[F]rom Gallup: Among Democratic women — including those who may be disappointed that Hillary Clinton did not win the Democratic nomination — 9% say Palin makes them more likely to support McCain, 15% less likely.From Rasmussen: Some 38% of men said they were more likely to vote for McCain now, but only 32% of women. By a narrow 41% to 35% margin, men said she was not ready to be president — but women soundly rejected her, 48% to 25%…. Overall, voters expressed a favorable impression of her by a 53/26 margin, but there was a severe gender gap on this: Men embraced her at 58% to 23%, while for women it was 48/30.
And by a 29/44 margin, men and women together, they do not believe that she is ready to be President.
Sarah Palin’s resume is so thin that John McCain had to cite her work on the PTA. Thinking that she’s qualified to lead the United States only makes sense if you subscribe to the fringe partisan view that virtually anyone with the right ideological purity is qualified to do important jobs.
Apparently 29% of Americans think that, which means that Sarah Palin polls one point worse than human papillomavirus. It’s also one more data point for the surprisingly robust John Rogers theorem.
Can I recommend a “Sarah Palin’s a gurl, jus’ like Hillary!” tag? Or something along those lines?
The gender gap is an easy one. Those women see her as the boss’ favorite who got the promotion because she kissed up and showed some tender young leg just often enough and they instinctively know she hasn’t earned it and are cringing in fear of the future utter f**k up that will make everyone say: “SEE! there shouldn’t be women that high up, look what a joke they end up being.”
Sorry, there is no benefit to a race or a gender when unqualified yes-people get an unearned leg-up. It in fact sets Real Equality back a few years, in this case, a freakin’ decade, probably.
Lest anyone think I’m Hillbot here…
Palin may be stellar… it’s theoretically possible, but there is zero to go on so the risk is too great. Not when there ARE qualified women, like Kay Bailey, who have proven themselves, for McCain choose from.
Gee, you don’t think it’s AGEISM that made them pick Palin over someone qualified, DO YOU? Bwa hahahah. Ah, Irony, I love it.
This nauseates me even more than all the phony misogyny crap from yesterday. That’s 58% of men thinking with their dicks, That’s just great. And this week we’ll be seeing the mother of all political panders from wingnuts with Mccain on a rubber ducky as a modernday Dudley Doright, with democrats not far behind. I hear it’s wonderful in France this time of year.
Dennis - SGMM
Hmmmm, Cindy McCain is on “This Week” sporting a pin with “USMC” and “USN” picked out in diamonds – just like all of the wives of those currently serving in the Navy and Marine Corps.
Quote: “My husband is a Navy boy. His father and mother were in the Navy.”
It really does takes a maverick to pick a VP who just got her passport last year.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
I watched Lindsey Graham on This Week and now Pawlenty on MTP and the Republican talking point is that Palin is far more qualified than Barack Obama in that she was a mayor and a Governor and has “Executive Experience” that Obama does not in being a community organizer and Presidential candidate. Obama’s state senate experience is completely ommitted and his time in the U.S. Senate has been belittled. Lindsey Graham repeated the “Alaska is close to Russia so of course Palin has international experience.”
Shorter conservatives: why should she know know how to run a country, use a military, and negotiate with foreign leaders when she can just call on God for all the answers?
Her selection alone just sent coat hangers flying off shelves in Walmarts all over the country in nervous preparation.
John Cole
John Cole
I just wanted to give you a preview of the next two months.
Blue Buddha
I will not vote for McCain, but I will vote for HPV!
“HPV” — Human PapillomaVirus?
Did I miss something?
Or is this a reference to the GOP official platform that girls should get cancer for being hussies? Okay, I get it in that case.
Hell, I heard some wingnut (Hannity? Can’t remember) making the point that Palin is more qualified than Joe Biden, because Biden lacks the executive experience that Palin has. Whatever. When Palin is trying to remove the stiletto that Biden has slipped, with a smile, between her ribs, we’ll see how that “executive experience” is working out for her.
Blue Buddha
Unfortunately, the only Palin that’s been to Kamchatka is Michael Palin.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
“She has a stellar record as a reformer in her time as Governor…”
Palin has been Governor all of 20 months for chrissakes. Besides canning the Bride to Nowhere, which anyone could have done, what has the woman reformed?
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Maria Bartiromo just said Palin is an expert on energy and brings great value to the issue.
It must be true.
Will Hunting
“Bride” to nowhere. Hee Hee. You can’t accuse McCain of taking on bride’s to nowhere!!!!
Blue Buddha
I was just representing the 1% who don’t like Palin, but also don’t like the HPV virus.
John Cole
I thought Congress canned the bridge to nowhere. They write the appropriations. Hell, I thought it got canned before she was even governor.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
I’m curious to see how well the McCain camp can shield Palin from the press for the next two months. I’m sure it will be a courageous effort.
