The titles says it all, you dorks. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Also, this:
Once you get used to Windows, it isn’t that bad, kitty.
Making a steak salad for dinner with home made blue cheese dressing. Is excited. Monk tonight, too. AND NO WORK ON MONDAY!
*** Update ***
I forgot. I picked up a four pack of this. Happy dance.
The first 2 and a half seasons of BSG was as good as any tv show ever has been, but while I’m going to record the show tonight and will watch the rest of the run, I can’t say I’m excited about it, because the last season and a half have been full of unqualified suck. If all they do for the last bit of this show is get the pacing right, I’ll be happy with it. If they manage to get a story out of it, I’ll be freaking ecstatic.
I get the feeling that this is the way Star Wars fans felt the night before Attack of the Clones came out.
Sorry, I am not a dork. I am a geek. And damn proud of it.
Kevin K.
I recently unprogrammed Monk from the DVR. Just not digging it anymore. Somewhere along the way the way they cranked up the silliness a bit too much for me. And if my wife sends me another fucking email about BSG webisodes or recap videos we have to watch, I’m turning gay. I swear, I’ll do it.
No BSG, please. The original was bad enough. But blue cheese dressing? Mmmmmm Mmmmmmm Mmmmm!
Just Some Fuckhead
Must.. touch.. kitty kitty.
I feel the same way that I did when the last Harry Potter book came out: really freaking excited to find out what happens, but wanting to prolong it as long as possible because once it’s done, that’s it.
And Incertus, even BSG’s weak episodes are still better than most anything else on TV. And "The Hub" proves why Mary McDonnell deserves a goddamned Emmy, already.
Just Some Fuckhead
Five people really emailed you for a BSG thread? Christ, that’s really disturbing, in a really disturbing kind of way.
Comrade Stuck
Kitty learn computer by osmosis
Two liters of scotch and a sever head trauma later, you might know what Star Wars fans felt the night after.
If anyone gets Bored go read this comment thread.
It is a priceless update on the Tennessee Speaker screw up from Mumpower, the would be wingnut speaker, hometown newspaper.
Apparently the commenters don’t like the guy.
Comrade Stuck
The BSG series pilot is on the way via netflix. Have watched a couple of episodes on Hulu from season 4. Still mostly in the dark though.
John PM
I am all over BSG tonight. My wife looks at me like I am a weirdo. I keep reminding her that she knew I was a dork when she married me, all her efforts to change/ignore that to the contrary. Fortunately, she has book club tonight, so I will not have to listen to any of her comments. We have agreed that she will not comment on BSG if I do not comment on her viewing of The City and Real Housewives of Orange County. It will be fun to see how long that lasts.
I do agree that the episodes from Season 4.0 were slower than I would have liked, but that is the problem when you are trying to prolong two secrets (who is the final Cylon? Will they get to Earth?). However, I expect things are going to be very fast-paced for Season 4.5.
That might be true, Krista, but I don’t watch much tv in the first place, so in comparison to the other stuff I was watching at the time (The Wire, the new Doctor Who, Torchwood, etc.), season 3.5 and 4 was painful. Higher bar to clear, I guess.
Even the kitty would like Win7. Yes, it really is that good. (but IE8 is….not)
John Cole
@Just Some Fuckhead: Yes. I answered the first one at around 6:30 am.
I am just shocked that one of the five was not Krista.
Laura W
I am having a steak salad too, with gorgonzola crumbles. mmmm. Rib eye or NY strip? Can’t decide. Bought both.
I did enuf grocery shopping today to be able to say I WON’T GO TO THE MARKET AGAIN UNTIL WE HAVE A NEW PRESIDENT.
Grocery shopping is second only to housecleaning on the Loathe List.
Never watched BSG or Monk, but I have two nights’ worth of Stewart/Colbert to catch up on.
That is the cutest damn kitty on planet earth, for sure.
South of I-10
@TCG: Seems like a pretty popular guy. I can see why all the good stuff happens to him.
By the way, am I the only person in the US who has to work on Monday? I guess I shouldn’t complain, we are closed for Mardi Gras, but damn. Also, I’ve never seen Battlestar Galactica.
@South of I-10:
I have to work Monday. I am taking Tuesday off though.
I think something big is happening Tuesday but I can’t remember what.
I have been looking forward to 1/16 BSG return for a month or more. I reminded my wife last night and she countered with "so?". Guess it’s me and the dog.
Sort of OT, scifi funny (Star Wars retold):
Laura W
I am posting this photo for ZuZu.
She will be along soon to tell us all the story.
You’d think someone would tell all these bloggers to stop rubbing their laptops with catnip.
South of I-10
@demkat620: I will be at work on Tuesday as well. But I won’t be getting much accomplished. I guess I will have to wait for Mardi Gras.
jake 4 that 1
My dorkishness out dorks all of ur dorkishness: I have seen exactly one half of one episode (the pilot) of BSG v. 2.0 and that’s exactly half an episode more than my viewings of Lost.
Where do I pick up my platinum pocket protector?
Football Post
Bucs just fired Jon Gruden and GM Bruce Allen
I am doing a happy dance of my own.
