He’s prepared to call “bullshit”, but not to my face – what’s missing in his response to my argument is any link at all to me. He’s a bold one!
At issue is I apparently forgot to include Sullivan’s link to Maguire in this post I made the other day about the fauxtrage regarding the DHS report.
Because I’m afraid to say it to his face. Please don’t beat me up after school.
Just Some Fuckhead
I got yer back, dawg.
Ed Marshall
He was just link whoring, now I followed the damn thing and gave him that hit that was fiending out for.
John Cole
So absurd. An entire post because I forgot a link. Did his email break?
No, just his heart.
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
Oh, the butthurt.
Just Some Fuckhead
I think it’s too early to be admitting anything, John Cole. Depending on how the fight goes, it may be him apologizing for the misunderstanding.
Eargh. The green on that website is atrocious.
Polish the Guillotines
Outraged wingnut is outraged.
Ready to rumble – where’s the meet up?
schrodinger's cat
Don’t worry Tunch will protect you. BTW did you find him a friend?
Blog fight, watch the electrons start flying! I’m stepping back so I don’t catch any metaphorical shrapnel.
Links. Serious business.
The Moar You Know
Christ, I can taste his tears from here.
Just Some Fuckhead
John, if ya see a big yella truck cruising slowly around yer neighborhood with a big aluminum bat hangin’ out the window, no worries, that’s just Fuckhead on Patrol.
@John Cole:
i’ve noticed that lots of folks are a bit touchy about links.
oh, well.
Someone should invent teh Google.
But, Tom Maguire is a very serious person, you know.
Dang. A more obvious bleg for hits, I can’t imagine. I think he’s got link envy.
Lets all get together and go internet whup Maguire’s ass!
Just Some Fuckhead
Yeah, well he done opened a serious can o’ whoopass now.
What’s equally hilarious is the lameness of his response. He knows he can’t defend the idiocy of his first post so he doesn’t even try.
John Cole
The comments over there are priceless. They are trying to figure out where I live (West Virginia, kids) because I am playing the race card:
I bet if those guys over there think real hard, they might be able to come up with one reason why white supremacists might be particularly agitated by the ascent of an African-American to the Office of the Presidency. I wonder what it could be?
Its funny but every wingnut ever always say the only racists are liberals. But in the next breath they will say that liberals want Arab Muslims to come over and take over the US and institute Sharia Law. Man the mental gymnastics those morons have to go through to come to any of their conclusions.
Jon H
Somewhere, a wooden bleacher has a freshly scratched-out TM+JC heart on it.
@John Cole: I doubt they’d be convinced if anyone pointed out that the United States of America has a long, sad, painfully-documented history of violent right-wing extremism. That’s just silly Michael Moore talk.
Also, they’re only protesting the budget deficit now because it’s really, really big. Doubting their motives means you’re stupid and uninformed.
God, John, for the love of all that is holy, I pray you don’t have granite countertops.
Just Some Fuckhead
Drawing a blank here.
kommrade reproductive vigor
You kids today, I tell ya. When I was growing up, calling bullshit to someone’s face involved, you know, getting into bullshitter’s actual face, calling bullshit and being willing to deal with what followed. Now all it takes is a link to the bullshitter’s blog.
I’m not sure of the protocol. Does bullshit calling occur by posting the link or do readers have to follow the link for it to count?
@John Cole:
I suggest you provide a picture of your countertop as well as a pre-emptive gesture to what will obviously come next. If you see Malkin in your bush (oh boy) shoot her with your 2nd amendment provided gun.
Comrade Stuck
Blogmatch at the OK! Kennel.
it seems a few of them are confusing you with Juan Cole, too.
Left Coast Tom
So you live in the “state” that the EvilSoc!alist Abraham Lincoln carved from the portion of Virginia that didn’t want to leave the union? Don’t you know Saint Ron Paul ungrammatically said “So secession is a very much American principle”?
Why do you hate America?
Just Some Fuckhead
Yeah, like remembering to code an internet address in special hypertext markup language is easier than gallivanting around with an onion in yer belt. Go yell at the clouds, oldtimer. Us “kids” are fixin to throw down.
*begins snapping*
Just Some Fuckhead
Be a shame if Juan winds up getting his ass kicked over this.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
Oh, the comments! Take Jane, who says:
And if she knew any black people, she’s absolutely certain they would agree with her.
John Cole
@bvac: That happened the other day with that guy from Bizzyblog. I wish I had taken screenshots.
He posted some link to some website called zombietime with a quote form Juan Cole. I told him we are two separate people, so then he linked to a Juan Cole piece in Antiwar.com and told me there were meds for me to take.
After commenters informed him repeatedly that I am John Cole not Juan Cole, he took it all down and called me dumb.
Common Sense
What pisses me off most about this DHS stuff is this (directed at Tommy and the Wingtards):
No one is taking your rights from you. You gave your rights away. Willingly, hell gleefully waving red white and blue pompoms the whole time. To paraphrase Ben, you sacrificed your essential liberties and got a little temporary security. How’s it feel?
John Cole
@Common Sense: If you wanted to attack the report for anything, attack it for being completely useless. Everything in it is known already. There was nothing new. It was so completely uneventful as to be dull. I read it and found absolutely nothing to motivate a response out of me one way or another.
The freakout over that nothingburger of a report has been absurd.
