I’m sitting here listening to Rush continue to call Sotomayor a racist, while Newt Gingrich had to walk back his statement because the Republicans didn’t even want him at a fundraiser after his remarks, and while it looks like Sotomayor will probably get 70+ votes in the Senate and has higher poll numbers than Alito, Roberts, and Meiers, and I’m wondering what happened to all the pearl-clutchers are who thought it was a bad idea to elevate Rush.
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I had a comment here, but it looked stupid after I posted it, sorry…
Will Danz
Well, that particular pearl-clutcher you linked to probably should have taken a few years off from politics after he and the rest of the Hillary Clinton team embarrassed themselves for over a year straight.
Concern trolls are very concerned!!1!
I think there’s your answer right there.
This is good for Rudy Giuliani.
It had to be said.
Laura W
Do you really have nothing more interesting and fulfilling to do on a Wednesday night at 10:25 PM EST?
Never mind. The fact that I’m posing this question disqualifies me from asking it.
Yet excellent news for John McCain.
The Plum Line has it covered too.
Rush, no one has to even say it, it’s so obvious. You’re full of shit. Flail away, fat man.
Uh, I thought Rush was saying today that “she’s Latino, she’s Catholic, and she’s got no history on abortion”
Obama’s stealth anti-abortion pick?
I mean, sheesh, just how many Catholic Supreme Court Justices does it take to screw in a coathanger?
Are they Polish? (don’t hurt me)
Short Bus Bully
So it appears the wingnuts have at least a tenuous connection to reality? Color me amazed.
Well, the worm really has turned. I remember Rush being the king of media back in the Clinton years and, if we were under the same conditions, Daou would be right. But, as was symptomatic of the entire Clinton campaign, they seemed to fail to recognize that it wasn’t 1997 any more and that we had eight years of the most spectacularly failed presidency since the middle of the eighteenth century to recognize that idiots like Limbaugh are exactly the most sublimely perfect people to be elevating as the leaders of the GOP.
So now that the Mensheviks and kulaks and so forth have been liquidated, it’s time for the Bolsheviks to start purging each other?
@ronin122: Indeed, and it might give Mitt Romney a small bump in the polls as well.
Comrade Kevin
There’s your problem right there.
To be fair, she’s not a racist, she’s a “reverse racist” (according to Rush) – which is doubly bad. I think what this means is that she’s actually a Jewish feminazi who will impose sharia law on us.
Also, Obama is a Christian-appearing, apparently unstoppable muslim cyborg sent from the future to kill the GOP.
I never thought it was a ad idea.
@Short Bus Bully:
KO has a funny little graphic of Rush bouncing around that they ran during a story yesterday about a guy losing his job for criticizing Limbaugh.
Man, I’ve spent far too much time surfing on the computer today…
Phoenix Woman
TIG-weld that sucker to the GOP for eternity. And don’t forget Hal Turner. (Who by the way just got arrested for inciting violence against Connecticut folks.)
Peter Daou is always extremely concerned.
Comrade Kevin
It was funny for maybe the first 20 or so times he used it, but now, after about 500, it’s kind of tedious.
BTW John, I like these posts about the pearl clutching. Elected Democrats suffer from a wicked case of it (see Reid, Harry). If we could get over it, there’s a host of good things that would follow.
John Cole
Peter Daou used to run a great blog about the UN. Whatever happened to that?
@Comrade Kevin:
Ahh, that was the first time I’d seen it. I only watch the show online now and then. It was quite funny the first time.
@jcricket: It sucks that they can be such pussies, but at the same time, if you had the “librul” media on your side you’d be scared too.
I dig the penis reduction pills.
@gbear: Remember, Keith Olbermann is used to doing sports. Sports has this theme of repetition.
I wondered that today as well–how can Obama be both the most liberal everything ever and a Muslim ready to impose sharia law and put all true christians in jail? Fuck water into wine–pulling that off would be a miracle.
Classic wingnuttery here from my hometown. Local franchiser decides to take his message to the skies. (I think Olberman had it on earlier this week).
I’m still a fan of the minced-onion-like onion rings even though I’ve sobered up to focus on my skating.
Joshua Norton
Bill Clinton’s penis will never stop being a perfectly reasonable justification for any Republican malfeasance past, present or future.
For the same reasons that the media could call Bush as a compassionate conservative.
@Ash: I think they (Dems) just buy into the Republican framing, rather than the actual polls. Not that you should govern strictly by polls, but on issue after issue, people support the Democratic position. But Democrats act as if saying “I’m believe in x, y & z” will result in spontaneous political combustion. Which it does, when you regularly do so, and then back down.
