Regarding our fund-raising yesterday, Svensker passes along an email:
*****, I’m almost too overwhelmed to write. I am utterly agog. Over 200-some-odd people — utter strangers to me — have contributed to my health expenses through PayPal and as of right now it adds up to about $5,000! Tears are streaming here! I’m sputtering, blithering here, in amazement and gratitude and relief.
Please pass on my bottomless thanks to these wonderful people who chipped in whatever they were able to afford. I just can’t get over it. I wish I could make a quilt for each and every one of you! I’m afraid I don’t have the strength to thank you all individually, so I’ll leave it to you, *****, to let them know from me how humbling it is to see the goodness of the human spirit rise to the occasion at a time like this and give a frightened artist hope and strength to carry on. My very deepest, most awestruck thanks to everyone. You’ve all give me yet another opportunity to try to learn the grace of accepting generosity instead of resisting it, the most important lesson I learned from my breast cancer diagnosis in 2004.
Big love to all of you. I’ll never forget this.
**** ********
Names redacted. At any rate, I would say that was a smashing success, and hopefully this will help her with some peace of mind as well as help with the financial mess she is in. Thanks to all of you who pitched in a hand, and hopefully she will be back to full speed sometime soon and back to quilting and trying to lead a somewhat normal life. And here is to hoping at least a portion of that is spent on a big piece of beef, some mashed potatoes, peas, and some cobbler.
Comrade Stuck
Makes my day. You can’t fight cancer on an empty stomach.:)
…and a good bottle of wine!
Ha! People. Just when you think you have them figured out, they go and show you the love and compassion that they are capable of. Malice towards none (except limbaugh, of course) and charity towards all.
Well done, everybody. Well done.
I don’t care what the former Sen. Stevens (R-Felon) says, these here tubes are mighty powerful.
Tom Human
GREAT! Now she can get back to important things – like fighting cancer!
Do note that I explicitly added in my donation message that she should be free to use my email to come back to me and ask for more if she needs it. (Recommendation – keep the email short :-D I get enough stuff like everyone else… a three-liner with a pointer to the original article would be fine.)
That’s very nice. A round of applause for the BJuicers. Leave no man behind extends also to those you don’t know who could use a hand up.
Ned R.
Yesterday was my birthday. Reading this, and knowing that in my own too-small way that I helped, is far better than any gift I received.
What’s scary is that $5K, in a hospital, would probably only cover a doctor’s initial visit, 1 or 2 diagnostic tests, and maybe a CAT scan. But I even doubt the CAT.
Here’s hoping she stiffs the lab coats and uses this soley on some good grub and a healthy amount of wine.
Ned R.
(Oh and John — ‘peace of mind’ — unless perhaps our friend really wants that one Iron Maiden album, of course!)
Oh Crap I was off line a bunch yesterday and missed the chance to chip in. John let us know if she (or anyone else in the community) needs anything more.
I am only a part time commenter but this is a truly special place.
Just curious — what do y’all think a blog like RedState would have raised if they’da posted the same thread?
I’m guessing maybe 10 people–tops–would chip in, while the thread would be rife with demeaning comments w/r/t her being an artist, a likely liberal, irresponsible, and some form of "too fucking bad". Neauseating, natch.
I’m late to the party, but I chipped in $10. Enough for the veggie portion of that plate, anyway. I had a very treatable form of cancer, read a book called Anti Cancer by Dr. Serban-Schreiber, and now don’t eat meat that isn’t farmer’s market, pasture-fed, and antibiotic-free anyway. I’m going to go ahead and pimp that book, actually, while I’m here. There is a lot of information in there about modern western diets and activities which feed cancer, but there is also a lot more than that — it’s beautifully written and full of stories.
John Cole
@Ned R.: I’m just getting worse and worse with every day.
This made my day. I wish I could have given more, but am eagerly awaiting the next call to help an extended member of the balloon-juice community.
That’s awesome — we come for the snark, but dammit, we’re a community. And I am damn proud to be a part of this community of such fine people.
And yes, I hope Svensker’s friend gets herself lots ‘n’ lots of good grub to build her strength back up. We’re rooting for you, sweetie. Keep us posted.