Now if we can only get Parcells to jump ship and come here as GM…
The Tim Channel
I watched the original series back in the day. I was living large on base (Air Force) in Colorado Springs (Peterson AFB). Buddy of mine had a 25" color TV in his room and we played the latest greatest video games (don’t ask) on it and watched BG. I’m pretty sure the weed helped in both regards. Never picked up on the new series, but I see a lot of publicity on the web and in the general psyche about it.
Brick Oven Bill
I believe that this is on topic.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Laura W: Chinese w/ Corona here. I need my lime fix.
I only saw one new BSG episode, some incredibly overwrought one where the wife of the hirsute Cylon spy gets thrown out an airlock. Had me rooting for the Cylons by the end of it.
I hated BSG when I was a kid. The boopy-de-doop robot really insulted me. I was also getting into relatively hard science fiction at the time, so everything on the tube, and especially Star Wars, was a bitter disappointment. In spite of the lousy production values Babylon 5 was great, though. Loved all the inside jokes for SF geeks.
If you’re not having a crusty sourdough with that, then you are not a true American.
Zuzu's Petals
@Laura W:
Hey thanks Laura! The wonders of intertube technology …
Yep, that’s the same SHAME banner I held up as GWB’s limo passed by on January 20, 2001. At the end of that bitter, bitterly cold, sleet-filled day, I went and hung it on the barricade in front of the USSC building.
As I told Laura, that figure at the top of the stairs was one of the court police, on his way down to talk to me. By then I was trying to hang the thing on one of the pillars just inside the barricades. I smiled and asked him if it was okay, and in response he took it, wadded it up, and threw it away…on his side of the fence. Said it was illegal to hang it on court property or some such.
I told Laura the best part was when I took my spare SHAME banner out of my backpack and asked him if he could tell me anyplace it would be legal for me to hang it.
Just Some Fuckhead
@John Cole: I was gonna email you once or twice but I just assumed it had to be for something important. Now that I know how low the bar is..
BSG! BSG! bsg!
Comrade Darkness
Good thing windows is so f*cking secure. Hate to think how badly the internet would go totally foobar if it weren’t.
Bill Gates: "we don’t control the intertubes, so we must destroy them"
if that was your mission, consider it accomplished, dickhead.
Hey! John Amato is on Shuster’s shitty show! I like that!
in canaduh
Laura W
@Just Some Fuckhead: For sure, huh?
I’m gonna be all over his in-box clamoring for a Top Chef Finale thread when the time comes.
Not to mention the Oscars.
John, The Steelers are out in force today. I had to make a return at the mall (yuk) and what do I see but two shoppers with Steeler attire on. I’m sure that if Atlanta were playing this weekend, they would have worn their Falcons gear.
Fracking fracka frack. Frackity fracking fricka frack. Frack it, frackity fracker.
That BSG? I’d lost track. Must command magic box to snag it.
How does kitty do that? Somebody should put cucumber slices on it’s kitty eyes.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Laura W: How about a Sleepy Tigers thread? What could be more important than loving and teaching others to love?
The Moar You Know
@TCG: That was educational. I find it hard to understand why the people commenting on the local paper website there in supposedly blood-red Tennessee are sane, intelligent, rational people while the commenters at the local paper website here in San Diego are the most Neanderthal subhuman morons that have ever graced this fair planet of ours. The difference is not subtle.
Missed me lately, have you? ;)
Honestly, I was so busy at work, and such a victim of pregnancy brain, that I’d completely forgotten that BSG was on tonight — the husband had to remind me.
Laura W
@Just Some Fuckhead: Ha.
Do what I suggested in the Sully hearts Bono thread. If you do not get a response back at 6:30am tomorrow, then we launch the Sleepy Tigers Thread Campaign of Terror.
And yeah, kitty totally looks like it’s waiting for a spa treatment.
Dr. Rockso
Virgil’s is good, but I think Henry Weinhard’s Root Beer is my favorite.
Much better than the Weinhard’s real beer, incidentally.
Just Some Fuckhead
Kitty Photo Caption: Ah yes, that’s the key..
Laura W
@Just Some Fuckhead: Fuckhead!
Sleepy Tigers Strike Force
huh? huh?
former capitalist
Never watched BSG since we don’t watch TV (except for Rachel,of course), but we do have Season 3 of The Office that arrived today from Netflix. It’s too blasted to cold to do anything-and I mean anything- outside tonight here in Northern Hell.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Laura W: Sleepy Tigers Strike Force. Our mission: Track down joy, take a picture of it and tape it to John’s eyes.
former capitalist
Oh, Sprecher’s root beer, made in Milwaukee, is very good. Not, mind you, as good as their amber ale, but good.
Krista, define pregnancy brain, please. It’s been a while.
Laura W
@Just Some Fuckhead: Roger, Tiger One.
I’ll procure the tape.
You be in charge of everything else.
Tiger Too
And here I was thinking you slimmed Tunch down by exposing him to the BSOD, John. Ah, well.
I’m waiting patiently for the torrents to appear later on today.
The new BSG is only really enjoyable when you realise it’s not sci fi. It’s a drama that just happens to have spaceships in the background. Some of the topics they’ve dealt with were handled more intelligently than anything else I’ve seen recently (the thing with the Resistance using suicide bombers was a classic example.)
I wasn’t such a fan of the third season (although the trial was great) but the 4th season has been really intriguing. I’m glad we’re finally getting answers, anyway.
