You all fill them so fast, I thought I would put another one up before the night shift checks in.
I see helicopter Ben got another term. Thoughts?
This post is in: Open Threads
You all fill them so fast, I thought I would put another one up before the night shift checks in.
I see helicopter Ben got another term. Thoughts?
Comments are closed.
Everything is relative when your country is already more screwed up than hell.
all the way to the bank!
A valuable opportunity, wasted.
General Winfield Stuck
We have winter here, snow, more of it, sometimes rain. Charlie is looking at me with those forlorn brown eyes that say, let’s go for a walk. He’ll start the gentle wimpering shortly if I don’t comply. that get’s me good. soze. Here we go.
Chyron HR
He geet techmology from keety kat.
We need more helicopters.
We’re all just JAFOs.
Susan S
Give the man a break. He inherited the Greenspan mess, and the press idolized Greenspan. I am an old lady, with 40 plus years in the investment business. How fascinating that people think there was some “perfect” solution that he could have crammed in place that would have made all the prior years disappear. Look at his eyes; I was shocked when he was first appointed, because he was capable and caring. Not perfect guys, but we did not have a total economic collapse and yes we came close,because of the policies of the Republicans and the Ayn Rand worshipping Greenspan.
Tom Hilton
Re-posting because I think it’s big news: the Pentagon is working on a plan to implement DADT repeal.
Just glad I don’t have any friends or family trying to get by on interest earned from savings…
Don’t suppose there is any chance that in his second term he might worry a little bit more about working to lower the unemployment rate?
I realize he wants to keep the financial industry overlords happy but just maybe a teeny little bit he might be thinking about his historical rep?
@General Winfield Stuck:
Though I am sure that you enjoy “walkies” most of the time, that is one instance where having cats is much much better…
Corner Stone
From the AP:
“Obama speech fails to break health care logjam”
They quote a couple of the usual suspects and talk more about how Obama has to keep holding their hands or HCR is dead.
This is probably a progressive heresy to say this, but Bernanke doesn’t bother me nearly as much as Geithner and Summers.
Cole, your sports expertise is needed here: Pass or fail on… red turf?
General Winfield Stuck
@Elie: Yea, I hear ya there, but I will look at it from the glass half full side. Charlie is just an augment to my weight loss program, the adorable little rascal.
I heard one defense of Ben which he came down to he beats the alternatives.
Brian J
The White House pushing to get Bernanke confirmed for another term was the latest shot in the Never-Ending War on the Free Market. Erick Erickson was definitely right, can’t you see?
@D-Chance.: I would think being unable to grow grass green isn’t a good advertisement for your ag program.
Not to be mundane, but what happened to the edit function?
I used to could get it work real well. Now, not so much.
@General Winfield Stuck:
Absolutely — just had to tease for a minute from us cat people (though i love doggies too)
joe from Lowell
My thought is that calling him “Helicopter Ben” in light of his recent pronouncements is some sick irony.
Does this mean that this week’s Meet The Press will consist of an interview with whomever was the runner-up, so that person can tell us how he’d do things differently?
schrodinger's cat
John Cole @ top
How is your shoulder? Hope Lily and Tunch are taking good care of of you
Uh-oh, Andrew Sullivan is favorably comparing Nancy Pelosi to Margaret Thatcher. I think the end times are approaching.
ROFLCopter Ben? (And, yes, I am aware of BJ traditions)
Ann B. Nonymous
I’m flabbergasted.
If he disavows The Bell Curve, I fully expect to be Raptured.
Cat Lady
I’m a committed O-bot, but I don’t like Bernanke being reappointed at all. For all of the fail that has happened in in the last 10 years, when was the last time a high profile government official was actually shit-canned, as opposed to having their name withdrawn or some such thing? I think it was Rumsfeld. I want to see accountability, and Bernanke keeping his job ain’t it.
Eric S.