Wow! I’m really pleased to hear that she raised such a nice sum. When we all chip in, it adds up. She has a long fight ahead of her and may the extra money bring her some peace.
Thanks again John for posting about her plight.
Damn, I had problems with Pay Pal yesterday when I tried to contribute.
Comrade Stuck
Didn’t read a book, but listened to my body tell me don’t eat today’s beef products. Not a bite of it for the past 6 years. though I do eat lot’s of fish and some chicken. I can’t live on veggies alone, need some animal protein.
Aw, yay! $5000 doesn’t go far enough, but I do believe we’re not required to solve all problems, just to love each other and do what we can. Thanks to you, John.
Matthew Hooper
Beef is at it worst when it’s hamburger. Chicken has even more atrocious things done to it. Tilapia’s good. Watch out for fish that build up high mercury levels.
Without doing a lick of research, I’d vote for pork (irony alert) and whitefish – tilapia, flounder et al – as the protein sources with the lowest amount of commercial processing. (Note that I say "lowest", not "low".)
Comrade Kevin
Wow, that’s great! I’m happy to have made my own small contribution yesterday.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
We have to make sure that no one is suffocated by medical bills ever again. It isn’t right that someone risks losing everything just because they have an illness.
Universal, single-payer healthcare should be everyone’s number one issue this year. No one should have to chose between medication and food. Today it is Svensker’s friend, tomorrow it could be you.
Conservatively Liberal
Warms the heart to hear something like this happening. Will the PayPal link be active this weekend? We have to hold off any gifts at the first of the month (bills!) but we can toss something her way this weekend if the PayPal addy will still be there. I told my wife about this and she agreed that we could help out a bit.
We can’t solve all of the problems out there, but if we can join to help ease a few of them when we see them then that is good. This place flat out rocks, same with the inmates. :)
Elroy's Lunch
I’m blessed with a secure job, secure retirement and medical coverage. The value that I received for my money when I contributed was waaay out of proportion to the face value of those dollar bills.
Good group of folks here.
I’m pleased that we were able to raise some cash for Svensker’s friend. 5K isn’t bad for a single day btw. I hope she eats well, and kick some cancer ass. Thanks John and Svensker for bringing her plight to our attention. We can’t solve all the problems, but the ones we know about we’ll give people a fighting chance.
@punchy – Has RedState ever asked for charity on their home page and got people to donate? It would seem out of character for them to do that especially for health care. Might put ideas in people’s head. :-) I’ll say charitably that even RedStaters taken out of their little aquarium of hate would donate money.
This is indeed good news, and I’m heartened that all of us who’ve contributed in either large or small amounts have made such a difference in someone’s life.
Thanks for the great update, Mr. Cole.
Happy to hear that we were able to provide some substantive aid to Svensker’s friend. Please keep us apprised of other opportunities.
I’m so glad to read this this morning. It makes me so happy about people, and also reminds me that even with the fear that my partner won’t have an income in a few months, we will be ok.
Comrade Scrutinizer
Which triggered this from Terry Pratchett’s Interesting Times, when Teach was explaining Cohen the Barbarian’s dietary requirements:
Also, yay us, and best to Svensker’s friend.
I’m all misty…
I’m so happy we were able to raise so much. All you Juicers totally rock! We have such a great community here.
Love to all, even the trolls!
@Matthew Hooper:
I think there’s a number of different considerations when trying to evaluate meat/fish, but at least for the purposes of the Anti Cancer book, the focus was on 1) Omega 3s v. Omega 6. Omega 3 good, Omega 6 bad. Omega 3 found naturally in fish, and in healthy animals and their eggs & milk, eating the diet God intended for them (i.e. grass). Omega 6 is higher in animals fed corn and grain worse. and 2) moderation; when meat has been rationed, as in World War II, we are healthier.
It’s just one source, but it makes sense to me intuitively. Kind of a corollary to "eat foods, not too much, mostly plants", it’s "if you eat meat & animal products, not too much, from animals eating mostly plants they’re meant to eat."
Yup. Y’all done good. Real good.
Thanks to all for your good deeds, kind words, and warm thoughts for my friend. And of course especially big thanks to John for caring enough to do this.
We can’t always change the world, but we sure can make a difference in one person’s life.
Wow, I’m really blown away.
