Breibart’s crazed rant at Gawker borders on performance art.
Am I the only one who is reminded of those old Chris Elliot bits?
by DougJ| 76 Comments
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Breibart’s crazed rant at Gawker borders on performance art.
Am I the only one who is reminded of those old Chris Elliot bits?
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Wait. Are you implying that lesbian studies are not the cause of all islamonazicommunist violence in the world today?
Somewhat off topic but when did Hoot-smalley become a tag?
Woodrow "asim" Jarvis Hill
As God as my witness, I cannot understand these people anymore.
How the Hell did “respect other cultures, and stop using them as pawns” get perverted into “Multiculturalism is Evil!”?
I added it today.
Something Polish
Chris Elliot is a National Treasure. I think he’s moussing his hair.
Left Coast Tom
@Woodrow “asim” Jarvis Hill:
I think they’ve been watching “All in the Family” reruns and taken Archie Bunker as a role model rather than a comedic foil.
Brian J
Oh for Christ’s sake. Nobody–nobody–is equating all right wingers, even the really extreme ones, with conservative commentators in general. Of course, when discussing the events like the one that happened yesterday, people are making note of the probable and/or definite political leanings for a few different reasons. But I have yet to see anybody make the connection that because a few people who happen to share some beliefs with a larger community are nuts and express that insanity through violence, everyone who has certain political beliefs is on the same moral level. If people like Briebart would like to offer some examples of this alleged behavior, I’d be more than happy to denounce them with him, but I won’t be holding my breath.
I’m not sure if this is simply an issue they have chosen to demagogue the public with, or if they suffer some some inability to read and reason. I used to think the former, but now the latter looks a lot more likely.
I’ll go you one more–David Klinghoffer blames it all on Darwin. Not shitting you.
El Cid
It’s gone past the point now where I was frustrated at all this troglodyte “buh von Brunn is teh leff ’cause we said so”, but now I’m realizing they’re really committed to this, and it’s sort of awesome because once again the right is trying to piss off the liberals by shoveling more and more coal into the firebox and speeding up the engine as the train heads into a really tight curve.
When the cards aren’t coming your way, double down. So, how many weeks before some wingnut straps on a vest?
The Onion writers have to be looking at pink slips by now. Their humor’s been completely usurped by MSNBC, ABC news, CNN, etc. I cant see them having any real subscribers.
Seriously, you could NOT score over 50% on a “Onion, or real?” contest with headlines taken from news in the past 4 months.
Birther of a Nation.
steve s
Well, let’s test out a recent example…
‘Neo-Nazi Goes to Holocaust Memorial to Shoot Minorities: Fox News Commentator Blames Tolerance, Muslims.”
Nope. Nothing the Onion can do to exceed that.
If ND30’s posts suddenly stop next week, we’ll know why.
@Punchy: Yeah, my comedy group’s been in a deep depression for a couple months. The Republicans have been one-uppin’ all our good material….
it’s sort of awesome because once again the right is trying to piss off the liberals by shoveling more and more coal into the firebox and speeding up the engine as the train heads into a really tight curve.
Thanks. I’d been dreading the next few weeks of dumb TV commenters saying, “Well, maybe the shooter really was an Obama fan”… but that really does sum the situation up very well.
Normal people know where white supremacists fall on the political scale, and they’re not going to get fooled by clumsy oafs like Breitblart. And the more they scream about it — and they definitely will scream about it — the more that non-wingnuts will say, “Damn, those Republicans are all either terrorists or just plain fucking crazy. I’m never voting for those assholes again!”
There are going to be a few non-crazies left trying to convince the rest of the Republicans not to quadruple down on the crazy, but by now, I suspect that most of them see the writing on the wall and will either go “independent” or try to keep their heads down and keep quiet.
As it is, I’m looking forward to the GOP embracing Duke, Phelps, and Manson as their new spokescritters — boy, will it ever piss off those liberals!