South of I-10
Okay cat people. My cat is an indoor/outdoor cat. She can come in whenever she likes, but prefers to stay outside if it is warm. It has been very cold this week, and she has been inside more than usual. I have found her twice this week sleeping in her litter box (which was clean, thankfully). I have never had one sleep in the litter box before? Has anyone else seen this?
Can I comment on the jackassery of Hugh Hewitt here? Because really, this left me dumbfounded:
Every passing day, I am more and more happy that I passed on his Con Law classes while at Chapman Law.
No, but I can’t see anything right now. I have somehow mislaid TWO pairs of glasses in the last hour. TWO. And I’m supposed to go pick the DH up at the train station in half hour and I can’t see well enough to drive. Where the FRACK are my glasses?!?!?
Just Some Fuckhead
@South of I-10: Maybe she feels like shit?
88 hours left
former capitalist
OMG. I just realized that Brick Oven Bill’s web page name is Iowa Hawks. Trust me folks, Iowa Hawks, for the most part, aren’t dicks. I say that with some authority, having three children with 1 degree and a wife with two from the UoI. None of them are dicks. Just about everyone I know is an Iowa Hawk grad,and they aren’t dicks. So, I think BOB is just an outlier.
Is there a chance BOB is actually a neighbor (in rural terms)? Please, Buddha,make it not so.
South of I-10
@Svensker: Have you checked on top of your head?
@JSF: At least she doesn’t smell like shit.
If you’re on the East coast the SciFi channel is replaying Hub right now. I have to own up to emailing John this morning at 6:30 (you wouldn’t believe how quickly he responded). I love this show and have been talking to friends about tonight for weeks. Within the past 6 months I’ve persuaded 4 people at work to start watching, and one of the 4 has recruited a 5th.
It’s not perfect, but the characters and the story engage me more than anything I’ve ever watched (The Wire and BSG would be the two that are above all others for me; I’ve never seen Deadwood or Dr. Who, but have thought about both). Tonight for me is like Christmas morning when I was a kid. And I prefer geek myself.
Right now, I’m sitting in Denver International Airport, waiting to board my flight to Philly. Seriously, this inauguration has caused me to wobble on some principles, which is why I’m not only flying on United, but am missing tonight’s episode. Thank god for Hulu, though.
BTW, I just saw that grilled chicken sandwich sells for $11.99 at the Denver Airport Grille. Sheesh.
@Svensker: Hahaha.
It’s why I don’t wear reading glasses, and just stick to my…errr…multifocals. They keep getting lost on top of my head. And then FDDD laughs at me.
I get even, though — now that she has reading glasses *as well* as contacts, I get to remind her how much she looks like a librarian when she does the whole "reading glasses on the cable around the neck."
From a safe distance, of course.
Ash Can
@former capitalist: Ooh, anything Sprecher’s makes is wonderful. And they have a great brewery tour, too.
@MikeJ: 88 hours too damned many.
In other news, I’m going to cry buckets over this: The President and the First Lady’s first dance — "At Last."
Finally, a reminder to those in the Chicago Area to tune in to WTTW (channel 11; the public television station) at 8 PM CST tonight to see Barack Obama on "Check, Please!"
Found both pairs. Little tuskers had ducked into the port on my new black printer — I think they were mating!
Off to get the DH. He’d better not be tootled.
Josh Hueco
@former capitalist:
That’s not Bombs Over Baghdad’s blog name. Iowa Hawk has been around for a while, and for a conservative blog can occasionally be funny. But when your peers are Day by Day and IMAO, it’s not very hard to appear funny.
No, we Iowans are not dicks. Maybe a tad horny though. Must be those long cold winters.
Never got into BSG, but it’s hard to when you don’t have a TV. Instead I’m watching Bela Lugosi in the original Dracula and having a melted-cheesy baked potato.
Laura W
@Ash Can: Speaking of "At Last", it’s such a shame the sound is so bad on this video because lemme tell you, when it blasts into the ears via the headphones from the iPod, yeeeeeooooooow.
(The sound does get better as it goes on, it seems.)
South of I-10:
I have seen it in city animal shelters, but that’s because of how small their cages/catquariums are.
Maybe your cat picked up the habit during kittenhood in a shelter?
Jeebus’ snapping asshole it’s cold over here….
had to power up the old crank and slap laptop to warm myself up.
I forgot. I picked up a four pack of this. Happy dance.
i see a lot of root but….what is that, American beer?
Colonel Danite
For those DVRing BSG, don’t forget that it’s going to run 5-10 minutes long tonight. You wouldn’t want to watch the first 60 minutes and then miss the ending.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@South of I-10: I’ve found the tiny bag of hate curled up in the cat box a few times. I don’t know if she sleeps in there, is waiting to ambush the S.O.’s cat or is just plain insane.
Probably D – All of the above
DH is watching "Dune" (the SciFi mini series DVD) what I don’t understand is that Frank Herbert created this entire new universe and yet chose to call his hero Paul. I mean WTF? I mentioned this to DH and he then launched into a very long talk about how there are warnings in the series about Muslims and such seeing as there words like "Jihad" in it, apparently he had quite a discussion with one of his college professors about it years ago. Whatever.
