Sarah Palin, maverick reformer and McCain’s soulmate:
It didn’t take long. We’ve already brought you news of the official investigation into Gov. Palin’s firing of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan. Steve Branchflower, the lead investigator, began trying to arrange a deposition of the governor days before her veep selection. And despite claiming executive privilege to shield requested emails, up until that point Palin had promised full cooperation with the probe.
Now, however, she is refusing to submit to questioning by Branchflower unless he and the legislative committee that appointed him agree to relinquish control of the investigation and turn it over to a state review board made up of three Palin appointees.
A far right Christian ideologue who lies, abuses her authority, stonewalls investigators, and then refuses to testify. Why does this sound so familiar?
Putting aside the absurdity of the McCain campaign, in which we need to elect Republicans to reform the government after eight years of Republican rule, I can not believe that after eight years of Bush, this is the “reform” the Republicans think the country is craving. As Chris Orr notes:
I’m skeptical that this new, aggressive posture will serve Palin well: It ramps up the heat on the story and makes Palin look more like a typical pol under investigation and less like someone with minor issues to resolve back home. But evidently those around Palin–perhaps on the McCain campaign staff?–have now concluded that there is enough there there to make stonewalling preferable to downplaying. Either that or Palin felt that resisting legislative inquiries is an area where she needed to bone up if she was going to serve in a GOP administration.
Pretty much.
*** Update ***
Well, you can always go over to TBogg’s place and play the “Let’s Name The Baby” game. It’s fun, really, it’s fun.
But but but . . . Robert “Speed Bump” Novak says that the Palin pick proves that John McCain is a “Political Genius”!
(no link: I refuse)
And despite claiming executive privilege to shield requested emails…
Wait – do governors have executive privilege, or is that a right of Republican presidential / VP candidates?
Shorter rightwing response:
“This just proves even more what a Maverick™ McCain was for this VP pick!! Oh by the way, did you know he was a POW?”
Who would have thought, the Barracuda. Knocked up before they eloped, but she did sign an “Ethics” bill.
Thinking further:
I would actually be more impressed by Gov. Palin if she did have a degree from Regents “Forth Tier*” University. A law degree is a law degree, after all.
No wait. I retract that. A communications degree from a local community college is, in fact, a much greater qualification.
*Seriously. Regents is one of two “4th tier” law schools. The other one has no accreditation and can be attended online. [signed, uppity elite university attendee]
Did you say the magic words? Congratulations! You’re now the evangelical movement’s most favorite person! And once you get Dobson and company’s blessing, that’s it. You’re golden. No one can tell you that you are wrong, because you answer to a higher power.
I mean, I know you like to joke about comparing Palin to Bush/Cheney ‘0-fuck, but let’s ditch the tunnel vision for a bit. Recognize that this is the MO of the modern evangelical movement.
Take people’s money in exchange for verbal benedictions, build a vast empire, bully anyone you don’t like, break a few laws which you may or may not have been instrumental in getting passed in the first place, and flip the whole world the bird when you get caught because you can’t judge meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Bush / Cheney is just one more iteration of a scam that’s been getting middle American suckers for the last 250 years.
Here’s hoping that reporters are taking notes for whenever they get a chance to ask some questions.
But Rudy Giuliani says Sarah is ready for 9/11!
w vincentz
The Sarah list is indeed getting long for such a short time.
We’ve only been vetting her for less than a week.
Add two more to the list.
1) As Gov, she cut funding for pregnant teenagers (Covenant House). Lucky mommy can support her own, but a whole lot of pregger AK girls could have used some help.
2) As Gov, Sarah slashed funding for Special Educational Services. My guess is that this was done before Trig came along.
I certainly hope someone is writing all these down, form troopergate, to wanting polar bears off the endangered species list, to lieing about the return of funds for the bridge to nowhere (it was unfunded 13 months before she became Gov), beluga whales, pipeline to Canada, arial wolf hunting, police chief gate, book burning gate, etc.
Add your own….
of course, she only appoints people loyal to her.
this is hilarious. every day a little present. it’s like chanukah.
Dr. Laura on the Palin pick…
This was my evangelical, pro-life wife’s reaction as well. My guess is that outside of orange-county sytle evangelicals (picture the Real Housewives), the choice of Palin isn’t all that inspiring.
Careful John or you might have to face the POWer of McHissyFit!
[Two snaps]
Talk to the hand!
Jill Howell
Think Progress has a Sarah Palin Digest up, outlining her position on current issues.