@D-Chance.: My brother was a pretty good track & field runner in H.S. He claimed up and down that red tracks were faster than black tracks and there were numbers to prove it. If true I wonder if there are 40 yd dash time differences on different colored football fields.
Good lord, I have to go see that myself as its just too hard to believe. About the most unlikely thing I could imagine from Sully.
@Chyron HR: Goddamnit, now I am in pain from laughing. I have a cold and stuffed up sinuses, and I am in pain from laughing at that comic strip. And the 3 or 4 before it. It’s my own fault, really.
Shade Tail
Oh, BTW. To follow up on the John Stewart is a Douche post from a couple days back…
It turns out that yes, he *did* address the Acorn thing. He did so on last night‘s episode.
All this talk is making me hungry.
gods help us all, Orly wants to run for CA Atty General
@Tom Hilton:
Nah it’s JUST WORDS!
John Cole
@D-Chance.: Vomit.
@schrodinger’s cat: It hurts something fierce. It felt really good this morning but is getting worse and worse.
I am kind of depressed. I looked up my all-time favorite teacher today. He was my AP US History/ Poli Sci/ swim coach. He taught us how to read critically, how to write and argue lucidly, helped us separate myth from fact when it came to US history. And he helped me become a damn good 100 Fly/500 free swimmer.
He is now a religious nutcase.
If you really listen this Sunday, you will forget for a couple of hours that all the Sunday morning wankfest hosts are white. And male. /tweety
(I’m going to pound this one into the ground)
dr. bloor
She says she’d need about $100K for the campaign, which means she’s as tethered to reality about as much as usual.
@John Cole:
Sorry to hear that. It’ll probably be like that for a few days until it starts getting better for good. Sucks. I hope this is as bad as it gets.
How are Tunch and Lily taking your injury? Are they okay?
I’m thinking of writing a book about “the base” called “We’re just not that into you”.
Also, I wonder if Helicopter Ben had to fax his credenza to Congress?
ahh, good times.
@John Cole:
ya gotta stay on top of it with the pain meds, even if you don’t like taking them. And if they’re not working, ask for something else. Morphine, dilaudid….. you shouldn’t have to suffer with all the fine drugs there are out there.
Subtitle: It’s not you, it’s me.
Tom Hilton
@Shade Tail: I do give Stewart credit for admitting it when he screws up.
Sadly if you listen long enough you will remember they are all white and male, and morons, also.
schrodinger's cat
@John Cole: oh noes!
That sounds bad. Can you see a pain specialist, who may help you to manage your pain better?
I see helicopter Ben got another term. Thoughts?
Well, we shouldn’t call him ‘Helicopter’ because he isn’t using them. Calling him ‘Dow 36,000’ Ben would be more accurate.
Otherwise my reaction is: 1) the fix was in, as I expected, 2) Wow, the D’s really screwed themselves on this one, 3) I would hope the Fed will not now reenact the Mellon strategy, but I am pretty sure they will.
So: we’re screwed. I can manage to come up only with the bright spot that at least the President didn’t sound like Joe Lieberman last night. If we could get him to stop sounding like Tim Geithner we’d be in way better shape. Etc. Etc.
[‘It was good speech, BTW, don’t get me wrong, I liked it a lot.’]
HIram Taine
Ouch.. My brother isn’t all the way there yet but seems to be moving in that direction, it’s really disturbing to watch.
@arguingwithsignposts: What about: “Scrape that junk off the bus tires” ? Too crude?
Night shift checking in (early).
I have been filling in on the day shift at the part-time job, and my circadian rhythms are shot to hell. Worked until 10:00 last night, had to go back at 8:30 this morning. A nap sounds good right now, but I’m afraid that would cause night-owl syndrome later, and I’ve got to go back again at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow.
No other point. Just glad to be jostling around here in the early evening for a change.
Mike E
That’s my cool physics teacher in high school–he used to talk about The Beatles and when Sgt Pepper came out, the record would run out, and you could still hear the tunes because everybody else on the block bought the album too.
