking to my SO (my “Cheney” if you will) during this show last night that the Stewart/Colbert double-team is our last best hope for an informed electorate.
Sadly, Yes
Beautifully done.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
O/T, but funny.
/It’s an image. Can’t inline images here, so link only.
one thing i find so refreshing about Stewart and Colbert–and what gives me hope–is that they don’t fit the molds Republicans/Conservatives try and put satirists into.
they’re not uber-screechy liberals like Jane Fonda or people who openly disparage the country itself (not that there’s anything particularly wrong with that, but it helps them get marginalized by the Right Wing).
clearly, Stewart–and especially Colbert–LOVE america(Colbert just last night opened his first show singing the National Anthem, totally sans irony). sure, they’re liberal, but they skewer Democratic idiocy with just as much ferocity. anyone who watches those shows for a few episodes can see they are not beholden to Democratic Party dogma.
i think we’ll see a whole generation of satirists like this–smart and independent, and these shows are the trailblazers of that movement, like SNL was in the 70s.
Studly Pantload
Well, since I can’t view the clip from my work station, I’ll have to settle for hijacking the thread: Being as the Harry Potter girl turns of legal age on this date, does that absolve me w/r/t any impure-ish thoughts I *might* (theoretically!) have when viewing any of the recent installments in that series?
Billy K
So far, no one has done a very good job of emulating their style. Kinda like all the sucky Onion wanna-bes.
Its a pale imitation of Fox News’ hilarious Half-Hour News Hour.
“BO Magazine”…priceless. :P
b. hussein canuckistani
Only if she qualifies under the half-your-age-plus-seven rule. If she’s younger than that, you are not absolved.
I think the Half-Hour News Hour shows us what can go wrong with the format when formidable talent is not also involved.
Exactly. That rule is a good one.
And WTF is up with Comedy Central’s vid player? I’d love to see that clip, but it’s not working. Bastards.
well, i don’t mean copies of the style, but more of comedians/satirists who don’t feel ashamed to be patriotic or religious (Colbert is a Sunday School teacher, for Pete’s Sake!) but still skewer everything equally. Colbert sees all the absurdities inherent in religion, even though he is a deeply religious man.
the Right can dismiss Colbert all they want, but its a safe bet he lives their notion of what A Good American Life is way more than Hannity, Limbaugh, or O’Reilly do.
The Other Steve
I don’t understand the “Crown Royal” attacks on Clinton. I don’t generally regard Crown as being much better than other bourbons like Jack or Jim Beam. Ok, so it’s Canadian.
Does drinking something from Canada make you an elitist snob who only drinks imported liquors.
If so, we’re in trouble.
Can I round down?
The Other Steve
Where would you place this event on a list with the Olsen Twins, or Natalie Portman?
It’s more the context. She’s drinking an overpriced whiskey served in a faux-velvet pouch with a name that implies aristocracy – twice – in order to emulate the common man.
It would be like if she drank a Bloody Mary in salute of non-violence or a Sex On The Beach in support of abstinence education.
She’s trying to out everyman Obama and she’s failing in an embarrassing fashion. Thank god Obama is our guy for the general. I’m really in the mood for a serious candidate for the White House.
John: Do you ever “disappear” postings? Specifically ones that legitimately (and mostly not profanely) question the quality of McCain’s military service (and not, of course, McCain’s honor, because Baby Jesus hates when people do that).
Billy K
I thought it was “half-your-age-minus-seven.” Can I get a waiver or something?
Studly Pantload
Egads — I’m toast.
I actually haven’t had impure thoughts, but I have been sorta kinda forced to watch the series, being as Mrs. Pantload is the fantasy afficionado in our little household. And as I watched the first one, I thought, “Well, if that one just gets older as this series progresses, I guess I can stand it.”
(Funny thing is, we’re up to the fourth installment, where they suddenly discover they’re adolescents, and I found the whole thing too teen-agnsty in a screechy way.)
b. hussein canuckistani
Only in Utah and Texas. Everywhere else, fathers of daughters clean their shotguns when they hear jokes like that.
