one thing i learned from yesterday: the “legions of angry hillary supporters” meme is overstated.
at one point the hillary blogs were promising “tens of thousands” would show up at the RBC meeting, and what’d they get? a few hundred? a few hundred screeching, goofily-dressed people who only have one word in their vocabulary–“Denver.” heck, you can teach a parrot more words than that.
Dennis - SGMM
Every one of this morning’s bobblehead shows has at least one of Clinton’s campaign staff, including the Three Stooges; McAuliffe, Ickes and Wolfson. No one from the Obama camp. Hillary fails to get anything like what she wanted out of the RBC so they feature her people exclusively.
I’d vote for the Devil himself if he swore to restore the Fairness Doctrine.
And here all this time I thought I was the only person in the whole liberal blogosphere who spent their high school and college days traveling the country following Phish.
This one time, on Phish tour…
Hey, look who gets the top Google hit for “phish sucks”.
Mandy Grunwald on Face the Nation assuring us all that Clinton will fight on. Schieffer asked her if any Demcratic nominee can win a general election without African Americans, who will be understandably bitter if Clinton mangages to overturn the Obama’s results at the Convention. She turned it around by saying what about a Dem nominee trying to win without women?
As if ALL women will turn against Obama because of Clinton’s whining and dishonesty. Not so. But nearly 100% of African American’s HAVE turned against the Clinton campaign because of it’s demonstrable racism.
null pointer exception
Ed Rendell on Face the Nation saying that Hillary will do the right thing. And he and other elected officials for Hillary will feel disappointed if she doesn’t.
The Other Steve
Over in the other thread someone mentioned this ‘Ed Hale’ who is running a number of Clinton supporters for John McCain websites.
They thought he was probably a Republican, because he keeps referring to it as the “Democrat Party”.
Well, I did some searches, found some messags at taylormarsh where the guy claims to come from Wellington Texas. Looked up the last name Hale from Wellington on, and found out he gave $200 to Patricia LaMarche in 2004. LaMarch was the green parties VP candidate.
The guy might be a Republican, but more likely he’s just confused.
dr. bloor
Well, I did some searches, found some messags at taylormarsh where the guy claims to come from Wellington Texas. Looked up the last name Hale from Wellington on, and found out he gave $200 to Patricia LaMarche in 2004. LaMarch was the green parties VP candidate.
The guy might be a Republican, but more likely he’s just confused.
Not at all. Much of the Green Party’s money during the last election cycle came from the Republicans, who were eager to fund candidates likely to take votes away from Democratic candidates.
Ratfuck, plain and simple.
Dean on Wolfie saying this is the beginning of unity and healing. Expecting this to be wrapped up in June.
Do you think he really believes that?
Dennis - SGMM
Not at all. Much of the Green Party’s money during the last election cycle came from the Republicans, who were eager to fund candidates likely to take votes away from Democratic candidates.
Ratfuck, plain and simple.
If he’s getting money from the Republicans they sure aren’t giving him enough to pay for a web site designer. Whew. All that’s missing are some flaming skulls.
Dean on Wolfie saying this is the beginning of unity and healing. Expecting this to be wrapped up in June.
Do you think he really believes that?
Sure–Clinton’s done, and the press knows it. If she keeps it up, she’ll be treated like Lieberman.
And since I never pass up a chance to blogwhore, McCain says he wants an American version of Prime Minister’s Questions. I like the idea, though of course I’d prefer a different President.
Man I’m old…
Right there with you. I was a Deadhead after I graduated from college, and never quite got into Phish.
Oh geez, I was at the show that this clip is from.
Here’s an okay music blog that devotes quite a bit of time to the phish guys (actually more time to other bands than phish really):
Loved phish back in the early 90s though their albums always sucked, definitely a band you needed to see live.
though, is there anyone who *wasn’t* at clifford ball?
i met my wife there.
then again, zzyzx has been to more than most, statistically speaking
my only [out of curosity] exposure to phish was the triple live in brooklyn cd. i have to honestly say, i’ve never heard a more terrible band in my entire life. [listening to rock music since 1964]
sometime i’d like to see an open thread on the most sucky bands of all time, cause i’m like that.
my nominee: rush
I saw this thread’s embedded video and just knew Zzyzx would be all over it. I much prefer the guitar-noodly jams of, say, Built to Spill over the half-hour long tribal improvs.