Total thumper.
Ash Can
And in other news, via the GOS, the judge hearing James O’Keefe’s CREEP-wannabe wiretapping case has ordered O’Keefe to live with his parents until his next hearing, as a condition of his release pending said hearing. Yes, really. No, this isn’t a link to The Onion. Yes, there is some justice in this world.
Orly is the gift that keeps on giving. I adore this woman. She is so batshit insane that she’s charming, in the way your 89 year-old grandmother who still dyes her hair bright red is charming.
General Winfield Stuck
@max: I watched Bernie Sanders excoriate Bernanke early this morning on the senate floor. Thing of beauty and made me think why would any liberal on the planet want to “primary” this guy, though they couldn’t really his being independent.
I never got so OMG UNACCEPTABLE about Bernanke in the wake of the meltdown (and I think appointing him was the only thing that Mr. Worst President Ever did right). He was handed a Randian legacy, he didn’t create it. And his job had at that point become managing inflation/liquidity. Top targets should be found elsewhere.
HOWEVA, I’m pretty annoyed with his arrogant hostility towards transparency in the wake of the bailouts. Ben…buddie…If Congress and taxpayers want to know how the Fed is spending the money and which banks are benefiting, you had better tell them. I would have liked to have seen Congress extract some renewed promise of transparency in exchange for a new term. But that would be sensible, and that’s not how DC works.
Does anyone have an opinion on upscale Rice Krispy treats? I was at a fancy supermarket yesterday and they’re selling these. I bought one to try. It’s good, but extremely sweet. Not sure I get the hype.
I heard somewhere that they’re the Next Big Thing, a la cupcakes a few years ago.
John, are you trying to emulate Gerry Trudeau? Book title: My Shorts R Bunching. Thoughts?
@HIram Taine: It’s just so sad. He was the first adult not related to me that I really trusted. I had transferred into a huge public school from a tiny Catholic school, was younger than everyone else because I’d skipped two grades, and he totally took me under his wing. My parents taught me it was important to work hard; he taught me how to work hard.
And now he’s preaching at a megachurch about intelligent design. Argh.
I’m not sure how I feel about Bernanke getting re-upped. I have listened to enough people on enough sides of the issue to know that expertise is vital, that the task of navigating through the ruins of our economy is totally thankless (that is, whoever has the job will get flamed by at least one and probably all sides), and that the list of candidates knowledgeable, confident, and thick-skinned enough to take on the job is a) vanishingly small; and b) probably inevitably compromised one way or another.
IOW, we take what we can get, and Bernanke might be the best choice.
@John Cole: “It hurts something fierce. It felt really good this morning but is getting worse and worse.”
Take your pain meds. Seriously. Do not be a stoic about this. As long as the drugs are doing a legitimate job, it’s unlikely you’ll get hooked on them.
I’m so sorry recuperating is going to take a while, and rehab longer still. We’re all pulling for you, though.
ETA: Quote marks added ’cause I forgot to use the block-quote thingie.
@Cat Lady: In terms of policy, I don’t know enough about economics to know whether someone like Volker would be better than Bernanke. However, in terms of politics, my sense is that shit-canning Bernanke might be a loser for the Dems.
Yes, it’s true that the public hates Wall Street. And yes, 10% unemployment is bad. But the fact is that a year ago, we were on the brink of a global depression that was much much worse than anything we’ve seen since the 20s.
It’s hard to tell people that “we saved the economy from the brink of disaster” while at the same time, saying, “uh.. Bernanke f’d up so bad we had to fire him.”
@R-Jud: If it makes you feel better, he may come back around. I made a trip through the wingnut/fundamentalist wurlitzer (have part of an MDiv degree to show for it) and came out the other side as a DFH. Of course, I worked in the offices at a seminary, akin to seeing the congressional sausage-making process, which burned me out on the whole “holier than thou” vibe eventually.
My ex is still a fundie, though. Makes for interesting parenting issues.
