Screw the foreplay:
I feel so much better. I think I need a shower.
by John Cole| 81 Comments
This post is in: Election 2008, Did You Know John McCain Was A POW?
Screw the foreplay:
I feel so much better. I think I need a shower.
Comments are closed.
The buzz at the GOS is that NRO broke an article about Palin having an affair with one of her Hubby’s friends. Not a big deal unless you claim to have family values. You just can’t make this shit up folks.
I blame Obama.
Oh, this video is SO sweet! Red faces all around for these folks. After a long tough day at work, i come home to see what has happened today…and this is the first thing I see? Someone up there is on our side!
How’z this fer “cynicism”?
On the same day her hagiographic ass-kissing article (no, I will not link to it) comes out.
What was that about “political bullshit” Peggy?
The Moar You Know
Gimme a fork, I wanna stick it in McFail to make sure he is, in fact, done!
That’s gonna leave a mark – “it’s over”. Epic win.
dog's eye view
Well, someone’s prayers got answered with this one.
Tom Friedman….wow…
Jim Rittenhouse
Just incredible.
Bubblegum Tate
Close. My favorite wingnuts are claiming this is an example of–wait for it!–liberal media bias.
Nice preface to the speech coming up tonight.
Bubblegum Tate
Close. My favorite wingnuts are claiming this is an example of–wait for it!–liberal media bias.
Final* thought for the day: how many more times can the media jump the shark? Does “jumping the shark” even mean anything anymore?
Will we soon see pundits jumping over mile-wide shark-like Cthulhoid monsters with lasers and gatling guns in their eyes whilst riding on quantum-technology FTL waterskis?
I mean . . . what the hell is the 2012 election gonna look like?
Two words come to mind after seeing that. Awe, and some.
Bubblegum Tate
Sorry ’bout the double post there. Feel free to delete one.
I demand a link!
Ned Raggett
Ms. Lopez is aggreived:
Meanwhile, given this post title, I couldn’t help but think:
Skyrockets in flight
Peggy Noonan delight!
I’ve always been pretty cynical, but I had no idea that the pundits spewing their bilge would talk out in the open to the host of the show, and basically say something completely different.
So these shows are bullshit and the host knows it?!?
Any news on how this got out? Some gremlins in the producers booth? I guess those guys can even get fed up with phoniness and water carrying by propagandists like ‘Magic Dolphin’ Noonan.
Ned Raggett
PC: Here you go:
So, what did Lopez have to say about Jesse Jackson?
Conservatively Liberal
What is really funny is Noonan wrote a piece promoting Palin, and this after-interview clip destroys any argument she made.
Online or in print = Palin could be a game changer!
In private = It’s over.
I think the private assessment holds. :)
More excellent news for John McCain:
Tom Delay has shown up uninvited for the party in St. Paul.
Gym Rat
AK Muckraker at the Mudflats blog had a good post about this whole mess.
“Just talked to a Wasilla Valley resident who works for the state and is a registered Independent. I asked ‘So, what do you think of our new VEEP candidate?’ The answer (after chuckling and shaking his head) ‘What a way to commit suicide.’
That’s the best summation of the past 5 days that I have seen.
There it is…it’s those damn ebil liberals’ fault. Stay classy, K-Lo, you and all your buddies in the “party of personal responsibility.”
Basement Cat
I has a savor?
CBS says the Enquirer has it:
Of course “knocks down” is apparently newsspeak for “McCain camp disputes it.”
Ms. Lopez on Jesse Jackson.
D. Mason
At this point I’m kind of hoping for armageddon so that I don’t have to live through the 2012 election coverage.
Thanks Ned, was going to post it myself, ya beat me to it.
McCain is going to sue the Enquirer
Ned Raggett
Man, after the Enquirer held onto the Edwards thing, you’d think the last thing any politician would want to do is attack them. Well, this’ll be fun.
This is priceless, I hope it goes viral. Repub talking head on MSNBC right now is saying Karl Rove’s comments about Kaine not being qualified to be Obama’s VP (prior to the Palin pick) don’t matter cause….. well they just don’t matter dammnit! GET OFF MY LAWN!
Now I’m starting to feel genuinely bad for Mrs. Palin. She should just never have been offered this, and her family certainly doesn’t deserve any humiliation.
Not McCain, though. I’m not that soft.
This is it in a nutshell. The idiot fringe on the right loves Palin, and that’s why she was picked. Nothing else mattered.
Alas, the idiot fringe on the right isn’t the deciding factor in the coming election, and the choice is otherwise a complete trainwreck of a disaster of a clusterfuck.
McCain has made it nearly impossible for himself to win. He can’t advance the “unqualified Obama” theme against a ditzy broad whose qualifications for VP include being governor of a state near Russia, and doing PTA work. So his main campaign theme is neutered, although they don’t have the good sense to realize it yet. And Magoo’s judgment is not just in question, it’s no longer even on the table. He is being seen far and wide as a complete asshole who will do anything to further his own interests, which he has always been, but you just haven’t seen it this dramatically before.
