I’m calling bullshit:
Running under the Tea Party brand may be better in congressional races than being a Republican.
In a three-way Generic Ballot test, the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds Democrats attracting 36% of the vote. The Tea Party candidate picks up 23%, and Republicans finish third at 18%. Another 22% are undecided.
Rasmussen’s raison d’être in between elections is to push the overton window to the right. The way they make their money is telling wingers what they want to hear for 46 months, then they swing back in line for one month every two years so they don’t look like total idiots and retain some credibility. They are the echo chamber’s official polling place.
Here in my conservative virginia state house district (VA-99), the teabagger (Cathrine Crabill, she won brief notoriety) won the republican primary, and then lost in the general to a man I voted for mostly because of his ability to put his pants on one leg at a time.
In Texas, Alabama, Idaho, Wyoming… maybe. This is supposed to be a national poll? I, too, will go with bullshit.
Too good to be true, so no.
Now this one does need an apostrophe [chambers]. Each one teach one. It takes a village. Etc.
Just Some Fuckhead
In other words, 23% of poll respondents are too ashamed to align with Republican but not self-aware enough to eschew teabagging.
John Cole
@Phoebe: I’m +4, sorry.
Correction… it’ll be a better way to get media attention than being a Republican.
The freakshow always gets the camera lens
This may be true in Texas…sigh.
Exactly, John.
Of course the village pretends that Ras is reliable and everything, but I’m sick of them getting due consideration on otherwise level-headed blogs.
It’s not some charming “oh rasmussen, you little scamps” situation. They don’t just happen to show Republican results. The races they poll serve a purpose, and the results are designed to drive a narrative.
Ask yourself this- which polls are given greater credence by the MSM, Politico and the like- Rasmuseen or R2K? Take the obvious answer and throw it on top the growing pile of ways that Washington is subtly but decidedly wired for conservative control.
kommrade reproductive vigor
Oh God yes please.
Especially if they start an official Teabagger Party.
I really can’t wait till the teabaggers announce their agenda:
1. Investigate Obama’s Birth Certificate
2. ???
Dave L
“Tea Party brand” – that about sums it up. Because there’s no Tea Party ideology, that’s for sure. It’s an attitude — mostly resentment, I’d say — and no more.
The real question I’d like to see answered, even by Rasmussen, is whether the 18% who picked “Republican” in the generic ballot would vote for a Teabagger in a real election. My guess is that not many would.
@demkat620: Underbag gnomes?
@John Cole: If alcohol is the excuse for bad punctuation, how much does Yglesias drink starting first thing in the morning? Should we have an intervention?
First I took Manhattan. But I didn’t know a cocktail named Berlin so I’m having another Manhattan. +2.
So this is time for some Bob the Angry Flower, right?
@arguingwithsignposts: We nag because we lurve.
Comrade Mary
Nah, John’s fighting his true calling as a grocer, that’s all.
OT, but good lord, this kid is the gift that keeps on giving:
Levi Johnston: I Like Being Gay Icon, Gays “Are People Too” (VIDEO)
How soon before the next snide remark from Sarah Palin’s twitter account?
well he and Sulli are appearing together on a show on CNN right now. Can you imagine the sparks?
Rass is a joke.
What does it tell you when the Democrat candidate still gets more votes at the 36 percent?
And is there in fact a Tea Party? Seriously? ‘Cause last I checked the Tea Party HAD a Party, called the Republicans.
This poll was a waste of time and money.
Hey, the GOP brand is in the tank. America has a long tradition of faking Libertarianism (see: Ross Perot, Pat Buchanan). It’s not crazy to see the Teabagger label as a great rebrand for the conservative philosophy.
And I’m not sure how the GOP can move farther to the right. Let the base show up to the poll in tin foil hats. Put a Hoffman in every race. :-p. We’ll see how long the media love affair lasts.
I gotta say though, I ain’t mad at this kid (Levi J). Betta get all ya got while it’s hot.
I can actually believe that this poll is correct here in texas.
Last week/month, I read that KBHutchison decided not to resign her Senatorship(?) to run for Gov of texas. She plans to run for gov and still “serve the best interest of her state”. I think KBH knows that she ain’t gonna be able to out “teabag” Guv helmet head (R Perry), or she isn’t so willing to turn completely over to the “dark side” like guv “Texas don’t need no US guv’mint” Perry. The sad fact is though, that even though KBH may not win the Repub primary in Texas, she would probably actually be a better candidate than Perry, especially in terms of actually nominating a Repub that Dems here in Tx might actually vote for.
Totally with you on this.
Urgh. Mom just called. “Can you come over? We just got a tree, and they’re following us home with it in a truck. Can you help bring it in?”
Mom likes stupid big trees, dad and I will have to do the schlepping.
It’s an interesting poll, but who cares? It’s not like they have an actual political party with staffers, resources, and money. They’re a bunch of yahoos whom we’re all laughing at and will forget in a few years.
Sounds like the formation of the new “Slumber Party”.
Rasmussen is a joke. Telling people what they want to hear.
I believe you mean to say “Starbursts”.