Nonsense. I predict:
9/11, hockey mom, family values, terrorists, five kids, glass ceiling, 9/11, PTA, ready on day one, God, Gays, WMDs, Wasilla, Executive Experience, U.S.A!, U.S.A!, The Bible is our Constitution, the Global Struggle against Extremism, Foreign Oil, big ass trucks, Leather Boots, Just a Regular Gal, 9/11, Rising Star. And finally… clean bill of health.
We’re watching the McCain campaign implode. As moronic as the modern GOP is, most of them are not dumb enough to believe that Sarah Palin is a cross between Winston Churchill and Kirstie Alley’s character in Drop Dead Gorgeous.
Corner Stone
What’s the difference between “Community Organizer” and “PTA”?
Both seem to suggest a willingness to involve yourself in the community, work with others and towards certain ideals.
Do either really bring any value to a resume for the highest offices in the land?
Except – I hear BHO’s work as a Community Organizer cited over and over again as something special.
I thought Congress canned the bridge to nowhere. They write the appropriations. Hell, I thought it got canned before she was even governor.
I’m pretty sure the exact same monies still went to Alaska, but missing the specific wording for the bridge earmark, so they could in theory spend it on something else… read Gov’s decision on that.
Not quite–she was for it when it was going to be built with federal funds. When it had to be built with state funds, suddenly she was less enthralled with it.
Gym Rat
I’m surprised that Lindsey Graham didn’t say that Sarah Palin was qualified to be POTUS because they both wore the same style of panties. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
PTA is the “Parent-Teacher Association”, an association where parents and teachers meet. A “Community Organizer” is someone who eats Republicans alive to the tune of 70% to 27%. See you in November.
Notorious P.A.T.
It just goes to show: women hate women.
And you can sing it to the tune of Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start The Fire”.
Or maybe REM’s “It’s The End Of The World As We Know It”.
They voted for George Bush.
There’s no evidence to support your assertion, and, one would argue, plenty to refute it.
Notorious P.A.T.
Barack worked as a community organizer to provide jobs and health care. I’m guessing Palin worked on the PTA to get science teachers telling kids that an invisible man in the clouds made the world 6,000 years ago.
The Moar You Know
I don’t. I think McCain was dead set on Lieberman from Day One and got his ass overruled by the party – which frankly was the right thing for the party to do, as they’d have been looking at a fifty-state Obama victory with popular vote margins on the order of 80% to 20%.
I think everyone else on the GOP side who was remotely “qualified” (a dubious assertion at best) turned him down. The Palin pick smacks of utter desperation.
Alfred Meino
Dems are screwed and don’t get it. Dems think that the electorate is logical – they are not. They think the electorate will weight issues carefully – they will not. They think the electorate is smart – they are not. The fact is, the media is already eating up Sarah Palin. Who cares about the credentials – she doesn’t need any. She’s got a photogenic quality, which the media loves (and it sells). Once the media falls in love, the electorate falls in love….remember the prelude to the Iraq War? “Shock-and-Awe”? They ate it up enough to be complicit and embed journalists as the war happened – any neigh-sayers were marginalized immediately and cast as unpatriotic. They fell for it then, they will fall again. This time any attack against her will cause the media to say that dems are sexists and out of touch with the common folk (like Palin will be portrayed as). They will turn on Barack, paint him and Biden as elitists, thus securing enough votes to win. McCain/Palin wins, the country loses…this has been the score for the last eight years. Good luck America!
Corner Stone
jrg –
You’re seriously going to use the 2004 election where BHO ran against Keyes as some kind of example?
Regardless if it’s valid or not, you didn’t answer the question of whether CO is a value add to a resume for a Presidential candidate.
Corner Stone
P.A.T. says –
I’ll disagree on the definition of CO, but that’s neither here nor there.
Does his work in the community add substantive value? Does her work on the PTA add value?
The Moar You Know
We get it, already. Your one-note symphony is getting really tiresome.
gotta hand it to the GOpers. they have been concern trolling pretty much everywhere since McCain’s um decision. too bad they never learned to use coordination for something other than shilling.
Corner Stone
Moar –
Your inability to actually remain on point is what’s pretty tiresome.
Anyone who points out something the groupthink doesn’t agree with gets labeled a troll or Republican shill.
There’s no way to prove anything on the intertrons but it’s still the truth that I have never voted for a Republican in my life. Go through my dad who was a sec treas for his local union, through his dad who was a member of the painters union as he worked for the school district painting schools.
IOW, I’ve been a member of the D party my entire life and frankly I’m disturbed by what I’ve witnessed over the last 6 – 8 years.
Doesn’t mean I’m now a Republican, just means I don’t agree with going along to get along when my country pays the price for our silence.
You fucking cowards can swallow all the tripe if you care to, I don’t care to. I prefer to call it out when I see it.
Just because you lack the ability to follow along but would rather pull your blankie over your head – not my problem.
