When an officer of the law plants drugs on you, you should just say “yes sir” and “no sir”… it’s what I would hypothetically do since there’s no chance it will happen to my privileged white ass.
fun game to play with the “I don’t trust the government” wingnut…
Balloon Juice Commenter: So, you don’t trust the government?
Wingnut: Fuck no.
BJC: so, you don’t trust the police?
Wingnut: of course I trust the police.
BJC: you realize, the police are part of the government, right?
Wingnut: So?
BJC: well, if the government can’t do anything right, then it follows that the police can’t do anything right
Wingnut: No, the police are always right
BJC: so, the government is always right?
Wingnut: No, just the police.
BJC: Well, clearly, you cannot choose the wine in front of you.
I hope it really sucks to be a cop on the beat after this Gates shit.
c u n d gulag
This can’t be news to anyone? Can this?
The amazing thing is how stupid these cops may have been.
Who’s the Employment Agency lately for all of these stupid cops?
General Winfield Stuck
And I’d bet dollars to donuts this whole sorry spectacle will be deemed appropriate police conduct somewhere somehow. Nothing is more suspect than clear video evidence, so it seems form past incidents like this, where actually if you look at it from a different angle, the cop could have been slipping him some coin to make bail. Also.
If one thing is clear, cameras mounted on police cars need to be removed. Keep on movin’.
that cop was Concern Trolling the crap outta that guy.
Clearly, this is how realignments happen.
But, but, Obama is a Kenyan-Hawaiian Muslim and you can’t prove otherwise. If you cherished our precious freedoms you would bow before every cop you saw. If that guy was really innocent, the cops wouldn’t have messed with him.
As a teenager, my husband spent a couple of years in Venezuela where this shit was a regular fact of life. Everyone, even the rich, lived in fear of corrupt cops.
Cat Lady
Why is this any of this a surprise to anybody? The bullies and troublemakers I knew in high school are either cops or tried to be cops. Who wants to be a cop? People who like to be in and around trouble. Cops are to _____ as volunteer firefighters are to arsonists. Duh.
Maybe if the good cops ratted out the bad cops, instead of covering for them, we’d get somewhere.
As far as Rudy’s pearls of wisdom, let’s talk about his awesome Florida strategy. Palin/Rudy 2012.
I suspect it is because these men are Darwinists, socialists, relativists, and otherwise non-believers in baby jeebus’ miraculous birth.
Joking aside: as an atheist and generally kind and decent human being, i chafe at the everloudening insistence that I am the one lacking morals. Really?
What should be a real indicator of how the police think, is that they do this stuff knowing there are dash-cams recording it.
There’s video (which at the moment I can’t find the link, but it was on the major networks) of cops falsifying a report on a woman when a cop hit her car. They started by accusing her of being drunk (she wasn’t) and went on from there. It’s all on tape.
Note to John: RSS feed isn’t working now. Also.
Comrade Dread
Yeah, I’ve had the conversation with wingnuts so many times it makes my head hurt thinking about it.
Apparently, you give a government employee a badge and a weapon and they stop being petty incompetent power hungry boobs and become someone who must be bowed before.
Part of it is the gun worship. You cant be that bad of a person if you are allowed to carry a gun everywhere.
John S.
The worst part about Gates-gate is that there was a teaching opportunity, but it sailed right over the heads of everyone obsessed with the race bullshit.
There is a serious rot within this country’s law enforcement. Too many police officers clearly DO NOT understand their role, because they style themselves some sort of authoritarian masters rather than enforcers of the fucking law. I reckon they have seen Judge Dredd one too many times and think to themselves, “I AM THE LAW.”
No, assholes, you are not the law. See what your fucking squad car says on the side there? SERVE AND PROTECT. The citizens do not exist to serve YOU and your authoritarian fantasies, and we’re not supposed to need protection FROM you.
Get back to doing the job you’re supposed to be doing, you motherfuckers.
I used to think this BS was on the decline. But then came 9/11 and the subsequent fear mongering. Approval of a police state then took a large uptick.
Cops are to _ as volunteer firefighters are to arsonists. Duh.
Umm, just fucking wow. I have little if no love for our brothers in blue bedecked in the badges and armed with their blunderbusses, but as a proud union member and a former firefighter, that’s just fucking wrong.
As the noted philosopher Ice Cube put it so wonderfully … Fuck the police!
They were just looking for his birth certificate.
Conservatives love authority, includes the police, CIA, NSA, military, and the FBI (but not the ATF cuz they TOOK ARR GUNZ). They hate effete government bureaucrats because they know that those guys can fuck up your life WAY MORE than someone packing heat and carrying a badge.
Personally, I’m amazed those pigs didn’t tase him or smack him with a billy club.
Those criminals will get a slap on the wrist and keep their badges. The victim will wind up having spent more time behind bars.
Just keep walking. Also.
Hey, just think… That’s how they treat a white guy, one of their own tribe.
@General Winfield Stuck: And I’d bet dollars to donuts this whole sorry spectacle will be deemed appropriate police conduct somewhere somehow.
No. More likely every drug arrest any of these officers made will be overturned.
Something similar happened in New Haven, CT, and it was a god damned legal nightmare.
And it’s yet another reason why most drugs should be decriminalized. It’s much harder to plant a dead body on someone during a traffic stop.