Tom Maguire?
Is he still blogging?
@John Cole:
Prepared by the Bush Administration, right?
Will Danz
To his FACE? Is that what we’re calling little bloggy links now?
The standards for rightwing wannabe-manly-men are slipping. I mean, this clown sounds more hysterical than Jonah Goldberg.
I keep reading comments on that blog and thinking it’s awesome parody.
It very well might be. Maguire’s place has always been a happy hunting ground for spoofery.
John, I think Tommy’s wounded that you didn’t provide a link. Maybe you should send him a nice card. On the front, it can have a watercolour depiction of that lovely mountain that he made from a molehill.
Dug Jay
Here’s another unkind comment from that thread over at Maguire’s blog:
“Have a little sympathy for ole Mister Cole; he’s in a non-tenured tract job at a state university and has been told by his dean (repeatedly) that if he’s offered something better, he sholuld take it. He has found as he enters middle age, that his blogging gig, now that he’s ramped up his equivalent of the Andrew Sullivan ability to compose deranged screeds at the drop of a jock strap, is turning a nice little profit. Please don’t rain on the jerk’s parade.”
Tom Maguire? Who the fuck is Tom Maguire? Honestly, I’m not being snarky, I’ve never heard of the guy. Had Sullivan not pointed to his tripe would anybody have ever heard it?
Just Some Fuckhead
Stay classy, Dug Jay.
John Cole
@Dug Jay: Lol. They just make shit up, don’t they?
Jon H
@MikeJ: “Tom Maguire? Who the fuck is Tom Maguire?”
He’s the guy still waiting for Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson to be arrested for outing Valerie Plame.
Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist
@Jon H: …still waiting for Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson to be arrested for outing Valerie Plame.
Yeah, about that…
I guess it’ll have to get in line behind the really big crimes that need prosecuting, like the war of aggression, and all that.
Dr. Loveless
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Sounds like one a’thems Redstate “internet warriors”.
Maguire is a complete jack ass. When I was busted trolling on the right-wing sights — his, Protein Wisdom, Red State, etc. — he edited my comments to say “I pooped my pants” or something asinine like that.
I have zero respect for that guy. Believe it or not, I have a smidgeon for Goldstein, Erickson, etc. They take some pride in their blogs.
Maguire is beneath contempt.
Comrade Darkness
Mmmm, I love the smell of WATB oozing from the intertubes.
Shorter Maguire: I’m relevant! Really!
Mike S
My favorite comment in the thread:
Because nothing says American Patriot like calling for a military coup to overthrow your elected government.
Zuzu's Petals
@John Cole:
Once again John, I have no idea why you still include that sleazemonger on your blogroll. Seriously, the guy is incapable of an honest discussion and the comments section is a cesspool.
Oh yeah, he’s also known for monitoring any site that happens to mention his name, so … hey there, Sleazy!
Zuzu's Petals
Be glad he didn’t ferret out your IP address. Has a bit of a nasty reputation that way.
Zuzu's Petals
Hmm, let’s try that link again:
Tbogg comments
Zuzu's Petals
@Mike S:
I have never seen him rein in a nutter, no matter how incendiary the comment, nor encourage a more reasonable tone overall. Never.
IP is kind of worthless now that we all need NAT.
@Mike S:
Isn’t that, well, the very definition of Sedition?
That’s the kinda thing that should be forwarded to the FBI because it’s precisly the kind of thing the report was warning about.
Give him nothing, and take from him everything…
Gosh, John, they accuse of you being outraged at the drop of a jock strap. Is that true? The ensuing discussion should bring much of interest from Laura and Fuckhead.
Now, if you need backup at the fight, I am great with fingernails and kicking. Just ask the boys who were in my 3rd grade class!
Comrade Darkness
In the light of day, glanced at that site. I had no idea it was possible to circlejerk psychological projection.
@Zuzu’s Petals, ah, good to know. I was thinking of putting in the vote tallies on a few troop support bills, but decided he looked like the type to have no scruples, so I left their stupid myth lie.
August J. Pollak
He… he understands that linking to someone on a weblog isn’t “saying something to their face,” right? I could have sworn saying something to someone face requires them to leave their basement so you can actually encounter them in person.
Is that really how ingrained webloggers are now? That cross-linking counts as physical interaction?
Zuzu's Petals
@Comrade Darkness:
As far as I know, he doesn’t actually publish your IP address (ala Alkon), just lets it be known he has it…and then lets his commenters do the harassing.
He’s been victimized!
Rule #1 for the loony 28%ers: Never pass up an opportunity, no matter how small, to be outraged at constantly being a victim. It defines their fighting abilities to their fellow widestanding teabaggers.
Well, as I learned from Erick Erickson, “racist” is code for “Jewish.” So all the Jews that Jane knows are liberals. Sounds reasonable.
I don’t get it, I remember reading that post. Didn’t you already have the link to his post anyway?
I commented on this one elsewhere – if we stick with content, in the key paragraph Maguire is essentially saying, it’s okay to shred the Constitution (the 4th Amendment) as long as you don’t shred the Constitution (the 1st Amendment). He’s trying to split hairs, but the hair is a Mobius strip. His piece reads as cognitive dissonance and the desperate BS of an authoritarian tribalist to me. But if he acts snitty and tries to make it personal, maybe you won’t notice he’s got nuthin’.