Ana Gama
From the Really Weird News Desk:
Dems reach out to Lou Dobbs to build backing for immigration reform
Senate Democrats have reached out to former CNN anchor and prominent illegal-immigration opponent Lou Dobbs in an effort to build broad bipartisan support for immigration reform.
Winning the support of Dobbs, who became a prominent critic of illegal immigration and proposals to grant amnesty to illegal workers, could provide a significant boost to reform efforts.
@Ana Gama:
Wha? The drugs they’re using on Capitol Hill must be in season or something.
BTW, WTF is Dobbs doing now?
Zuzu's Petals
J.D. Salinger: R.I.P.
I need a bit of advice.
I want something that Is small (but not like a phone, that’s way to small for me) that allows me to download and read books, check email, mess around on the web using the wifi we already have in our home and maybe do a bit of writing text files and uploading them to my website….no movie watching or music downloading needed.
Is the IPad (such a stupid name) pretty much what will do that or can I buy and download books to a notepad? Any recommendations?
This is a purchase that I won’t make for months and I really can’t spend over $500, refurbished things do not scare me.
I don’t want a laptop too big and more then I need…I like having my desk top and prefer to use it for my main work computer.
Thanks for the help.
The iPad would do that, but you also might consider a netbook (like the Acer), which does all that and is a real computer, for approx. $300.
ETA: The iPad won’t multitask, and it’s pretty proprietary. If you want stuff that’s not bought through apple, I’d recommend a netbook (speaking as a Mac fanboi).
Midnight Marauder
@Ana Gama:
I need to see if Alexander Bolton (author of this
articletripe) can hook me up with a postcard from Bizarro World. I hear those things are selling like hotcakes on the collectibles market these days.freelancer
@HIram Taine:
Preach it, brother.
This is true. It’s been shown that you get well faster if you take pain meds. Suffering through the pain actually SLOWS DOWN your recovery. Don’t try to tough it out. Just take the drugs. You’ll get better faster.
Also, when a family member had a car wreck and was on pain meds, we were worried about possible addiction. His doctor said that so long as you are taking pain meds for actual pain, you won’t get addicted (barring pre-existing addiction issues, of course). So don’t worry about that either.
Take the pain meds. You’ll get better faster. Really. Trying to tough it out is stupid.
Ha. NPR just had an interview with the MadTV writers of the iPad sketch.
Worst. Product. Release. Ever.
Tom Hilton
@Ana Gama: God, I love The Onion.
Oh, wait–that isn’t from The Onion. Never mind.
Ana Gama
Ummm…looks like they are sharing the drugs with Lou…
“Dobbs, a long-time CNN anchor who recently left the network, tells Moran that he has at times been “enamored” with the idea of running for office and also admits that he’s tried to improve his standing with Hispanic-Americans: “I don’t know that I’m ‘popular,’ but I’m trying. I hope I will be, by the way, because I intend to be part of the solution.” When asked if he’s changing his tune on immigration, Dobbs said, “Hell yes I’m changing my tune. Absolutely.”
Yes, he’s got the MDiv now too. I hope he does come back around someday. I’m fine with people having faith (I do a bit myself), but the pseudo-science and the rest that comes with it– this man should know better. He used to rail against Pat Robertson and those types in class. I’d write him a sternly-worded letter but I doubt that he would a) remember me; b) care.
And ultimately, it’s none of my business. But this seemed like the right place to rant about it. Thanks.
Cole: take your medicine. Sit still.
I was just listening to it.
I think they are right that there must have been no women in the room when they came up with the name.
Tom Hilton
@Ash Can:
Jeebus, how many not-actually-the-Onion stories can we stand in a single day?
@Ana Gama:
I think we can stop right there. Dobbs’ ego obviously can’t fit in a TV studio. We’ve got enough of those on the Hill already.
Mike E
I could loan out my 14yo daughter, she can bake the heck outa those things. Her Red Velvet Cupcakes, from scratch–to die for.