People like strength and conviction – even when it’s not backed up by fact (see Bush, George W). So that we have the facts on our side and existing support at an issue level should make our job a lot easier.
I’m not quite tired of Keith’s bouncing Limbaugh vid yet. I will be soon considering how often he goes to that well, but I’m not there yet.
Watching that gastropod get his most vigorous exercise in decades stays funny longer than I would have expected.
I think the only reason I watch Olbermann lately is because his Limbaugh “bobbing up and down in his Euro trash outfit CPAC speech” graphic makes me laugh.
Wile E. Quixote
This is the paragraph that really got me.
You know what. If Barack Obama had lost the Democratic nomination last year and Hillary Clinton had been the nominee I still would have voted for her last November. I would have been disgusted and held my nose while doing so but I still would have done so to make sure that we didn’t end up with McCain/Palin.
But Doau is sadly ignorant if he thinks that Rush Limbaugh’s Hillary hatred is what made me and others like me prefer Obama as a candidate over Clinton. Sorry Peter, but for me being on Rush Limbaugh’s shitlist is an emblem of pride and not a scarlet badge of shame. No, what pissed me off about Hillary Clinton was her triangulating bullshit with regards to the AUMF and her lies about why she voted for it. Oh, and there’s also the way that she and Bill fucked over gays back in the 1990s by signing DoMA into law. Oh, and then there’s her flip/flop on the bankruptcy bill, which she was initially against when Bill was in office but as soon as she needed money from New York financial interest she pulled a 180 and supported it. Oh, and then there’s the ridiculous lying about what happened at Tuzla. Oh, and let’s see, there’s the whole thing she had going where she claimed that she was an integral part of the Clinton Administration and was privy to its inner workings and participated in the decisions it made while simultaneously refusing to accept any responsibility for the administration’s mistakes. Oh, and there was her ridiculous “35 years of experience claim”. Oh, and there’s the political dynasty thing, because we all saw how well that worked out under the Bush family. And there’s the fact that voting for Hillary meant that you were also voting to bring Bill Clinton back into the White House for an unofficial third term.
There was also the fact that at the caucuses I attended in Washington State Clinton’s supporters were a bunch of dicks who were rude and booed during the speeches made by the delegates for Obama and who refused to yield the floor when their time was up. Oh and there’s the massive sense of entitlement that Clinton and her supporters had where they argued that she “deserved to be president” and that we should all shut up and get in line to support her.
But even with all of that, and even if someone produced actual real evidence verified by people who aren’t insane and are trustworthy that Hillary snuffed Vince Foster because he stumbled in on a lesbian tryst between her and Janet Reno I still would have voted for her because as bad as she would have been as president she would have been nowhere near as bad as John McCain and despite the fact that I don’t like Clinton I can’t imagine her being so stupid or clueless or completely and totally batshit “seeing Jesus in your morning bowl of cornflakes” insane as to pick a absolute disaster like Sarah Palin as her vice presidential candidate.
Comrade Kevin
@Turgidson: His tendency to go to the same few wells over and over has put me off him recently. How many times does Bill-O need to be “Worst Person in the World”?
Postlethwaite Windschitl
I can’t wait to see the befuddlement on all those wingnuts’ faces when they get crushed–again–in 2010. Like cult members, they keep running back into the burning building rather than trying to find a way out.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer group of people.
Gordon, The Big Express Engine
@Wile E. Quixote: I predict this comment will lead to a visit from noiq.
J.D. Rhoades
This is the “new and improved” right wing racism, which holds that it’s okay, sort of, to be black or Latino, so long as you don’t ever act in a way that someone might think is black or Latino, or ever mention being black or Latino, or ever admit that being black or Latino has an effect on your life and your world view. And for God’s sake don’t ever belong to any black or Latino church or organization. Oh, and don’t ever have the effrontery to ask that your name be pronounced correctly. If you do any of those things, then it’s YOU who’s the “real racist.”
Wile E. Quixote
Here’s a great video of Limbaugh bouncing around at CPAC.
OT, but Stewart just played a clip of Craig T. Nelson (“Coach”) on Beck’s show, and he includes this gem:
This is so preposterous I just had to share it. (It’s at 4:18 in this clip.)
@Comrade Kevin:
Agreed. Especially when Keith had that fixation on their ratings battle and started making BillO the worst person in the world just to talk about ratings…the guy says outrageous things about important issues often enough that there’s no need to pick fights with him over useless things like that.
He should just stick to Bill’s really insane stuff, and there’s enough of that to put him in Worsts once or twice a week on average, anyway.