We here in Arizona are not surprised at this fuckup, but we are pleased that it happened this early. The panic and the flailing were going to happen, but they happened even earlier and more spectacularly than we thought. McCain is a complete fuckhead, in every possible sense of the word.
Now the McCain campaign in the middle of its stretch drive to a national election is avoiding the press. I mean, you can’t make this shit up.
McCain is pushing the pregnant daughter theme as a way to stir up his base of Terri Schiavo mourners. I say, you go, John, keep it up. My bet with DougJ just got a little more equity.
Ned Raggett
Whoa, hold on, York just posted a massive update on the Corner re: the Enquirer story Too long to C/P, just read it through.
Howler from that Delay article:
DeLay arrived at the Minneapolis night club for his party last night in a gold mini-van, no longer traveling with the Capitol police detail that used to protect him from reporters and other perceived security threats.
Ned Raggett
All very interestingly phrased, his story. Seems to be somewhere between ‘c’mon, folks, they’re not ALWAYS right’ (true) and ‘well, um, uh…well.’
Heh, good luck with that, McMaverick.
When you’ve lost even the most gullible of them all, you’re fishing off the wrong, um, metaphor.
The Little Mustache That Could would swallow GOP promises and smokescreens forever, but even this has been too much for him.
Ooh, I so want there to be some juice to the Enquirer’s “affair” story. That would really be rude and unprofessional, wouldn’t it KLo? Heh and indeed.
Who knew politics could be so enjoyable?
That’s crap. I really don’t want to know what sort of “legs” that Enquirer story has. Haven’t we lived through this crap long enough the last 16 years?
Stuck in the Fun House (nj)
It ain’t over till K-Lo sings.
Back on topic:
The best critique I heard, of the entire past 5 days, was on, from a regular commenter (I think) to a troll on the site, explaining (and I’m paraphrasing), that McCain had disarmed himself completely for the entire election for the sake of winning one news cycle.
I had to sit back and think about that for a minute, and once it sank in it made me realize, even more, that this isn’t about Palin. Her penny-ante stuff in Alaska (AK? AL? Am I being punked here?) isn’t that big of a deal. It’s McCain’s wild, reckless, I-don’t-have-the-sufficient-English-things-oh-yeah-words to describe the insanity of this pick. Handing an election, the country, the fate of trillions of dollars, billions of lives, directions of nations, most powerful man on on the planet, etc etc ad nauseam over to someone based on this kind of “those people over there like that kind of person, right?” just terrifies the crap out of me.
And I used to think McCain was the one I could live with.
Mark S.
I know some people who aren’t going to be invited to the next BBQ.
And K-Lo really is the stupidest person in the world.
Fucking EPIC.
Sorry man this is an ownership society, she gets to own her decision to accept.
Here’s a much better link to that Delay story. Watch the ‘head butt’ video. It gives you an idea of how happy everyone is here in St. Paul.
Ned Raggett
Here’s the thing for me, really — I won’t rest easy until after the election itself. I’m confident but I’m not complacent, a good state to be in.
But that all said, I see this ad over at the NRO site and part of me almost wants to book a spot just to be there to watch them all cry.
Texas Dem
My greatest fear at this point is that Palin will drop out and McCain will pick Olympia Snow or someone who could really help him.
w vincentz
Where is Larry Flint when we need him?
Yoo hoo…Larry? Are ya in da house?
What are the odds that tonight’s roll call at the Republican Convention will be delayed for “logistic reasons”?
Mark S.
Imagine the howls from the womb-baby brigade if McCain dropped her for a pro-choice candidate.
If McCain has to drop her, he’s toast. He’s probably toast anyway.
Ned Raggett
At the risk of the right-wing hypertypes who are besides themselves at the idea of Palin as VP and would regard choosing Snow as an ultimate betrayal? Dream on.
That said, I am now just *slightly* starting to wonder about this ‘logistical reason’ idea. Hmm. Doubt it. Still…
After tonight, the sentences I do not want to hear for a very long time from the media:
“She has to introduce herself to America”
“Bristol is 17 and a unwed mom to be”
“Her experience trumps Obama’s”
“This race isn’t about issues but will be a popularity contest”
“She’s a reformer”
“She has executive experience”
“Speech of her lifetime”
“She was only vetted 1 day before the announcement of her being picked VP”
“Sexism in the media”
“She has foreign policy experience because Alaska is really close to Russia”
And anything about LIEBERMAN…………
no way. she knew what her past was like. she knew her family situation. she knew her own qualifications aren’t even close to adequate. she should’ve politely laughed in McCain’s face when he brought it up the first time. instead, she went for it.
Palin = too ambitious for her own good
yet i can’t look away.
mccain thought he could get a twofer, solidifying the GOP christianist base while appealing to women, independents and pissed off dems. well, one out of four aint gonna cut it.
i’m going to go into a coma from all this popcorn. this is the single greatest political meltdown i’ve ever seen in my life.
w vincentz
If true, the “she” part of the “Ol’ Man and the She” ticket has waaaaaaaaaaaay more experience than previously stated.