But when I looked through my CD collection recently, I was surprised to see that I did own one of Phish’s CDs. I bought it a while ago (probably due to osmosis from Mr. Zzyzx himself). I listened to it, and it’s pretty decent stuff. Then I put it away and went back to my Fiery Furnaces collection.
Oh, and on a more serious tip…I’m a very occasional poster here, but I read the blog many times a day, and I’ve been trying to puzzle out a few things about the claims that the Pro-Clinton folks make about Obama and his followers. The one that confuses me most is their claim that Obama has been playing the “race” card.
Can someone here explain to me exactly what they’re talking about when they say this? Was there some speech or event they fixated on that caused this to be a rallying cry of theirs? Was it a combination of things?
I wouldn’t be surprised if their conclusion that he’s doing this lies somewhere between the “misinterpretation” and “FOX news analyst” spectrum of wrongheadedness. But I’d really like to know what real-world events and incidents got this meme started in their hive-mind.
Thanks in advance for revisiting the muck.
dj spellchecka
off topic, i realize, but for all you folks that play fantasy sports, the supreme court is about to consider a case with some major implications…..
By David G. Savage, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
June 1, 2008
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court justices were spending part of their time last week on fantasy baseball, but not because summer is near and they were bored with the legal work. Rather, the justices were deciding whether to take up a billion-dollar dispute over whether for-profit, fantasy games on the Internet have a free-speech right to use the names and performance statistics of famous athletes.
If the justices vote to hear the appeal from Major League Baseball, the outcome could have a far-reaching impact, including on the entertainment industry. If the justices were to rule that fantasy sports games have a free-speech right to use the names of famous players, it could cast doubt on some licensing deals for celebrities.
Even if the court lets stand the lower court’s ruling in favor of free speech for the for-profit websites, it could encourage other websites to incorporate the use of famous people without seeking their permission.
For now the question is whether baseball players and their statistics are public knowledge, and thus free to be used by all, or whether they remain the private property of Major League Baseball.
Hey, look who gets the top Google hit for “phish sucks”.
Quoting John:
About once a year I try to give Phish a chance, because I really enjoy the Dead (had thousands of hours of tapes, have dozens of concerts on disc, went to the concerts back in the day, and, well, I just love them), and I figure all those people can’t be wrong about Phish. So I tried again while riding the bike (figured I was captive and would be forced to listen for a half hour).
John a deadhead? He was destined to become a Dem.
nice strategy
Clifford Ball!!!!!
Just this week, I randomly threw on my 93 Holiday Tour Shirt and that very morning KFOG throws out some recent quote of Trey’s that amounted to “I was really fried on drugs when Phish broke up and now I’m feeling better.”
Now that’s Change We Can Believe In.
Phish are kind of like a un-disciplined Zappa, which makes them terribly dull at times, but usually pretty fun. At least that was my experience. The Dead, however, SUCKED. The scene may have been great, but that was an AWFUL band, mainly because Garcia was totally strung out most of the time.
Rick Taylor
The one that confuses me most is their claim that Obama has been playing the “race” card.
Can someone here explain to me exactly what they’re talking about when they say this?
Good luck with that. You might have better luck asking the question at Talk Left or a similar site. As I understand it, when Bill Clinton was asked q question about Hillary not doing so well, he said out of the blue that Jesse Jackson won South Carolina in 84 and 88. What does Obama have to do with Jesse Jackson, aside from the fact the pair our black? They got some flack for that, and also for Hillary’s comments on JFK and Martin Luther King Junior. Some Hillary supporters blame the Obama campaign for exploiting these statements; I did not see that myself. More importantly, I think the statements were insensitive (just as Obama’s bitter comments were later), and they would have done better addressing the damage directly (as Obama had to do with his bitter comments). Any sympathy I may have had for them in the past was blown out the window when the campaign started, in a coordinated fashion, started to talk about Clinton’s appeal to white working class voters, using that as an electability argument.
I think that the mistake too many people make is listening to Phish in reference to the Dead. Other than the fact that they play(ed) extended jams, didn’t repeat songs from night to night, and had lots of fans that wore tie dyes and followed them all around, there’s really little they had in common.