Johnny Pez
Waitaminute! Are you saying that Andrew Breitblart is actually The Guy Under The Seats?
It all makes SENSE now!
Asshole conservative blogger gets smashed and decides to do some dialing. What could possibly go wrong? Whatta maroon…
mr. whipple
Pretty much what I said about some wingding post John featured a day or so ago.
It’s all just incomprehensible gibberish now.
El Cid
The Krug-Man gets shrill.
@DougJ: I’m guessing (hoping) the tag is to signify moments of great Bachmannism, as demonstrated by Breitbart’s straight-out-of-central-wingnut-casting performance today?
Can’t wait till this guy goes on Bill Maher’s show again. He’s so nonsensical that it’s entertaining, in a way. My dream panel would be Breitbart, Hitchens, and a bottle of Stoli between them.
Oh, and when did Newt Gingrich grow a ponytail and become a bounty hunter? I missed that.
I think I blinked and missed the Hoot-Smalley hootenanny that occurred back in April, so looked it up on TPM. Thank you for the education. As predictably dispiriting as it was.
Also, the Shep Smith backlash begins. Shep is a very bad person, who must be purged, for daring to mention that sometimes, crazy people send scary emails to Fox News.
El Cid
@JenJen: Puuuuuuuurge him! PUUUUUUUURGE HIM!
Begins? We’ve always been at war with eastasia.
@Woodrow “asim” Jarvis Hill:
Didn’t you see what John Bolton said the other day?
That was basically “disrespect other cultures, use other countries as pawns, because we are America!! Number 1 !! Yahoo!!! and we have the biggest dicks”.
I don’t think Bolton has been tagged as a libruhl yet by the wingnuts, so everything opposite of what he said will naturally considered as evil by the nuts.
Bill E Pilgrim
Scrub a dub dub
So first the data scrubbing, now the brain scrubbing.
@Bill E Pilgrim: Who will be the first Holocaust Museum shooting denier?
El Cid
Charlie Krap-hammer declares that a U.S.-run coup against an elected government and installation of the Shah regime and its murderous SAVAK tyranny slaughtering thousands of dissidents doesn’t really count, and Obama’s just making a false equivalence by daring to mention it alongside Iran’s later crimes:
God I hate these bastards.
Bill E Pilgrim
What Holocaust Museum shooting?
First the pro-torture Christians, then Erickson claiming liberals celebrate when American troops die, now Breitbart’s drunken rage… and that not even counting Schussel blaming the Muslims for everything.
I have conservative friends and family who are fairly smart and well-intentioned folk. But these people are fucking morons – and assholes to boot.
umm, can I pass this 15 minutes of nuttery? It makes fame seem completely less revolting.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Who would call Gawker and leave a message like that? What did he think would happen?
It could have been better though. He could have been throwing a few back with Jon Voight and Craig T. Nelson. They could have passed the phone around.
DougJ, just to reiterate, I’ve been laughing every few minutes, ever since you posted the new tag, and the post title.
You keep out-snarking yourself lately, and it’s awesome. :+)
Edit: It’s from ten years ago, actually. Never mind. That’s the Daily Beast for you.
O/T, but if I’m not mistaken, this is the first piece of writing from the former President since leaving office in January, isn’t it?
@Bill E Pilgrim:
What Holocaust Museum?
Brian J:
But the sooner they do, the better!
Bill E Pilgrim
Oh Hoot-Smalley, that was where Michelle Bachmann claimed that the Great Depression was caused by Al Franken stealing the election.
From Herbert Hoover I think. AKA “Hoot”.
A… multiculturalist white supremacist. A novel idea, I suppose. I guess Breitblart wants us to think that the guy advocated for people of all races and religions to hold hands and sing hymnals to the glory of the white race and the necessity of exterminating Jews?
Notorious P.A.T.
The only thing that worries me is: how many average Americans are going to start telling themselves “hmm, all these people are saying that fascism is a liberal thing, so it must be true”?
Thanks a lot Jonah, you piece of crap.
