Way to go, Michele:
Three House Republicans on the subcommittee overseeing the 2010 Census are asking Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) to reverse her decision to boycott the national population count, fearing others will follow her lead.
“Boycotting the constitutionally mandated Census is illogical, illegal and not in the best interest of our country,” Reps. Patrick McHenry (N.C.), Lynn Westmoreland (Ga.) and John Mica (Fla.), members of the Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census and National Achieves, said in a statement Wednesday.
***Sources say the GOP Members approached Bachmann privately over the past few weeks and asked her to stop the boycott. They decided to go public because Bachmann appeared unfazed by their request, according to a GOP aide.
Patrick McHenry was last seen trying to blame the Mark Foley scandal on Nancy Pelosi, and Lynn Westmoreland was last heard calling Obama “Uppity.” In other words, these are real, certified, live wingnuts who find Bachmann too crazy for their tastes.
and Billo’s now convinced that Obama’s mojo is so potent that it downed the otherwise assumedly immortal Michael J. whoo boy. Everest stacked upon Everest in terms of peakiness and sharks jumping sharks.
McHenry and company are just bitter that Bachmann is lapping them in the wingnut marathon.
Little Dreamer
Congress critters don’t abide by laws any other time, why should this time matter? I say if Bachmann wants to talk herself out of her job, LET HER.
Doesn’t batshit crazy Bachman realize that if the citizens in her district aren’t counted then she has no job?
And then she gets to whine about her victimhood again.
Westmoreland is also the guy who could only name 2 of the 10 commandments on the Colbert Report despite pushing a bill to allow or require posting of the 10 commandments in government buildings.
Little Dreamer
Oh come on! She’s a wingnut, you expect her to think logically?
No Peak Wingnut glass ceiling she can’t break. She’s the real deal. Accept no packaged substitutes like Beck.
Little Dreamer
The folks who need the ten commandments plastered everywhere have need to be able to read them over and over again because they can’t remember them.
When they get to that fourth commandment about idols, they say “it’s a mystery, I’ll understand it by the by”
She’ll then get to claim, while running in another district, that she was the victim of a conspiracy to keep a truth-teller out of Congress. And she’s stupid enough to believe it.
You want wingnut? I bet this person is one of Bachman’s biggest cheerleaders! (And no this post is not a spoof, Karen is legend in Birfistan)
Jul 1, 2009 – 1:12PM
Re: Letters needed NOW on Judge on Kerchner v Obama Case
Who are these family secirty matters people? Obots made to make us look stupid sending letters to that Judge I bet! The lady at court acted like I was a simpletin for sending a letter. she said anyone would now its prejidishul (I dunno that word).
Well I didn’t now and don’t appreciate court people actnig like Im a fool.
State: DC”
You can’t make this shit up.
Left Coast Tom
I guess not. But if Minneapolis were to build a subway then I guess an unemployed Bachmann could sit at an entrance and expound upon her theories to all who might be interested, and many who aren’t.
Also, too. Westmoreland was the one who appeared on Colbert’s show, talked about the overwhelming importance of posting the Ten Commandments in Public Places…and couldn’t name them all. You had to know he thought the wingnuttery thing was a goof. Also.
In before RedState declares McHenry and Westy closet libs who can just go change parties, thank you very much.
Let the further party cleansing continue…..
I am suddenly reminded of this classic, courtesy my own whacko-wingnut Congresswoman!
I imagine Rep. Bachmann is experiencing something akin to the 0:37 moment right about now.
Is this genuine crazy or is this bits and pieces of crap her staff is feeding her? Does she have a main advisor or is she freelancing?
Cause that could be a whole other level of nuts.
We’ll take the skyway
It don’t move at all like a subway
It’s got bums when it’s cold like any other place
It’s warm up inside
Sittin’ down and waitin’ for a ride
Beneath the skyway
Wow, that was one highly concentrated, supercharged double dose of batshit. To be fair, sometimes it’s hard to remember that the “D” in DC doesn’t stand for “state”.
She always has that vacant look. It’s like there’s nothing there behind the eyes.
@Litlebritdifrnt: That’s pretty good. She seems like she could easily be Morans Guy’s wife. Or sister. Probably both.
I would guess both.
Little Dreamer
She’s a robot gone rogue.
It’s genuine.
Advisors aren’t that consistent. If one or two would give crazy advise like that, surely someone with a modicum of sanity would step up and set her straight – at the very least other members of Congress would intervene with her staff, but that’s clearly not happening.
She is truly crazy. She doesn’t seem to understand that if she doesn’t send back a filled out form, she will be called. If she doesn’t respond to the phone call, the person assigned to her district (or area, whatever), will make a personal visit.
I realize she doesn’t want to make the government efficient or workable.
Two refs in one day.
One foot in the door
the other one in the gutter
joe from Lowell
Michelle Bachman and her ilk are going to get a Census worker killed.
Mark my words.
Bubblegum Tate
Speaking of going crazy, the call has been put forth: Wingnuts goin’ Galt on July 30!
Actually, what they’re going to do is “call in conservative” on that day (their choice to make “conservative” a stand-in for “sick,” not mine) and hold their breath and stay in their rooms and, well:
Naturally, they have delusions of grandeur as to what this will accomplish:
The potential for hilarity and sad trombones is enormous, yes.
Oh no, it’s genuine. Keep in mind this is the same woman who publicly asked Geithner and Bernanke to swear the US wasn’t moving to a single, worldwide currency.