Ella in NM
Ever since the Gates fiasco started being framed only as a “racial’ incident, I have had to keep myself from throwing a beer bottle at my TV screen every time I hear them blithering idiots on cable news. Yes, race may have played some part in that incident, but it is clear that this was more than that, and NO ONE’s TALKING ABOUT IT. It’s because the little candy-asses still think that that kind of thing could never happen to THEM. It’s about abuse of power, sense of entitlement, and the kind of people we are hiring to be cops.
Two years ago, a local white guy (who just happens to own a pretty nice small business and so had the means to consult a civil attorney) sued our city police for for violating his constitutional rights and other injuries and WON a half-million dollars. What for? He yelled “bitch!” at a woman who nearly rammed her car into him trying to beat him to a parking place at the Target. One of our city’s finest–who seemed to forget he was off duty at the time–decided he didn’t like that language, swaggered up to him as he was entering the store, and told the guy to watch his mouth or he’d have to cite him. When the man wasn’t sufficiently deferent, Supercop arrested the guy for disorderly conduct and then added resisting arrest after he argued with him that he had broken no laws. For good measure, he threw the man on the ground and tore his rotator cuff putting him in handcuffs.
This crap with more and more cops acting like they’re frigging omnipotent enforcers has been going on for a long time, but it definitely has gotten WAY worse over the past 8 years with the fear-based 911 “uber-justification” for all government overuse of authority. Now they are basically being trained to think like scared victims in every setting, rather than to develop good judgement and interpersonal communication and conflict resolution skills.
The only way this shit will change is when these people to sue the friggin’ pants off cops and cities.
@ericvsthem: Huh? What is he? “High Yella” black? Foxtrot Tango Whiskey. I give up.
I can’t help but wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that a significant minority of cops are also National Guardsmen who have been sent to Iraq and Afghanistan. The cop in Oakland who shot the guy in the back (claiming that he mixed up his gun and his Taser) was an Iraq veteran.
How many of these guys are coming back with major PTSD and/or closed head injuries? Who got hired to take their place while they were overseas? If the Army has had to resort to recruiting convicted criminals and illiterates, I can just imagine the winners that have been applying for the police force.
String those cop motherfuckers up, and give that worthless woman-beater enough money so his girlfriend stays around to spend it. I’ve about had it with authoritarians in this country.
In related news, cops in Hollywood, FL are caught on tape discussing how they will falsify a police report to blame a woman for a car accident in which they are at fault.
As a result of this coming out, the woman’s charges were dropped, the cops are suspended and may be fired, and criminal defense attorneys are going through their case files to see if any of the tainted cops played a role in the arrest/investigation. If so, they will argue that those cops are known to falsify police records and can’t be trusted. Ever.
You make a good point about veterans on the force, also:
There’s Soldiering: Engaging and defeating an enemy through use of military force, and then occupying his territory.
And then there’s Policing. Somebody needs to inform police in this country that there’s a difference.
There has long been a prolonged, systemic failure of law enforcement to see itself as a policing agency, and not as a militaristic institution.
The program was streamlined in 1997 when Congress created an agency called the Law Enforcement Support Program to facilitate the giveaways. […] The transfers have only picked up since then. The program is also how Richland County, South Carolina Sheriff Leon Lott acquired his M113A1 armored personnel carrier, which moves on tank-like tracks, and features a belt-fed, turreted machine gun that fires .50-caliber rounds.
School police being given M-16s? Local cops acquiring Blackhawks and Hueys? No wonder there’s a mentality of:
“This is a war. We are soldiers. Death can come for us at any place, at any time. ZOMGZ! That woman has Knitting Needles!”
It’s much harder to plant a dead body on someone during a traffic stop.
Wut? I would hope so. Anyways, I hope your right. The video looks incriminating, but beyond a reasonable doubt, or even more likely than not. We shall see. The cop lawyers have debunking apparent clear convincing dashcam evidence down to a science.
Take it easy on Rudy, Rahm told him to shut up too. Rahm was yelling and jumping around though.
General Winfield Stuck
But a Tennessee Bureau of Investigation concluded that Melton was reaching into his pocket to hit a button to make sure the camera in his car was recording the arrest.
Of course he was. And the beat goes on.
The rest of you need to stop posting until you’ve given proper deference to the Princess Bride reference KG left up in #3.
Kudos sir. Very well done indeed.
@freelancer: Do the bobbies still just carry their night sticks? Might not be a bad idea to go back to that. Cops are pretty good at getting people down on the ground, and the tazers should take care of the truly problematic cases.
I’m in Argentina now. In the 80’s the cops (technically, they’re not cops, but gendarmeria, which is military, but they often patrol the streets. ) used to carry submachine guns. Now they carry shotguns. Really? Could they carry weapons any MORE likely to damage innocent bystanders? I can only think of flamethrowers and grenades.
@General Winfield Stuck: The case in New Haven was a federal case, with federal investigators who Knew Their Shit and had incontrevertible evidence… so you might be right, they might get off. But if they do, someone needs to open up a can of vigilante justice on them.
Like, I was over in England. You ever been to England, anyone, been to England? No one has handguns in England, not even the cops. True or false? True. Now-in England last year, they had fourteen deaths from handguns. FFFFFourteen. Now-the United States, and I think you know how we feel about handguns-woooo, I’m getting a warm tingly feeling just saying the fucking word, to be honest with you. I swear to you, I am hard. Twenty-three thousand deaths from handguns. Now let’s go through those numbers again, because they’re a little baffling at first glance. England, where no one has guns, fffffffourteen deaths. United States, and I think you know how we feel about guns-woooo, I’m getting a stiffy-twenty-three thousand deaths from handguns. But there’s no connection, and you’d be a fool and a Communist to make one. There’s no connection between having a gun and shooting someone with it, and not having a gun and not shooting someone. There have been studies made and there is no connection at all there. Yes. That’s absolute proof. You know, fourteen deaths from handguns. Probably American tourists, too.