Notorious P.A.T.
One doesn’t fight ignorance with ignorance. grumble grumble
El Cid
If a multiculturalist is a white guy who hates Jews and blacks, what’s a monoculturalist?
Sm*t Cl*de
A monoculturalist? If you are referring to the contents of my glasshouse, I assure you that they are purely ornamental plants.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Sm*t Cl*de:
Anyone who would cultivate mono must be a domestic terrorist.
Probably trying to get out of going to high school.
PS Anyone who lives in a glasshouse shouldn’t get stoned.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
@Something Polish:
Amen. I still curse the Fox network every day for canceling “Get a Life.” That was the funniest non-cartoon TV show ever, and they murdered it after 2 seasons. (Yes, I really do curse them for this on a daily basis. I set aside a few minutes of each day. Passerby might think I’m praying, unless they come close enough to hear me muttering the f-word under my breath.)
Further evidence that Von Brunn is a liberal:
Never mind that “far-right activists” stuff. Clearly, if he is “friends” with a foreign nation, he’s a lefty.
@Scruffy McSnufflepuss:
Sadly,Get A Life isn’t even available on DVD except for a few selected episodes in a half-assed DVD put out several years back.
The Grand Panjandrum
Whoa! That is some kind of awesome Breitbart’s got going on. Is that Steely Dan I hear off in the distance? Randall Terry had his awesome going on as well. He even made a somewhat obtuse reference to JFK and seemed to infer that murdering doctors who perform abortions was OK. Brian Beutler has the rundown at TPM. But here is a quote from Terry:
And to that I say: Janet Napolitano knows where you live motherfucker. (And I would also point out that these guys seem to be playing the victim card regularly. Boo fucking hoo … make a bed stacked waist deep in shit and now you don’t want to sleep in it? Oh, the horror! Those mean old DFH’s are coming … good grief is this a bad movie?)
BTW looks like von Brunn used to live about a half mile from where I live now. As far as I know we don’t have any fully crazed white supremacists living near here anymore but we do have our fair share of DFH’s and Patriot fans who regularly wear jerseys of their favorite players. The DFH’s are cool because most of them run small farms or teach at the local Ivy League establishment but the others, well … Losers. What sane adult pays good money to advertise for a major league franchise … ummm, oh yeah.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss:
And then they think you’re having a Tourette’s episode.
Or maybe they think you’re cursing Fox and Murdoch – it’s a fairly common reaction, after all.
kommrade reproductive vigor
True, but you’re talking about a group of people who will take a crime by one member of a minority and scream SEE! ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE ARE EVILLL!!
Now they’re afraid of having done unto them what they’ve done unto others.
@The Grand Panjandrum:
They can’t turn it off. I swear to God.
“They all should be tried for terrorism and sedition!” What the hell? That was in the report? Where?
That’s worse than the original overreaction to the Homeland Security report, and the rant at the top of the page is worse than the original hissy fit inspired by the report, as well.
Incredibly, the denials are ratcheting it up higher
The Homeland Security report said “there might be some extremist angry right wingers out there, blah,blah, blah”.
On cue, non-extremist right wingers appear, denying the report, screaming it’s unfair, and they’re really, really angry.
Get A Life was so great. On the surface, it was just a dumb sitcom a la Married With Children, but it was actually an anti-sitcom; a post-modern deconstruction of an entire genre of television. Amazing that something so odd and surreal lasted for even two seasons. My favorite episode was the Frank Capra pastiche where Chris visited the big city and lost his wallet.
Digital Amish
What Holocaust?
@Allan: Bill E Pilgrim: Who will be the first Holocaust Museum shooting denier?
@Bill E Pilgrim: What Holocaust Museum shooting?
@r€nato: What Holocaust Museum?
What Holocaust?
See, it’s easy. Now what’s all this nonsense between the Armenians and the Turks…
res ipsa loquitur
What in God’s name is he wearing? Is that a costume? Does he ordinarily dress like that? As for his hair: I’m speechless.