Governor William J. Le Petomane
Re: plus 7
that is ridiculous.
(says the 36 year old married guy going to Austin later this week on business)
I have a feeling the Governor’s wife may be posting shortly.
Drinking only imported liquors while calling other people an elitist snob makes you an elitist snob. Or an immoral opportunist. It makes you something bad.
Oh, and I have an opinion on ‘elitism’. It’s perfectly reasonable for someone who has $100M to not be elitist and someone who is broke to be elitist. Elitism is just saying that you are too good for certain things and other people aren’t. Having money helps that along, no doubt, but isn’t necessary to the definition.
I’ve got a friend that insists on the best and he’s constantly on the brink of bankruptcy because he simply can’t afford the things that he feels he deserves. He’s got some nice stuff, but he’s a financial train wreck because of that personality flaw. He’s probably the most elitist person I know. I have an acquaintance (friend of a friend) who’s right around the billion mark on personal wealth. He’s got a Gulfstream and pretty much anything he wants, but his best friends are absolutely middle-class. Nickel poker and beer suits him just fine. Put those two guys together for a poker game and the first one would be bitching about the beer selection, not the second one.
(Bass is our staple. We mix it up with decent domestics, but Bass is our baseline.)
Needs to be pointed out again. Goddamn right.
b. hussein canuckistani
So is it elitist to say Bass is better than Bud? If someone brought Coors Light, and Bass-drinking Billionaire Boy bitched, would that be elitist?
And if so, would that be bad? If it is, I’ll hang my head in shame.
Liberal Masochist
Damn moderation. have to go back to my other handle:
Plus 7 is crazy (says the 36 year old married guy going to Austin later this week on business).
I have a feeling Mrs. Masochist will be posting later…
Liberal Masochist
bhc – that’s a trick question right? the answer is both bass and bud suck.
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
Except that’s what they want you to believe elitism is.
Elitism is *supposed* to be a soft class boundary, between normal citizens, and normal citizens with above-average opportunities in life, and are expected to use them to help out in society.
They _want_ you to get upset over the idea that some people aren’t able enough for the Presidency. I should hope the last 8 years have demonstrated that is nonetheless true.
Your first friend is a dumbass. Your acquaintance is an elite. It has nothing to do with personality.
Uh-oh. Are my wife and I both in trouble, or is it all my bad? And it’s been 20 years, is there a grandfather clause?
I’m not a gun person. I have a shovel. Nicely balanced and sharpened almost as well as my axe. Funny things happen after your daughter is born…
Yes. The clause is: If you’re old enough to be her grandfather, then shame on you.
You married your granddaughter? That’s just gross.
I saw a shirt once that said “I F***ed the Olson twins before they were famous”
Ok Obama won the every man contest when he was sitting in that restaurant/grille/whatever eating chicken wings, elbows on knees, and answering a guys question with a mouth-ful of food.
That can’t be scripted and while it may, in some circles, not speak well of manners it was an “every guy” thing vs. a scripted shot at a bar.
Just Some Fuckhead
Man, been running around like crazy today trying to get all the goats herded so I could get on BJ and say something pithy and now.. I got nothin.
Dennis - SGMM
A friend of mine in Huntington, WV, shared this gem with me:
“What’s the most popular pickup line in West Virginia?”
“Get in the truck, sis.”
Studly Pantload
I’m am on record as stating that if I had a teenage girl, it’d be burqas for her until at least age 22, if not 30. Fortunately for all concerned, I went to the vet before I ever had children.
So I know, (in RL) exactly one person from W.V. she is both a huge (self-admitted) sloot, and objectively, quite homely. Not sure how, but this seems relevant.
(Sorry W.V. peoples, I live not near there…)
The Grand Panjandrum
As the father of two young daughters I have one simple rule. They can have all the sex they want …
After I’m dead.
Dennis - SGMM
When my wife was pregnant with our only child I asked her, “What if it’s a girl?”
“Then you sell your guns,” was the answer.