Keith still has his moments, but it’s getting easier and easier to flip right past him as time goes on. I’ll always be grateful that he started railing against Bush’s atrocities back when it wasn’t “polite” to do so in the media, but man, the guy can be a real wanker.
calling all toasters
@Wile E. Quixote:
FTW. Apparently Daou was too drunk during the campaign to remember that Rush directly told his listeners to cross over to the Democratic primaries and vote for Hillary.
How do I sign up here?
RIP Koko Taylor:
We love ya baby.
Anne Laurie
I thought that was Rush Limbaugh’s job!
@noncarborundum: Wow, that is quite possibly the worst misunderstanding of the words “help,” “nobody,” and “gave” in the history of the English language. I was on food stamps, but it was the really self-reliant, butch food stamps. And I only used them to buy Pabst Blue Ribbon and big slabs of beef… Was Coach always that big a tool?
Mario Piperni
Just caught the Limbaugh interview by Hannity. Rush had this gem…
@noncarborundum: Absolutely everyone I know who has been on welfare in the past is a Republican now. WTF?
The thing about it is this is a problem all of the GOP’s making. They could come out en masse and denounce Rush Limbaugh and they would never have to worry about this again. And all of those dittoheads that light up their switchboard for a day or two will still vote for them in the next election. But those dumbasses just refuse to cut him loose. I can honestly say that Democrats have shown on a regular basis that they don’t have any back bone, but when it comes to Republicans and Rush Limbaugh they are the epitome of cowards. Its really a sight to behold and I hope they never change.
Al Queda is going to fight for respecting the US Constitution and international law?
The world has gone mad.
May I say that I hate this format?
@sgwhiteinfla: They are all such self-reliant, individualists they can’t work collectively (commie!) to handle the Rush problem.
Well that, and he’s in charge of the only people who will consider voting for them any time soon.
Comrade Jake
@Gordon, The Big Express Engine:
Speaking of our friends over at NoIQ, here’s the latest headline:
Oh the stupid, how it burns and burns and burns.
Jee-bus, that is world-class, kozmic stoopid.
Comrade Kevin
@noncarborundum: That may be the single stupidest thing ever uttered on television.
Wow, today is the one year anniversary of Obama and Michelle’s fist bump. I remember going downtown for that event and walking for over a half hour trying to find the end of the line into the Xcel center. By the time I got there, the line was 24-25 blocks long winding all over downtown St. Paul. Everyone in it knew they most likely weren’t going to make it inside, but nobody was grousing. EVERYONE was incredibly happy. I gave up and took the bus back home to listen on the radio, but I’ll never forget going downtown that day.
So that what happened to the Daou Report (I found Balloon-Juice thanks to that)…
Got sucked into the clinton machine eh?
@Wile E. Quixote: Man, Wile E., do you ever wax poetic. I love this post almost as much as I do the one you did on the Sully thread.
This is exactly how I felt about Clinton. When it was first announced that the two of them were both running, I was torn. I liked Clinton, and she had many pluses. However, by the time the primary came, I was leaning Obama. Then, up to the point of her conceding, I was firmly in Obama’s camp. Why? For many of the statements you’ve made here, but also because she and her team went to the “scary black guy” well as much as they dared. No matter what Clinton supporters screech, Obama’s team did not hit Clinton with as many sexism stereotypes. Still, in the end, if she had been the Democratic nominee, I would have voted for her.
@Comrade Kevin:
After Dr. Tiller’s murder, Keith retired the Bill O’ imitation and any mention of his name. He will comment on some of Bill O’s more outrageous shtick, but Keith has decided to boycott O’Reilly on his show.
I was never a pearl clutcher. I know the more visible Rush is, the better for the party. However, personally, I just want Rush to STFU.
And don’t you dare be a Democrat. That’s ‘racist’ too.
@LD50: And don’t be Asian because then you just get ignored!
Bob In Pacifica
Is pearl-clutching anything like tea-bagging?
Less hair, more sack.
@Wile E. Quixote: FTW.
So what’s the story with Rush Limbaugh and V-i-a-g-r-a and the Dominican Republic. Is the sex tourism rumor real? Or just wishful thinking? That is a petard I want to be hoisting… upon… him.
@Bob In Pacifica: Ha!
@TenguPhule: Well considering what a pearl necklace is (in slang), and what tea-bagging is (in slang), then…I got nothing.
@Comrade Kevin: I’m sure there’s a lot of competition, but I tend to agree. I certainly can’t remember hearing anything stupider. On the other hand, I don’t watch Beck regularly, and he’s always a contender.