I’m only worried about Bernanke in the same way that I strongly desire seeing Geithner fired- specifically, their behavior towards Goldman and AIG. There are rumors/allegations that Bernanke (and of course Geithner) ramrodded the
sweetheart deal for GoldmanAIG bailout despite the advice of pretty much everyone.The AIG buyout was a choice, it was incompetently executed, and it may have been deliberately so. While we already kindasorta knew that Geithner played a significant role in it (which is reason #693 why he should be fired), we didn’t necessarily know how strongly Bernanke was part of that inappropriate yet altogether convenient fuckup.
I’m concerned that this will blow up in a month or so. After watching President Obama whip Democrats and work his ass off to keep a guy who perhaps purposefully wasted taxpayer dollars for Wall Street’s benefit…all while watching that same President shrug his shoulders and have John Cole insist that “there was nothing he could do to whip Dems” on HCR…uh, the optics on that will be horrible. (Paul Krugman already mentioned this).
Cat Lady
He was inherited, and getting rid of him would shore up the left flank. I just think someone else should have gotten a shot. I understand the politics, but now and again I want to see someone seeing things with new eyes, especially the Fed. Oh well.
/O-bot, over and out.
Comrade Luke
@John Cole: The first week sucks. Hang in there.
nor anyone who could use the internet, apparently.
First off, I’d seriously consider the letter. He will either a) remember you, or b) be prodded to do some reflection. There’s always the possibility that he’ll be an ass about it and just reject you as a worthless heathen, but if there’s any conscience or soul in there, he’ll be touched.
If he’s like most fundies, he’s living in a reality-denial zone, where everyone he deals with is either a) a fundie like him, or b) out to get him (in his eyes). Can’t hurt.
ETA: There is no second-off. Who knows why he decided to switch teams. Could be a life-altering event or something. Usually, when people are hurting is when they fall for that stuff. Fundamentalism is a giant cult.
demo woman
@Violet: That’s a good point and most people do not realize how important pain control is to healing.
John, Be careful navigating the snow and ice in your area. Both Tammy and your brother are close by and I’m sure would be willing to help with Lily. Don’t be shy about asking for help now because they want you to get better.
@Cat Lady: Agree in spirit. I’d like to see Elizabeth Warren have a higher profile role in the administration.
/Fellow O-bot
Ash Can
@Tom Hilton:
Given the kind of yahoos on the loose nowadays, littering the political landscape, if I were the editor of The Onion, I’d say “fuck everything,” and get shitfaced, roaring drunk. Every day. For breakfast.
That had occurred to me, and I really hope that’s not the case. From what I can remember, his was a pretty rough life to begin with. I’ll sleep on the letter.
Thanks, AWS.
Some nutjob blogger is going after Kevin K.
The accuser seems to be an unfortunate combination of massively paranoid and narcissistic topped with a ladle of too-much-spare-time sauce and now, is drunk on the love of several Usual Subject Konservative bloggers.
John – Pain is always more manageable in the morning because you are more rested and relaxed. The good news is you will feel better tomorrow morning. The trick is to learn relaxation techniques (along with taking your meds) to help you at the end of the day. When you are tired, you tense up against the pain, thus making it worse, and so on, ad nauseum. Use breathing techniques, meditation or whatever works to relax you. I’m sorry you are hurting and hope you get a little better every day.
Lolz. I’ll have to go find that one when they put it up. The sketch is hilarious, especially given that Apple was stupid enough not to do a simple google search for it.
Honestly, were NO women involved in this release whatsoever? It’s hard to believe they’re that dense. I’d expect that out of Microsoft – Windows MicroPad! – but not Apple.
Birthers should immediatley send her all their money.
@Josie: Full Catastrophe Living is a good book if you like to mix buddhist meditation into your pain management. Actually, its a good book all around.
t jasper parnell
FDR’s 1937 SOTU according to Jack Balkin:
Maybe she could speak at the Tea Party Convention.