No dad around to hold that line for my family, but my teenage sister is held to a similar standard as far as I’m concerned.
Not to be…. Ok being totally anal, I kept thinking but but being an elitist and being smart are two different things. In fact if you are an elitist you are probably not very smart. Here is the definition of elitism from the American Heritage Dictionary:
And I don’t think I am being an elitist by pointing that out . Just anal.
As a dad of teenage daughter, she’s not allowed to have sex until her second marriage.
I thought it was: “Hey baby! Nice tooth!”
Bubba Dave
A co-worker of mine is fond of saying, “I started planning my first murder the day my daughter was born.”
Somebody running for President was once asked what she told her only daughter about sex. She replied:
“Wait until you’re 30, then don’t tell me about it.”
The guy is good.
Stewart hit on the head in the last part. Why would voters want a president who did shots and took them as well. Why would they want some good old boy in the ….oh, wait, we already have that.
anyway, see how good that turned out.
Let’s go for the smart guy.
You had to go there didn’t you , bro?
Oh well…what’s the defining characteristic of a West Virginia virgin?
A girl who can outrun her brothers.
BTW, the title of this thread should be “Gaff In”.
Stewart not only lands assholes, he guts and cleans them for us too.
Or an ugly third grader.
“I like a filthy asshole, the kind that makes your nuts shrivel.”
How dare you come here to MUPpetland and quote Hillary Clinton to us? That’s despicable.
Dude, you don’t remember “Love Song” by Insane Clown Posse?:
Krista, Comedy Central and the Comedy Network/CTV have some unholy pact. We can’t view anything on their site, but have to go to ours instead.
The clip is the first one here.
Dennis - SGMM
Well, I could have posted;
“How do you know that a West Virginian believes in gender equality?”
“There are tobacco stains on both sides of the truck.”
John O
John, can you answer this?
I’ll copy and paste in the interest of avoiding the perception of blog-whoring. I have not, honestly, seen this considered:
What if Hillary Clinton was so convinced Obama couldn’t win the general, and so concerned about the future of her country, that the “kitchen sink” strategy is, if I may, sincere and in her own paradigm just?
I’m just sayin’. I’m like lots of other people in that I think her tactics have been despicable, but I’m not so arrogant as to believe that I understand the infinite complexities that make up the human condition.
I guess I have a hard time finding any of these people evil. I’ve said it before: The Dems have automatically conceded at least 5% of the electorate due to the choices of a woman or black guy for nominee. So if either of them wins, it will be a bit of a landslide, even if it is officially a small margin of victory.
(RE: Evil. Except Cheney, whose bedwetting brought him to new heights of irrational and truly evil behavior. He’s the nutjob in the room. Bush is just a sponge for the stoopid.)
Continuing my conversation with myself…
Hey I am not the only anal person out there. I give you the great Bob Somerby!
John Cole
The fact that we are even entertaining this discussion after the disastrous past 8 years with the man I want to have a beer with fucking up everything he touches makes me throw up in my mou8th a little bit.
John Cole
Bush is so convinced that he can win in Iraq that no one can talk any sense into him and we are still spending billions monthly and sending kids into the meat grinder. How is that working out?
Bubblegum Tate
Honestly, all this talk about “elitism” reminds me of the goth kids on South Park and their fixation on “conformists.” Which makes the whole business a bit funny.
“If you work without a shirt, and so does your wife, you may be from West Virginia.”
Um, you might want to be careful how you say that around here. Some people will get the wrong idea.
Rick Taylor
Ugh. I have CNN on, and they’ve spent the last hour on gaffe-gate. Our president just admitted to knowing about the principals authorizing and overseeing torture, things are not looking good in Iraq and we might want to think about what we should be doing, the economy is on the edge of precipice, and the scientist and a leading climate change scientist is saying that the current goals we aren’t meeting for carbon emissions aren’t nearly enough if “humanity wishes to preserve a planet similar to that on which civilisation developed”. And all they can talk about is a few out of context quotes from Obama and does it mean he’s an elitist? It’s sick.