Bill E Pilgrim
Wait so “reverse racism” is bad, okay. But “opposite marriage” is good?
And if it’s reverse racism, wouldn’t that mean that it’s the opposite of racism? And that’s bad? And would opposite marriage in that case mean divorce??
What about opposable thumbs? Are they against those?
Oh, they are?
Irony Abounds
Listening to the Limbaugh-Hannity circle jerk was beyond nauseating. It does point out, quite clearly, why neither of those guys ever engages in true debate. They are so full of shit if they ever tried to pull their crap with someone other than a hand-selected opponent they would be destroyed in a matter of seconds.
Obama “nationalized” GM. Ummm, ok. If preventing a company from imploding and leaving nothing behinde versus providing huge government sums to keep it running is nationalization, I guess he did. Not quite what most people mean when they talk about nationalization. The rampant and shameless dishonesty is breathtaking.
Comrade Kevin
@asiangrrlMN: I’m glad to hear that KO has retired the Bill-O shtick, at least mostly.
Rush is acting out like a child and because nobody in his world is calling him on it…typical addictive behavior with the Republican Party playing the part of his enabler
Wait, what??
@Comrade Kevin: Tell you the truth, so am I. I still enjoy Keith, but he does engage waaay too much in self-love.
I know several chronically unemployed Republicans, and several Republicans who used to have really bad drug/alcohol problems. I think there’s a certain type of self-loathing that makes some people become wingnuts.
I realize that this is language nit-picking, but the phrase should be “hoist with (or by) his own petard.” A petard is a small 16th and 17th century bomb. As the term was originally used by Shakespeare in Hamlet hoist refers not to the lifting of the bomb but rather to the upward force of the explosion. So someone can be hoisted with or by, but not really upon without moving beyond the original meaning of the phrase.
A petard is a small 16th and 17th century bomb
I actually did know this, but I didn’t care enough to fix the grammar. Or the real meaning of the metaphor. Anyway… I want Limbaugh to be revealed as a pedophile. Is that wrong?
The Cat Who Would Be Tunch
Bitter are we?
Lighten up, the flipside of being ignored isn’t as good as you think.
Ash Can
::runs screaming from Teh Abominable Stoopid::
Bill E Pilgrim
@Incertus: <blockquoteI wondered that today as well—how can Obama be both the most liberal everything ever and a Muslim ready to impose sharia law and put all true christians in jail?
The same way that the wingnuts can claim to be “fiscal conservatives” while reigning over the biggest casino-style spending spree in history, or claim to want “the government off our backs” while approving wiretapping and medieval restrictions on sexual preferences among adults.
They’re such gross hypocrites they imagine that everyone must be.
This cartoon by TT had a good take on this habit of projection they have. “What a wuss and/or tyrant!”
Not in the least. As I said, the whole thing was nit-picky. “Hoist by his own petard” is just my own particular hobby-horse.
Well waddya know, Sean Hannity’s boy got arrested.
He has can officially be characterized as having “palled around” with a domestic terrorist. Gotta love it lol
I have tremendous respect for Peter Daou, but that’s just a mountain of bullshit. Pushing Limbaugh to the forefront as the spokesman for the Republican party is brilliant because his ego is so gigantic he can’t help but make them all grovel at his feet whenever given the chance. This on-going insane ideological purge of everything non-dittohead is why the Republican party is dying, far more than any lingering taint from the Bush years. Rush is their leader, might as well give him frequent opportunities to horrify everyone outside the base.
I think the bottom line is that Republicans are so outraged at the very existence of nonwhites that they have no other word for this sense of outrage than to call it the other’s person’s ‘racism’.
Or maybe they’ve just redefined ‘racism’ to mean ‘fails to be/act white’.
I still enjoy Keith, but he does engage waaay too much in self-love.
This is so true, and the reason I stopped watching Countdown for awhile, though I have returned lately. Olbermann is much better than O’Reilly in almost every respect, but the one characteristic they share is this narcissistic focus on any mention of themselves anywhere in the media. I really got pissed off a month or two ago when Olbermann insisted the Stewart vs. Cramer smackdown wasn’t newsworthy enough to merit even a brief mention. As any long time viewer could tell you, if they had just casually mentioned Olbermann’s name then he would have devoted several segments to it.
I posted this in an earlier thread but figure it’s related. Rush thinks a racist is bad unless it’s a pro-life racist.
Breathtaking, isn’t it?