Chad N Freude
@Dreggas: Orly Taitz in the administration of Governor Jerry Brown. That would be more entertaining than anything Schwarzenegger ever did.
How true. But…be careful with the fundamentalist taboos about cults. Basically, every other belief system is a cult in one way or the other, except for the one espoused by the good folks inside the Christian coccoon.
@JohnCole: really missed you, so happy you’re on the mend
@Violet: that’s almost sad. Rice Krispy treats should be eaten communally, while they’re still warm, and pulled apart in clumps, never cut. When eaten that way they are almost buttery, and the richness of the toasted rice is enhanced by the heat so that it isn’t overwhelmed by the sweetness of the marshmallows.
Cold, it’s a portable bowl of cereal, and little more. So sad to see them fadded out these days. It’s a shame, really.
Ana Gama
Orly thinks she needs $3-$4k to get her campaign going, and $100k to do the whole thing. :o)
Well, since both Palin and Bachmann dropped out they really do need a headliner…
Mike E
Yay! A stalker w/personality disorders. Fun! Very smart to proceed w/legal action, or they don’t get the message. The borderline terroristic threats, nice touch–I’m sure the police would love to hear any taped conversations. These too must be entered into any proceedings. Also.
@Ana Gama:
Aww, that’s so cute. My mother ran for county office in rural PA and I am pretty sure it cost about $75K. Fortunately, Orly is a dental-lawyer-relator-renaissance lady!
Agreed. It’s kind of weird to see them tarted up like this. Plus they’re way too sweet. Not impressed. I’ll take a cupcake any day.
@Ana Gama: I can speak from personal knowledge that she likely not win city council of her city for that sum.
Oh, it’s one metric Fuckload (Fl) of sugar, too, is what.
I should just mention, in the interest of fairness to those in Congress at the time, that the initial decision to bail out AIG was made without the need for Congressional approval or Executive Branch sign-off. Again, if progressives really wanted to have been doing something the last six months about the economy it would have been very, very easy to make a nearly air-tight case against Bernanke.
Dennis Kucinich was just on The Ed Show. God, he is a mother fucking ass hole. Won’t somebody please primary him?
demo woman
Can the Presidents statement about foreign governments and campaign donations be barely true? Either Citgo can donate or they can’t. How is that barely true?
Ana Gama
@Martin: Hell, she might not even be able to get President of the PTA in her neighborhood for that amount.
Inkadu – Thanks for the book title. I checked it out on Amazon and it looks interesting. I’ve never been against medicine, but I think medicine plus the power of the mind is a potent combination.
@demo woman: I thought that was bullshit hairsplitting from Politifact.
Glad to see you back John.
I am a little happier today. I would just like to see some of the rhetorical neck punching that went on last night continue today.
General Winfield Stuck
@demo woman: Wouldn’t it being precious if Chavez could donate to dem candidates here in the states due to an activist wingnut SCOTUS decision. The irony would melt Malkin’s icy little heart.
Ana Gama
Palin is still in, I think. Marcia Blackburn dropped out along with Bachmann. Bachmann said she was concerned about “ethics.”
For everyone’s amusement
Ana Gama
@General Winfield Stuck: What prevents Chavez from running money up through Citgo HQ in Texas?
@Martin: She can get her mug on camera a whole lot for that amount, though.
OT, have any Democrats agreed to co-sponsor the house resolution thanking the ACORN film crew for their outstanding work. I know it had 31 co-sponsors. I think it’s about time the entire House got a chance to vote on that very important resolution. I think every Republican would like to go on record with their support about now.
General Winfield Stuck
@Ana Gama:I suspect being foreign state controlled would make a difference, but don’t really know.
@General Winfield Stuck:
Well, if they ban it, it’s not like Halliburton will be able to do the same then, yeah? What with being in Dubai and everything.
@Ana Gama:
Palin/Taintz 2012!
demo woman
@AhabTRuler: Well that statement is the truth!