(Angry tourist voice) You call this a sandwich? BANG! BANG! You don’t boil pizza! BANG! BANG!
(Scared English voice) That’s the way we eat here, that’s the way we eat here! BANG!
(Tourist voice) This food sucks! BANG!
And boy, does it suck. Okay, great. If I had a gun, I woulda been number fifteen on that fucking list. Okay, though, admittedly, last year in England, they had fourteen thousand deaths per every soccer game, okay. I’m not saying every system is flawless, I’m just saying, if you’re in England, don’t go to a goddamn soccer game, and you’re coming home. It’s weird-they don’t have guns in England, but they have a very high crime rate, which tells you how polite the fucking English are.
(English voices) Give me your wallet!
All right.
At least no one was hurt. How do you have a crime rate and no weapons, man? Does a guy walk into a bank:
(English voices) Give me all your money! I’ve got a soccer ball!
@Jody: Hey, he snuck it in at the very last line, so I missed. If you really wanted to do Princess Bride it up it would go something like,
“Having studied psychology, I know man is fallible, so I can clearly not trust the police. But I have also read Thomas Paine so I know that the government that governs least governs best, so I can clearly not choose the government. In your travels, you must have listened to jazz, and by listening to jazz been introduced to black people, so you know that police can be abusive, so I can clearly not choose the police. But the Bible warns us about tax collectors, and the evil they can cause, so I can clearly not trust the government. Now you’ve given everything away! I’m going to trust the police! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The first is never raise taxes to fund a war. The second, only slightly less well known, is this: never go up against a Republican when logic is on the line! Ha ha ha ha ha ha — “
@General Winfield Stuck: There is something very weird about that story. Why was his ex-wife involved on a 90-mile-an-hour chase? It’s weird. I wonder what happened to the excessive force charges, though. The story doesn’t mention those.
Rudy telling Obama to “shut up” is the best advice this immature campaigner has received since he took office. Let’s see if he’s man enough to heed it.
Anne Laurie
Frankly, I’m rather amazed that they didn’t turn the camera off or otherwise ‘accidentally’ find a way to make that footage unviewable.
See, that’s the thing: For all the morons, bigots, authoritarians and thugs-with-badges, there are also plenty of decent, hard-working professionals trying to do a difficult job well. Dashboard cameras give the professionals another slight edge over their more-enthusiastic-than-ethical comrades, as well as against the sort of upstanding citizen who’s all in favor of cops kickin’ arse ‘n takin’ names fvck yeah! until it’s them some donut-sucking pig stops for blowing thru a red light… at 93 mph… after running over a three-year-old leukemia victim’s puppy… while scoring a .35 on the blood-alcohol test.
But I gotta agree that decriminalization would reduce the burden on honest law enforcement professionals greatly. Again, the Good Cops know that the War on Selected Drugs Selectively Applied is a giant waste of time, money & lives — as well as giving the Bad Cops waaay too many routes to cut corners and fvck up everybodys’ lives.
Home Invasion.
The term — coined by law enforcement officials to describe a growing and particularly violent form of robbery — has struck fear in families from the Asian ghettos of Lowell to the gentle streets of Plymouth. Yesterday it hit Canton, where news of the severe beating and robbery of two elderly sisters shocked residents.
The method is brutal: a robber or, in more cases, a gang of robbers breaks into homes knowing the occupants are there and terrorizes family members, demanding cash. If the money is not forthcoming, they beat and sometimes rape or even kill their victims.
There has been lotsa stuff the past 8 years or so in the MSM of violent home robberies in the UK. Unfortunately, courts there are no longer recognizing an inherent right to self defense even using household items, it seems…
More here…
On a June evening two years ago, Dan Rather made many stiff British upper lips quiver by reporting that England had a crime problem and that, apart from murder, “theirs is worse than ours.” The response was swift and sharp. “Have a Nice Daydream,” The Mirror, a London daily, shot back, reporting: “Britain reacted with fury and disbelief last night to claims by American newsmen that crime and violence are worse here than in the US.” But sandwiched between the article’s battery of official denials — “totally misleading,” “a huge over-simplification,” “astounding and outrageous” — and a compilation of lurid crimes from “the wild west culture on the other side of the Atlantic where every other car is carrying a gun,” The Mirror conceded that the CBS anchorman was correct. Except for murder and rape, it admitted, “Britain has overtaken the US for all major crimes.”
In the two years since Dan Rather was so roundly rebuked, violence in England has gotten markedly worse. Over the course of a few days in the summer of 2001, gun-toting men burst into an English court and freed two defendants; a shooting outside a London nightclub left five women and three men wounded; and two men were machine-gunned to death in a residential neighborhood of north London. And on New Year’s Day this year a 19-year-old girl walking on a main street in east London was shot in the head by a thief who wanted her mobile phone. London police are now looking to New York City police for advice.
If anybody’s curious, the paramedics have said that they weren’t running the lights and sirens because the woman was having chest pains, and while that is an urgent and emergency situation, it isn’t good for the patient to run sirens if he or she might be having a heart attack.