How do you circumcise a West Virginia boy?
Kick his sister in the jaw.
I’m really, really sorry.
Thanks, Mary! Glad I got to watch that, because really, it’s sad and true. The fact that in the U.S., there is a strong anti-intellectual bias when considering who is going to be leading the freaking country, is terrifying in the extreme.
If this attitude doesn’t turn around, Idiocracy will soon be a documentary, not a comedy.
John O
John, with all due respect, and there’s a ton, your response didn’t have anything to do with my question, at least that I can understand.
Bush is moron. We can stipulate that. I would guess that you would also stipulate that Hillary, of all the things she may be, is NOT a moron.
What if she knows some political insider-stuff that the rest of us don’t know? Like when it comes down to brass tacks, Americans are even less likely to elect a black guy then they are a woman?
I don’t know, and I don’t claim to know. I just think there’s a possibility that Clinton is legitimately scared (for all of us) and is acting accordingly.
I’m for Barack.
John S.
My wife says this all the time, and it keeps getting harder to laugh about.
John S.
There are an equal percentage of folks that agree with both the unaltered and altered statement. And it has fuck all to do with the consequences of their actions.
As a devout member of the poor manners and greasy food with beer coalition, my fart swelled with pride. Finally, a candidate who gets it. Wee doggies!
How do you compliment a resident of W. Virginia?
Tell them they have a lovely tooth.
TZ’s having dinner.
Q: What’s the difference between West Virginia girls and trash?
A: Trash gets picked up.
Q: Why does West Virgina have the highest unsolved murder rate in the nation?
A: No dental records and the DNA is all the same.
John Cole
quit being so damned polite.
My point is that people justify all sorts of stupid shit just because they think they know better. Who cares if Hillary really thinks Obama can not get elected and that she is saving us all from ourselves. George Bush may really think he is doing the right thing in Iraq.
Just because she has convinced herself Obama can not win doesn’t change the fact that she is being a total asshole, and it doesn’t change the dynamics of this race- the only way she can win the nomination is to completely destroy the party. basically, we have three outcomes in front of us:
1.) Obama wins, goes on to defeat McCain.
2.) Obama wins, Hillary keps on fighting and bloodies him for three more months, he loses to McCain.
3.) Hillary destroys Obama, super dels give it to her in backroom deal, party fractures, Hillary gets demolished by McCain.
I do not see a way that Hillary wins, and the longer she stays in writing the Republican attack ads, the more likely it seems 2 will happen.
Additionally, if 3 ghappens, not only does Hillary lose to McCain, but the downticket damage will be devastating. Remember, there is more at stake than the Presidency- veto proof majorities would be nice and are right now, with an energized party, within reach.
So while she may have convinced herself she is doing the right thing by staying in kneecapping Obama, all I see is asshattery.
You guys are mean.
Q: What did the Canadian man say when the judge told him he was divorced?
A: “Does that mean she ain’t my sister no more?”
Q: Why don’t they teach sex education and driver’s education on the same day in West Virgina?
A: It confuses the mule.
John O
OK, I agree with you, John.
I just don’t think the ad hom attacks are necessarily fair. She’s widely viewed as a person with no moral grounding; during the Lewinsky mess, I liked to say that I would be the farm that Bill Clinton held a deeply sincere belief that his sex life had jack shit to do with how the country did.
Like I said, I think she’s being a **** (in honor of your request for impoliteness), I just don’t think it is necessarily true that her cuntitude is based on a lack of concern for her country or party. Maybe. But not necessarily.
That’s all.
John Cole
I didn’t mean that impolite, jesus.
John O
“…bet the farm,” not be the farm. Sheesh.
John O,
Let’s try this again.
See how crappy your argument is? Concern noted. However, she doesn’t have any uber-secret info here. Those of us who have been paying attention know she doesn’t, because we know what she’s been whispering to the superdelegates now that she can’t fairly win a primary: that the Wright controversy will sink him, that the black man can’t win. And now, the latest B.S. line of attack, that somehow he’s the “elitist” candidate in the race, somehow less in touch with Americans and their values than the other two white, Christian, gun-loving, all-American, totally-not-Muslim candidates.
