Palin: I believe marriage is meant to be a sacred institution between two unwilling teenagers.
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Palin: I believe marriage is meant to be a sacred institution between two unwilling teenagers.
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[Cross posted from Pet Blog thread, as it is on topic here]
Absolutely classic. Classic!
Question: What is the absolute best thing about Sarah Palin’s candidacy? Answer: Tina Fey returns to SNL. She’s obviously (imho) writing these skits too, so it’s a double win. Triple! The Palin stuff has been the best SNL I’ve seen in years and years, hands down.
Also*: Queen Latifah as Gwen Ifill. Unbefuckinglievable.
Personally, I loved how the Biden character** described Scranton as a "hellhole," a "sad, sad place filled with sad people with no ambition," and a "genetic cesspool."
Ha ha. I hate Scranton and Wilmington too.
*Also, even, check out this word cloud of the debate even, also.
**Who is that guy? His Biden was sure pretty good, even. Americans are now going to like seeing him talk for the next eight years, also people really like John McCain’s energy tax economy plan also. Also John Israel war Iraq sure good also people think need reform, John. Obama, also.
Maybe it’s just because I’m still working on my first coffee while doing my morning routine, but Fey looks and sounds so much like Palin it’s uncanny to the point of creepy.
Tina Fey IS Sarah Palin!
For me, the most impressive part is the voice. I could close my eyes and not tell the difference.
I believe the guy is Jason Sudekis. He’s worked with Tina on 30 Rock as well. Also. Though. Reagan.
God damn, I love Tina Fey!
Conservatively Liberal
SNL hit a home run with that bit. Fey was excellent, as usual. What I find interesting is that she has no desire to portray Palin after November 5th and she is asking people to help make happen.
No problem Tina, glad to help! :)
Is it wrong of me to not-really-but-kinda-sorta wish that Sarah Palin sticks around in the national scene so that Tina Fey will continue to parody her? In the same way that Doonesbury endorsed Bush in 2004?
Sarah is headed for the revival of the TV series "Northern Exposure." In the new series she’ll be the town’s whore.
There is a difference between Fey and Palin: Palin’s accent and mannerisms sound more forced.
Brian J
It’s the winking.
Suicidal Zebra
Not available outside the US :(
Try this link, via Jed Report (NBC). If that no workee, try this YouTube link (slightly abridged).
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
Hulu never, EVER works outside the U.S. But the version usually does.
Michael, could you please switch your Hulu embed to the NBC embed?
EDIT: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, can the CSS for links be updated so that they’re more distinct than they are now? Without the underline, the navy versus black normal weight text look almost identical. I know the underline appears on mouseover, but that’s not enough.
Awesome! Finally, some real debate analysis.
John Cole
The NBC one is giving a formatting error.
Laura W
I’ve seen this news story twice now on the local NBC affiliate. You have to see the video to really appreciate how moving it is. 99-yr-old black man registering to vote in SC for the first time ever. Accompanied by young adult grandson, Prometheus.
Obama in Asheville since last night (along with Al Giordano.) Asheville Citizens Times will stream live at 1:00.
NO bathrooms for those waiting in line. One more (very important) reason I would never try to attend.
Comrade Mary, Would-Be Minion Of Bad Horse
John, when does the formatting error show up — when you click on my link (which still works for me in FF 3), or when you try to embed? The Huffington Post has an embedded copy that works.
My favorite part:
It’s a shame the rest of SNL isn’t as funny as the Palin skits.
There are more skits on SNL then the ones posted on the internets? I was started to think that SNL cut their running time to five or ten minutes a week. Funny, I’ve never seen those other skits posted . . . I wonder why? ;)
Suicidal Zebra
Thanks SGEW and Comrade Mary, I finally got it working by clicking Mary’s NBC link.
Paul in Boca
@sgew 1: How is it that "maverick" is not in that wordle?
Dennis - SGMM
So, when is Palin going to start making the rounds of the Sunday morning talk shows?