I caught an episode of Midday on Minnesota Public Radio a while back with two players in the state DFL and Republican parties. Both guys are pretty mellow and don’t get into the firebreathing rhetoric. However, when asked about Bachmann the Republican member basically called her an embarrassment to the state of MN. I think her act is wearing thin.
Little Dreamer
@Bubblegum Tate:
Billions? Not likely.
The Moar You Know
@Bubblegum Tate: Classic. Did they not observe how well the “Day Without A Mexican” went here in SoCal?* Thought not.
*Every high school kid ditched. Everyone else, Mexicans included, went to work.
@joe from Lowell: And she’ll blame it on liberals who want gun control.
Prof. K&G
I suspect that the democratic party has some hardcore sleeper operatives burrowed deep in the conservasphere. As they are activated, they spread ideas like “don’t let the census count you!” Call in “conservative” to your job! Arlen Specter and Susan Collins should be kicked out of the republican party! That’ll show ’em – trust us!
+5 for the Mats
@Little Dreamer:
are you kidding? frito-lay will go out of business from the lack of cheeto sales.
As Carville once said, When your enemy is drowning, throw them an anvil (so I would start getting Bachmann all over TV). Or put more charitably, as Sully said recently, “best not to interfere when your enemy is determined to self-destruct”.
All we have to do is keep being eminently reasonable and unflappable (sounds like everyone should be Obama-like, in temperament, anyway) and apparently this causes Republicans to LOSE THEIR EVER-LOVING MINDS!
There’s some pretty deep pathology at work here, and I strongly suggest we take advantage.
Brian J
Apparently not. Or, she does, but in her mind, she’s got a more noble cause–preventing FEMA concentration camps or something–that she puts above her political career.
@jcricket: I put it as: “Don’t step on your enemy’s toes when he’s about to shoot himself in the foot.”
oh really
That’s because she couldn’t hear them. With God screaming at the top of his lungs inside her head, not a lot else gets through.
oh really
Red herring. Bachmann has not said she would not fill out the question asking how many people live in her house — it’s all the rest she objects to. In truth, Bachmann seems to have confused the census questionnaire with the American Community Survey, which asks for much more extensive and detailed information.
So, Bachmann doesn’t object to counting everyone, she just doesn’t want the government to know anything else about its citizens. Since she doesn’t believe in government and doesn’t want government programs to exist, she clearly wouldn’t care that the information gathered in the ACS is used to help allocate funds and administer programs.
In the end, I figure Bachmann knows that if she goes to court she’s a cinch to get off by pleading insanity. The burden would fall on the government to prove she’s not insane — and that would be impossible.
grumpy realist
Doesn’t the census sent out a standard short form to 9 in 10 households, and a longer, much more detailed form to about 1 in 10? I remember getting the longer form last time and wondering how much my answers would throw off the average….
(Well, at least I *hoped* they counted it. Standard polling agencies have a tendency to hang up when they discover I have no TV.)
Take a good look at Bachman the next time a TV camera catches her. Yes, I know it’s distasteful, but do it anyway. That woman is on something. I don’t know if it’s painkillers, or anti-psychotics, or coke, or just a whole lot of weed, but she’s on something.
I’m taking a second look at the theory that has her auditioning for a pundit/radio gig after 2010.
When Rep. Bachman manages to make Rep. Patrick McHenry R-NC look like a sober, sane, pragmatic, and wise member of the reality-based community, that’s truly a sign of just how far over the event horizon of lunacy she’s gone. Rep. McHenry is practically a walking definition of “loose cannon” and has well-known inclinations to dig gaffing holes for himself with that brash shovel of a mouth of his.
Unfortunately, some congressional districts are drawn in a manner to be heavily enough loaded with political moonbats for constituents, people like McHenry and Bachman truly *are* “representatives” of a working majority of their district. The problem with believing that better exposure of particularly spectacular instances of their nuttiness will cause their constituents to re-think their voting support is that to a huge portion of these constitutents, this sort of behavior is a feature, not a bug of their congresscritter. For example, the late Helent Chenowith R-Idaho was as barking-at-the-moon insane a wingnut as ever sat in Congress (she made Bachman look sober and sane by comparison), yet she was never in any danger of losing her seat with her home electorate. Unfortunately, McHenry’s is probably indefinitely a “safe” seat. Bachman’s majority is less secure.
@Bubblegum Tate: Since you brought it up, I figured “Why wait? Let’s experience the fail now!“
It is obvious McHenry, Westmoreland and Mica are nothing but RINOs. Clearly they need to be removed from the party — the Club for Growth needs to be informed!
When you’re too wingnutty for McHenry and Westmoreland, than you’re pretty coocoo. In the words of Glenn Beck, you’re “insane”.
J. A. Baker
Shouldn’t this post also get the “Wingnut Event Horizon” tag?
Bubblegum Tate
One of the greatest sound effects ever.
Richy M
I learned a long time ago, those needing to use four letter words to communicate lack the intellegence to communicate otherwise. I too decided not to participate in the next cencus with President Idiot politicizing even that.
You people are almost commical. You criticize Bachman and accept Nancy Pelosi? Talk about a lunitic.
J. A. Baker
@Richy M: At least I know how to spell the four-letter words.
C’mon. All of his misspellings had at least six letters.
@xaaronx: And besides, the misspelling “intellegence” has a certain quaint charm to it, don’t you think?