@Digital Amish: Ahhh, ya beat me to it! But I have better formatting…
Yes, exactly.
Bill E Pilgrim
It’s really very simple, Breibart is saying that he’s fracking insulted by anyone calling the shooter a right wing extremist because Breibart is not a right wing extremist!
This is taking “methinks the lady doth protest too much” to an entirely new previously unexplored wingnut level.
Shorter Breibart:
“Don’t call someone else an extremist! I am not !!”
@Bill E Pilgrim:
It’s consistent, though. They just make no distinctions. It’s all outrage, and it’s all the same level, HIGH.
Homeland Security report is the same as “apology tour” is the same as GM bailout is the same as health care reform, and each of those outrages is equivalent to a stupid David Letterman joke.
Grover Norquest says the GM bailout is “Obama’s Katrina”. That doesn’t even make sense. The GM bailout is something, but it has not one thing in common with Katrina. It’s arguably the opposite of Katrina, if we’re talking about government intervention in a crisis.
A six year old has levels of hissy fit, because they know it won’t work if they go ballistic on everything. Not these guys. They’re….in the terrible twos.
A Mom Anon
At least with 2 yr olds a blankie and a juice box,along with a well timed nap, solves the problem.
It’s like most of our culture is mentally ill. Not just people,but the actual culture itself. I keep telling myself they’re the minority,but holy shit they’re fucking scary.
Digital Amish
I blame on The Left.
Bill E Pilgrim
Exactly back. And the thing is, it really doesn’t matter. I mean in the end the big battle between the “right” and the “left” of the blogsophere or anywhere-o-sphere is pretty much like Sneetches, or 1984, as Chomsky and few others manage to point out, it’s the usual binary busybox for infants (and does keep us entertained, it’s true) while real things happen out there.
The only real issue is that people are being killed now, and anyone egging them on with extremist encouragement or inspiration should be shamed into stopping, whatever end of our spectrum-du-jour we’re placing them in. Because no one will ever agree on that, and even if Breibart or anyone else suddenly said “Okay I’m really really right-wing, I’m extreme”, so what, really?
Whatever end of whatever spectrum he and O’Rielly and Beck and Limbaugh are on, they’re encouraging people to murder now, and they should stop doing that. They should be shamed out of continuing, the whole country should recognize and shun them for it. You can’t pass laws but we can shame and shun. And should.
And I’d say the same were it “the left” getting anyone killed, in startling frequent episodes. The whole debate over who’s right and who’s left and who’s extreme is a way to avoid responsibility, is the point.
My, I do go on.
Ash Can
@kommrade reproductive vigor:
This must be it, although when I see these right-wing pols, media talkers and bloggers carrying on so about the DHS report, I can’t help but think, “well OK then guys, if the shoe fits…”
@Bill E Pilgrim: Ah, Bill, I don’t think you’re going to shame Rush Limbaugh or any of these assholes out of anything. Shame would require a conscience, and they have none. There are however, other methods at our government’s disposal which these same folks have championed the use of in extreme circumstances, of course…
Ash Can
@Bill E Pilgrim:
We can also investigate, the way the FBI did when left-wing extremists were blowing shit up in the late 60s. We may never know exactly how effective the surveillance, infiltration etc. was, and at the time it was certainly controversial. However, the fact remains that not very many people ended up getting killed by these groups, and remembering what the leaders of the SDS, Weathermen, etc. were like, I’m willing to bet the low body count wasn’t a function of their basic human decency and kindness. I hate the idea of a surveillance society as much as anyone, but investigation and monitoring of extremists does not a Soviet-bloc country make. We can (and should) shame and shun, but I also like the more immediate impact a conscientious law enforcement effort can have.
Scruffy McSnufflepuss
Luckily for me, I have the episodes taped directly off television. The footage isn’t the best, but it’s the best I can do now.
Very true. Mudoch’s sins are greater than the simple cancellation of a great show or two.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
I think (hope?) it will happen, and I believe it will be more subtle than a mass, orchestrated shunning, but effective all the same.