That’s the utter bullshit that you’re giving the benefit of the doubt. Now stop doing it.
John O
Just tell me exactly how much you want, John. I’ll do my best to comply.
John O,
Try to keep it between filthy and dirty until you get the lay of the land.
John O
Pb, I tend to agree with both you and John.
I am simply exhausted by people, particularly in the professional pundit class but also in the blogosphere, pretending they know the inner motivations of other people, as if they would be happy with others doing the same to them.
We’re just not that simple, usually.
When people claim to know my motivations, my inner-secrets, when they do armchair psychoanalysis of me, I get pissed off. I don’t think I’m alone.
I agree that her BEHAVIOR has been deplorable. But I don’t claim to know why she’s doing it.
Lamont A Cranston
Future presidential candidates, please rehearse the following:
What type of beer would you like?
“I’ll have a Budweiser.”
Would you like a shot?
“I’ll have a Maker’s Mark.”
John O
LOL, thanks, Pb. I gotta admit, those W. VA jokes had me a bit confused.
Some would call them “impolite,” if not “elitist.”
I call them funny.
Au contraire, my friend. Us? We’re as simple as can be.
John O,
Hey, maybe she has convinced herself that Obama can’t win. Maybe people in her inner circle are convinced too, or maybe that’s just what they’re telling her. Also, their paychecks depend on her staying in the race, she’ll have to keep her campaign going if she wants to get her debts paid back, and really she’ll have to win the nomination to get all that extra cash she’s raised that’s locked up for the general election. So in other words, she’s the last person I’d look to on this issue, as she’s heavily invested in the outcome. Besides, the polling is still showing that she’s wrong on this one, despite her best efforts at kneecaping Obama and propping up McCain. If Obama can’t win this one, no one can, because Hillary has even less of a shot at it.
John O
All right, Krista, I don’t have the time or energy to make this case in the boring amount of detail it would need.
You’re right. In many ways, we’re simple creatures. We want to live, eat, drink, breathe, procreate. But we’re also incredibly complicated when one considers all the factors of nature and nurture that make us want what we want, and be who we are. Particularly when it comes to complex stuff like politics.
I give up. I’ll concede Hillary is a bad person. Or at least that she’s certainly behaving like one. But I refuse to stop walking in the other man/woman’s shoes.
John O
Absolutely, Pb! Nowhere have I made a different case!
I don’t see any way for her to have a better chance to win the general than Obama, not even close.
I just tried to pretend I was her for a moment.
I suppose that makes me a horror-show, too. So be it.
I don’t think either of us really is.
John O., you shot right past what it was that I was actually saying.
I did not mean “simple” as in “uncomplicated”.
Damn, I hate when I have to explain a joke.
If you keep annoying Krista, I may have to reward you with a swift kick in the junk.
This is the deal John O. When one of two viable candidates in a close dem race goes on TV and claims that only she and the GOP guy can be Commanders in Chief, then she cut the cord of loyalty to the dem party as a whole. Especially when the other viable dem is in a commanding and insurmountable lead toward winning the nom.
As far as I’m concerned she effectively started her own third party and what that does to our chances of winning against the repubs should be obvious. I don’t give a shit if she believes, or actually is, the reincarnation of Mohatma Ghandi and Abe Lincoln rolled into one.
And it doesn’t help my opinion of her, that I and others have spent many hours defending her on wingnut blogs and now have to admit they were right.
John O
I prefer Obama’s message of hope and recognition that we have bigger fish to fry than what constitutes our political discourse these days.
I ALSO believe that Hillary is best suited to move the tiny levers of bureaucracy and inside-politics stuff that actually makes a difference in ordinary people’s lives, at least fastest.
I think Obama is better for the down ticket. I think Hillary’s willingness to fight like a cornered animal is better suited for the current incarnation of the Republican party. They’re not going to compromise on jack shit.