KO pointed out tonight that Rush did say he might have to support Sotomayor even is she is a racist if it turns out she’s “pro-life”. My oh my, do you think the bouncing Rushie is looking for a way to climb down from that “racist” thing? After all, a few people finally dared to criticize. Of course, they did it obliquely, through their snub of Gingrich, but maybe the bouncing one got the message.
By the way, I really like KO’s bouncing Rushie logo. Repitition works well when you’re trying to burn an image into the brain of your viewer. This one really makes Rushie look ridiculous, a good fit for the twaddle he spews.
Zuzu's Petals
Or as Letterman would say, the Eastern European gangster look. Or .. “I’m sorry, the casino’s closed.”
Bill E Pilgrim
As if on cue, more of the villagers chime in.
Just posted, E.J. Dionne thinks that Rush is winning.
A couple more election cycles consisting of big wins for Rush like the one we just had, and I’ll be very happy.
@flounder: I’m just shocked it hasn’t been incorporated into one of those animated GIF mashups that make it look like someone’s catching a facefull o’ jizz yet.
@Bill E Pilgrim: So E.J. Dionne writes in WaPo that the opinions of the progressive left are getting shut out of the media, huh?
If only someone insightful like E.J. Dionne had access to one of the mainstream media outlets where he might be able to correct that balance by reporting about the progressive left… just imagine how different the world would be if that dream ever came to pass…
Nah, it will never happen.
@The Cat Who Would Be Tunch: Ouch. Yes. I think I will quietly slink back into invisibility now. Yech. I always get Robertson and Buchanan mixed up. I think they are the same person.
@sgwhiteinfla: Thanks for the link, sgwhiteinfla. It completely made my night.
@Shalimar: What? Keith said that about Cramer v. Stewart? So very, very funny. The only thing I will say is that at least Keith is aware of his own raging ego. I think.
@Allan: Perfect. Just perfect.
One is a big smelly prick. The other one is Buchanan.
Jen R
@noncarborundum: And then he followed that gem up with:
You guessed it. He went to public universities.
Johnny Pez
I guess that’s up to Papa Bear.
@Jen R: Oh, that just gets better and better. The rank hypocrisy just slays me.
Ha! I think they are twins separated at birth.
Johnny Pez
The easy way to tell them apart is that Buchanan is the crazy Catholic while Robertson is the crazy Protestant.
Fun fact: Al Franken once played Robertson on SNL.
Ash Can
@Jen R:
At which he was apparently furthermore enrolled in special programs for the brain-dead.
Daou is too much into grand strategy. But he’s not usually this dumb.
@Johnny Pez: Eh, you know. Old, Christian, cranky, racist, misogynistic white dudes all look and sound alike to me. You can’t expect a poor furriner like me to tell them apart, can you?
Johnny Pez
Reverse racist!
Regarding the Rush graphic on Keith’s program … Rush had been daring (read: pleading) MSNBC to not “mention” him for 30 days straight. Apparently Rushbo was starting to get uncomfortable with the sunshine applied to his daily rhetoric. So Keith decided to not only obviously not let up on him, but added a bouncing Rush graphic everytime they talk about him. I approve.
@Johnny Pez:
Nonsense! AsiangrrlMN isn’t a promenent enough person for this kind of treatment from Rush et al. They would never go through the enormous effort to apply a figleaf like “reverse” to their slander.
@b-psycho: Well, how’s this?
I keep making the stupid spelling mistakes, see e.g. “promenent.” Is there a spellcheck feature for Word Press or do I need to start typing my comments in Word and then pasting?
Bill E Pilgrim
No, it won’t.
On the other hand, who cares, is sort of my point.
Corporate media outlets like the WAPO are a lost cause at this point, and despite their giving 65% of their attention to maybe 12% of the population, the 12% is getting stomped at the polling places anyway.
Dionne will surely get hammered for even daring to question the librul media mythology, as he is of course in the comments section attached to his article.
Doesn’t matter. Or rather, sure it would be nice for the “liberal” Washington Post to fire the two (count em) Neocon kingpins, Bush’s chief speech writer, FOX News commentator, ethically-challenged “This Week” panelist and the literally dozen other somewhat less extreme right wingers writing weekly columns for them, but with elections like the last one, Rush and those others can “win” the corporate media blatherfest all they want for all I care.
@asiangrrlMN: OMG! ROTHLMAO! Thanks for the laugh. I needed that! G’night all!
Boy, look at you go, and you only started posting yesterday, and you’ve done how many posts now? :-)
And please use OpenOffice..!
Well, others have already stolen my thunder, re. Olbermann’s recent mania about Limbaugh (the “don’t even think about me for 30 days “challenge”) and Limbaugh’s oh so subtle formulation that he might change his stance on Sotomayor – provided she actually shows herself to be an anti-Choice racist asshole. Ya know, someone like Rush limbaugh.