Library Grape
Awesome. Her story was very moving and I’m glad that so many people helped out. I chipped in $25 and wish I could have done more.
We need universal health care. Raise my taxes for something concrete like that, and I’ll pay them happily.
I just chipped in a few bucks. We are in a bit of trouble here also, but glad to help.
Best wishes and God Bless to Svensker’s friend.
Calming Influence
John: I hope you’ll pass along to Svensker’s Friend that she should spend the money on whatever she thinks she’ll need to get well. Now is not the time to be frugal; for myself and based on yesterday’s thread, I think we can safely say there’s more where that came from. :)
I only had a small amount to give, but I’m glad I did it. Now please tell her to go eat something!
The Moar You Know
As I said yesterday, this is America. That anyone should suffer from malnutrition in America is utterly ludicrous. We export food, for chrissakes.
5k won’t go very far with Cancer treatments and the like. Can the link stay open for a bit?
John S.
The only charity I think RedState has ever asked for is for themselves.
Because there is a vast liberal conspiracy preventing good programmers from working on their shitty website or something.
The Moar You Know
@Dennis-SGMM: Yes, and damn proud to be one!
Michael D.
Wonderful! Shit, I thought we’d raise $500, maybe a grand!!
Just Some Fuckhead
@Punchy: And shrill demands to know what kind of countertops she has.
The Moar You Know
@John S.: I don’t know about that, John. Seems fairly certain that Sarah Palin pockets any contributions she can get her hands on. Anyone know if she’s returned the clothes?
Thanks, I needed that one.
South of I-10
I am not having a particularly good day. The news that we raised a respectable sum made it a little brighter. I hope Svensker’s friend has whatever her favorite meal is tonight.
"…but we sure can make a difference in one person’s life."
Yes, we can make a difference in one person’s life, but that person has also made a difference in our lives. It feels good!
Your charity makes me hate you all a little less today.
The Moar You Know
@Michael D.: You’ve got a pretty highly educated, and older, commentariat here – I suspect a lot of us do reasonably well, moneywise. 100 people at fifty bucks each gives you five grand. I was a bit taken aback by the number at first until I did the math.
Five grand ain’t a lot when you’re sick like Svensker’s friend is; but it will help. I’ve been there before, a long time ago. But I’ve got quite the family to fall back on. Not everyone does.
It’s a sunny day, we helped improve a stranger’s life, and Rush Limbaugh is chewing the internal organs of the Republican party. Maybe life could get better, but it’s hard to see how.
Kirk Spencer
@Punchy: (and others)
RedState has had drives like this, and done reasonably well.
Seriously, people, at bottom they’re still PEOPLE. I despise many of their positions and actively dislike some of them personally. But they are not monsters, they have families and friends. If pricked they bleed, if tickled they laugh.
If you truly want to incorporate them, don’t dehumanize them in your minds.
@The Moar You Know:
There were a lot of people commenting that they only gave $20-25, so there should have been quite a few more than 100 people who gave, unless a couple of individuals dropped a significant amount. If I remember correctly someone dropped a couple grand to put us over the top the first time John set a goal on donations for Obama at Act Blue.
Kirk Spencer
It dawns on me I may be asked to prove my contention that RedState does care. It’s not for an individual, but here is an example. (Request for assistance for relief after Cyclone Nargis.)
sigh – on the other hand, there is more than one "no way" response in the comments. Bad example in that regard, but still an example that RedState has tried in the past.
I’d be willing to volunteer to test that theory on them. You know…for science!
I hope we can donate to this lady again. I had hoped we had a few more days to do it. I used my extra money on Sunday. Also I have never used PayPal. Can anyone tell me about it?
Michael D.
Click the link, put in your credit card number, a donation amount, and a billing address. That’s it.
You’re a giver, Krista!
Chuck Butcher
For what it is worth, my reaction to this story.
Billy K (D-TX)
This made my day. $5K is – sadly – probably a drop in the bucket, but I hope it brings some measure of peace of mind.
You guys are the best jerkwads I’ve ever known.
@Chuck Butcher:
That’s a damned nice tribute, Chuck. Thank you.
Chuck Butcher
Cole’s minions deserve the thanks, not me.
Just goes to show what I get for not reading this blog for a couple of days. Drat. Next time.