@Ana Gama: Politifact has a rundown of regulations pertaining the subject, and, to sum up, existing regulations bar both direct spending by foreign owned entities and spending by domestic companies who are controlled by foreign entities. However, their contention of “barely true” seems to rest on the underlying belief that bad actors will be less effective at exploiting loopholes than the government will be at enforcing regulations. This seems willfully naïve at best.
@Susan S: Bernanke and Greenspan are nearly ideologically identical. Bernanke continued Greenspan’s policies and was even once reported to mock an economist who suggested there was a housing bubble brewing.
Ana Gama
This sounds like fox guarding hen house.
@freelancer: Haliburton isn’t *state controlled*. It’s not just being foreign, it’s being an actual branch of a foreign government.
But I don’t think there is anything preventing Citgo from dumping money in our elections. If the US government has granted them a corporate charter, they’re a US corporation no matter whose thumb is pushing the buttons back home.
@darryl: Not suret that’s true. Probably need some fairly strong support for that.
welcome back. i hope you’re doing fine.
General Winfield Stuck
@AhabTRuler: How odd. I was just watching Cspan 2 with a panel of Attorney’s discussing the SCOTUS decision on now no limit spending outside of by candidates themselves, and the former ABA president said that what the decision did was make it impossible to track where this soft money originated, and therefore impossible to determine if that money violated other statutes, which I presume would mean bans on foreign or domestic sources. Not being a lawyer I didn’t understand his description of why, just that it would make such money difficult if not impossible to regulate.
I fully admit to being an O-bot, I truly like Obama, but damni it if I actually “in love” with FLOTUS Michelle Obama, and I’m a chick.
First lady’s fight
FLOTUS aims to trim obesity
This woman is all kinds of win in my book.
Mike E
Here, here! Definitely better than Cindy “This One’s For You” McCain as FLOTUS.
Chat Noir
@lamh31: Agreed. Michelle oozes class and style. Did you see the streaming video (about 46 minutes worth) of her and Bo greeting visitors at the White House last week? She’s simply fabulous. And Bo was so calm, well-behaved, and friendly to everyone.
Thank you, I’ll have to take a look at one.
While Palin was concerned with “Holdin’ out my Bank Hand.”
Heartwarming pet rescue adoption story overload:
Being a telethon, there are boring bits in between where they say “give us money and spaying and neutering is really important” etc., but thank God for the boring bits or I’d be completely wrung out of tears from the adorableness of the long stories.
I may be late to the party, but when I hear Pat Buchanan agreeing with Jane Hamsher on On Point I just want to a) hurt one of the above b) bang my head against the wall c) join an ashram?
Chad N Freude
@Chat Noir: As much as I admire Michelle Obama and think that Bo is cute, this looks a lot like Michelle-worship and Bo-doration. Have you considered rehab?
So let’s see, the Republicans have been all over Obama for being an elitist aristocrat who hangs out in Hawaii (which is next door to Kenya and is right outside Sarah Palin’s window).
So where do the Republicans plan to have their double-secret strategy winter get-together? Roll the tape:
Where’s a tea bagger when you need one?
Chad N Freude
@Brachiator: Priceless! I hope they are all photographed in their windsurfing outfits.
Ash Can
There ya go.
Can someone please tell me what limits are there on corporations w/r/t political spending? In the wake of the supreme court decision, which seems to allow direct corporate support of particular candidates, I’m trying to find out how much they were already allowed to spend on lobbyists and issue ads and advocacy groups etc.
Calming Influence
SIR! Calming Influence reports five minutes early for the night shift SIR!
General Winfield Stuck
@darryl: No, the hard and soft money restrictions on candidates is still in effect for now, but that will almost certainly change soon now that the SCOTUS has made precedent that money equates to free speech, so there can be no restrictions on outside groups spending as much as they want for candidates of their choice, and dissolves all the IRS categories for non profit issue based entities and their restrictions, I think, though could be wrong on that. And no time limits to when they can spend relative to election day.