So I figured I’d just whine about being one upped. =P
how do you get that function to work, to quote and have it show as @username and have a link to a particular comment?
Complaining that a prominent celebrity has an ego is like complaining all strippers have big gazoombas.
It goes with the territory.
Being shy and humble does not let you float to the top in either profession.
anybody watching the speech? I am wondering how many wingnut heads will be intact after this?
@2liberal: clicky the little grey arrow to the right of the timestamp.
What’s ROTHLMAO? I know the “F” in ROTFLMAO stands for “floor”, but what’s the “H”?
Kidding. Typos happen.
Oh, and tell me this quote isn’t appropriate for the wingnuts:
My money says that the next iteration of the two-party system is going to come from an eventual split of the conservative and liberal Democrats…
Get your own animated gif of bouncing Limbaugh (3 to choose from so far):
My favorite is zulchzulu’s creation.
Yes. Think of the child(ren) involved. I, too, would like him to be revealed as the vile slime he is (not so) deep down inside.
But for every pedophile, there are real victims who suffer forever. No one wants that.
Firefox has a spell checker integral to the program. I believe google toolbar, which you can download for IE, also can do it.
@asiangrrlMN: Olbermann had a DailyKos diary the next day insisting that MSNBC hadn’t ordered it’s anchors not to talk about Stewart absolutely embarrassing Cramer and CNBC, that it was his choice not to cover it because it wasn’t newsworthy. This conveniently ignored that all the daytime MSNBC shows had been promo-ing the appearance all week and then didn’t mention it at all Friday either (or ever again), or that Maddow chose not to mention the appearance itself at all but did do a segment about the blogosphere reaction to it. It really felt to me and many others like she was following the letter but not the spirit of some order from higher-ups. That was the main reason I stopped watching, I felt like he had lied to me, or at best intentionally mistated reality.
I think you may be right, and that worries me. The structure of the US government forces a two party system. The rump GOP is being so obnoxious that it is forcing the large Democratic caucus to adhere together. If the Republican party collapses that buttress will be lost, and what will be left is a weak progressive caucus, a very dominant ‘centrist’ (read as ‘corporatist’) caucus, and a small fundamentalist party.
Once the centrist caucus demonstrates its militaristic bona fides by marching into some crisis in some misbegotten third world hell-hole, the new GOP, under a new name, will be reborn. Wash, rinse, repeat.
I don’t know what web browser you use, but Firefox includes a spell checker.
harlana pepper
@dsc: How do we know he is NOT a pedophile? Only the poor unfortunate child sex workers (slaves) in the Dominican Republic know the truth.
harlana pepper
@valdivia: dammit, I missed it, or rather, walked into the room right at the end, plan to watch it off CSPAN archives — interesting that even people who said they did not vote for Obama are calling in this morning to the WJ saying they thought it was a great speech — I don’t believe they are plants b/c the moderator asked them well after the fact if they voted for him
I’m sure their “leaders,” however, will be howling for days – it will be fun to watch
@asiangrrlMN: To be fair, there are some Asians who don’t get ignored. My ex-girlfriends step-dad (a cop and a Republican) kindly explained to me how I was the “good” kind of Asian since I was Chinese.
I’m not sure what the “bad” kind of Asian is. I’m just not familiar with how the white guys go about figuring that out.
@Jen R: How did he close this trilogy of stupid? Did this successful conservative member of SAG complain about “liberal” Hollywood?
kommrade reproductive vigor
If memory serves, the Republicans fell over themselves to kiss Flushie’s fat flabby ass without any prompting from the Democrats. Unless the idea is Obama or someone should take Rush away from the infants of the GOP before they hurt themselves, I’m not sure WTF there is to whine about.
=/ no thread for the speech?
c’mon cole…
Doesn’t matter. Or rather, sure it would be nice for the “liberal” Washington Post to fire the two (count em) Neocon kingpins, Bush’s chief speech writer, FOX News commentator, ethically-challenged “This Week” panelist and the literally dozen other somewhat less extreme right wingers writing weekly columns for them
I cancelled my WaPo scubscription in disgust recently because of anothe Charles Krauthammer pro-torture column. They offered me a 26-week deal at basically 70 cents a week (about an 85% discount). I wavered because I still like reading a daily newspaper and accepted. I think I will cancel after all. Seeing columns from Krauthammer (openly bigoted against Arabs), Will (living in the 1920’s, still bitching about denim, and lying about climate change), Gerson (a Bush sycophant of the worst type), the occasional Kristol appearance (I truly believe this man is vile, could imagine him as a spokesman for the Third Reich), and a few other wingnuts just pisses me off.