Shorter Corner Stone: These rats ain’t gonna fuck themselves!
The Moar You Know
Nice try, Corner Stone. Let’s cut the bullshit. The voters have chosen and there are two candidates.
Who are you voting for this election – McCain or Obama?
The Moar You Know
Gosh, no repsonse. I am shocked, I tells ya.
Incertus already hit this point above, but just to be clear, this:
Is wrong. Palin basically LIED in her first ever campaign speech. She LOVED the bridge at first.
One silver lining on this whole debacle is watching the “libertarians” at Hit and Run falling all over themselves to praise this hard-core fundie, no-policital-power-too-small-to-abuse, what’s-in-it-for-Alaska candidate. I sense there’ll be a lot of scrubbing going on once the full Palin story is out.
Conservatively Liberal
Corner Stoned is pissed that Hillary lost, and they are doing everything they can to make sure that everyone knows it. Hillary lost thus Obama has to lose to restore balance in their universe which, interestingly enough, they are the center of.
You know, that whole ‘a woman scorned’ bit? Bingo. I really don’t care how CS is going to vote because at this point an Obama detractor is a McCain supporter.
I would rather listen to a scratched, skipping record of babies screaming and crying, so I guess it is time to add CS to the pie filter.
One of the talking heads (Larry King?) had a Hillary die hard on and it got to the point of being pathetic. The entire interview was centered around this particular supporter, what she wanted, how she had been let down, how Obama had not reached out to her personally, how she was offended, etc.
I was watching this with my wife, a Hillary supporter, and the Mrs.’s comment was something along the lines of, “what a self-centered person.”
My wife is a Clinton supporter, met her, campaigned for her, donated to her, etc. She was very disappointed when Clinton didn’t get the nomination. But she also realized that this election is not about Clinton, not about her, and not about any mean remarks random internet folks may have directed at the die hard Clinton supporters (she married me so she knows snark when she sees it).
The choice between Obama and McCain has never really been a choice for anyone that supported Hillary Clinton for the issues that Clinton has fought for her entire life. McCain is the anti-Clinton and Palin is about as far away from Clinton’s policies as any single person could be.
Throwing away your vote on McCain or sitting at home because of some slight, real or perceived, is an insult to Hillary Clinton and everything she has accomplished and is trying to accomplish.
Now back to your regularly scheduled rat fucking.
zuzu's petals
As much as I hate to say it, the male/female approval ratings underscore a suspicion I’ve had about the way they’ve packaged Palin so far.
Consider that her official campaign photos make her look more like a local weather reporter than a candidate for national office.
Consider the non-sensible shoes (“ruby red platform open-toed shoes”), the hint of decollatage (sp?) in her suits, the feathered bangs, etc.
Consider that they place her front and center next to the candidate wearing HOOP EARRINGS while he discusses a potentially devastating natural disaster. Quite the professional look.
Let’s see if they Thatcherize her look once they get the chance to vet her wardrobe choices, pics, etc. Or if they
up the bimbo factor. Excuse me, bimbo-mom.
oh really
Jesus was never in the military, but isn’t he scheduled to lead the forces of righteousness in the battle of Armageddon?
zoe from pittsburgh
As usual, the devil is in the details. For some reason Obama’s “Community Organizer” title has become shorthand for some pretty impressive non-profit organizing work. But don’t take my word for it.
That was before he went to law school. After law school he did some more “Community Organizing.”
If you’re going to argue that Obama’s “community organizer” work is just like being on the PTA it might help if you have a clue about what you’re talking about. I can understand how someone like Corner wouldn’t be impressed with Obama or his “community organizer” work if they can’t even be bothered to do so little as read the wikipedia entry about him.
Hi Darkness, you said:
Palin may be stellar… it’s theoretically possible, but there is zero to go on so the risk is too great. Not when there ARE qualified women, like Kay Bailey, who have proven themselves, for McCain choose from.
Let me rephrase that for You:
“Obama may be stellar… it’s theoretically possible, but there is zero to go on so the risk is too great. Not When there ARE qualified men, like Joe Biden, who have proven themselves, for Democrats choose from.”
Get it ?
Palin has been Governor all of 20 months for chrissakes. Besides canning the Bride to Nowhere, which anyone could have done, what has the woman reformed?
I guess Google is not your friend ?
Notorious P.A.T. Says:
What’s the difference between “Community Organizer” and “PTA”?
Barack worked as a community organizer to provide jobs and health care. I’m guessing Palin worked on the PTA to get science teachers telling kids that an invisible man in the clouds made the world 6,000 years ago.
A little research on Barack’s days as a community organizer might be helpful. He got a voter registration office opened in his district and worked on Asbestos remediation. That’s it.
As to your guess about Palin, why guess ? It’s easy enough to find out on the intertubes. You can find your way to Balloon Juice, but can’t Google search ? You’re dumber than dirt.