There’s video (which at the moment I can’t find the link, but it was on the major networks) of cops falsifying a report on a woman when a cop hit her car. They started by accusing her of being drunk (she wasn’t) and went on from there. It’s all on tape.
The issue isn’t simply race or racial profiling or a supposedly arrogant black man making a poor white cop feel bad by insisting on his rights in his own home. The issue is civil liberties. The issue is authoritarian cops. The issue is a craven segment of the public who insist on giving cops “the benefit of the doubt” to excuse police misconduct.
Here are the cops framing a woman for a DUI.
Alexandra Torrensvilas was the target of cops who pinned a DUI on her for an accident they caused. Now she has been cleared of charges after the Broward State Attorney’s Office officially dropped the four DUI citations on Wednesday.
But the saga is far from over as now prosecutors turn their attention to the four Hollywood police officers who made up an intricate story to cover for a February traffic accident involving a cop car. The scheme was caught on one of the officers dashboard cameras. The disturbing video shows Alexandra Torrensvilas, 23, handcuffed in the back of the squad car as the officers get their stories straight on what they are going to say happened.
Officer Joel Francisco, 36, an 11-year veteran, crashed into the back of Torrensvilas’ vehicle at a light on February 17 at midnight. The cop radioed to other officers who converged on the scene and hatched a way to bail Francisco out.
There’s no way that the woman in this incident can be described as arrogant. There is no way that she can be accused of disobeying the cops’ instructions. The cops, including a community affairs officer, conspire to frame her because protecting the brotherhood of cops is more important than serving the public.
Here are some other key parts of the story:
Civilian Community Service Officer Karim Thomas joins the three senior officers and the four cops go so far as to change the angle of pictures of the accident to make it look like Torrensvilas swerved in front of the cop car and caused the accident, not Francisco.
Throughout the tape, the cops acknowledged what they are doing is illegal, but when you are the law, there is nothing wrong with bending it for a fellow cop, one says.
“I don’t lie and make things up ever because it’s wrong, but if I need to bend it a little bit to protect a cop, I’ll do it,” Pressley tells Francisco after reassuring him no one will ever find out. “She’s freaking hammered anyway.”
The cops even do a final rehearsal before Villa is taken to the city lock up.
“We’ll take care of it,” one officer says. The others reply: “We’re good.
Frankly, I’m rather amazed that they didn’t turn the camera off or otherwise ‘accidentally’ find a way to make that footage unviewable.
It’s disturbing the things they can do with the dashcam on that are very difficult to explain to unsympathetic juries. For one, if a cop wants to start piling up bogus charges, he can “rake” a target with the barest edge of his flashlight. If he does it in certain places – sternum, across the top of the hips – it causes an involuntary reaction and a whole lot of pain. The involuntary flinch, however, is assault or resisting arrest or anything else the cop wants it to be. Cops will puposely ratchet a handcuff too tight and then twist, or put a knee on your back. It’s painful, it’s hard to breathe, and the instinctive response is to struggle, but struggling is resisting arrest.
Wow. Just….wow. It’s really effing obvious from the video that the cop withdrew an object from his shirt pocket, put the same object in the pants pocket of the suspect, and immediately pulled the very same object out of the suspect’s pants pocket and declared it to be marijuana.
Even a kindergartener could follow the action and understand what’s going on.
Which means that the chances rise to about 2% that a jury in Cookesville, Tennessee may convict this police officer of any form of misconduct.
Again, the Good Cops know that the War on Selected Drugs Selectively Applied is a giant waste of time, money & lives
Back during the early 1990’s I attended a ‘citizen’s academy’ held by the local police.
One of the officers who was teaching us was a Captain (a fairly high rank given the size of Evansville’s Police Department) and he told the entire group that in his opinion most of the drug laws dealing with ‘lesser’ drugs such as marijuana not only should be repealed, but will at some point in the future simply because they’ll prove to be unenforceable.
Over the years I’ve had my share of run ins with local law enforcement, from being arrested for stealing hubcaps when I was 18 to multiple speeding infractions in my 20’s.
The biggest asshole cop I ever dealt with was the one in an unmarked car who pulled me over for speeding.
First off, in Indiana at the time only uniformed police or police in marked police vehicles could legally issue citations.
This cop was in a suit and driving a plain jane Crown Vic.
When he threatened to arrest me and tow my car in, I pointed out that he didn’t have the authority to do so given Indiana law.
When I said that, he wigged out and started waving one of those big Mag-Lites at me and threatening to ‘kick my ass right here’.
Thank God I pulled over in a hospital parking lot and it just happened to be shift change.
There must have been 20 people watching this performance, which in retrospect was probably the only thing saving me from a serious beatdown or even being inadvertently killed.
Though as luck would have it, it was the same hospital my mother worked at and a couple of her co-workers recognized me and informed her of what happened.
It took everything I had to persuade her to just drop it because the cop in question had a lot of political juice and any complaints would probably backfire given the nature of Evansville’s ‘good old boy’ politics.
As it is, I escaped with no ticket and no arrest but that incident led me to give much more credence to allegations of police abuse than I would have prior to it.
The irony is that the cop who actually arrested me for my sole criminal (the hubcap bit) incident treated me with respect and answered all of my babbling ‘what’s going to happen’ questions truthfully.
In other words, while I didn’t like being busted I had no one to blame but myself and the arresting officer was simply being professional.