And there is still restrictions of candidates being involved directly or indirectly in what outside groups do. At least for now, but another case is coming on the heels of this one that will almost certainly abolish all restrictions for candidate and make it a true free for all money bash campaigning.
That is how I understand it, anyway.
No, you don’t. Bernanke’s a conservative Republican economist. Greenspan is a conservative Republican economist. You’d need to support your argument if you were claiming that their outlook was significantly different.
In fact, they did have some differences, Bernanke was less of a hawk about inflation than Greenspan, but on key issues like whether the Fed should try to manage bubbles or just clean up afterward with monetary adjustments, they both took the disastrous second view. Although, Bernanke, even if he’d taken the first view, wasn’t in office long enough to stop it. The housing bubble peaked within about a year of him taking office.
On the Fed. Obama missed a huge opportunity to appoint Janet Yellen who would have more aggressively pursued full employement. Bernanke, like Greenspan before him was primarily concerned with the “price controls”side of the Fed mission (which in recent years has developed into little more than being an inflation hawk whereas Yellen is less concerned with inflation and, as a result, more concerned with full employment.
She would be the first female Fed Chair and she’s married to George Akerlof who is basically the goods.
This is why I detest about 95-99% of the blogs on both sides of the aisle.
No discussion or new details about the incident or the arrest… it’s now all about two jackasses arguing on air, with all the internet fanboys on both sides screaming, “We won! We won! Neener-neener-neener!”
And it’s the frickin’ lead memeo at the moment. Shoot me now.
General Winfield Stuck
@Ailuridae: I learned something new today from Bernie Sanders raking Bernanke over the coals this morn on the senate floor. He said that the fed chair had to power to stop credit card companies from jacking their interest rates to 25 or 30 percent, if they wanted to, and a couple of other things I can’t remember that would bring relief to ordinary people being shook down by banks.
@John Cole:
Get up and walk around a little. Used to help me a bit
Get that ol blood level up before you go to bed — do not, do NOT count on ice alone. Put your pills on the nightstand and when you first start to get twinges during the night (about 4 hours per dose), take a pill and get up for a little walk around the room or sit on the edge of the bed for a little bit (I found it helped rearrange things a little bit for the better)…
And do not, Do NOT forget about the aloe vera thing that sounds so disgusting for me to keep harping on. The pain will start to decrease in the next couple of days but then you will have a twenty pound boulder of poop in your lower colon, screaming to get out. Avoid that whole scene NOW. Drink lots of water — keep the water jug by you all day, stool softner at bedtime and aloe vera juice in the am. Eat fruit and veggies much as you can, though your appetite may wane due to the narcotics.
This IS the worst of it — get through the next few days and you may have a few hiccups, but it wont be as consistenly awful
@General Winfield Stuck:
I’m not sure that the Fed has this power. I know that the Congress does. Funny that none of them brings this up with respect to regulating financial markets.
By the way, UK banks and credit companies have also flirted with jacking up interest rates and fees. These rapacious mofos have a limited set of ideas, and keep trying them wherever they think that they can get away with it.
It’s a global financial racket. Obama and others in power who care not only have to fix things here, but also encourage global changes as well.
Anne Laurie
The RNC will tell the
marks‘baggers that they’re looking for “Obama’s long form birth certificate”. Heck, some of the RNC members are dumb enough they’ll probably insist on Michael Steele shooting a video at the maternity hospital. (Probably the wrong hospital at that.)Brachiator
@Anne Laurie:
The sad thing is that the GOP have found the sweet spot of their constituents’ fears and fantasies. On the one hand they have uber-stooge Sarah Palin going Galt cutsie over the myth of common sense “real Americans” while the ever-despicable Rush Limbaugh and his legion of imitators beat the drum of Obama as scary black man un-American Muslim sozial ist. Also, too. You betcha.