The two bands came from entirely different places culturally, and had hugely different musical influences. They just weren’t the same at all.
That said, I loved ’em both, but moved on easily enough. My screen name is the title to a song by String Cheese Incident, and now that they’ve passed on I spend most of my musical obsession energy on a band called Hot Buttered Rum from out here in SF.
But just liking any one of those bands is far from a guarantee that you’ll like the others.
Oh and btw I’m old too. When I was in college nobody outside of Burlington had ever heard of Phish.
Rick Taylor
Oh, and here’s a video of Obama responding to Bill Clinton’s comments. I sure don’t see him playing the race card; he seems to be struggling to get it away from race. Again, i suspect you’ll have to go to a more pro-Clinton web-site to find out what they’re specifically responding to. Maybe it’s the flack the Ferraro got for saying Obama wouldn’t be in the position he is if he wasn’t black?
The one that confuses me most is their claim that Obama has been playing the “race” card.
Can someone here explain to me exactly what they’re talking about when they say this?
Well there’s also the fact that when Gerraldine Ferraro made racist comments about Obama, the campaign and his supporters got a little annoyed. Being annoyed, apparently, constituted “playing the race card.” Project much?
Did SCI even play Resume Man in like their last 4 or 5 years? I kind of missed that song.
If that vid is from the Clifford Ball, then I’m swaying out in the masses tripping my nuts off. That was a crazy night, wow. when I would look to my right, the world would go 2-D, then I would look to the left and it would come back. Then I ate a Cherry Garcia bar and it made things better…
I still fucking love Phish.
That is all.
Mac G
Great Phish Video. Do not forget about Widespread Panic. They are still ripping it up on tour.
Anyone remember the plane that flew around towing the message, “A dime from here would penetrate”
***Anyone remember the plane that flew around towing the message, “A dime from here would penetrate”***
Why, yes, I do.
Also the strange aerial ballet (a small plane doing ethereal loops in the sky) with the full moon and the setting sun both visible on opposite horizons. I think that was The Great Went.
I have a very soft spot in my head for old Phish.
-sigh-. good times in 1993, gooood times.
Ok, I am beyond old :) I was even finished with college in 1993. However I like the beginning of most Phish songs when sober and most of their songs when not.
Re: Hillary/Obama and the race card-it’s pretty simple, Hillary and or Bill or her supporters make completely racist remarks, the Obama campaign calls them on the remarks and then Hillary’s campaign accuses him of playing the race card.
Commenting on the shallow side of this thread…
I realize that music is a matter of taste. But still:
The two most frightening words in the English language— perfectly harmless by themselves but terrifying when linked together:
“Hippie Funk”
I don’t personally love the Dead, but I can see the talent and if their adherents can be a bunch of uptight entitled long haired covertly trust-funded assholes, well at least the Dead wrote a few memorable songs.
Phish, Widespread Panic (Spin Doctors?), man, those guys are simply musical war criminals. Lock ’em up in the Hague. I’d (seriously) rather listen to hours of crappy butt rock like Speedwagon or Warrant over that shite.
>>> Also the strange aerial ballet
I think that was still Clifford Ball … they tried to time something with the weekend-closing Harpua, but in so doing totally botched the song.
So they reprised the Harpua at the Went next year. The finale was when they went they torched some communal art statute.
Of all the festivals the only one I missed was It. Wish I’d missed Coventry too.
And for the guy who railed on “Hippie Funk”, you obviously werent in Miami when P-Funk showed up. If George Clinton pays you props, then the funk can’t be all that bad.
Hey Furrythug-
I’ve seen George Clinton twice— but I remain convinced the Phishistas violated several widely ratified UN conventions on human rights.
At least we both like P-Funk!
Ha ha! Furrythug, I was in Miami when Bernie and George were shouting ‘Skeet Skeet!’ I particularly loved that, because it was about 6 months before Dave Chappelle decoded the meaning of ‘Skeet’ to most of the world,
This thread is very timely, got a call yesterday from a friend down in GA who notified me that he obtained the Island Tour on DVD, and one of the fellas who rode in my Accord for 32 hours to check out Coventry is getting all twittery because of some rumors of rumors (i.e. Trey’s interview in R.S. last month or something to that effect.)