PS) Are they EVER going to make another series of "Torchwood"? I mean I know it will be tough seeing as they killed everyone in the last episode but anyone know?
From your Wire/BSG love, I think you would enjoy Deadwood, and, believe it or not, Buffy.
Dr. Who is enjoyable, but in terms of character, thematic, and story depth, it’s not on the same level as the others.
Circuit City is liquidating. The sale, according to their website, begins Saturday.
Hey, I got plenty of cash, and a need for some electronics… and an off day tomorrow, so I’m going shopping! At the very least a new vcr/dvd recorder, maybe a laptop, perhaps that flatscreen tv (depending on how deep the discounts are)… FUN!
Hmmm… mp3 player(s), headphones, another sound card for this pc, GPS unit… maybe I don’t have all the cash I need…
South of I-10 – I have seen that alot with my cats. Kittens especially tend to go to the cat box to pee and half way through get sleepy and go to sleep. They have also slept in the dog feeder, which really doesn’t seem to be the smartest move but then you know.
South of I-10
@JGabriel: I have no idea if she was ever in a shelter or not. We picked her up in the parking lot of a local burger joint. She flopped on my husband’s feet and was so pitiful we had to bring her home. She had obviously been someone’s cat cause she was fixed. Maybe the people who dumped her picked her up at a shelter. I just thought it was odd, she has lived with us for 5 or 6 years and I have never seen her do that.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Yeah, me too. Now I guess I’ll just toss a mail at John with tunch jokes in them.
Yeah but Doctor Who is like, I don’t know a thing for me, a boomer Brit. I can remember the original B&W series when I would hide behind the sofa cause the Daleks frightened me. I absolutely love this new incarnation, I think the current "Doctor" is perfect. I was watching him in an interview on "Top Gear" and he was asked "you always wanted to be Dr. Who" and he said "didn’t everyone?" Alas I hear that he is leaving, he does not want to be type cast. (Such is the fate of all doctors/actors). I have no idea who could replace him, but I am sure that they will pull something out of the hat and amaze us as usual.
@Litlebritdifrnt: i read that Jimmy Nesbitt was approached to play Dr. Who and since i just love him (and don’t know anything about Dr. Who) how would have that gone over for a diehard fan?
I am about to visit IMDB and I will let you know :)
Hmm I know nothing about him, I have not seen him in anything, I like that in a Doctor :)
Zuzu's Petals
Hugh Hewitt taught Con Law?
/ looks for beverage to spew on keyboard
According to Wikipedia the new Doctor is "Matt Smith" no idea who he is either:)
Comrade Darkness
@D-Chance., not to burst your bubble… but the liquidators will have pulled anything valuable back to their warehouses for distribution elsewhere. AND, sleezily enough will have filled the shelves with unsold crap from said warehouse that CC never even carried.
@D-Chance.: When the circuit city closed their GA stores, the prices for the first few weeks were high in comparison to Best Buy. Just make sure that you do some comparison shopping.
I would guess that that would be the end of it – it hasn’t got as much traction in the UK as Dr Who.
The Moar You Know
Holder makes Mukasey very nervous.
Some other neat stuff in there, like how current Justice Department lawyers "fear evidence backing the cases against many of the approximately 250 detainees wouldn’t hold up in a conventional court proceeding."
Hang ’em all. We did after WWII for far less serious offenses.
Really? Surely you must have…
Jeckyl? Murphy’s Law? Cold Feet?
Love him!
Cool – I will look forward to it. It is an incredibly intelligent show (and when you think about it) something that would never be produced in the US.
It was always the cybermen who made me hide behind the couch. The ones that scared me most though were some kind of silver worms with tentacles (probably made by the BBC props department out of silver paint and garbage bags). They were incredibly crappy special effects, but somehow frightening – a tradition carried on in Dr Who today, where the special effects manage to look incredibly expensive, yet just a little bit crap.
The youngest Doctor ever, and quite cute in a wonky post-adolescent way.
Not much on the resume, although he did sleep with Billie Piper’s character in "Secret Diary of a Call Girl".
He also appeared with her in "The Ruby in the Smoke" and "The Shadow in the North", two adaptations of Philip Pullman’s wonderful "children’s" adventure books. Both the books and the mini series are worth a look – particularly if you have pre-teen female children and want to expose them to interesting, independent female characters.
Joshua Norton
I have inside info from a John Barrowman junkie friend of mine that they’re currently writing a new five-part Series 3 to air in 2009.
A BSG thread. Excellent. Between this, cute pets, RedState mockery, Obama support, and the fabulous snark in the comments, this is practically the only bookmark I need.
Status report: it’s -2F outside and +1 inside (gotta stay sober for BSG).
Also, the search for the faculty member who would have kept me sane has been canceled due to budgetary concerns. Fuck the fucking fuckers who fucked with our money.
May they all rot in a hell where they live in a basement studio apartment (together), drive a Ford Pinto until it breaks down and they have to take the bus, and are accompanied 24/7 by The Best of Leo Sayer.
I cannot wait until Tuesday.
I am pathetic, I do not watch TV, other than news shows and BBCAmerica, I do not watch movies unless they really call to me, I think the last movie I watched with any sense of reason was the latest Harry Potter to be honest.