I worry that Obama’s natural “why can’t we all just get along?” tendencies will render him powerless against a GOP that is far more like Hillary than Barack.
I’ll vote for either of them happily. It will be a long time before another Republican gets my vote.
I’m not trying to be an asshole, but some would say it comes quite naturally to me. LOL.
John O
Sorry, Krista. I don’t typically engage here (or anywhere else) so I perhaps did not understand your distinction between “simple” and “uncomplicated.”
Which is central to my point. *snark*
I think we’re all pretty hard to understand at any serious level through the filter of another party.
John O,
I don’t think anyone has made that case. Yet. :)
I don’t think so; her failure to negotiate with Democrats to get a health care bill passed doesn’t give me any confidence there. Obama’s record of brining people together to get things done looks more impressive in that light.
I agree. So she should make it official, switch parties, and run for McCain’s VP.
I don’t; I think he’s been doing just fine. What I’ve seen from Obama is that he’s willing to listen to everyone, and to try to find common ground with them in good faith. I’ve seen no evidence that it goes any further than that, unlike the “Third Way” of Hillary Clinton and Joe Lieberman.
John Cole- On the other hand John you’ve allways been wrong about everything before so there is no reason to think you might be right now.
If Hillary can destroy Obama then he never had a shot at surviving Republican attacks in the general, which would have started 2 months ago already if not for her.
John O
I would disagree on one point.
Obama has tried to run a positive campaign, but when attacked unfairly, he hasn’t backed down from a fight. He usually turns the argument around on the attacker, which gives me tingly feelings in certain areas.
John O
I want Obama to win, and I hope you’re all right. Honest to God.
I just don’t think we can afford a McCain presidency, period. But, as with Supreme Court justices, one never knows.
Obama does have the advantage of not being reflexively hated, which is why I told Taylor Marsh a year ago that she was wrong to support Hillary. (Which she denied!)
G’night, all. I loves me some politics, and most of all I’m always happy to find people who actually give a shit. Kudos to all of you.
John O
She can’t. She’ll make the rest of us stab ourselves with a rusty fork because it is a better kind of pain (my husband calls that “Newfie relief”, I dunno whether Krista does or not :), she’ll destroy our souls and spirits and everything that is good in the world, but she won’t destroy the pony.
The pony transcends Hillary.
Dennis - SGMM
I don’t think that Clinton is destroying Obama. What she is doing is attacking him to no purpose and giving McCain aid and comfort in the process. She’s delaying the start of the campaign against McCain, giving him a free shot to define himself and to define Obama while she pursues her egomaniacal pipedream of somehow dirtying him up enough to make her look like the better choice to the supers. She’s been out-campaigned, out-raised and outsmarted so she’s resorting to flinging crap to see what sticks. In an actual campaign Obama will make mincemeat out of McCain. Too bad that Clinton is delaying the start of the process.
From what I’ve seen in my travels, once people figure out they’ve been conned, something awakens in them and it becomes easier to spot bullshit and propaganda.
Heh. I like that you didn’t close your parentheses. I mean, I was planning on destroying your souls and spirits and everything that’s good in the world, but I didn’t know you had ferreted out my plan.
See, this is where I disagree. She loves to fight but she hasn’t shown any ability to pick her battles. Moreover, she gets so over the top when she fights that all she does is drive people away from her position rather than convert them. Clinton is at her best when she doesn’t fight but she can’t seem to get the image of her being a fighter out of her head.
And he was talking about NCAA brackets, too.
When Clinton was asked what she thought about that, she asked if the NAACP had been renamed.
Dennis - SGMM
See: Clinton Health Care Plan of 1993.
myiq sez–
cbear sez
myiq sez–
That’s fucking INCREDIBLE–she was a member of Insane Clown Posse too???
What did she have to do to get in?
Was she the one that broke up the band?
How’d she sneak out of the White House to play the gigs?
Did the Big Dog know about this?
Man, so many questions come to mind.
Is there anything that talented bitch hasn’t done?