Maybe this is what it takes to make the media turn on McBarbecue. At some point the press has got to get a little of its self-respect back. I doubt there are many journalists who do not consider themselves smarter and better educated than McCain and especially Palin.
Stonewalling Congress is one thing, but stonewalling all the media?
Suicidal Zebra
Hilarity from ‘Sadly No’, Live open mikes are a bitch.
Is she ready to be a POW? That’s the real question!
Peggie Noonan: “It’s over!”
FLILF Hunter
Check this out (courtesy of TPM). It’s a hot mike moment of truth…
Noonan & Murphy cut loose.
It’s like watching the Hindenburg crash into the Titanic.
Compare that with her latest piece in the WSJ.
Palin is a non-issue to everyone except the far-right-wing of the evangelical-wing of the Republican Party. Even Dr. Laura has panned her selection.
There is ONLY one issue, and that is McCain had MONTHS to vet EVERY Republican that could even have possibly been considered. They vetted her (such as it was) the day before she was selected. This woman has more baggage than Santa does on Christmas Eve!
America CANNOT AFFORD to take a risk on a PRESIDENT that is that compulsive. McCain has PROVED he is intellectually and emotionally unfit for the office of President. Beyond that, his actions are an insult to America.
I’m kind of curious about something here.
You see, when the Bush administration claims “Executive Privilege”, they have the weak (if spurious) claim that national secrets or security is at stake.
What national secrets are at stake in the Alaska state government? Or state security?
What possible reason could there be for a governor to claim executive privilege with respect to providing information or documentation?
Ravi J
If you are from Idaho or Utah, you don’t need a degree from Regent.
Stuck in the Fun House (nj)
The depth of MCcain’s epic screw-up in choosing this woman is almost beyond belief. Among others things, it highlights his impulsive nature and blind ambition to be president. The wingnut spirit chasers pinned his ass to the wall and said pick this woman or else. Now the pickle he’s in. A VP candidate running a half step ahead of Johnnie Law and a vital voting block with an electoral gun to his head if he dumps her. It must be hell being John Mccain right now, but because of what we’re just learning — That he was a POW. –which might have been easier to take than the American Mullahs who now have him by the short hairs.
Popcorn for all!!
Not to go off on a tangent, but isn’t a sine of something that he’s born with Down’s? I’ll bet her hubby has to cosine a secant mortgage just to afford the intensive care. Wait a sec…did I just commit a sin by not diarying all this at DailyCos?
He really struck gold in Alaska with this pick didn’t he? I was ready for this election to be over two months ago, just call for a vote and be done with it, but now it’s getting fun.
Erick is really leading the charge up comedy hill over at RedState. He’s in full citizen journo battle dress. Apparently Obama has put out a pro-choice campaign ad (gutsy, btw) that has some narration by a nurse, and here is the burning issue for Erick…
Also Erick and the other Malkin wannabes are going batshit stupid over the CNN reporter, Campbell Brown, who dared ask a McCain spokesperson to name just one command decision by AKNG Commander Gal. No worries, Officer Erick sporting Citizen Journo bandaids from previous operations rises again to battle the evildoer, Campbell Brown…
Nothing but class there. Of course, if you follow dipshit’s link he provides to back up his statement, you find this…
First, you have to go on a gigantic leap of faith Erick even got the right Brown. Odds? Then according to Erick’s source, that Brown wasn’t guilty of what Erick claimed he was. That Brown was found guilty solely of lying to a federal agent during an investigation. Of course, something like that would be unpossible for a Republican.
Let the comedy continue.
New Polls
MN + 12
IA + 15 !?!?!?!?
OH + 2!!!
Notorious P.A.T.
When will they learn? In a scandal 90% of the damage comes from the covderup.
OT, I just saw “House Bunny”. Very funny.
Richard Bottoms
Ohhh snap!!!
Noonan and Murphy on an open mike (courtsey Kos):
jesus, that Murphy/Noonan clip is like catnip to this Obama supporter (and cat owner)!
Notorious P.A.T.
Do they choose to be unaccredited, like Bob Jones U?
Stuck in the Fun House (nj):
In some way, it really must be humiliating for McCain to have to put his integrity – such as it is – on the line for a candidate with this many skeletons in her closet, and who, up until last week, he had only met once.
If it weren’t for his enormous wealth, I might even feel a little sorry for the guy.
(Munches popcorn. Resolves not to avert eyes from computer until Nov. 5th)
Here’s my transcript of Noonan and Murphy, if you can’t play the video:
Murphy: … but you know, I come out of a blue state governor world, right? Engler, Whitman, Thompson, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush. And these guys this all — this is all like how you win a Texas race, just run it up. It’s not gonna work.