Similarly, when I got pulled over a couple of years later for doing ‘115 and accelerating’ in a 45 zone on US 41, the state trooper simply laughed when I stuttered out (I was scared shitless and it showed) ‘N.N.No sir, my speedometer doesn’t go that high*’ when he asked me if I knew how fast I was going.
The trooper said that he could arrest me on the spot (true) but that he was going to take it easy on me and cite me for my average speed of 79 in the 45 zone instead of the 115 and accelerating that the plane above clocked me at.
I didn’t like the ticket, but the trooper was professional for the most part and didn’t overreact.
*The car was a mid 70’s Caprice big block, but the speedo only went to 100.
bob h
With the ratcheting down of terrorism fear-mongering by Obama, Giuliani Associates presumably is looking for work as 9/11 doesn’t sell anymore.
There ought to be a special place in hell for Giuliani.
mickey g
Rudy Giuliani didn’t “grow up” in Brooklyn. He grew up on Long Island, in the lily white towns of Garden City South and North Bellmore.
Glad someone debunked that BS about the UK’s crime rate. I also would like to point out, once again, that I am a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment. Each one of us has the right to protect ourselves and our families. From anyone wishing to do us harm. Period.
Cops are people. Just like the rest of us, some of them are criminals.
@The Grand Panjandrum: You got to be kidding – cops are not like us at all. In any court their word is always taken over yours. Juries always overlook their ‘mistakes’ and refuse to convict them in most cases unless the evidence is overwhelming. In Prince Georges county in Maryland a cop executed a man in a jail cell and they dropped the investigation. Another followed a college student home into Virginia late at night (unmarked car) and as the student started to hurry to his house door, the cop jumped out of his car, yelled stop and shoot the kid in the back killing him instantly – ruling: justified because the kid, terrified by being followed by this strange person who also drove up his own drive way tried to run to his home which proved he was the guilty party and deserved to die. They can arrest you for just about any reason and if it is shown false, you still have an arrest on your record. Try cleaning that up without months of work and $$$.
Yeah, they are just like us. Some are good but too manny are a Nazi pig’s that should be in jail and not out on our streets carrying guns. Why are there no sting operations to catch these bad cops? Answer – most police would be found to be worse than some of the criminals they are suppose to protect us against.
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Wow. They weren’t even subtle about it.
J.W. Hamner
When an officer of the law plants drugs on you, you should just say “yes sir” and “no sir”… it’s what I would hypothetically do since there’s no chance it will happen to my privileged white ass.
fun game to play with the “I don’t trust the government” wingnut…
Balloon Juice Commenter: So, you don’t trust the government?
Wingnut: Fuck no.
BJC: so, you don’t trust the police?
Wingnut: of course I trust the police.
BJC: you realize, the police are part of the government, right?
Wingnut: So?
BJC: well, if the government can’t do anything right, then it follows that the police can’t do anything right
Wingnut: No, the police are always right
BJC: so, the government is always right?
Wingnut: No, just the police.
BJC: Well, clearly, you cannot choose the wine in front of you.
In the Related videos, Retarded deputy sheriff dumps a quadriplegic out of his wheelchair on the floor
Good Grief.
I hope it really sucks to be a cop on the beat after this Gates shit.
c u n d gulag
This can’t be news to anyone? Can this?
The amazing thing is how stupid these cops may have been.
Who’s the Employment Agency lately for all of these stupid cops?
General Winfield Stuck
And I’d bet dollars to donuts this whole sorry spectacle will be deemed appropriate police conduct somewhere somehow. Nothing is more suspect than clear video evidence, so it seems form past incidents like this, where actually if you look at it from a different angle, the cop could have been slipping him some coin to make bail. Also.
It’s moments like these where I thank the heavens above for giving us this thing called “Lawyers.”
If one thing is clear, cameras mounted on police cars need to be removed. Keep on movin’.
steve s
that cop was Concern Trolling the crap outta that guy.
Comrade Dread
Frankly, I’m rather amazed that they didn’t turn the camera off or otherwise ‘accidentally’ find a way to make that footage unviewable.
there are no word to describe how much i despise law eforcement officers.
Clearly, this is how realignments happen.
But, but, Obama is a Kenyan-Hawaiian Muslim and you can’t prove otherwise. If you cherished our precious freedoms you would bow before every cop you saw. If that guy was really innocent, the cops wouldn’t have messed with him.
As a teenager, my husband spent a couple of years in Venezuela where this shit was a regular fact of life. Everyone, even the rich, lived in fear of corrupt cops.
Cat Lady
Why is this any of this a surprise to anybody? The bullies and troublemakers I knew in high school are either cops or tried to be cops. Who wants to be a cop? People who like to be in and around trouble. Cops are to _____ as volunteer firefighters are to arsonists. Duh.
Maybe if the good cops ratted out the bad cops, instead of covering for them, we’d get somewhere.
As far as Rudy’s pearls of wisdom, let’s talk about his awesome Florida strategy. Palin/Rudy 2012.
I suspect it is because these men are Darwinists, socialists, relativists, and otherwise non-believers in baby jeebus’ miraculous birth.
Joking aside: as an atheist and generally kind and decent human being, i chafe at the everloudening insistence that I am the one lacking morals. Really?
eff them.
Bad Horse's Filly
What should be a real indicator of how the police think, is that they do this stuff knowing there are dash-cams recording it.