I don’t want any new speech restrictions, and I have grave doubts about infiltrating political parties and looking for sedition. I don’t want that.
The screeching continues, because the screeching is considered effective. If it stops working politically, it stops, because it’s political.
I wonder if the screech machine is broken. I can get from Katrina/Bush to Obama/GM, but I’m familiar with a ridiculous number of the collected statements of Grover Norquist.
If I didn’t know what Norquist usually says, if I wasn’t able to make some attenuated connection, say…..Katrina/Bush is like Obama/GM because they’re both examples of failed federal intervention, I would just hear “Katrina/Bush = Obama/GM” and be bewildered.
Maybe the big ‘ol machine is broken. I hope so.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Ash Can:
Well, that’s all part of it. I mean investigation up to and only up to the point that it’s still legal, of course.
I personally don’t think that investigation is why we stopped having violent or semi-violent leftist extremists in the 70s. I think things stop being acceptable, at all, and that’s why they go away. They fall out of style, among other things.
We’re all saying that Bill O’Rielly, say, is allowed to spew his lines about “murder” and “baby killer” and then we see the results. And that’s what I mean by it seeming acceptable. Some insane person hears this and thinks that it’s now accepted, because it’s right there on TV mainstream and lots of people applaud it.
Put another way: Fred Phelps isn’t being thrown in jail or legally shut up, but he’s so discredited that few are being inspired by him to do something stupid.
Limbaugh needs to be marginalized. I’m not talking about his shame, by the way, of course that’s ridiculous, but that of others who can be made to feel ashamed for listening.
Ash Can
Me too, definitely. But infiltrating the Weathermen or the Army of God is clearly not the same as infiltrating the RNC or DNC. The difference between monitoring extremists and monitoring political parties and their legitimately affiliated organizations is the difference between trying to protect people and property and trying to protect one’s own power. That distinction shouldn’t be too difficult for law enforcement entities to observe, or for legal entities to impose if law enforcement personnel get a little too enthusiastic in their missions.
El Cid
The authorities didn’t have a problem infiltrating protesters for the Republican National Conventions, monitoring their communications, bugging their offices, even sending in double agents / alleged agents provocateurs.
But that’s okay because those are liberals and leftists, but, god, don’t dare let anyone suggest the government monitor right wing groups frequently connected with violence.
@Ash Can:
It’s a good point. Granted. There’s a difference.
It worries me a for a lot of reasons, though, Ash Can. The distinctions are discretionary. Your distinctions are sound, and clear-cut, but in practice?
There’s a lot of potential there for politically motivated prosecutions, and then there’s the chilling effect on all political speech, which I believe is real, and has to be reckoned with, or at least factored in.
@NonWonderDog: Considering we spent the past week on this blog pre-emptively mocking every single thing these people are now saying, and without shame, I’m wondering:
1. Have the wingnuts been reading lefty blogs for talking points this whole time? If so, we got played, not the formerly Prejean-loving ‘bots;
2. Forget the Onion: how can we ever be snarky again? When will Colbert be an actual Conservative spokesperson, and what will his protests to the contrary matter?
This morning I left a comment at S,N! about Skokie proving the neo-Nazis are ACLU loving liberals. Now I feel like maybe I’m the Manchurian Conservatard. Don’t fall asleep!
@El Cid:
I don’t want to do tit for tat. An investigation, all by itself, is chilling. You have to have more than a paragraph in a rant to launch one.
We prosecute people one at a time, for specific acts. It’s just bedrock. We don’t haul the whole neighborhood in, and exclude the innocent, until shooter is last man standing. It goes the other way.
You know, here in Hawaii, Dog the Bounty Hunter is considered a cultural treasure.
Just kiddin’. If we were a sovereign nation, he’d be a national embarrassment. It’s a major factor in denying Hawaiian sovereignty.
No, really.
This is all true, though. Honest.