Did you see Keith Olbermann’s "Bush Presidency: 8 Years in 8 Minutes"?
A masterpiece:
I hope it’s okay to link you in this thread. It’s just so good, I want to spread it around.
Conservatively Liberal
Youse guyz go ahead and nerd out on BSG, I am busy geeking out here. ;) I am transferring my forums, gameservers, databases and other stuff from my two old in-house ProLiant servers to a newer (and much faster) one I got to replace them. My old servers have served me well running 24/7/365 for the last four+ years so it is time to move up. In all of that time I lost one drive and one RAID controller, not bad at all. This newer ProLiant has power and load management/balancing, which ought to save a few bucks on top of the reduced power consumption from one server rather than two. I am keeping one of the old servers for a backup system but if this new one runs as good as the last ones the backup will just sit there and collect dust when I am not updating it.
The real fun is in migrating the old stuff from RedHat 9 to Fedora Core 9. Lots of stuff to do but it is pretty fun.
@The Moar You Know:
"Mr. Mukasey said the legal opinions were rescinded because they were wrong. But he said the chance of prosecution could cause lawyers and intelligence agents to doubt legal advice from the Justice Department. "
He’s not worried about the danger posed by detainees who can’t be prosecuted, or the agent’s "doubts". He’s worried about the conservative lawyers who wrote the opinions.
He’s now on my loathsome list. What a pig, giving that interview and setting out to discredit (or derail? ) Holder.
God, they’re just terrified of Holder. I’m going to have to send more faxes to my Senator supporting him.
Gah. One of the things that puts me off of anything thing scifi or fantasyish is "names" like Squanthar. Having the hero named Paul was the best thing about Dune.
Cayce Pollard is at least halfway believable.
Zuzu's Petals
Virgil’s, eh? Well Reed’s also makes my own personal fave:
Ginger Brew
Sort of an addiction, really.
I love me some BSG – dense, political, confrontational, emotional, funny/sad. Been with it from the start; it’s rewarding even when episodes don’t quite hit the mark at times. Recommended, and yeah, if you like such murky human wallowing, Deadwood is a must. (Braver, more patient sorts might wanna try John From Cincinnati, too. "On the wall, the line and the circle are HUGE…".)
@Litlebritdifrnt: Nothing wrong with you, darling…i just love the beeb (news and tv).
and, forgive me….i read the Uk Sun at least twice a day…
i am the one who is pathetic…..
John O
Hey, everyone, if you haven’t already read it, go check out TBogg’s gem about some wingnut pet peeves, or more specifically, "You sucks."
A few days ago, I think it was John C. who posted that a wingnut post about rough men doing rough things to tender asses or something made him gayer just from reading it.
We have competition. Since I need to begin my survey, who among you has even SEEN TP as it is described in TBogg’s post, and if you can remember, when was it?
Awaiting a "Hey, wait a minute! Leo Sayer was awesome!" comment in 4..3..2..1
Or maybe not.
For the first time in decades, I just listened to the first Hot Tuna album. Damn, it’s fine.
Joshua Norton
BBC America has been kind of crappy lately. I guess they ran out of programming ideas for this side of the pond when they canceled Changing Rooms. All I really watch now is Top Gear, Dr. Who and Graham Norton on Saturday.
I really can’t get used to the Brit way of doing TV series. They only have 5 or 6 episodes instead of 20 something like they do in the US. So by the time you’ve gotten really interested in a series, it’s already gone off the air.
@South of I-10:
You are an angel.
Comrade Darkness
Um, BOB is a spoof troll. Just an exceptionally long-winded and long-running one.
I gotta tell ya, I am afraid. Will the end of the series be so dark I can’t bear it? Will I be disappointed? Will I grieve for the end of the series because it is the best damn 5 years of sci fi TV we’ll see in the next 20?
Fuck off BSG haters.
@Zuzu’s Petals:
Zuzu, that is truly a picture to be proud of –
on 1/20/2000, I was storming around my house, yelling about the first American coup d’etat, – really, really PISSED.
What I didn’t have enough sense to be was – properly terrified. If only I’d known –
Anyway, your trip to DC was a hell of a lot more constructive – and you have documentary PROOF you always knew this would happen.
John O
Seconded, Cain. SoI-10, bless you.
I get it. About 6 years ago my car was stopped on my 2 mile commute to work in a very unusual place on the 4-lane route and after stopping successfully and trying to figure out what the deal was a little black dart of a thing ran around in front of everyone, and froze next to my car in abject fear.
It was 2 weeks before Christmas, 6 years ago. A runt, maybe 10 weeks old, and I figured abandoned due to his runtness.
I was on my way to pick up the food for the Christmas party I was hosting that night. I looked up through the sunroof (I already had 2 cats) and asked, "It’s a test right,?" with a smile, and I scooped him up.
Got him back to the house in 20 minutes, and put him in the litter box and went to do the final preparations for guests.
An hour later there are a bunch of people at the pad, and he wanders up like he owns the place, eats about 1/2 lb. of the wet food I had ready for him, walks into the living room among 20 people, climbs to the top of the cat tree, and passes out.
No less than 40 strangers just walked up to him and petted him and talked to him and wished him well because he was painfully skinny and scruffly and cute, much like K. Drum’s Inkblot in color.