Noonan: It’s over.
Murphy: But still, McCain can give a version of the Lieberman speech and do themselves some good?
Todd: Don’t you think it’s kind of insulting to Kay Bailey Hutchinson?
Noonan: I saw Kay this morning
Todd: She’s NEVER going to be comfortable about this
Murphy: She’s all bummed out
Todd: I mean, is she really the most qualified woman?
Noonan: The most qualified? No. I think they went for this — excuse me — political bullshit about narratives, the big picture. Every time Republicans do that, because that’s not where they live and it’s not what they’re good at, they blow it.
Murphy: You know what’s really the worst thing about it? The greatness of McCain is no cynicism —
Todd: — and this is cynical. And as you called it, gimmicky.
Murphy: Yep.
Todd: Thanks, guys.
Punchy, if ever a post was worth doubling, that was it.
Obama is going on O’Reiley Thursday night.
That’s funny.
Aw. Beat to it. Here, from someone at the GOS, Noonan playing a different tune about Palin in the WSJ.
Come on, Peggy. Let down your hair, swear a little more, and tell the fucking truth for a change, OK?
I figured this one was in the bag when Kristol predicted that Palin would lead to the discovery of Saddam’s WMDs in Iraq
a harmonious secular union between Iraqi sunnis and shiitesa McCain victory in November.Mary
… and that was posted, too. OK, that’s it, I’m going for a bike ride.
No, alas. They are, in fact, accredited.
Somehow. I don’t really get it, to tell the truth.
I hate your language
If Cole’s communist server quit trying to both run this site and count to 4, it might actually get the posts correct.
Who the fuck is Peggy Noonan, and why should I care what she says?
Ned Raggett
Hmmm, one Mr. Goldberg could be interesting tonight:
Ned Raggett
A little googling can always help you, Punchy:
And much more besides.
Hilarious. I haven’t even read the rest of the post yet.
That’s two questions, so here’s the answer in two parts:
A) Wall Street Journal columnist, GOP strategist and speechwriter for Reagan and Bush I. Responsible for Bush I’s famous line about “a thousand points of light”.
B) You shouldn’t.
On Ben Smith’s blog, I found this comment:
And, of course, my reaction was to chuckle a bit, then move on. Then I realized: wait, could this person be actually serious? No – impossible!
This sort of comment (superfluous exclamation points and all) used to be the bread and butter of online support. Now? I just automatically assume it’s spoof.
It’s a dark day for your campaign when it is literally impossible tell the difference between honest support and satire.
And again, for those who missed it in a previous thread, here is today’s poll of polls.
w vincentz
@ Punchy,
The Special Education Service is part of the Alaska Dept of Education. She cut their funding.
On a side note, I’ve been listening to all the RNCers whining about how the big bad “media” is being too harsh on Caribou Barbi. Yuppers…it’s the evil MEDIA (again).
Last time I heard all this media bashing by the Refuck VP, it was a jerk that resigned in disgrace after he said the words “nolo contendre”.
Yuppers…this is an Agnew moment deja vu.
McInsane just told a national news anchor on ABC a few minutes ago that he was an experienced commander because he commanded the largest squadron in the Pacific – WTF? He was a pilot who commanded nothing – this is the biggest outright lie I have heard. I have tried to pull up ABC and get the interview but I can’t find it. Someone needs to check this out and see if I heard right.
Jay in Oregon
What possible reason could there be for a governor to claim executive privilege with respect to providing information or documentation?
Because SHUT UP, that’s why!
As Mayor, she threatened to fire the town librarian
The list of books begins:.
This book has Narnia-level religious overtones. What the hell is her problem?
Someone please explain that one.
I don’t believe this list. There are books on there, like the Harry Potter titles, that were published when she was Governor, long after the firing the librarian incident.
OK, that does look suspicious.
More about the list. “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” was published in 2000, and she left office (term limits) in 2002.
The quote from The Frontiersman newspaper, when she said her questioning the librarian about banning books was “rhetorical” is usually dated as from 1996.
Arrggh. Is there some way to edit comments after you’ve posted them?
I meant to start my last comment with:
“I was wrong. The books seem all to have been published while she was still mayor. For example, “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire…etc. etc.
And I meant to put a “However,” at the head of the bit about the Frontiersman quote.
Dagnabbit. Must stop rewriting in my head, and actually type it out.