Kevin K.
@Wile E. Quixote: If that comment had any more WIN stuffed into it Cole would have had to recode BJ to accommodate it. Bravo.
But the oddly-bearded Daou is an internet genius and should not be mocked. Who can forget the shining online orb he created that was HillaryHub. Daou traveled in a time machine back to 1997 to find the perfect design for it and then kept it afloat with its many, many links to Agent Flowbee’s House of Horrors. If that dude says lay off Rushbo, YOU LAY OFF RUSHBO.
kommrade reproductive vigor
@Wile E. Quixote: Just so you know, this comment earned you mucho love over in Rumproast’s Rumper Room.
@Wile E. Quixote: I’m late to the thread but let me join the chorus: that was a winning comment if ever there was one.
Bill E Pilgrim
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
I think so too, though we seem to be in minority. When Rahm was on a Sunday show and mentioned how Rush was so influential that any Republican who crossed him had to run and apologize immediately– it was widely described as him “elevating” Rush Limbaugh to the top of the GOP, and then everyone, left and right, debated how wise this was as strategy.
Whereas I heard what Rahm said as a simple statement of fact, which was only proven the very next day when Steele, as if on cue, took his turn groveling and asking Rush’s forgiveness.
I mean Emanuel might have been happy about having this buffoon be the leader of the GOP, and profiting from it, but he didn’t create the situation, the Republicans themselves did.
El Cid
I do think that Democrats cleverly put in a couple of twists at key moments which helped push the GOP into relying on Rush as a de facto leader.
Yes, they didn’t create the situation, but imagine the contrast with the imaginary counter-factual, with the typical idiot Democratic insider impulse to fall all over themselves in order to suck up to any Republican talking point. I could imagine typical Democrats hurrying to deny that anyone could dare, dare suggest that Rush Limbaugh in any way represented our honorable brethren on the other side of the aisle, etc., and in general feeling like much of the 2004 presidential campaign.
That is what you have to use as the base of comparison.
Sometimes, yes, with the party I support one might equate doing the utterly obvious helpful thing instead of the traditional, foot-shooting idiocy with genius, and in comparison to what I’ve been used to for decades, I’ll let the equation ride.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Fact! Well, there’s the problem.
It does lead to some odd logical contortions, though. I mean, Sarah Palin was the worst pick for VP in my memory. [Looks at Joe Liberman] No, she was the worst pick for VP in my memory. But under this sort of reasoning the Democrats shouldn’t have treated her as the nominee because it was bad for the GOP or it wasn’t fair or … something.
You know what? I occasionally wonder if picking on the GOP or laughing at their antics is akin to laughing at someone who is developmentally disabled and I feel a wee twinge of guilt. Maybe people like Daou feel this way all of the time.
Bill E Pilgrim
@El Cid:
You mean for once they didn’t try to prevent something that benefitted them from happening? Okay yeah I’ll give them that ;)
El Cid
@Bill E Pilgrim: One takes one’s victory’s where one can get ’em.
Bill E Pilgrim
@kommrade reproductive vigor: Yeah personally I think it gives the other side a lot more responsibility for and power over the balloon-like rise of Rush’s inflatable presence than they deserve or should try too hard to manage.
One thing is sure, when that zeppelin starts to come down, anyone who’s holding ropes near it better run.
It is so self evidently smart to elevate Rush as the leader of the Reps the only 2 questions are: 1) why did it take someone in a position of power in the Dem party so long to do it, and 2) how stupid do you have to be to think it was a bad idea?
Kevin K.
Right on schedule Daou is complaining about the “emptiness” of Obama’s speech. Apparently instead of concentrating on mending fences in the Middle East he should have been focusing on condemning acts of violence against women “across the globe.” I think next time Obama should deliver his speech from heaven.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Kevin K.:
Yes and because the US is in such a great position right now to be lecturing the word about anti-violence. Talk about leading with your chin.
I just read the speech in its entirety and I thought it was brilliant. Makes you wonder where the hell this kind of leadership has been.
El Cid
It’s not as if Obama had a completely open forum in which to deliver any message — for starters, he was giving it in the harsh all-but-named dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak’s Egypt. If it had been me, crazy leftist, giving a 40 or so minute speech, I too would have felt like I was navigating a thicket of risky references and would have to work really hard to say anything that any average Egyptian or Muslim world inhabitant might listen to.
I open the newspaper and see “Braves Get All-Star McLouth From Pirates”. Not as if John needs any sympathy or anything.