There’s video (which at the moment I can’t find the link, but it was on the major networks) of cops falsifying a report on a woman when a cop hit her car. They started by accusing her of being drunk (she wasn’t) and went on from there. It’s all on tape.
Note to John: RSS feed isn’t working now. Also.
Comrade Dread
Yeah, I’ve had the conversation with wingnuts so many times it makes my head hurt thinking about it.
Apparently, you give a government employee a badge and a weapon and they stop being petty incompetent power hungry boobs and become someone who must be bowed before.
Part of it is the gun worship. You cant be that bad of a person if you are allowed to carry a gun everywhere.
John S.
The worst part about Gates-gate is that there was a teaching opportunity, but it sailed right over the heads of everyone obsessed with the race bullshit.
There is a serious rot within this country’s law enforcement. Too many police officers clearly DO NOT understand their role, because they style themselves some sort of authoritarian masters rather than enforcers of the fucking law. I reckon they have seen Judge Dredd one too many times and think to themselves, “I AM THE LAW.”
No, assholes, you are not the law. See what your fucking squad car says on the side there? SERVE AND PROTECT. The citizens do not exist to serve YOU and your authoritarian fantasies, and we’re not supposed to need protection FROM you.
Get back to doing the job you’re supposed to be doing, you motherfuckers.
I used to think this BS was on the decline. But then came 9/11 and the subsequent fear mongering. Approval of a police state then took a large uptick.
Umm, just fucking wow. I have little if no love for our brothers in blue bedecked in the badges and armed with their blunderbusses, but as a proud union member and a former firefighter, that’s just fucking wrong.
As the noted philosopher Ice Cube put it so wonderfully … Fuck the police!
They were just looking for his birth certificate.
Conservatives love authority, includes the police, CIA, NSA, military, and the FBI (but not the ATF cuz they TOOK ARR GUNZ). They hate effete government bureaucrats because they know that those guys can fuck up your life WAY MORE than someone packing heat and carrying a badge.
Personally, I’m amazed those pigs didn’t tase him or smack him with a billy club.
Those criminals will get a slap on the wrist and keep their badges. The victim will wind up having spent more time behind bars.
Just keep walking. Also.
Hey, just think… That’s how they treat a white guy, one of their own tribe.
@Fulcanelli: That guy wasn’t white.
@General Winfield Stuck: And I’d bet dollars to donuts this whole sorry spectacle will be deemed appropriate police conduct somewhere somehow.
No. More likely every drug arrest any of these officers made will be overturned.
Something similar happened in New Haven, CT, and it was a god damned legal nightmare.
And it’s yet another reason why most drugs should be decriminalized. It’s much harder to plant a dead body on someone during a traffic stop.
Ella in NM
Ever since the Gates fiasco started being framed only as a “racial’ incident, I have had to keep myself from throwing a beer bottle at my TV screen every time I hear them blithering idiots on cable news. Yes, race may have played some part in that incident, but it is clear that this was more than that, and NO ONE’s TALKING ABOUT IT. It’s because the little candy-asses still think that that kind of thing could never happen to THEM. It’s about abuse of power, sense of entitlement, and the kind of people we are hiring to be cops.
Two years ago, a local white guy (who just happens to own a pretty nice small business and so had the means to consult a civil attorney) sued our city police for for violating his constitutional rights and other injuries and WON a half-million dollars. What for? He yelled “bitch!” at a woman who nearly rammed her car into him trying to beat him to a parking place at the Target. One of our city’s finest–who seemed to forget he was off duty at the time–decided he didn’t like that language, swaggered up to him as he was entering the store, and told the guy to watch his mouth or he’d have to cite him. When the man wasn’t sufficiently deferent, Supercop arrested the guy for disorderly conduct and then added resisting arrest after he argued with him that he had broken no laws. For good measure, he threw the man on the ground and tore his rotator cuff putting him in handcuffs.
This crap with more and more cops acting like they’re frigging omnipotent enforcers has been going on for a long time, but it definitely has gotten WAY worse over the past 8 years with the fear-based 911 “uber-justification” for all government overuse of authority. Now they are basically being trained to think like scared victims in every setting, rather than to develop good judgement and interpersonal communication and conflict resolution skills.
The only way this shit will change is when these people to sue the friggin’ pants off cops and cities.
@ericvsthem: Huh? What is he? “High Yella” black? Foxtrot Tango Whiskey. I give up.
Uh, there’s a link under that BINGO, dammit!
I can’t help but wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that a significant minority of cops are also National Guardsmen who have been sent to Iraq and Afghanistan. The cop in Oakland who shot the guy in the back (claiming that he mixed up his gun and his Taser) was an Iraq veteran.
How many of these guys are coming back with major PTSD and/or closed head injuries? Who got hired to take their place while they were overseas? If the Army has had to resort to recruiting convicted criminals and illiterates, I can just imagine the winners that have been applying for the police force.
String those cop motherfuckers up, and give that worthless woman-beater enough money so his girlfriend stays around to spend it. I’ve about had it with authoritarians in this country.
In related news, cops in Hollywood, FL are caught on tape discussing how they will falsify a police report to blame a woman for a car accident in which they are at fault.
As a result of this coming out, the woman’s charges were dropped, the cops are suspended and may be fired, and criminal defense attorneys are going through their case files to see if any of the tainted cops played a role in the arrest/investigation. If so, they will argue that those cops are known to falsify police records and can’t be trusted. Ever.