I can’t wait for the XXX video to come out!
Can I get it on Netflix?
They nominate her for VP right after the speech tonight, right? If they get this done before an adultery scandal is established, do they need to reconvene the convention in order to remove her?
This could be playing out in all sorts of wonderful ways. Much too early for Christmas, though, and I have not been nearly a good enough boy to deserve this.
if he drops palin, picking another woman would be even more transparent than picking the first one in terms of pandering to vagina-americans.
and a pro-choice woman? then he’d lose both the fundies and women. god, that would be priceless.
maxbaer (not the original)
This nomination has to be one the top epic fails of all time. I’ll feel a lot better after she actually accepts it tonight, tho.
They don’t have to reconvene, but there are some trivial procedural hurdles to go through.
D. Mason
I think most people with serious political aspirations would turn down the offer to be the Republican Vice-Presidential nominee at this point. I honestly can’t believe I just typed those words in that order, but I believe it’s true. First, they would be expected to prop up McCain entirely and who the fuck wants to play second fiddle to a guy they had to prop up, especially if they have enough juice to pull it off? Second, anyone who got the nod would know that they probably don’t have enough appeal to cover this shit-pile of a candidate and that means they’re playing to lose. Third they get the esteemed honor of going down in history along side names like Sargent Shriver… who? Exactly. The McCain campaign would be presenting any veep replacement with a lose/lose option which makes this situation all the more delicious.
re: this video–can we get to set this to music?
i know. the failure is imminent.
Conservatively Liberal
Yeah, but it was mostly aimed at the left. Now it’s time for the right to enjoy a little limelight. Let’s see how much they enjoy it. ;)
We are watching while the Republicans are eating a shit sandwich and listening to them describe how delicious it is, but the look on their faces makes it clear that they aren’t enjoying what they are chewing on.
Republicans, the new shit sandwich. Enjoy!
“The best critique I heard, of the entire past 5 days, was on, from a regular commenter (I think) to a troll on the site, explaining (and I’m paraphrasing), that McCain had disarmed himself completely for the entire election for the sake of winning one news cycle.”
I believe that was me actually….
…but I’m not egotistical enough to brag about it ;)
Conservatively Liberal
Hopefully the imminent failure will hold until election day. Sarah seems to be the perfect choice for the Republican ticket. I think McCain needs to keep her on the ticket.
Please? ;)
And here we got Mark Murphy on video being asked by Matthew Yglesias about Palin.
Quite a different story than what he really thinks.
Davis X. Machina
What I’ve heard in Me political circles — at 1.2 million, it’s a damned small state, and no one can keep a secret long — is that Snowe is pissed at McCain because the McCain she knew, and respected, and worked with in the Senate for ages – the two of them were something of Republicans-against-the-grain together at times — has been replaced by this Talibornagain replicant who will do anything to win the election. Not a happy camper, Olympia.
She fancies herself a stateswoman, and McCain has become a reprehensible sell-out. She wouldn’t take the job if he offered it.
Collins, on the other hand, would run over her mother to get to the podium to accept.
Soylent Green
Peggy Noonan is backpedaling so hard she could win the Tour de France in reverse.
Barnyard epithet indeed.
Ned R.
At this rate, that would be less damaging to the brand.
w vincentz
After all the hardballs they’ve thrown, what do they expect back? Softballs?
I’m in agreement with you.
If they can dish it, they can eat it.
Do they want ketchup on the mooseshit burger?
Eat it anyway.
She says that the video has been truncated.
How about asking Chuck Todd about that? And I’m guessing MSNBC might have some raw video.
The Moar You Know
I don’t say this lightly; that is FUCKING WEAK. My parents would have beaten me black and blue for being a bad liar if I’d come up with something that shitty as a child.
I think I’m falling in love with Sarah Palin. She’s wrecking Republican careers right and left, something I’ve always looked for in a woman.
limbaugh's pilonidal cyst
I shouldn’t read titles like that when I’m drinking coffee. Good thing I’ve got a spare keyboard.
Our Lady of the Dolphins said “bullshit”? I’m scandalized!
limbaugh's pilonidal cyst
I used to get beaten black and blue even after getting caught in a well crafted, well delivered lie. You’d have thought that I’d just decide to save my time and energy and just tell shitty lies instead, the outcome being the same in both cases, but I had my standards.
limbaugh's pilonidal cyst
It’s just not the same republican convention without a batshit looney “Democrat” giving the keynote rant. Joe was weak beer indeed, pathologically mendacious but not nearly crazy enough.
D0n Camillo
In all fairness to Joe, Zell Miller set the bar pretty high.
I felt like my grip was slipping at the glowing reviews of Palin’s mediocre speech and then I find this site.
You guys are hilarious! And well-informed too. I am sensing you are also very good-looking. Please don’t let it go to your heads.
Conservatively Liberal
No shit, that is some weak-assed lying, but the wingnuts will lap it up like kittens with cream. Only problem is that kittens have sweet breath, and the wingnuts breath smells like shit.
Noonan fucked up, and she knows it. Shill. Paid shill.