“Do you want to be with Rush or us?” is more of a slam dunk for the Obama people to ask than “Do you want to be with Dick Cheney or us?” Despite Dick Cheney’s being extremely unpopular he has actually had a job other than riling up the base in his life and has shown no signs of caring about any sort of public opinion.
I apologize if this has been posted before but the following shows us all we need to see about Limbaugh the hypocrit.
“Rush Limbaugh, 2005: I’m tired of these Democrats acting like they won the election. Somebody needs to stand up and say, “When you win the election, you pick the nominees. Until then, shut up! Just shut up! Just go away! Bury yourselves in your rat holes and don’t come out until you win an election. When you win an election, you can put all these socialist wackos, like Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer, all over the court, but until then, SHUT UP! You are really irritating me.”
Rush Limbaugh, 2009: Do you think we should go to the mat opposing Sotomayor? Do you think we ought to go to the wall to oppose her? Absolutely we should! (Sotomayor) should be stopped. She is the complete antithesis of a judge. Sotomayor should be opposed by the Republicans as far as they can take it.”
sorry John didn’t see the “S” word lurking in Limbaugh’s quote I just posted (which is no doubt why it is in moderation). Ooops.
Wow. Did you have a visible reaction (being as how Asians are inscrutable, and all)? Mine would have been wavering between laughing and punching him in the face, but then I’m an Anglo woman.
Pete “I contain multitudes” Daou needs a hobby.
The Grand Panjandrum
@Kevin K.:
I read the post and quite frankly he still doesn’t get Obama and his long game. But many Clinton supporters, and McCain supporters, never really got that about Obama. Strategic thinkers are generally underestimated when those with only the ability to think tactically stumble around babbling talking points with little understanding what is waiting down the road for them. (I guess I could be as trite as Daou and point out that Obama’s playing chess with people who can barely play checkers.)
Sure I would love it if Obama could wave his hands and the waters part and that thousands of years of culture and law in other parts of the world were changed. But I guess it is still required of all American President’s to lecture the world on human rights when we haven’t gotten our own house in order. His criticism of Obama’s unwillingness to roll back some of the Bush power grab are true, but seem naively misplaced in the context of Obama was trying to accomplish with this speech.
Daou’s post should be filed under the category: Magical Thinking.
Thomas Levenson
@dsc: Sheep, o.k.? Goats? Marmosets? Elephant shrew? The political affiliation is correct and the size seems appropriate.
I wonder what John thinks about EJ Dionne’s recent article that would seem to agree with Peter Daou on this.
EJ Dionne thinks so. Making Rush the GOP spokesman makes Rush the CENTER RIGHT of political discourse and makes Obama’s actual center-right leanings FAR LEFT RADICALISM.
So yeah.
Little Dreamer
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
Don’t victimize the GOP, they do enough of that already on their own.
I’m with a lot of others here – never thought it was a bad idea. Let him yammer on. The more he talks, the more $ we raise. I remember in the 90s how much that blow hard pumped me and my sister feminists up to do more, give more and ask for more.
Let the fat head talk. Although, I do wish Keith et al would just read what he says so I didn’t have to listen to the sound of his voice.
@BruceK: Hill? Hammock? Highchair? um… Pretty, yeah, sure I should just not post after 1AM anymore. LOL!
El Cid
@MNPundit: That’s only in the context of the exclusion of voices farther left than Obama. Emphasizing Rush as the mainstream is about making the GOP weaker, but since the media generally ignore actual liberal perspectives, they continue (continue, not become) their fealty to the center-right / far-right nexus.
Ooooh, oooh, I know the answer to this one. Hmong, Laotian, and Vietnamese (gangs). What do I win?????
@asiangrrlMN: Don’t forget Cambodian….
(If you’re in Chicago in September, a friend of mine is premiering a Cambodian American play at a semi-major theatre…)
Dr. Loveless
Haven’t the Japanese been upgraded to “good Asian” status by now? Or am I still supposed to be holding a grudge over Pearl Harbor? I mean, I’m white, but even I don’t get all the memos.
The good/bad sorting algorithm works for Latinos, too. Cubans and Spaniards = good, all other Hispanics (especially Mexicans and Puerto Ricans ) = bad.
Only if they’re American-born.
@gwangung: True that. I forgot the Cambodians because we don’t have many in the Cities. Thanks for the tip, gwangung, I would love to see that play. I think, in general, East Asians are considered “good” (yay for me, Taiwanese American!) and Southeast Asians are considered “bad”.
Not since their car share was bigger then Americans’.