Unfortunately, the authoritarians have also had it with YOU!
You make a good point about veterans on the force, also:
There’s Soldiering: Engaging and defeating an enemy through use of military force, and then occupying his territory.
And then there’s Policing. Somebody needs to inform police in this country that there’s a difference.
There has long been a prolonged, systemic failure of law enforcement to see itself as a policing agency, and not as a militaristic institution.
School police being given M-16s? Local cops acquiring Blackhawks and Hueys? No wonder there’s a mentality of:
“This is a war. We are soldiers. Death can come for us at any place, at any time. ZOMGZ! That woman has Knitting Needles!”
General Winfield Stuck
Wut? I would hope so. Anyways, I hope your right. The video looks incriminating, but beyond a reasonable doubt, or even more likely than not. We shall see. The cop lawyers have debunking apparent clear convincing dashcam evidence down to a science.
Carlos is black, check this link and watch the video:
This story is also over a year old.
The officer who planted the drugs was cleared on charges, and it’s possible that Carlos Ferrell was indeed carrying the marijuana.
Brick Oven Bill
Take it easy on Rudy, Rahm told him to shut up too. Rahm was yelling and jumping around though.
General Winfield Stuck
Of course he was. And the beat goes on.
The rest of you need to stop posting until you’ve given proper deference to the Princess Bride reference KG left up in #3.
Kudos sir. Very well done indeed.
@freelancer: Do the bobbies still just carry their night sticks? Might not be a bad idea to go back to that. Cops are pretty good at getting people down on the ground, and the tazers should take care of the truly problematic cases.
I’m in Argentina now. In the 80’s the cops (technically, they’re not cops, but gendarmeria, which is military, but they often patrol the streets. ) used to carry submachine guns. Now they carry shotguns. Really? Could they carry weapons any MORE likely to damage innocent bystanders? I can only think of flamethrowers and grenades.
@General Winfield Stuck: The case in New Haven was a federal case, with federal investigators who Knew Their Shit and had incontrevertible evidence… so you might be right, they might get off. But if they do, someone needs to open up a can of vigilante justice on them.
General Winfield Stuck
They did get off. see
England never quite had that second amendment.
@Jody: Hey, he snuck it in at the very last line, so I missed. If you really wanted to do Princess Bride it up it would go something like,
@General Winfield Stuck: There is something very weird about that story. Why was his ex-wife involved on a 90-mile-an-hour chase? It’s weird. I wonder what happened to the excessive force charges, though. The story doesn’t mention those.
Holger Awakens
Rudy telling Obama to “shut up” is the best advice this immature campaigner has received since he took office. Let’s see if he’s man enough to heed it.
Anne Laurie
See, that’s the thing: For all the morons, bigots, authoritarians and thugs-with-badges, there are also plenty of decent, hard-working professionals trying to do a difficult job well. Dashboard cameras give the professionals another slight edge over their more-enthusiastic-than-ethical comrades, as well as against the sort of upstanding citizen who’s all in favor of cops kickin’ arse ‘n takin’ names fvck yeah! until it’s them some donut-sucking pig stops for blowing thru a red light… at 93 mph… after running over a three-year-old leukemia victim’s puppy… while scoring a .35 on the blood-alcohol test.
But I gotta agree that decriminalization would reduce the burden on honest law enforcement professionals greatly. Again, the Good Cops know that the War on Selected Drugs Selectively Applied is a giant waste of time, money & lives — as well as giving the Bad Cops waaay too many routes to cut corners and fvck up everybodys’ lives.
Home Invasion.
There has been lotsa stuff the past 8 years or so in the MSM of violent home robberies in the UK. Unfortunately, courts there are no longer recognizing an inherent right to self defense even using household items, it seems…
More here…
*standing ovation*
I know I keep flogging this but Oklahoma cop assaults EMTs taking a patient to the hospital
If anybody’s curious, the paramedics have said that they weren’t running the lights and sirens because the woman was having chest pains, and while that is an urgent and emergency situation, it isn’t good for the patient to run sirens if he or she might be having a heart attack.
@Bad Horse’s Filly:
The issue isn’t simply race or racial profiling or a supposedly arrogant black man making a poor white cop feel bad by insisting on his rights in his own home. The issue is civil liberties. The issue is authoritarian cops. The issue is a craven segment of the public who insist on giving cops “the benefit of the doubt” to excuse police misconduct.
Here are the cops framing a woman for a DUI.
There’s no way that the woman in this incident can be described as arrogant. There is no way that she can be accused of disobeying the cops’ instructions. The cops, including a community affairs officer, conspire to frame her because protecting the brotherhood of cops is more important than serving the public.
Here are some other key parts of the story:
Civilian Community Service Officer Karim Thomas joins the three senior officers and the four cops go so far as to change the angle of pictures of the accident to make it look like Torrensvilas swerved in front of the cop car and caused the accident, not Francisco.
Throughout the tape, the cops acknowledged what they are doing is illegal, but when you are the law, there is nothing wrong with bending it for a fellow cop, one says.
“I don’t lie and make things up ever because it’s wrong, but if I need to bend it a little bit to protect a cop, I’ll do it,” Pressley tells Francisco after reassuring him no one will ever find out. “She’s freaking hammered anyway.”
The cops even do a final rehearsal before Villa is taken to the city lock up.
“We’ll take care of it,” one officer says. The others reply: “We’re good.