Brian J
I wouldn’t be surprised if the results are accurate, but only because (a) the polling sample isn’t representative of the public and/or (b) there isn’t a clear conception of what a Tea Party would be. Once it becomes obvious that it’s composed of those screaming on television, support for it will drop like a rock.
Just saw the clip, and I have it down cold:
Levi Johnston = FNL’s Tim Riggins x Trailer Park Boys’ Ricky.
In the opinion of this one, the wisdom of bob the angry flower is most sagacious.
Generic polls are pretty much worthless. The people being polled get to project best possible candidate for their party, and worst possible candidate for the other parties. The only sensible answer one these is unsure, because we don’t vote for parties, we vote for people
Sentient Puddle
Uh…if this is true in Texas, I’ll be very happy. Republican vote splitting is always cause for cheer.
“growing up in Wasilla… I’ve never seen a gay guy in Wasilla, i don’t think.”
Obviously he did; he just didn’t see one who admitted it. But, hey, the kid is making progress.
Notorious P.A.T.
Could you guys maybe misspell random words in your posts? because I have no idea what you are trying to say.
Notorious P.A.T.
You are so out of it. Mangling the language is how clever people show they are clever, these days. I mean, these dheys. Hehe. I’m hip )
Keith G
First, this from « Rasmussen’s self promotional banner:
Anyway, fun times in store in Texas. How will extreme teabaggerism affect the just commencing gubernatorial race? Will chai baggers cry havoc and cause enough disruption to allow Democrat Bill White (hopefully) to win?
In other words, enough crazy to split the vote, but not enough to outright win? I would take it, except I hate all the teabaggin’ shit in general and what it’s doing to the tenor of the debate in our politics.
Ash Can
Rasmussen is full of shit.
Just Some Fuckhead
Rasmussen, Huckabee, Palin and Aaron Rodgers can suck my big black cock.
Palin first.
Or Rodgers.
Mike in NC
Tonight’s Maddow show noted that Palin’s dad said Dear Sarah spent a little time in college in Hawaii but left because she ‘felt uncomfortable being around so many Asians’. Apparently nobody informed her that Hawaii is located in the middle of the Pacific fucking Ocean and has been attracting immigrants from Asia for many decades. Also.
Well, can we get a viable-but-not-actually viable third “Tea Party”, a la Ross Perot but with a little more staying power? Sounds to me like a recipe for permanent Democratic majority and just possibly a Republican party with half a brain cell, in respective order of likelihood.
The Republic of Stupidity
Well… at least it sounds like someone’s busy pounding a few more nails in the GOOP’s coffin…
Bubblegum Tate
@Dave L:
Exactly–the teabaggers are the official 2008 Election Protest Party. They subsist on little more than anger and paranoia.
That said, while this poll is obvious bullshit, I think we should use it to encourage teabaggers everywhere. Anything to help along the purge of right-wing crazies, you know?
Rasmussen is the outfit that Nate Silver at 538 took to the woodshed earlier this year, right? Or am I mixing that up.
[brief pause for research]
Oh, that was Strategic Vision, nevermind. It was a fun little demolition job though
Living in Texas, I’m not sure if this should terrify me or give me some kind of sick hope that we can get some kind of Democrat in office here.
@lamh31 – yes, Rick Perry may be one of the most awful and frightening public servants in the history of mankind. However, he has GREAT hair.
538 is a great site to check for further coverage of this issue. In fact, you should email it to him and ask him about it, Mr. Cole!
DougL (frmrly: Conservatively Liberal)
I figured this out long ago but what is funny is that I could see this and yet I had no idea of the political inclinations of Scott Rasmussen. I just knew that they were deliberately skewing things between elections and veering back to reality when needed so they wouldn’t look like fools, and the things they were skewing were in favor of the right.
I’m sure that I wasn’t the only one to see this without knowing more about Rasmussen. It’s pretty hard to miss.
@Just Some Fuckhead:
Dude, they warn you about those 4 hour boners for a reason. Now you let it go and get all gangenrous. When will you ever learn?
@Brian J:
If not having any policy platform, serious ideas for America, or the willingness to actually govern disqualified you for office, then wouldn’t you think the same thing would have happened to the Republicans years ago?
Surely the poll shows they should run as Democrats?
Now when I see lines like “this poll was a waste of time and money” I think “how do you know?” John’s point that Rasumussen basically makes a living faking its data ought to remind us that the other thing that we learned this year is that some pollsters have figured out that you don’t even have to collect the data, if you are going to fake it. You might just as well imagine the entire thing. Anyone know for sure that Rasmussen even bothers to conduct these tests?
And in related news:
Comrade Darkness
@Keith G: Funny, Reflexive Zeitgeist would make sense.
carlos the dwarf
A three way race involving Sarah Palin=Axelrod and Plouffe’s wet dream. It also kills the Republican party. Palin will win most of the south and the big empty western states, Obama will win the Northeast, Midwest, and West Coast, and the Republicans win…pretty much nothing.
Rasputin Polls
When it comes to Rasputin Polls I think I favor something just a TAD more reliable – like my magic eight ball or tea leaves.