He grew to be smooth and silky and sweet and by far my best hunter despite being way the smallest.
Some would probably wonder why I’m boring the snot out of any of you who’ve gotten this far, and I apologize. I had to put him down at the ripe old age of 6, and it was pretty much a drag.
Massive unexplained kidney failure. I was about an inch short of home IV’s with "the worst kidney function tests in a cat in 19 of being a vet."
So consider this a worthless eulogy, and please accept my apologies. I’ve been typing this during an entire phone conversation with a truly babbling Aunt.
Whoa, yeah, very dark and foreboding. I keep holding my breath.
Comrade Darkness
From the department of "Good thing there were only six of them":
"On New Year’s Eve, reports began flooding across the Internet that Microsoft’s Zune media player was experiencing a worldwide meltdown, leaving Zune owners across the globe angry and confused."
Leap year is hard!
Holy fuck, the fifth cylon is Hermione!
Bear McCreary is a fucking genius.
@John O:
It’s a great story! I’m sorry that you lost him. 6 is way too young. Mine is about that age. I love my two cats… I hope they live long and prosper.
No dude, it was/is George Bush!
I’m so glad I stayed away from spoilers tonight.
@Joshua Norton:
This seems to be a very British sensibility, which we colonials also tend to understand, which gets highlighted when British series get remade for US television. I’d pick the British versions of Queer as Folk, the Office and Life on Mars over the American versions every time – mainly because the British series tended to tell their story very well for a small number of episodes, and then stop before they got boring.
There are only twelve episodes of Fawlty Towers (comprising the funniest TV series ever written). I suspect that if the Americans had remade it it would have run for 15 years, and we would have spent the last 14 years of its run complaining about how it wasn’t as good as the first season.
Apparenly Ed Olmos had it written into his contract that he was allowed to emote in the last season.
Not sure I approve, but we’ll see.
Laura W
@John O: Good Lord, Man. Do you not know that one out of every five threads here turns into some sort of pet… rescue/illness/eating disorder/litter box/obesity/eulogy for those long gone… support group?
You have nothing to apologize for and no one has been bored snotless. Au contraire.
I was thinking just the other day that it seems as if the majority of the regular posters here are multi-pet households, with a large preponderance of us being cat freaks. (I claim 4 currently living with me. Their stories, and those of my dead ones, litter these archives. Ha. Litter!)
Anyway…you’ll never go wrong with a heart-warming pet story here at BJ. (Have you seen John’s cat? He’s fat.)
Battlestar what?
The heck with that. Friday Night Lights is on tonight.
South of I-10
@John O: That is a great story. Scroll down here for Pati this is her glamour shot. We though she was a kitten when we picked her up because she was so tiny and skinny, we didn’t believe him when the vet said she was 4 or 5 years old. Once she put some weight on she looked her age.
Rhonda — Me, too. Damn.
Just Some Fuckhead
The Moar You Know:
Evan Perez @ WSJ:
Uh huh.
See this is the kind of thing that infuriates me.
Just for record, Evan Perez, Eric Holder was not the one who declared waterboarding to be torture. It is, in fact, 6-10 centuries of common human decency that has decreed waterboarding to be torture.
Fucking assholes.
That’s just vicious. And probably against the Geneva Conventions.
Touche. That one got a laugh. From me anyway.
Root beer? WTF? One of the first things that attracted me to this blog was Friday beer blogging. Friday root beer blogging wouldn’t be the same.
@Laura W:
Happy "Friday before the Inauguration" Day…
Are you excited yet?
Laura W
@Tattoosydney: Same to you and your guys!
It feels surreal, and like it’s a loooong way off. Time is really bizarre right now, in my life, anyway…fuzzy and squishy and swirly whirly. (Yes, I really talk and think like this sober.)
I suspect I’ll be very excited come Monday night. Tuesday morning I’ll be apoplectic.
And drunk.
Will you be here for the fun?
Laura W
@Tattoosydney: (do you think Fuckhead passed out over his keyboard before making his comment and maybe his tongue tripped the "Submit" button?)
Brick Oven Bill
former capitalist;
Question: How many Iowa college freshmen does it take to replace a light bulb?
Answer: Not Applicable. In Iowa, replacing light bulbs is a sophomore class.
Iowahawk is not me. Iowahawk is Dave Burge. But I did live in Des Moines for a short period of time. Maybe I’ll come back.
@Laura W:
I’m planning on watching (even though it starts at 2am in eastern Australia )…
I think I’m a bit numb with the waiting for George the Stupid to leave.
Quiet, sunny Saturday here. Cooking my mother’s tomato relish recipe. It’s heaven in a jar.
L.O.V.E. Hot Tuna. I’ve seen them probably 10 times in concert. Incredible musicians.
Real Americans™ don’t watch the BBC. That’s like, French, or something.
Scott H
Why am I not surprised that Windows requires live kitten sacrifice?
Juan del Llano
No TV at all here.
Have to get my murky human wallowing from everyday life, where there is PLENTY of it. I’m actually wallowing right now, in fact.
so hey – wtf Kara???
The Moar You Know
@John O: Thank you for posting this. One of the scary wingnut peeves is some items called a "Slanket". Never heard of it before. A great idea if I ever saw one – and since it seems the existence of the Slanket seems to piss off conservatives (it seems one of the hallmarks of conservatives is a hatred of physical pleasure) I like it even more and am going to buy one.