@Comrade Dread:
Frankly, I’m rather amazed that they didn’t turn the camera off or otherwise ‘accidentally’ find a way to make that footage unviewable.
It’s disturbing the things they can do with the dashcam on that are very difficult to explain to unsympathetic juries. For one, if a cop wants to start piling up bogus charges, he can “rake” a target with the barest edge of his flashlight. If he does it in certain places – sternum, across the top of the hips – it causes an involuntary reaction and a whole lot of pain. The involuntary flinch, however, is assault or resisting arrest or anything else the cop wants it to be. Cops will puposely ratchet a handcuff too tight and then twist, or put a knee on your back. It’s painful, it’s hard to breathe, and the instinctive response is to struggle, but struggling is resisting arrest.
Wow. Just….wow. It’s really effing obvious from the video that the cop withdrew an object from his shirt pocket, put the same object in the pants pocket of the suspect, and immediately pulled the very same object out of the suspect’s pants pocket and declared it to be marijuana.
Even a kindergartener could follow the action and understand what’s going on.
Which means that the chances rise to about 2% that a jury in Cookesville, Tennessee may convict this police officer of any form of misconduct.
@Anne Laurie:
Again, the Good Cops know that the War on Selected Drugs Selectively Applied is a giant waste of time, money & lives
Back during the early 1990’s I attended a ‘citizen’s academy’ held by the local police.
One of the officers who was teaching us was a Captain (a fairly high rank given the size of Evansville’s Police Department) and he told the entire group that in his opinion most of the drug laws dealing with ‘lesser’ drugs such as marijuana not only should be repealed, but will at some point in the future simply because they’ll prove to be unenforceable.
Over the years I’ve had my share of run ins with local law enforcement, from being arrested for stealing hubcaps when I was 18 to multiple speeding infractions in my 20’s.
The biggest asshole cop I ever dealt with was the one in an unmarked car who pulled me over for speeding.
First off, in Indiana at the time only uniformed police or police in marked police vehicles could legally issue citations.
This cop was in a suit and driving a plain jane Crown Vic.
When he threatened to arrest me and tow my car in, I pointed out that he didn’t have the authority to do so given Indiana law.
When I said that, he wigged out and started waving one of those big Mag-Lites at me and threatening to ‘kick my ass right here’.
Thank God I pulled over in a hospital parking lot and it just happened to be shift change.
There must have been 20 people watching this performance, which in retrospect was probably the only thing saving me from a serious beatdown or even being inadvertently killed.
Though as luck would have it, it was the same hospital my mother worked at and a couple of her co-workers recognized me and informed her of what happened.
It took everything I had to persuade her to just drop it because the cop in question had a lot of political juice and any complaints would probably backfire given the nature of Evansville’s ‘good old boy’ politics.
As it is, I escaped with no ticket and no arrest but that incident led me to give much more credence to allegations of police abuse than I would have prior to it.
The irony is that the cop who actually arrested me for my sole criminal (the hubcap bit) incident treated me with respect and answered all of my babbling ‘what’s going to happen’ questions truthfully.
In other words, while I didn’t like being busted I had no one to blame but myself and the arresting officer was simply being professional.
Similarly, when I got pulled over a couple of years later for doing ‘115 and accelerating’ in a 45 zone on US 41, the state trooper simply laughed when I stuttered out (I was scared shitless and it showed) ‘N.N.No sir, my speedometer doesn’t go that high*’ when he asked me if I knew how fast I was going.
The trooper said that he could arrest me on the spot (true) but that he was going to take it easy on me and cite me for my average speed of 79 in the 45 zone instead of the 115 and accelerating that the plane above clocked me at.
I didn’t like the ticket, but the trooper was professional for the most part and didn’t overreact.
*The car was a mid 70’s Caprice big block, but the speedo only went to 100.
bob h
With the ratcheting down of terrorism fear-mongering by Obama, Giuliani Associates presumably is looking for work as 9/11 doesn’t sell anymore.
There ought to be a special place in hell for Giuliani.
mickey g
Rudy Giuliani didn’t “grow up” in Brooklyn. He grew up on Long Island, in the lily white towns of Garden City South and North Bellmore.
The Grand Panjandrum
Glad someone debunked that BS about the UK’s crime rate. I also would like to point out, once again, that I am a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment. Each one of us has the right to protect ourselves and our families. From anyone wishing to do us harm. Period.
Cops are people. Just like the rest of us, some of them are criminals.
@The Grand Panjandrum: You got to be kidding – cops are not like us at all. In any court their word is always taken over yours. Juries always overlook their ‘mistakes’ and refuse to convict them in most cases unless the evidence is overwhelming. In Prince Georges county in Maryland a cop executed a man in a jail cell and they dropped the investigation. Another followed a college student home into Virginia late at night (unmarked car) and as the student started to hurry to his house door, the cop jumped out of his car, yelled stop and shoot the kid in the back killing him instantly – ruling: justified because the kid, terrified by being followed by this strange person who also drove up his own drive way tried to run to his home which proved he was the guilty party and deserved to die. They can arrest you for just about any reason and if it is shown false, you still have an arrest on your record. Try cleaning that up without months of work and $$$.
Yeah, they are just like us. Some are good but too manny are a Nazi pig’s that should be in jail and not out on our streets carrying guns. Why are there no sting operations to catch these bad cops? Answer – most police would be found to be worse than some of the criminals they are suppose to protect us against.