Comrade Colonel Ivan Ivanovich Renko
@Paul in Boca:
‘Cause that’s just more evidence of their mavericky-ness, that’s why!
Believe it or not, Biden said "maverick" more often than Palin (when he went off on the "John McCain is no maverick" bit). We just notice it more often when a maverick says it – it’s maverikyer.
Helena Montana
Queen Latifah did a MUCH better job than that flack, Ifill. I say Latifah moderates the rest of the debates.
From the L.A. Times:
It’s a pity they don’t get Amy Poehler to play McCain.
She’s about the right height.
My favorite line was when Fey said that global warming was just a natural part of the end of times. I also liked the many perky reasons she gave to refuse to answer the question asked. Queen Latifah was wonderful with her understated befuddled doubletakes on Palin’s answers.
forked tongue
What I really admire about Tina Fey’s work here is that she kept the focus squarely on the stupidity, not on the flirtyness, which would have been an easier target. A lesser comedian would have gone all out with the floozy angle; Fey got in a couple of winks but put her intelligence to much better use anatomizing whatever could be inferred about the contents of Palin’s mind.
Professor Kum'n'go
David Broder is out with column talking about how Palin passed her test at least as well as Biden passed his. It’s absolutely true. The difference is that Biden’s test was a senior thesis; Palin’s test was trying not to color outside the lines.
#1 from David Letterman’s Top 10 list of things overheard at the Palin debate camp.
Can’t we just get Tina Fey to do it?
Comrade Nikolita
Nevermind, I see other links people have posted. Thank you!
Notorious P.A.T.
If you haven’t read it yet you have to see this article about John McCain. If you think your opinion of him can’t get any lower. . .
Link to story
And James Fallows takes aim at Broder, shoots, and scores. Someone needs to tell Fallows about eleventy!. It would have fit into his column just fine.
Tim in SF
@SGEW: "Question: What is the absolute best thing about Sarah Palin’s candidacy? Answer: Tina Fey returns to SNL. She’s obviously (imho) writing these skits too, so it’s a double win. Triple! The Palin stuff has been the best SNL I’ve seen in years and years, hands down."
Al Franken is also contributing to the show once again.
What a great political season! This is the best election cycle EVER!
Radon Chong
Knock on freakin’ wood!
Comrade Napoleon
I refuse to click on the Broder column, but any one else notice that he has totally ignored one of the biggest stories of the season, McCain’s trip to the slime pit.
By the way, one of the best things about that SNL skit is that the Biden and Ifill parts were also independantly funny.
I actually thought that Fey’s delivery was too slow and deliberate. It should have sounded more rushed and panicky.
C Tuner Joy
@Notorious P.A.T.:
I read that last night. While I had seen most of that in one place or another over the years it was nice that someone took the time to collect it all in one long list of McCains failures. Definitely worth reading.
@37: Agree
One of the best parts of the debate skit was that the writers absolutely did take the time to nail Ifil for the book conflict (which is real enough if not large enough to mandate a moderator change) and Biden for the "let me repeat that" parade and "and I love McCain / he’s a maniac" or "McCain’s a hero; we couldn’t trust him as dog-catcher!" structure to every topic on McCain.
Actually, Friday’s David Letterman show, with NBC News anchor Brian Williams as guest, was a thing of beauty. Letterman was foxy, pretending to be a dope, but skewering Palin’s performance, both in his monologue, and in his analysis of the debate with Williams. He got Williams to acknowledge that the McCain camp appeared to be boycotting NBC, not letting Williams interview Palin as ABC and CBS had done, because McCain was unhappy with MSNBC. This brought home how small minded and petty McCain can be.
And Letterman was more direct than was the SNL skit in suggesting that Palin deliberately asked Biden if she could use his first name so that she could set up her cheap shot, "Say it ain’t so, Joe." Letterman openly wondered if there were any way in hell that Palin knew who Shoeless Joe Jackson was (the original subject of the quote).