After the disappointment Coventry, or rather, after everything since the hiatus, coupled with memories of pre-98, I am more than willing to wait a tour or two before I get wet.
I have always been reluctant to compare any band to another, but more than willing to compare one bands scene to another’s.
By the way, ZZYZX, are you the purveyor of the stats generator?
I’ve been meaning to check out my stats since I’ve obtained sobriety, but now for some reason, I can’t quite recall all the dates I hit.
Regardless, if you are him, many praises!
Comments are closed.
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one thing i learned from yesterday: the “legions of angry hillary supporters” meme is overstated.
at one point the hillary blogs were promising “tens of thousands” would show up at the RBC meeting, and what’d they get? a few hundred? a few hundred screeching, goofily-dressed people who only have one word in their vocabulary–“Denver.” heck, you can teach a parrot more words than that.
Dennis - SGMM
Every one of this morning’s bobblehead shows has at least one of Clinton’s campaign staff, including the Three Stooges; McAuliffe, Ickes and Wolfson. No one from the Obama camp. Hillary fails to get anything like what she wanted out of the RBC so they feature her people exclusively.
I’d vote for the Devil himself if he swore to restore the Fairness Doctrine.
Steve Balboni
And here all this time I thought I was the only person in the whole liberal blogosphere who spent their high school and college days traveling the country following Phish.
This one time, on Phish tour…
Hey, look who gets the top Google hit for “phish sucks”.
Mandy Grunwald on Face the Nation assuring us all that Clinton will fight on. Schieffer asked her if any Demcratic nominee can win a general election without African Americans, who will be understandably bitter if Clinton mangages to overturn the Obama’s results at the Convention. She turned it around by saying what about a Dem nominee trying to win without women?
As if ALL women will turn against Obama because of Clinton’s whining and dishonesty. Not so. But nearly 100% of African American’s HAVE turned against the Clinton campaign because of it’s demonstrable racism.
null pointer exception
Ed Rendell on Face the Nation saying that Hillary will do the right thing. And he and other elected officials for Hillary will feel disappointed if she doesn’t.
The Other Steve
Over in the other thread someone mentioned this ‘Ed Hale’ who is running a number of Clinton supporters for John McCain websites.
They thought he was probably a Republican, because he keeps referring to it as the “Democrat Party”.
Well, I did some searches, found some messags at taylormarsh where the guy claims to come from Wellington Texas. Looked up the last name Hale from Wellington on, and found out he gave $200 to Patricia LaMarche in 2004. LaMarch was the green parties VP candidate.
The guy might be a Republican, but more likely he’s just confused.
dr. bloor
Not at all. Much of the Green Party’s money during the last election cycle came from the Republicans, who were eager to fund candidates likely to take votes away from Democratic candidates.
Ratfuck, plain and simple.
Dean on Wolfie saying this is the beginning of unity and healing. Expecting this to be wrapped up in June.
Do you think he really believes that?
Dennis - SGMM
If he’s getting money from the Republicans they sure aren’t giving him enough to pay for a web site designer. Whew. All that’s missing are some flaming skulls.
High school? The band barely existed when I was in high school.
Man I’m old…
Sure–Clinton’s done, and the press knows it. If she keeps it up, she’ll be treated like Lieberman.
And since I never pass up a chance to blogwhore, McCain says he wants an American version of Prime Minister’s Questions. I like the idea, though of course I’d prefer a different President.
Man I’m old…
Right there with you. I was a Deadhead after I graduated from college, and never quite got into Phish.
Oh geez, I was at the show that this clip is from.
Here’s an okay music blog that devotes quite a bit of time to the phish guys (actually more time to other bands than phish really):
Loved phish back in the early 90s though their albums always sucked, definitely a band you needed to see live.
though, is there anyone who *wasn’t* at clifford ball?
i met my wife there.
then again, zzyzx has been to more than most, statistically speaking
Worst. Blog. Name. Ever.
…what can I say, I WENT to Coventry.
man, Coventry was a HUGE letdown.
Furry – really? That’s cool.
Phish? You elitist.
THIS was high school
dj spellchecka
my only [out of curosity] exposure to phish was the triple live in brooklyn cd. i have to honestly say, i’ve never heard a more terrible band in my entire life. [listening to rock music since 1964]
sometime i’d like to see an open thread on the most sucky bands of all time, cause i’m like that.
my nominee: rush
I saw this thread’s embedded video and just knew Zzyzx would be all over it. I much prefer the guitar-noodly jams of, say, Built to Spill over the half-hour long tribal improvs.