Brian J
There must be something about this show, because it inspires the same sort of devotion that "Buffy," "Alias," "Angel," and "Lost," among others, created in people, but its fans are not nearly as annoying. So perhaps it has all of the (alleged) quality of those shows but is so good that its awesomeness makes its supporters normal.
Seriously though, this is one of the shows I’ve been meaning to get into. I just got the first three discs of the first season of "Mad Men" from Netflix, so perhaps once I finish that show, I will move on to this one.
Scott H
BTW Some BSG commercial (KFC?) was tendering an offer to win "frak paks." I am not sure what one would do with a pak of frak. Maybe it could be exchanged for a smeg keg?
Oh, a link.
Wife always had cats growing up. Wife likes cats.
I am terribly allergic to cats. I don’t like cats. We have no cats.
Wife looks over my shoulder, wife sees the cute kitty pic. Wife looooves the kitty. Keeps looking at it. Wife reallly loves that kitty.
Now she wants a cat.
You bastard.
The way my girlfriend talks, I’m pretty sure she’d prefer a clit kit.
@burnspbesq: Yes! It’s on my DVR for tomorrow morning… cannot wait.
John O
Dear lots of you,
Thank you. Actually, though I love all of FSM’s critters except insects (couldn’t wipe ’em out with an organized genocide, and those National Geographic photos, the first close-ups, left a big mark) more than anyone, but I’m really more of a dog guy. :-)
I had to put the little guy down about 2 months ago. He was in no pain. I was about an inch away from doing home IV’s on a cat I picked off the road from certain horror. One whose KFT’s were the highest my experienced vet had ever seen.
"Is there a chance?"
"There’s always a chance. He’s still enjoying affection, he’s in no pain, it’s all pretty amazing."
OK, give me the IV training for home so I can "save money."
Everyone left me alone and I realized I was being a sentimental sap of mega-proportions after about 15 minutes of Deep Thought while crying like a freaking baby.
It’s all part of the deal with a happy pet. *shrug*
Oh no, I’m going to miss it! :(
Sometimes I hate not having cable. I’ll just enjoy my Star Trek Voyager Dvd’s then.
Zuzu's Petals
Thanks r-b. After feeling so helpless and enraged for the prior two months, it just seemed really important to be there to speak my piece. Thank the FSM for free airline miles and a friend with an apartment.
The interesting thing was I wasn’t protesting with a group, but standing along the parade route amongst the true believers. Went for the Mamie Eisenhower coat and hat look, kept it polite. Actually engaged in a few thoughtful exchanges, but got my share of elbows, insults, and dirty looks. Guess I wouldn’t appreciate someone raining on my parade either. (Wonder how they feel now.)
Wile E. Quixote
One of my best friends is named Squanthar, you insensitive clod!
Wile E. Quixote
I disagree with you about The Office because the US version just keeps getting better and better, as witness the latest episode where Dwight and Andy duel over Angela and because sitcoms aren’t really telling a discrete story, but you’re spot on about Life On Mars. I like the American series, but I ordered the British DVDs and they’re much better. The complete story is told in 16 episodes and here’s another thing the British do, they show an episode every week for eight weeks until the season is done. None of this nonsense where they leave you at a cliffhanger, as the American version of LoM did in it’s last episode and then say "Come back in two months for the next episode. Until then here are some repeats and a bunch of useless crap to watch." Now I just have to wait until later this year until season 2 of Ashes to Ashes, the LoM sequel, is out on DVD.
Wile E. Quixote
I’m tempted to go to Safeway to get some of this and some Breyer’s vanilla ice cream.
TheAssInTheHatOnMyCat(Formerly Comrade Tax Analyst)
Let’s see – that a great kitty photo, John…maybe the best I’ve ever seen here. Certainly the cutest.
I’ve watched BSG maybe 2 or 3 times. Not that bad, but I don’t watch very much television anymore.
Can’t stand Monk, but I’ve said that before.
Good night, everyone. I have to be back here at work in about 11 hours.
TheAssInTheHatOnMyCat(Formerly Comrade Tax Analyst)
Laura, have you ever heard Eva Cassidy’s version of "At Last"? Or anything by her? She was just incredible (sadly, she passed away some years ago at 33 from melanoma. If you are not familiar with her story you should look it up).
The same CD with "At Last" had fantastic versions of "The Letter" and "Ain’t No Sunshine" on it, among other great songs. OH…and "Time After Time" as well.
TheAssInTheHatOnMyCat(Formerly Comrade Tax Analyst)
John O – Very sorry to hear that. At 6 – that’s really rough. It must have been awfully hard…hell, it probably still is.
OK, NOW I’m outta here.
Gave up cable tv in a cost cutting manuever so will watch BSG tomorrow night on my computer. Guess I am a nerdier nerd than most.
But for my money, Firefly was the absolute best overall.
All espisodes online at Hulu. :)
@Laura W:
I thought it might have been a silent protest at something…
His last name is also Atreides, like the Greek descendants of Agamemnon and Atreus. There was an intentional punchline there (mainly, that the Dune universe is supposed to be in the ridiculously distant future, rather than being a parallel or alternative universe) that Herbert never got a chance to insert into the books while he was alive. I believe they bring up the connection in the prequel books that Herbert’s son recently wrote.