We better not mention this to tbone, he might write another diary and inadvertently alert the national media.
This is big.
Well, it was intended as a combination sideways smiley/end paren, but it got converted into an actual smiley, obviously.
Googling “Newfie relief”, it seems clear that my husband has probably made this up. Which is weird since he’s not Canadian and I am definitely the one prone to idiotic associations which are funny only to me.
Rick Taylor
I’ve been watching bits and pieces of Hardball with McCain tonight (at least the tv-guide says its hardball). It seems to me he’s doing a good job, speaking reassuringly, addressing his hundred years comment and other concerns as well as he can given his positions, and I’m not generally a fan of his. I don’t think he’s going to be easy to beat.
Chris Johnson
If the real requirements to become President in this country are that you have to eat and like sports, the terrorists SHOULD win. Maybe we can give them West Virginia and hope nobody will notice?
But of course they are not- thanks Jon Stewart for the elitism peptalk- it’s just possible to make it APPEAR like the requirements for the job are common-man-ism on television.
Honestly, if only Bin Laden et al knew they could just leave us alone and we’d bread-and-circus ourselves to death in less than a generation… of course, if we stopped also shooting them, it would help…
Conservatively Liberal
OT, Taylor Marsh (from her site):
I think this was her idea all along; to hitch her sorry ass to Hillary and ride her to a gig that is really on the air (as opposed to existing in her air head). I bet she thought that Hillary was going to be ‘inevitable’, and since women are a large part of her base, TM maybe thought she could run a cheerleader squadron and build her own base from that.
That explains why her rantings are so ‘out there’. She is losing her shot at stardom, and now she is making a last ditch effort before Hillary crashes and burns.
I predict that the more radical members there will try and push for her, but that will be about it. Still, after reading that guy who did the background on her, it is plain that she is an opportunist at heart. She puts herself out there, but there really is no demand for her type.
On another note, I finally realized that Hillary has to be the ultimate concern troll of all time. Carry on.
slippy hussein toad
One thing I would like to see is this media circus trapped in their Tent Of Stupid with starving, flaming lions guarding the exits while diarrheic elephants trample the folds of the tent around their ears, while all along someone broadcasts messages trivializing every single story of every one of their worthless careers over the loudspeakers.
I have come, this day, to despise the media literally to death.
Senator McCain: Why did you consider being a Defeatocrat after George Bush won the presidency?
It’ll be like shooting ducks…
Splitting Image
“I just don’t think the ad hom attacks are necessarily fair. She’s widely viewed as a person with no moral grounding”
There is no functional difference between a someone convinced he is doing the right thing and someone determinedly doing the wrong thing.
Sooner or later the first person will become the second.
Yep. I think you are right.
west coast
couldn’t read all the posts, so forgive me if I’m repeating someone else…
Barack Obama may be both elite and elitist, but that’s a country-mile better than a failed MBA/CEO who believes that he’s president because God wanted him to be, that his uninformed intuition is always better than facts, and that the opinions of Americans only matter every four years.
It’s also preferable to any candidate who believes that their nomination is inevitable, that the very survival of their party depends upon their nomination, or that they above all others somehow deserve to be in charge.
I’d like a president who doesn’t assume that I’m unpatriotic, dumb or evil for not supporting him or her, thanks.
Couldn’t agree more. The blogger you refer to is John Brown KS
and, sure enough, he’s nailing her again today.
That guy’s on her like a duck on a Junebug. Very funny.
Chuck Butcher
A duck on a June bug – now that’s funny.
Even worse, she doesn’t know how to frame things properly. Her recent attacks on Obama all would come back to haunt her in the general election if she should win the nomination, because everything she’s used against Obama, McCain can use against her, using the same arguments and the same frame.
Had Clinton attacked Obama in a way that didn’t play into Republican hands, I don’t think that people would be as angry with her as they are.
John Stewart for President! Only one givin’ us the straight poop. Though Obama seems to be getting better at it.
I can see that you are still using, as Colbert says, the Obama Hope Bong. You must inhale regularly.