But when I looked through my CD collection recently, I was surprised to see that I did own one of Phish’s CDs. I bought it a while ago (probably due to osmosis from Mr. Zzyzx himself). I listened to it, and it’s pretty decent stuff. Then I put it away and went back to my Fiery Furnaces collection.
Oh, and on a more serious tip…I’m a very occasional poster here, but I read the blog many times a day, and I’ve been trying to puzzle out a few things about the claims that the Pro-Clinton folks make about Obama and his followers. The one that confuses me most is their claim that Obama has been playing the “race” card.
Can someone here explain to me exactly what they’re talking about when they say this? Was there some speech or event they fixated on that caused this to be a rallying cry of theirs? Was it a combination of things?
I wouldn’t be surprised if their conclusion that he’s doing this lies somewhere between the “misinterpretation” and “FOX news analyst” spectrum of wrongheadedness. But I’d really like to know what real-world events and incidents got this meme started in their hive-mind.
Thanks in advance for revisiting the muck.
dj spellchecka
off topic, i realize, but for all you folks that play fantasy sports, the supreme court is about to consider a case with some major implications…..
By David G. Savage, Los Angeles Times Staff Writer
June 1, 2008
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court justices were spending part of their time last week on fantasy baseball, but not because summer is near and they were bored with the legal work. Rather, the justices were deciding whether to take up a billion-dollar dispute over whether for-profit, fantasy games on the Internet have a free-speech right to use the names and performance statistics of famous athletes.
If the justices vote to hear the appeal from Major League Baseball, the outcome could have a far-reaching impact, including on the entertainment industry. If the justices were to rule that fantasy sports games have a free-speech right to use the names of famous players, it could cast doubt on some licensing deals for celebrities.
Even if the court lets stand the lower court’s ruling in favor of free speech for the for-profit websites, it could encourage other websites to incorporate the use of famous people without seeking their permission.
For now the question is whether baseball players and their statistics are public knowledge, and thus free to be used by all, or whether they remain the private property of Major League Baseball.
Quoting John:
John a deadhead? He was destined to become a Dem.
nice strategy
Clifford Ball!!!!!
Just this week, I randomly threw on my 93 Holiday Tour Shirt and that very morning KFOG throws out some recent quote of Trey’s that amounted to “I was really fried on drugs when Phish broke up and now I’m feeling better.”
Now that’s Change We Can Believe In.
Phish are kind of like a un-disciplined Zappa, which makes them terribly dull at times, but usually pretty fun. At least that was my experience. The Dead, however, SUCKED. The scene may have been great, but that was an AWFUL band, mainly because Garcia was totally strung out most of the time.
Rick Taylor
Good luck with that. You might have better luck asking the question at Talk Left or a similar site. As I understand it, when Bill Clinton was asked q question about Hillary not doing so well, he said out of the blue that Jesse Jackson won South Carolina in 84 and 88. What does Obama have to do with Jesse Jackson, aside from the fact the pair our black? They got some flack for that, and also for Hillary’s comments on JFK and Martin Luther King Junior. Some Hillary supporters blame the Obama campaign for exploiting these statements; I did not see that myself. More importantly, I think the statements were insensitive (just as Obama’s bitter comments were later), and they would have done better addressing the damage directly (as Obama had to do with his bitter comments). Any sympathy I may have had for them in the past was blown out the window when the campaign started, in a coordinated fashion, started to talk about Clinton’s appeal to white working class voters, using that as an electability argument.
I think that the mistake too many people make is listening to Phish in reference to the Dead. Other than the fact that they play(ed) extended jams, didn’t repeat songs from night to night, and had lots of fans that wore tie dyes and followed them all around, there’s really little they had in common.
The two bands came from entirely different places culturally, and had hugely different musical influences. They just weren’t the same at all.
That said, I loved ’em both, but moved on easily enough. My screen name is the title to a song by String Cheese Incident, and now that they’ve passed on I spend most of my musical obsession energy on a band called Hot Buttered Rum from out here in SF.