And yes, that was entirely too pedantically nerdy of a response. But I’m posting it in a BSG thread…go figure
@Wile E. Quixote:
Breyer’s Vanilla is the best. I love reading the ingredients list on that one: Milk, Cream, Sugar, Vanilla Bean.
That’s it. No Guar Gum, or Xanthum Gum. Not even any egg. And no preservatives. It’s about the purest ice cream you can buy.
As a computer support / programming / IT director career professional person, I have archived this photo, and it is now my official ‘I retire in 14 months from today’ photo as of today.
The Atriedes connection to the original Atreides is a prominent theme in the first book – when Paul takes the water of life and communes with his ancestors, Agamemnon is there, scowling and kvetching.
Of course, by the time we get of year 34,000 or so all the human race will be descended from Agamemnon. About half of us are now, if any of us are. Whether anyone would want to be descended from such an asshole is another story.
As for your root beer reference, one of my burning disappointments with food distribution companies is that here in Indiana, for some reason, the wholesalers that supply soft drinks to all the grocery stores, even the local food coop I am a member of, about two years ago stopped carrying Stewart’s Ginger Ale.
This is with no room for arguing the best, most intense, flavorful ginger ale on the market. It makes the crap put out by the major soft drink companies look like the watered down, tasteless, anemic swill they all are.
Googling just now I found this gourmand recommendation of it.
Johnny Pez
No, no, Xenos, you’ve got it all wrong. One of the things that makes Paul special is that he, and he alone, among all of humanity, is descended from Agamemnon. (Well, OK, I guess his dad was too, but he died back on page mumble so he doesn’t count.)
Well that was completely terrible. Something really rotten happened in the writers room a few years ago, somewhere in the middle of season two, and it kept happening week after week. Inexplicably terrible writing, preposterous, ponderous dialogue, and yet boring and uninteresting.
The patient is brain dead, but the nails and hair keep growing and they look fabulous.
Laura W
@TheAssInTheHatOnMyCat(Formerly Comrade Tax Analyst):
I had not and I should know better than to do sentimental stuff like this before fully caffinated. "Time After Time" is beautiful, but since I am one of the three people here who professed a fondness for Sting yesterday, This is Gorgeous.
Thanks for the tip. I shall purchase some of her stuff from Amazon today.
Who dies at 33 from melanoma? Jesus Christ.
(Oh. I see I made some sort of unintentional connection something something there with death at 33 reference. More French Roast.)
@Scott H: OMG, I had a great big laugh at the KFC Frak Pak. Hmm, methinks you might be missing your audience with this one.
Mmm, chicken. In Memphis, there’s a place with the best fried chicken in the world. It’s spicy, and they cook it up while you wait. I miss Gus’s.
Zuzu's Petals
@Laura W:
The best man from my wedding died from melanoma at age 30, back in the ’70s.
He’d had a mole (?) removed years before while he was in the Army, and because it was Vietnam, they evidently didn’t biopsy it. His widow (with 3 little kids) couldn’t even sue for negligence.
Blue Bell ice cream is pretty damn good stuff if you can get it in your area.
As for television, I have to say that I tried to watch this latest BSG but only caught the repeat on SciFi after I fell asleep. I just have a disability (and a bottle of wine) to blame for my inability to watch television at the networks’ appointed time.
As for which shows are best, I say most of the stuff on HBO rivals the BBC’s best (though to be fair, some are collaborations.) Ditto for Showtime. I honestly think that the FCC has had its time and we’re all ready for full frontal nudity, the word "fuck" (except on BSG which needs "frak" like a Star Wars film needs stormtroopers that can’t hit the broad side of a barn,) and serious plots that involve "mature" themes. And cruel humor.
Instead, we get more rehash sitcoms (some good like "The Office", some horrible like the American "Coupling".) And we also get reality shows that are afraid to totally destroy the participants’ shallow humanity (like that Japanese show with tonguetwisters and uh… springloaded slappy things) and instead allow them to suggest that the players are some sort of everyman who has earned this position because of an inflated self esteem and a belief system that supports their inflated self esteem and I’ll stop right there before I have to mention Sarah Palin.
Oops, too late.
Oh, and the episode? Kind of "Meh." But I’ll catch the rest of them.
I’ve been stuck watching BSG because the wife loves it. Does anyone here know why the heck the cylons can’t just build a new resurrection hub? Is it just an unexplained plot hole? I asked the wife while she was skipping commercials last night and she just gave me a sharp glare in response so I had to drop it.
Richard Bottoms
Torchwood is back this month, either this Saturday or next.
Where’s my damn Buffy movie. Bones makes me retch.
gil mann
Hey, man, it’s not my fault the show went off the rails after the humans escaped New Caprica.
I still stick with it because I feel like I’ve commited, but man, it’s been rough going. Sometimes I feel like I’m only watching for the production design. Which would totally be worth it, don’t get me wrong.
It’s just gotten so bogged down in showy but unnecessary reversals. And what’s with the one-size-fits-all conflict resolution? They should change the show’s name to Battlestar People Pointing Guns at Each Other’s Heads and Sometimes their Own.