But just liking any one of those bands is far from a guarantee that you’ll like the others.
Oh and btw I’m old too. When I was in college nobody outside of Burlington had ever heard of Phish.
Rick Taylor
Oh, and here’s a video of Obama responding to Bill Clinton’s comments. I sure don’t see him playing the race card; he seems to be struggling to get it away from race. Again, i suspect you’ll have to go to a more pro-Clinton web-site to find out what they’re specifically responding to. Maybe it’s the flack the Ferraro got for saying Obama wouldn’t be in the position he is if he wasn’t black?
Well there’s also the fact that when Gerraldine Ferraro made racist comments about Obama, the campaign and his supporters got a little annoyed. Being annoyed, apparently, constituted “playing the race card.” Project much?
Did SCI even play Resume Man in like their last 4 or 5 years? I kind of missed that song.
If that vid is from the Clifford Ball, then I’m swaying out in the masses tripping my nuts off. That was a crazy night, wow. when I would look to my right, the world would go 2-D, then I would look to the left and it would come back. Then I ate a Cherry Garcia bar and it made things better…
I still fucking love Phish.
That is all.
Mac G
Great Phish Video. Do not forget about Widespread Panic. They are still ripping it up on tour.
A beacon of light in the world of flight!
Anyone remember the plane that flew around towing the message, “A dime from here would penetrate”
***Anyone remember the plane that flew around towing the message, “A dime from here would penetrate”***
Why, yes, I do.
Also the strange aerial ballet (a small plane doing ethereal loops in the sky) with the full moon and the setting sun both visible on opposite horizons. I think that was The Great Went.
I have a very soft spot in my head for old Phish.
-sigh-. good times in 1993, gooood times.
Ok, I am beyond old :) I was even finished with college in 1993. However I like the beginning of most Phish songs when sober and most of their songs when not.
Re: Hillary/Obama and the race card-it’s pretty simple, Hillary and or Bill or her supporters make completely racist remarks, the Obama campaign calls them on the remarks and then Hillary’s campaign accuses him of playing the race card.
Commenting on the shallow side of this thread…
I realize that music is a matter of taste. But still:
The two most frightening words in the English language— perfectly harmless by themselves but terrifying when linked together:
“Hippie Funk”
I don’t personally love the Dead, but I can see the talent and if their adherents can be a bunch of uptight entitled long haired covertly trust-funded assholes, well at least the Dead wrote a few memorable songs.
Phish, Widespread Panic (Spin Doctors?), man, those guys are simply musical war criminals. Lock ’em up in the Hague. I’d (seriously) rather listen to hours of crappy butt rock like Speedwagon or Warrant over that shite.
>>> Also the strange aerial ballet
I think that was still Clifford Ball … they tried to time something with the weekend-closing Harpua, but in so doing totally botched the song.
So they reprised the Harpua at the Went next year. The finale was when they went they torched some communal art statute.
Of all the festivals the only one I missed was It. Wish I’d missed Coventry too.
And for the guy who railed on “Hippie Funk”, you obviously werent in Miami when P-Funk showed up. If George Clinton pays you props, then the funk can’t be all that bad.
Hey Furrythug-
I’ve seen George Clinton twice— but I remain convinced the Phishistas violated several widely ratified UN conventions on human rights.
At least we both like P-Funk!
Ha ha! Furrythug, I was in Miami when Bernie and George were shouting ‘Skeet Skeet!’ I particularly loved that, because it was about 6 months before Dave Chappelle decoded the meaning of ‘Skeet’ to most of the world,
This thread is very timely, got a call yesterday from a friend down in GA who notified me that he obtained the Island Tour on DVD, and one of the fellas who rode in my Accord for 32 hours to check out Coventry is getting all twittery because of some rumors of rumors (i.e. Trey’s interview in R.S. last month or something to that effect.)
After the disappointment Coventry, or rather, after everything since the hiatus, coupled with memories of pre-98, I am more than willing to wait a tour or two before I get wet.
I have always been reluctant to compare any band to another, but more than willing to compare one bands scene to another’s.
By the way, ZZYZX, are you the purveyor of the stats generator?
I’ve been meaning to check out my stats since I’ve obtained sobriety, but now for some reason, I can’t quite recall all the dates I hit.
Regardless, if you are him, many praises!